
Dragon has a guest overnight

Oct 13th, 2014
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  1. The doorbell rang. I opened it to find a pair of amber eyes staring at me from under golden blonde bangs. Sara fidgeted as she stepped in and failed to remove her crimson woolen overcoat. She was obviously up to something.
  2. >Listen... I... W-would you like to come over to my place? A-a-and could you pack your toothbrush...
  4. >Should I bring my own blankets? I mean, your place was a bit plain the last time I came...
  5. I packed up my toiletries in a few moments. Sara kept on fidgeting at the door.
  6. >N-no... Just bring the brush. I-it should be fine.
  7. She was up to something out of the ordinary.
  9. I quickly dressed for the winter cold. Christmas break had barely begun, and it was a nice, sunny Saturday afternoon. The dying light of the sun painted the snowpacked forest a burning amber to match her palette. My heart pounded as I followed that vision of beauty along the path.
  13. We finally made it to her cave. She had left a raging inferno of a fire at the mouth. There had been some changes. The cavern was stronger, better insulated - yet still just as plain. More rocks, perhaps, but no human amenities. Her treasure had grown a tiny bit, even beyond the copper chalice we had found in the fall.
  15. There was absolutely nothing to do and no human bed. Only blankets. I felt the butterflies invade my stomach. Could she really intend to...?
  16. >Come on, sit down.
  17. She sat on the coins, next to a blanket she was patting with a shaking hand. I sat down next to her and stared into the flames.
  19. She took another blanket and threw it across our shoulders. I felt her arm worm its way around me as she pulled my head in to hers. The roar of the flames in front of me, her ever so deliberaly calm breaths to my left, the heat from both on my face. I was far too self-conscious to say anything for what must have been hours as we sat, arms around each other.
  23. Finally she broke the silence. The fire at the mouth of the cave was finally dying down.
  24. >I-i-i-i'm going to put more wood on the fire! A-are you t-t-tired?
  25. Before I could answer, she flashed to the fuel pile. She quickly built a new stockade outside the one that was about to burn out.
  27. She tiptoed her way back to me against a growing backdrop of fire. It was already pitch black outside. She sat back next to me. She breathed a lungful of steam at me and looked at me from below her brows.
  28. >Let's t-t-t-turn in for the night...
  29. She pulled a plushie and some pillows from the treasure.
  31. She laid down on the treasure with the copper chalice for a pillow. She gave me a pillow and placed another one between us. She stuttered, like she had all night.
  32. >I-i-i'm sorry, but please keep to your side for tonight...
  33. We laid across each other, separated by the pillow and her plushie.
  37. I couldn't sleep. It must have been hours. She was obviously asleep. I could tell from the cute noises and contented smile as she clutched her plushie. I could feel the urge inside me. She was so beautiful, wrapped in her really rather conservative nightgown. I had to do it. I tossed the pillow and got to serious work.
  39. Her arms were wrapped tight around the plushie. I tried to pull them apart, but there was just no way. She was too strong. I wiggled lower and pushed my arms under the plushie. I slowly made my way higher and higher, slowly replacing the doll. It was working. I considered stopping when my head reached her arms. She rolled in place and kneaded my face to her modest bust in her sleep.
  41. I didn't I slowly forced my way up until she hugged me and my arms were free above hers. I could feel her top leg wrapping around me as I stroked her lovely hair. I kissed her hair as her hot breath warmed my chest. She sighed happily as she kneaded me into her. I ignored the hard surface under me as we wrapped ourselves around each other. I finally fell into a content sleep.
  45. >W-what!? Why are you?! What did you do to me...?
  46. She almost breathed fire into my face. I felt the heat dry out my eyes. I had to close my eyes as she stuttered and sputtered in my arms.
  47. >I... I couldn't sleep like that. So close, but so far...
  48. She almost broke my back as she squished me against her.
  50. >You should have asked me first. That wasn't very nice.
  51. She kept my head pressed to her shoulder. I felt her hot breath blacken the wall behind me. Now the paint job was nice and symmetrical - I was looking at the scorch mark from our first encounter here.
  52. >I'm sorry.
  54. >Well, as long as you understand what you did wrong...
  55. She pushed me slightly away and looked in my eyes. Her rosy cheeks accented her amber eyes.
  56. >If you want to... Would-would you like to do it again tonight? I-i mean, we could try that spooning thing I keep hearing about...?
  57. I kissed her right on the nose.
  58. >Only if you hold me.
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