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Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. Log: Log file open, 03/22/17 19:28:03
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\KFGame\Config\KFBenchmarking.ini
  5. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  6. Init: Version: 10897
  7. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  8. Init: Compiled (64-bit): Mar 20 2017 17:18:07
  9. Init: Changelist: 1532151
  10. Init: Command line:
  11. Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\
  12. [0000.21] Init: Computer: SWAN-TOUR
  13. [0000.21] Init: User: Swan
  14. [0000.21] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=8
  15. [0000.21] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.117789 MHz
  16. [0000.21] Init: Memory total: Physical=15.9GB (16GB approx) Pagefile=18.3GB Virtual=131072.0GB
  17. [0000.28] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
  18. [0000.28] Log: Automatically setting Steam query port to 27015 (server port is 7777)
  19. [0000.28] Log: Automatically setting Steam port to 20560 (server port is 7777)
  20. [0000.42] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
  21. [0000.42] DevOnline: appSteamInit: Steam Game Server UID: 0
  22. [0000.42] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  23. [0000.42] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  24. [0003.04] Log: CachePaths() took 2.62 Seconds
  25. [0003.04] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  26. [0003.09] Log: TwD3d1xInfoInit: Acceptable DX11 adapter found
  27. [0003.09] Log: Unknown GPU : Nvidia 0x1c03
  29. [0003.09] Log: Adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  31. [0003.09] Log: Vendor : Nvidia
  33. [0003.09] Log: DeviceId : 7171
  35. [0003.09] Log: SubSysId : 299307230
  37. [0003.09] Log: Revision : 161
  39. [0003.09] Log: DedicatedVideoMemory : 6092 MiB
  41. [0003.09] Log: DedicatedSystemMemory : 0 MiB
  43. [0003.09] Log: SharedSystemMemory : 8163 MiB
  45. [0003.09] Log: DisplayCount : 1
  47. [0003.09] Log: "\\.\DISPLAY1" : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0, "width" : 1920, "height" : 1080 }
  49. [0003.09] Log: [AppCompat] Machine detected compatibility level: Composite: 4. CPU: 5. GPU: 3.
  50. [0003.09] Log: [AppCompat] Previous detected compatibility level: Composite: 4. CPU: 5. GPU: 3.
  51. [0003.10] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  52. [0003.10] Log: Adapter has 6092MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 8163MB of shared system memory
  53. [0003.11] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  54. [0003.11] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 8163MB of shared system memory
  55. [0003.14] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM5
  56. [0003.44] Log: PhysXLevel : 0
  57. [0003.45] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  58. [0003.50] Log: [ThreadAffinity] Number of hardware threads is 8. Setting thread affinity for game and render threads to share L2 cache
  59. [0014.28] Log: 176767 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  60. [0014.28] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  61. [0014.28] Log: Initializing Engine...
  62. [0014.29] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  63. [0014.35] Log: *** Got internet time: 2017 3 6 22 18 28 26
  64. [0014.35] Log: *** Offset from system: 0 0 3 0 -1 0 9
  65. [0014.38] Log: [NVidia GeForceExperience] Compiled against GSA version:
  66. [0014.38] Log: [NVidia GeForceExperience] Running against GSA version:
  67. [0014.48] Log: Checking to see if current resolution is supported ....OK
  68. [0014.53] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2015.1.8 Build 5618. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
  69. [0015.17] Log: Failed to initialize AMD AGS library, status: 3
  70. [0015.17] Log: NVIDIA driver version: 37866, branch: r378_00
  71. [0015.17] Log: Detected 1 SLI GPUs for rendering
  72. [0015.19] Log: [ThreadAffinity] Number of hardware threads is 8. Setting thread affinity for game and render threads to share L2 cache
  73. [0015.19] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  74. [0015.20] Log: Logged in as 'BISKOTOBER OF EPICNESS'
  75. [0015.22] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  76. [0015.22] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  77. [0015.22] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  78. [0015.22] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  79. [0015.25] Log: LoadMap: KFMainMenu?Name=Player?Team=255
  80. [0015.60] Log: Game class is 'KFGameInfo_Entry'
  81. [0015.63] Log: Bringing World kfmainmenu.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.03.22-19.28.18
  82. [0015.67] ScriptLog: Gameplay events will not be recorded.
  83. [0015.67] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.054848
  84. [0015.67] ScriptLog: KFGameInfo.SeatPlayer
  85. [0015.67] ScriptLog: Warning - PATHS NOT DEFINED or NO PLAYERSTART with positive rating
  86. [0018.05] ScriptLog: Failed to check CanShareUserCreatedContent
  87. [0018.05] ScriptLog: Failed to check CanCommunicateVoice
  88. [0018.05] Error: StopLocalVoiceProcessing: Ignoring stop request for non-owning user
  89. [0018.27] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:LaunchMenus 11 bShowIIS:'True'
  90. [0018.27] ScriptLog: Controller Disconnected
  91. [0018.29] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 3.041731 seconds
  92. [0018.29] Log: KF2 VERSION: 1051
  93. [0018.29] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  94. [0029.23] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 29.23s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  95. [0032.19] Log: heard FOnlineAsyncEventInventoryDefinitionsUpdate
  96. [0032.40] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 6, NewBuild = 2
  97. [0032.47] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Times New Roman': Failed to find object 'Font None.Times New Roman'
  98. [0032.73] ScriptLog: WI: WorldInfo_3
  99. [0032.73] ScriptLog: WI.NetMode: NM_Standalone
  100. [0032.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Times New Roman': Failed to find object 'Font None.Times New Roman'
  101. [0033.14] Log: RetryCharacterOwnership -- inventory is now ready
  102. [0086.51] Log: [ThreadAffinity] Number of hardware threads is 8. Setting thread affinity for game and render threads to share L2 cache
  103. [0091.01] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 9, NewBuild = 1
  104. [0116.60] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 2, NewBuild = 0
  105. [0126.85] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 6, NewBuild = 2
  106. [0131.48] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 7, NewBuild = 1
  107. [0163.96] DevLobby: MakeLobby MaxPlayers=6 Type=LV_Private CurrentLobbyId=0x0000000000000000
  108. [0163.96] DevLobby: ShowLobbyInviteInterface bCreatingLobby=True
  109. [0164.29] DevLobby: OnCreateLobbyComplete bWasSuccessful=True Id=0x01860000BA351E89 Error=
  110. [0195.38] DevLobby: ShowLobbyInviteInterface bCreatingLobby=False
  111. [0198.70] DevLobby: OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate LobbyIndex=0 MemberIndex=1 Status=Joined
  112. [0198.70] DevLobby: Azeld (UID 0x0110000108170B22) status changed in party 0x01860000BA351E89: Joined
  113. [0207.06] Log: SearchFinished is 0, CurrentSearchIndex is 0, num is 13 and map name KF-BioticsLab
  114. [0207.06] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  115. [0207.06] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  116. [0207.06] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  117. [0207.06] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  118. [0207.06] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  119. [0207.06] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  120. [0207.06] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  121. [0207.06] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  122. [0207.06] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  123. [0237.06] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_0 03/22/17 19:32:00
  124. [0237.06] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  125. [0237.06] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 1, num is 13 and map name kf-crystalcaverns
  126. [0237.06] Log: ************map is kf-crystalcaverns, contains is 0
  127. [0237.06] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  128. [0237.06] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  129. [0237.06] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  130. [0237.06] Log: ************map is kf-crystalcaverns, contains is 0
  131. [0237.06] Log: ********neither
  132. [0237.06] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  133. [0237.08] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 2, num is 13 and map name KF-Kholnee
  134. [0237.08] Log: ************map is kf-kholnee, contains is 0
  135. [0237.08] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  136. [0237.08] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  137. [0237.08] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  138. [0237.08] Log: ************map is kf-kholnee, contains is 0
  139. [0237.08] Log: ********neither
  140. [0237.09] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 3, num is 13 and map name KF-TheDescent
  141. [0237.09] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  142. [0237.09] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  143. [0237.09] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  144. [0237.09] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  145. [0237.09] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  146. [0237.09] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  147. [0237.09] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  148. [0237.09] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  149. [0237.09] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  150. [0237.29] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_1 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_1 03/22/17 19:32:00
  151. [0237.30] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  152. [0237.30] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 4, num is 13 and map name KF-Offices
  153. [0237.30] Log: ************map is kf-offices, contains is 0
  154. [0237.30] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  155. [0237.30] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  156. [0237.30] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  157. [0237.30] Log: ************map is kf-offices, contains is 0
  158. [0237.30] Log: ********neither
  159. [0237.30] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  160. [0237.32] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 5, num is 13 and map name KF-TheDescent
  161. [0237.32] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  162. [0237.32] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  163. [0237.32] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  164. [0237.32] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  165. [0237.32] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  166. [0237.32] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  167. [0237.32] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  168. [0237.32] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  169. [0237.32] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  170. [0237.51] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_2 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_2 03/22/17 19:32:00
  171. [0237.53] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  172. [0237.53] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 6, num is 13 and map name KF-Asylum
  173. [0237.53] Log: ************map is kf-asylum, contains is 0
  174. [0237.53] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  175. [0237.53] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  176. [0237.53] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  177. [0237.53] Log: ************map is kf-asylum, contains is 0
  178. [0237.53] Log: ********neither
  179. [0237.53] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  180. [0237.54] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 7, num is 13 and map name kf-bikiniatoll
  181. [0237.54] Log: ************map is kf-bikiniatoll, contains is 0
  182. [0237.54] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  183. [0237.54] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  184. [0237.54] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  185. [0237.54] Log: ************map is kf-bikiniatoll, contains is 0
  186. [0237.54] Log: ********neither
  187. [0237.56] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 8, num is 13 and map name kf-thedescent
  188. [0237.56] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  189. [0237.56] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  190. [0237.56] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  191. [0237.56] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  192. [0237.56] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  193. [0237.56] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  194. [0237.60] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  195. [0237.60] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  196. [0237.60] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  197. [0239.70] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_3 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_3 03/22/17 19:32:03
  198. [0239.72] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  199. [0239.72] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 9, num is 13 and map name kf-thedescent
  200. [0239.72] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  201. [0239.72] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  202. [0239.72] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  203. [0239.72] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  204. [0239.72] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  205. [0239.72] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  206. [0239.72] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  207. [0239.72] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  208. [0239.73] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  209. [0240.14] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_4 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_4 03/22/17 19:32:03
  210. [0240.15] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  211. [0240.15] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  212. [0240.15] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 10, num is 13 and map name KF-BioticsLab
  213. [0240.15] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  214. [0240.15] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  215. [0240.15] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  216. [0240.15] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  217. [0240.15] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  218. [0240.15] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  219. [0240.15] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  220. [0240.15] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  221. [0240.17] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  222. [0240.35] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_5 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_5 03/22/17 19:32:03
  223. [0240.36] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  224. [0240.36] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  225. [0240.36] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 11, num is 13 and map name KF-CD_Cube
  226. [0240.36] Log: ************map is kf-cd_cube, contains is 0
  227. [0240.36] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  228. [0240.36] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  229. [0240.36] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  230. [0240.36] Log: ************map is kf-cd_cube, contains is 0
  231. [0240.36] Log: ********neither
  232. [0240.36] Error: Can't destroy a null online session
  233. [0240.38] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 12, num is 13 and map name kf-chaoticparkv3a
  234. [0240.38] Log: ************map is kf-chaoticparkv3a, contains is 0
  235. [0240.38] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  236. [0240.38] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=0
  237. [0240.38] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  238. [0240.38] Log: ************map is kf-chaoticparkv3a, contains is 0
  239. [0240.38] Log: ********neither
  240. [0240.39] Log: CurrentSearchIndex=13 SearchFinished=1
  241. [0242.38] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 0, num is 14 and map name KF-TheDescent
  242. [0242.38] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  243. [0242.38] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  244. [0242.38] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  245. [0242.38] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  246. [0242.38] Log: ************map is kf-thedescent, contains is 1
  247. [0242.38] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  248. [0242.38] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  249. [0242.38] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  250. [0242.38] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  251. [0252.33] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_6 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_6 03/22/17 19:32:15
  252. [0252.35] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; Votre connexion avec l'hôte a été perdue.
  253. [0252.35] Log: SearchFinished is 1, CurrentSearchIndex is 1, num is 14 and map name KF-BioticsLab
  254. [0252.35] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  255. [0252.35] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  256. [0252.35] Log: SpaceAvailable=1 MapGood=1
  257. [0252.35] Log: NumOpenPublicConnections=6 GetOpenConnectionsNeeded=1
  258. [0252.35] Log: ************map is kf-bioticslab, contains is 1
  259. [0252.35] Log: ********Space available MapGood
  260. [0252.35] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: 0x0110000108170B22
  261. [0252.35] ScriptLog: LobbyURLString: ?party1=0x0110000108170B22
  262. [0252.36] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  263. [0252.77] NetComeGo: Close IpNetDriverSteamworks_7 IpNetConnectionSteamworks_7 03/22/17 19:32:16
  264. [0252.78] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  265. [0259.12] ScriptLog: Kicked off game server auth
  266. [0259.57] ScriptLog: Server auth success
  267. [0260.35] DevLobby: LobbyJoinServer ServerIP=
  268. [0260.35] DevLobby: IsLobbyOwner success=True CurrentLobbyId=0x01860000BA351E89 OwnerID=0x0110000108F4CE6E
  269. [0260.35] Log: UKFOnlineLobbySteamworks::SetLobbyServer: Cached session info is NULL
  270. [0260.35] Log: Welcomed by server (Level: KF-BioticsLab, Game: KFGameContent.KFGameInfo_Survival)
  271. [0260.35] Log: LoadMap:
  272. [0260.35] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  273. [0260.42] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyMainMenu_0' bAfterLobby:'False' bForceClose:'False'
  274. [0260.42] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  275. [0260.42] ScriptLog: Setting PartyWidget Visibility false, bAfterLobby = true
  276. [0260.42] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxMenu_StartGame_0'
  277. [0260.55] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyMainMenu_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  278. [0260.55] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_0) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  279. [0260.59] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_0 shut down
  280. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_7 shut down
  281. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_6 shut down
  282. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_5 shut down
  283. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_4 shut down
  284. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_3 shut down
  285. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_2 shut down
  286. [0260.60] Exit: IpNetDriverSteamworks_1 shut down
  287. [0270.42] Log: Bringing World KF-BioticsLab.TheWorld up for play (150) at 2017.03.22-19.32.33
  288. [0270.63] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.319726
  289. [0270.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  290. [0270.63] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  291. [0270.63] Log: PlayerController class for the pending level is PlayerController
  292. [0270.63] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 10.277969 seconds
  293. [0270.63] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  294. [0270.80] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  295. [0270.82] DevLobby: IsLobbyOwner success=True CurrentLobbyId=0x01860000BA351E89 OwnerID=0x0110000108F4CE6E
  296. [0270.82] DevLobby: OnLobbyMemberStatusUpdate LobbyIndex=0 MemberIndex=1 Status=Left
  297. [0270.82] DevLobby: Azeld (UID 0x0110000108170B22) status changed in party 0x01860000BA351E89: Left
  298. [0271.17] ScriptLog: Failed to check CanShareUserCreatedContent
  299. [0271.17] ScriptLog: Failed to check CanCommunicateVoice
  300. [0271.18] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:LaunchMenus 11 bShowIIS:'False'
  301. [0271.18] ScriptLog: Controller Disconnected
  302. [0272.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Times New Roman': Failed to find object 'Font None.Times New Roman'
  303. [0272.97] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Times New Roman': Failed to find object 'Font None.Times New Roman'
  304. [0273.68] Log: InAKFPerk::LoadPerkData() NewLevel = 7, NewBuild = 1
  305. [0273.80] Log: Done downloading image from ''! Got 88253 bytes ...
  306. [0273.81] Log: Successfully loaded texture!
  307. [0274.94] Log: GameThreadStopMovie - StreamAllResources time: 0.005547
  308. [0274.95] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 14.5 sec ---
  309. [0284.19] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.KFMerged Regular': Failed to find object 'Font None.KFMerged Regular'
  310. [0297.92] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'False' bForceClose:'False'
  311. [0297.92] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  312. [0297.92] ScriptLog: Setting PartyWidget Visibility false, bAfterLobby = true
  313. [0297.92] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxMenu_StartGame_1'
  314. [0298.00] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'True'
  315. [0298.00] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  316. [0298.00] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'True'
  317. [0298.00] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  318. [0298.17] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Font None.Times New Roman': Failed to find object 'Font None.Times New Roman'
  319. [0298.35] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMenu_StartGame_1) KFGFxObject_Menu::None:Callback_MenusFinishedClosing Manager.bMenusOpen:'True'
  320. [0389.64] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  321. [0389.64] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  322. [0405.69] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'True' HUD.bShowHUD:'False' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'0'
  323. [0405.69] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  324. [0405.69] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  325. [0405.69] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxMenu_Trader_0'
  326. [0406.08] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMenu_Trader_0) KFGFxObject_Menu::None:Callback_MenusFinishedClosing Manager.bMenusOpen:'True'
  327. [0414.46] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  328. [0414.46] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  329. [0418.13] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'True' HUD.bShowHUD:'False' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'0'
  330. [0418.13] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  331. [0418.13] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  332. [0418.13] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxMenu_Trader_0'
  333. [0418.55] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMenu_Trader_0) KFGFxObject_Menu::None:Callback_MenusFinishedClosing Manager.bMenusOpen:'True'
  334. [0457.15] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'False' HUD.bShowHUD:'True' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'0'
  335. [0457.15] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus
  336. [0460.73] ScriptLog: (KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings_0) KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings::None:InitValues PC 1.0000
  337. [0466.09] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'True' HUD.bShowHUD:'False' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'10'
  338. [0466.09] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  339. [0466.09] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  340. [0466.09] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings_0'
  341. [0466.50] ScriptLog: (KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings_0) KFGFxObject_Menu::None:Callback_MenusFinishedClosing Manager.bMenusOpen:'True'
  342. [0466.56] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'False' HUD.bShowHUD:'True' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'10'
  343. [0466.56] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus
  344. [0467.45] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:ToggleMenus bMenusOpen:'True' HUD.bShowHUD:'False' bCanCloseMenu:'True' bPostGameState:'False' CurrentMenuIndex:'1'
  345. [0467.45] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus PartyWidget:'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame_0' bAfterLobby:'True' bForceClose:'False'
  346. [0467.45] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:UnloadCurrentPopup CurrentPopup:'None'
  347. [0467.45] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager_1) KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager::None:CloseMenus CurrentMenu:'KFGFxMenu_Perks_1'
  348. [0467.87] ScriptLog: (KFGFxMenu_Perks_1) KFGFxObject_Menu::None:Callback_MenusFinishedClosing Manager.bMenusOpen:'True'
  349. [0524.76] Log: Octree Warning (AddPrimitive): StaticMeshComponent_760 (Owner: KF-BioticsLab.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.KFKActorSpawnable_79) Outside World.
  350. [0537.49] Log: Octree Warning (AddPrimitive): StaticMeshComponent_837 (Owner: KF-BioticsLab.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.KFKActorSpawnable_87) Outside World.
  351. [0537.60] Log: Octree Warning (AddPrimitive): StaticMeshComponent_836 (Owner: KF-BioticsLab.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.KFKActorSpawnable_86) Outside World.
  352. [0563.70] ScriptL
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