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Feb 24th, 2012
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  1. To chápete správně. Co se týče druhého dotazu, tím myslíte OEM (třeba předinstalované Windows)? Prodat je samozřejmě můžete s tím hardwarem (hmotným  nosičem) té rozmnoženiny. Jinak, to ale zdaleka tak není jen u nás, to platí pro celou EU. Velmi srozumitelně např. viz <a href="">stanovisko generální advokátky Julianne Kokott ve věci Levob Verzekeringen BV a OV Bank NV proti Staatssecretaris van Financiën (C-41/04)</a> (je dostupné též v češtině, nicméně ten překlad není zrovna optimální).
  3. <em>
  4. 43.   The bringing into circulation in the Community of a copy of a program by the rightholder or with his consent exhausts the distribution right within the Community of that copy (Article 4(c), second sentence, of Directive 91/250). Consequently, the <strong>first acquirer may effectively transfer ownership of the reproduction to a third party without the need for the author’s consent</strong>. The first acquirer may therefore dispose of the tangible property as owner.
  5. </em><em>
  6. 44.   As the lawful acquirer of the original data carrier, a third party is also authorised to use the program recorded on the carrier in accordance with its intended purpose. (19) A contractual prohibition on the transfer of the right of use, which the manufacturer has agreed with the first acquirer, is not binding on third parties. ...
  7. </em><em>
  8. 45.   A licensing agreement which is concluded in addition to the transfer of ownership of a data carrier on which the program in question is recorded <strong>is not therefore a constitutive condition for the right to use the program</strong>. Instead, the right of use <strong>stems from ownership of the reproduction</strong>. The purpose of the licensing agreement is in fact to restrict the right of use in the relationship <strong>between the holder of the protective right and the acquirer of the copy of the program</strong>.
  9. </em><em>
  10. 48.   In contrast to the above considerations, in the view of the Netherlands Government the acquisition of the data carrier must be of little importance. The only important factor is the acquisition of the right of use. The transfer of the data carrier would then be merely, as it were, the technical means to allow the software to be used. <strong>However, this view cannot be accepted</strong>.
  11. </em><em>
  12. 50.   However, the grounds militating against this approach are more compelling. <strong>It would mean that computer programs on a data carrier, on the one hand, and music on a CD or a text in a book, on the other, would be treated differently for no apparent reason</strong>. Unlike in the case of these comparable copyright works, in the case of a computer program the right to use the creations embodied in the data carrier would be the primary factor and not ownership of the data carrier itself. ...
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  15. OEM licence obecně by bylo žádoucí zcela zakázat - stejně jako je zakázán vázaný prodej zboží typu "sifón podáváme pouze ke kávě". :-) Jednu dobu MS umožňoval OEM licence Windows "vázané" na neperiferní zařízení, klávesnici nebo myš (pro tyto dvě perifie byla v EULA výslovně výjimka). Tu myš jste si mohl k počítači přivázat třeba tkaničkou od bot. Prostě jisté druhy licencování jsou silně absurdní.
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