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Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. For simplicity, we assume that the only value in the block reward is the mining fees.
  2. For simplicity, we assume that there are no limits in block size, and that a reversing miner can take all fees in both blocks.
  4. E(mining block) = sum of all fees on current block * p(mining block t)
  5. E(mining previous block to realloc fees) = (sum of all fees on current block + prev block) * p(mining block t-1) * p(mining block t)
  6. E(mining prev) > E(mining current) when: (prev fees + current fees) * p(mining) * p(mining) > current fees * p(mining).
  7. p(mining) := 0.5: E(mining prev) > E(mining current) when prev fees > current fees
  8. p(mining) := 0.4: E(mining prev) > E(mining current) when prev fees > current fees * 1.5
  10. So, if all transactions contribute to a 'fee pool', and the fee pool pays out exactly 33% of its contents every block, then this type of attack only makes sense if you have greater than 40% of the hashing power, regardless of how big the drop in new fees is from block to block.
  12. Unfortunately, this attack makes sense to a short-term-greedy attacker with 50% hashing power regardless of what percentage of the mining pool pays out each block, assuming that all txns from both blocks will fit into a single reorg'd block.
  14. Furthermore, a decay in the form that I was talking about (to incentivize txn propagation) is a bad idea, because it increases the incentive to reorg a block (by including a txn in an earlier block, you catch it at an earlier point-of-decay, which increases its value).
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