
Rise of an Empire

Apr 4th, 2014
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  1. The sun was rising in the east over the icy northern regions of the Kingdom of the Pony Tribes. The exhausted Solar Mages of the King Cumulus the Pegasus, the Thunder of Old, lay in the cool warmth of their fruitful labor, their eyes heavy though they had just awoke, the strenuous effort of moving the Star tearing the strength from their muscles and the vigor from their minds. The clouds were being cleared from the sky by the Weather Legions and the Earth Ponies across the country would soon be awakening and heading out into their fields to begin the harvest of late summer. The roosters emerged from their dens and houses, and began at once a great shout to call the race of Equines to their labor and living.
  3. In a large stone castle, sitting on a throne of marble, covered in the warm shaved pelts of generous sheep and goats, was the great King himself, reading a scroll detailing a most curious incident at the very edge of his borders, where a new colony, Cloudsdale, was being formed, right on the edge of the old Empire, now abandoned to the elements, and also other Darker things, past Unicorn Valley and far from his capital of Equinaus at the bottom of the Great Mountain, to the northern side.
  5. At his side are two figures, servants of his House. At his right his nephew Thunderling, a knight, dressed in the finery of his station, long robes with here and there flourishes of color and decoration of office, purple and yellow, a large hat on his head, and at his left a great giant of blackened iron, stinking of the mingled scenes of heavy perfumes and rotting flesh, wrapped in layers of bandage and platemail, twin eyes of gold glimmering through a closed helm, a greatsword at his side.
  7. "What troubles my Lord that his face is so downcast? Surely you know these are the greatest days that ever were?" asked the ornamented mummy.
  9. "It is a great catastrophe, Venerable One, black and foul in the farther north, that disturbs my head this morn. Methinks that old Shadow, the Devil, makes aim to ensnare us as he hast our cousins long forgot, and bring again the Age of Ice upon our heads a second time."
  11. "My Lord and Son, as I live and as the gods hold us in their grace, no danger shall befall you from there. For since the time of your fathers fathers father I have seen the Shadow gnawing, and he has not once dared to cross into our lands while the Sun or Moon is still in the sky. And shall your mages fail from lack of sleep, or battle, or plague, it is known of a Deep Magic in the south that may kinkle again our Stars and keep him from you, should but they be required."
  13. "Then explain, oh Great Dreadnought, the disaster that this scroll throws upon my doorstep, and tell me who else shall bring the winds and the rains like this!" says the monarch, passing with shaking hoof the scroll he had been reading from, papyrus and golden trimmed.
  15. The old Knight lifted his visor, revealing his gleaming orbs moreso to sight, and began reading aloud.
  17. "To my Highest, King Cumulus, the Thunder of Old, my Patriarch, head of the Tribe, the First of the Troops, father of my father's father, Lord of Pegasopolis, Lord of the Icy Places, Emir of the Valley States, Emir of the Outliers, Prince of the Dark Southern Forest, Chosen of the Gods, Sunkissed Noble, heir to the Promise, etc, etc
  19. I regret to bring you news most dreadful for our new Empire, a threat to the Long Peace. Here, in the village of Cloudsdale, on the first of June, in the two hundred and seventieth year after the Founding, in the eighth year of his majesty King Cumulus, King of Equestria, I was scouting with my brothers, New Morning and Quaint Evening, in the areas where our fair town gives way to the old Empire's farthest south, flying along through the snowy evening skies in search of any sign of threat or beast or lost wanderer [for we must always be vigil for our own, lest the Windegoes return again], when it came before out sight. A great cloud, horrible and red, lit by the sunset, flying by its own power. Whence this cloud went the land rotted and morphed. The creatures grew fangs or lost them, they took to the air or walked up mountains, they changed color and did impossible things, spectacles I wish I may descend to you that I may inform his majesty of these incredible things, and bring with me testimony from my countrymen [for indeed besides myself Dusty the Baker and also Tempest son of Cloudscour also saw them]. When my brothers, in hot youthful haste, did race in a passion to the cloud it did devour them, and I did not see them again, but for their blood, now runny and brown raining from the object as it moved in its pace. I did flee back at once, and send ahead this letter to your highness, that you may know and give advice on how we shall deal with this odd occurrence and foul Object.
  21. May you live forever and ever, your faithful servant, Windbreaker"
  23. The metal giant moved its warped eyes to the King, who sat still, gazing at the floor, deep in thought.
  25. "I know this is that Darkness which is lies beyond the mountains. It is coming to bring war, from the Land of Crystal, to tear down all my fathers have built, to burn my city and enslave all my people." says the King somberly.
  27. "And what then? Shall then we simply stand here blinking? Shall we like sodomites bend the knee and take it? Or shall we like horses ride to war and glory? Have you lived so long uncle that you forget how a spear is thrust? Arise, summon your troops, array them in lines and fly before them like your ancestor the Hurricane did, when he scattered the Dogs and tore down all their high places. What is this Shadow that you fear it, if it is but a Pony in Pony's flesh? Does it not die when cut?" says the young knight Thunderling, nephew of the King, his youthful eyes shining with romance.
  29. "You speak too hasty and too quick, and leave Reason to the wayside!" shouts then the king, wailing his heavy cane upon his nephew's head, causing a great red knot to rise.
  31. "This Shadow is not mere flesh, nor mere bone. It travels on the mist and hides from the stars in a blanket of unreality. Where it goes there is death and chains and loss, where his hooffall is heard the coils of Time are bent. The aether quakes at his presence, and all the gods hide in heaven and in the earth to avoid him, save only for the Spheres our Lords. He is an evil that does not slumber or sleep, nor shall, till we are dragged into him, that we may be him and his forever and never again see the light of Day. Has not Brother Hopeful been teaching you all these things?"
  33. "Well......" sighs the pegasus rubbing his head.
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