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a guest
Feb 27th, 2010
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  1. akmd compcache gdbserver keystore_cli mv rild setmic top
  2. am dalvikvm getevent kill netcfg rm setprop udhcpd
  3. aparse date getprop linker netsharing rmdir sh uevent
  4. applypatch dbus-daemon gzip ln netstat rmmod showlease umount
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  7. bma150_usr debug_tool htclogkernel logwrapper parted rwsystem smd vmstat
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  10. btipsd dhcpcd iftop mediaserver pppd schedtest sound watchprops
  11. btipsd_cli dmesg ime mkdir printenv schedtop sound8k wimax_mtd
  12. bugreport dumpcrash input mmcamera_test ps sdptool start wipe
  13. cam_ins_spmo dumpstate insmod mmclient qemud sdutil stop wlan_loader
  14. cat dumpsys installd mm-venc-omx-test qemu-props sendevent su wpa_cli
  15. check_prereq dvz ioctl monitorMTD racoon ser2net surfaceflinger wpa_supplicant
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  18. chownThp flash_image keypress mscompress recovery setconsole system_server
  19. cmp fsck_msdos keystore mtpd renice set_grp_id toolbox
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