
SAAiE: Day Twenty Four, Part Two: AGOFP

Aug 10th, 2012
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  3. As we walk over to Berry Punch’s home, Fluttershy speaks to me with a slight nostalgia, over my situation.
  4. Fluttershy: It’s hard to believe I’m walking you to your first job in Ponyville. I’m so excited for you Anon. You’re growing up so quickly.
  5. Myself: Thanks, I guess.
  6. FS: It feels like only yesterday I was tucking you into bed and telling you stories.
  7. M: Fluttershy, you only did that once, and I was unconscious for most of that.
  8. FS: Doesn’t mean I can’t be nostalgic though.
  9. We make it to the door of Berry’s home. It’s a tad bigger than the average home in Ponyville, but it still looks identical to the other’s.
  10. Fluttershy: Now mind your manners, try not to touch anything you’re not supposed to, don’t do anything dangerous, and if something goes wrong, I want you to run back to the cottage as fast as you can. I’m trusting you, okay?
  11. M: No need to worry, everything will be fine.
  12. This will be the first time I’ve ever been with someone who Fluttershy isn’t close friends with. I’m sure that warrants her the right to be concerned, but what’s the worst that could happen? I'm sure she wishes she could supervise, but she has a practice session with the Song Bird Choir soon, so her hooves are pretty much tied.
  13. Fluttershy knocks on the door.
  14. Fluttershy: Hello? It’s Fluttershy, and I brought Anon.
  15. The door soon opens and I see Berry Punch for the first time. She carries the strong aroma of dirt and citrusy fruit.
  16. Berry: Good evening Fluttershy.
  17. Berry extends her hoof and I shake.
  18. BP: It’s a pleasure to meet you Anon.
  19. M: Hi.
  20. Berry grabs at my hand with her two fore-hooves and pulls me into her home. Her interior is surprisingly classical, and has an emphasis on brown and green.
  21. BP: Thank you for bringing him Fluttershy. We should be done in a few hours.
  22. FS: Okay then.
  23. Outside, Fluttershy waves to me, I wave back at her, and Berry bucks the door shut between us. I assume she used her good leg for that.
  24. Berry Punch slowly begins to walk around me similar to Twilight when we first met. The experience is just as probing.
  25. Berry: Boy, I’ve seen you before, but never this up close. You’re so tall, and furless.
  26. She pokes my exposed arm.
  27. BP: You’re softer than I thought you’d be. And your eyes are so tiny. And that sent! It’s so unique and…
  28. She deeply inhales the scent of my shirt.
  29. M:…masculine.
  30. I must’ve gotten a royal flush, because I’m sporting a five star poker face right now.
  31. Myself: I should probably head to the back and start with the fields.
  32. BP: There’s no hurry.
  33. M: Yeah, but I’m not exactly the type to waste time.
  34. BP: Okay then, follow me.
  35. Berry Punch takes me to her backyard garden. The area’s absolutely covered in vines, weeds, shrubs, and a single tree at its end. There’s also a conveyor belt—crank—juicer thing near the back wall of the house. Fruit blooms in many parts of her backyard, but a huge chunk of her acres, are nothing but dirt and weed.
  36. Berry directs me to her plough.
  37. Berry: All you need to do is plough this area, replant the seeds, water them, and when you’re done with all of that, pull some fruit, transport them, juice em’, and then bring them to my cellar.
  38. She motions her fore-hoof around her fields.
  39. BP: This part's about two furlongs (a fourth of a mile) long by the way. This doesn’t sound too hard, does it?
  40. Kind of.
  41. Myself: No problem, I’ll get it done in a jiff.
  42. BP: Perfect! I’ll be over there supervising your work.
  43. She points to a striped lounge chair that’s in the convenient shade of her patio’s roof. Seeing the comfort and shade of that spot makes me envious, especially in this heat, but I shouldn’t complain. At least I’m getting paid.
  44. M: Okay then.
  45. Berry trots over to her lounge chair, and practically melts into it. She then shakes her hoof to me, gesturing me to begin. With no reason to procrastinate, I grab the plough handles, and begin to pull it through the dirt. It inches forward as at a snail’s pace, as it grinds though the ground. Pulling this will take a lot more effort than I expected. No easy task to clear the ground.
  46. Flash forward. I’ve been pulling this thing for about twenty minutes, and I’m not even halfway through. Doesn’t help that the heat hasn’t let up in the slightest. This is practically city heat we’re experiencing. Berry, who’s gotten a sunhat, watches my work joyfully, still in her chair. And begins to yell at me from the distance.
  47. Berry: Sure is a hot one today, isn’t it?
  48. I wipe the sweat from my forehead.
  49. Myself: Yeah, why can’t Celestia move the sun further?
  50. BP: I dunno. Good thing I got this hat though.
  51. I sarcastically tell her,
  52. M: Yeah, great for you.
  53. The heat’s gotten so bad, that I actually do something I rarely do, and take off my over-shirt, throwing it over my shoulder. Not like Berry’s going to mind though, why would anyone possibly mind in this town full of nudist.
  54. It takes over an hour’s worth of time, but I finally manage to plough the entirety of her acres. The next task is planting the seeds. I slowly walk foot by foot, dropping her seeds one by one, and patting the dirt down with my shoe. I’ve got hundreds of seeds to plant, and with each foot I clear, the thought that I should be paid more continues to into increase in prominence.
  55. Berry just watches in the shade. God she’s so smug looking. There’s no point in complaining though. I’m lucky I even have a job to begin with. Because of this, I work in silence. I still look to her occasionally though, with ever increasing envy.
  56. By seed one-fifty or one-sixty, Berry actually calls for my attention. When I turn my head, I see she has an empty wine glass in her hoof, and is gesturing me to come over.
  57. Berry: You look a bit tired Anon.
  58. Her voice gets a little enticing as her juice swirls in the glass.
  59. BP: Care for a drink?
  60. I walk over to the patio, and take a seat on the floor. There ARE chairs next to me, but they’re far too disproportionate for someone like me to sit comfortably in. Berry Punch hooves me a glass, and pours me some juice from the pitcher on her end table. After taking a sip, I’m immediately drawn in with the surprisingly strong taste of her punch. This stuff is absolutely delicious, and I can tell from the look she gives, that she knows it.
  61. BP: Goodness you’ve been working hard Anon. My life would be so much easier if I had a colt that could work half as hard as you.
  62. Myself: Thanks. I usually don’t do stuff like this.
  63. BP: Really now?
  64. M: Yeah, I’m just a sketch artist.
  65. BP: Interesting.
  66. We indulge in Berry’s juice for the next few minutes, but I’m not getting paid to sit on my tail and do nothing.
  67. I soon return to my low waged farm labor…I’ve been doing a lot of farm work lately.
  68. It’s been about two and a half hours. So far I’ve managed to get the field ploughed, I planted the seeds, and I even watered them. All that’s left is to pull some fruit, a task that Berry Punch actually helps in. Together we get enough strawberries, cherries, grapes, and blueberries to fill a bunch of barrels with. I then take them over to her crank operated conveyor belt juicer to have them made into punch. I of course do the cranking, but she does at least seal the barrels and move them over for the next. After six barrels and another thirty minutes, I ship them into her cellar, and Berry finally runs out of work that she wants me to do. She then hoses my shoes off, and takes me back inside for payment. I also finally put my over-shirt back on.
  69. Berry: Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty bits. Here you go Anon, you’ve earned every last cent.
  70. Myself: Thank you Miss Berry.
  71. BP: Hopefully I’ll be seeing more of you around Ponyville?
  72. M: You can count on it.
  73. BP: Great!
  74. Berry abuses my tired state and asks in the most alluring fashion possible,
  75. How about one more drink before you go?
  76. M: Hmm…I don’t see why not.
  77. Berry and I have a delightful drink in her living room for the next few minutes, until it’s interrupted by a certain background filly who I forgot is Berry Punch’s sister.
  78. Piña: Big sis, I’m home! Huh? Is that the human?
  79. Berry: OH! I should introduce you two. Anon, this is my little sister Piña Colada, Colada, this is Anon: the human.
  80. Myself: Nice to meet you Piña.
  81. I put on an assuring smile and reach my hand out. For some reason though, she doesn’t understand the gesture, and completely ignores it.
  82. PC: You’re that thing that’s supposed to fight Rainbow Dash in a week, right?
  83. M: Yeah, that’s me.
  84. PC: You’re not going to win.
  85. She trots her way to the stairs.
  86. PC: I’m going to draw in my room.
  87. BP: Have fun!
  88. She heads up the stairs to her room.
  89. BP: What a good kid…What’s with the straight face?
  90. M: It’s nothing. Thanks for the drink, but I should probably get going.
  91. BP: Okay. See you later then.
  92. I leave Berry Punch’s house. And walk back to Fluttershy’s.
  93. After five and a half hours of apple bucking, and another three and a half hours of working for Berry, it’ll be a blessing to finally get some rest. As I walk to the college, my thick musky scent draws the attention of many of the critters that live around the house. Some even follow at my footstep, until I make it to the door. I enter, and Fluttershy hurries down the stairs to see me.
  94. Fluttershy: Anon, you’re back home. How was work?
  95. Myself: Exhausting. I’ve done more manual labor today than I’ve done in probably my whole life.
  96. FS: Oh you poor thing. You deserve a sandwich. Do you want a sandwich? I’ll make you a sandwich.
  97. M: That’s okay Fluttershy, I can make my own food.
  98. FS: Are you sure, because I can make you something, if you like.
  99. M: I’ll make something myself.
  100. FS: Okay then. But first, you should maybe consider taking a bath. If that’s okay.
  101. I do smell pretty awful.
  102. M: Yeah, heheh. I guess I should.
  103. After a quick bath and a change of clothing into my formal-wear, I consume a tomato, lettuce and cheese sandvich, and spend the rest of the day relaxing in my room. It’s been a long day, but at least it’s over.
  105. BONUS CONTENT: Berry Punch Relaxing.
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