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I am the Walrein

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Jun 12th, 2011
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  1. [21:07] <Paradox> When we last left off Bob and Floyd, they'd just claimed a giant bucket of singing clamperl~
  2. [21:08] <Bokor> "oh god even the clams are singing, this is horrifying"
  3. 01[21:08] <Dr_Floyd> "Eeeeheheheheheyhyahya! Veee 'ave zeeeeee clams herr Bouck-ror!"
  4. [21:08] <Paradox> "Let's .. let's just give it to the giant fish and leave this place."
  5. 06[21:09] * Bokor turns to the voice
  6. [21:09] <Paradox> Reuben of Clan Redblade was with you!
  7. [21:09] <Bokor> "where the fuck have YOU been?"
  8. 01[21:09] <Dr_Floyd> "VHO SAID ZAT?" Floyd says while spinning his Glaive.
  9. [21:09] <Bokor> (oh lol)
  10. 06[21:09] * Bokor picks up the clam bucket, and...swims back over to the water.
  11. [21:09] <Paradox> "... Just me. I was talking to the giant fish. He's quite full of wisdom."
  12. 03[21:09] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  13. 03[21:10] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  14. 01[21:10] <Dr_Floyd> "Eeeet's a friggin' fish you imbeciiiiiiile!"
  15. 06[21:10] * Dr_Floyd jumps on the water while cackling like a degenerate.
  16. [21:11] <Paradox> Reuben shrugs, and follows Bob back to the fish.
  17. [21:11] <Paradox> The wishcash is still floating there, grinning happily.
  18. 06[21:12] * Bokor walks over to the wishcash, and places the bucket in front of him, "got your clams. where's the key?"
  19. [21:13] <Paradox> The wishcash immediately swallows the bucket whole. "Ohhmmmm delicious! But I'm ... I'm still ... so hungry ... "
  20. 06[21:13] * Dr_Floyd pushes Reuben to the wishcash.
  21. [21:13] <Paradox> It implodes in a mess of gore, and a small gold key falls to the floor.
  22. [21:13] <Bokor> "wat."
  23. 06[21:13] * Bokor just stands there stunned as he gets covered in blood and guts
  24. 01[21:13] <Dr_Floyd> "Zat vas a wafer-thin claaaaaaaaam!"
  25. 01[21:13] <Dr_Floyd> *vafer
  26. [21:15] <Paradox> Reuben blinks, and picks up the key.
  27. [21:17] <Paradox> As soon as he does, your surroundings shimmer and swirl, and suddenly the three of you are standing on a snowy field.
  28. 01[21:18] <Dr_Floyd> "'ow delightful, i returned to my 'ome place! Yeeess, i vas dreaming und now i woke up!"
  29. 06[21:18] * Bokor starts to wipe the debris off him, not wanting it freeze to him. "Well, that's...different"
  30. 01[21:19] <Dr_Floyd> "Vait, vhy are you 'ere, Bawk-vor? You are not from 'ere! Unless... i'm still dreaming! Hyahyahya!"
  31. [21:19] <Paradox> You look around, and indeed Floyd's home from back north is a short distance away! Not on his street, and the surroundings are nothing but a seemingly infinite field of snow.
  32. [21:19] <Paradox> But the house is there.
  33. [21:19] <Bokor> "I wonder if that's the key to your house..."
  34. 01[21:20] <Dr_Floyd> "If so, let me introduce you to my nephew! 'es taking care of ze 'ouse vhile i vas away!"
  35. 06[21:21] * Dr_Floyd heads to the house and bangs on the door. "Wilhelm! It is i, your uncle! I 'ave brought visitors so prepare ze Borscht!"
  36. 06[21:22] * Bokor turns to Reuben, "Might as well try the key"
  37. [21:23] <Paradox> Reuben nods, and steps forward to open the door with the key, but it opens before he reaches it
  38. [21:24] <Paradox> Wilhelm opens the door, and looks at the three of you. "Uncle?"
  39. 06[21:26] * Dr_Floyd hugs his nephew and hurriedly waves to Bokor and Reuben. "'Ere, meet my friend Bawk-horr! 'es a savage but 'es a very good fellow! And 'ere's... some man. Anyway, did you missed Shorty? She's vith me too!"
  40. [21:27] <Bokor> 1d20+7 personal WIS check
  41. [21:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, personal WIS check: 15 [1d20=8]
  42. [21:27] <Paradox> Wilhelm hugs back, and steps aside to let the lot of you in. "Of course, come een! Eet is very cold out there, let me make you some 'ot chocolate!"
  43. 06[21:28] * Bokor Bokor gives a short wave, "hello." He contemplates on this white stuff everywhere...snow he thinks it's called? He's never seen it before.
  44. 06[21:30] * Dr_Floyd enters the house and starts showing the place for the guests. "Zat's ze antlers of a Sawsbuck Wilhelm's father hunted. 'e vas a good man, but a detestable Ursaring got 'im. I've raising ze boy as my own since, although 'e should already be in university... I zink."
  45. 01[21:31] <Dr_Floyd> "Shouldn't you be at ze university, Wilhelm?"
  46. 06[21:31] * Bokor chuckles, reminded of a certain incident
  47. [21:31] <Paradox> "Uncle! Eet eez ze spring 'olidays!"
  48. [21:32] <Paradox> "Let me go get you zat 'ot chocolat!"
  49. [21:32] <Paradox> Wilhelm bustles off to the kitchen.
  50. 01[21:33] <Dr_Floyd> "Ah, a good boy, a good boy." Floyd's eyes start to lose the strange insanity glow on them.
  51. [21:33] <Paradox> (percepshun checks)
  52. 01[21:34] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  53. [21:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 18 [1d20=16]
  54. [21:34] <Bokor> 1d20+7
  55. [21:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20+7: 25 [1d20=18]
  56. [21:35] <Paradox> Bob sees a buizel, sleeping peacefully under an arm chair.
  57. [21:36] <Bokor> "Hey, Floyd, do you have a pet here or something?"
  58. 01[21:37] <Dr_Floyd> "Ze only poké ve 'ad 'ere vas Shor..."
  59. 06[21:37] * Dr_Floyd looks at the Buizel.
  60. [21:38] <Paradox> It wakes up as soon as Floyd looks at it, and smirks. >:]
  61. 01[21:38] <Dr_Floyd> "...YOU?"
  62. [21:38] <Bokor> "uh oh"
  63. [21:38] <Paradox> Suddenly, another buizel slides down the fireplace. >:]
  64. 06[21:39] * Bokor turns to Reuben, "I got a baad feeling about this, he had a bad run in with a mama Floatzel."
  65. [21:39] <Paradox> And several books tople tot he ground as yet another appears on a bookshelf. >:]
  66. [21:42] <Bokor> "What you young ones here for?"
  67. [21:42] <Bokor> (zoopathy)
  68. 01[21:42] <Dr_Floyd> "...I guess ve are still dreaming." the Doctor says with a angry smirk on his face. "Don't attempt to reason vith zem."
  69. [21:42] <Paradox> Wilhelm rushes back into the room, hearing the commotion. "Vat 'appen? Uncle?"
  70. [21:42] <Paradox> (zoopathy does nozzing)
  71. 01[21:43] <Dr_Floyd> "Go back, Nephew! It's not safe for you!" Floyd lets Short Round out! "Let us finish zis, little gal."
  72. [21:44] <Paradox> Wilhelm comes up behind Floyd, and gently puts an hand on Floyd's shoulder. "No, Uncle, it eez not safe for YOU!"
  73. [21:44] <Paradox> You look back at Wilhelm and notice his head is now that of a floatzel's grinning widely.
  74. 06[21:44] * Bokor stands against a wall...kind of paranoid...
  75. 01[21:46] <Dr_Floyd> "...YOU DARE TAKE ZE LIKENESS OF MY NEPHEW?" Floyd yells in blind rage swinging his fist to the Floatzel's face.
  76. 01[21:46] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20-2 Punch!
  77. [21:46] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, Punch!: 3 [1d20=5]
  78. [21:47] <Paradox> The punch goes wide as Floyd flails around in a rage!
  79. [21:47] <Paradox> (Combat START)
  80. 03[21:47] * Paradox changes topic to ' | 4,1/9,1(0,1:8,1^9,1)4,1<'
  81. [21:48] <Paradox> (dex & speeds?)
  82. 01[21:49] <Dr_Floyd> (short round speed: 11, floyd's: 8)
  83. [21:49] <Bokor> (sending out Lebowski, 10 DEX 11 speed)
  84. 03[21:50] * Paradox changes topic to 'Floathelm > Reuben > Bob > Floyd | > | 4,1/9,1(0,1:8,1^9,1)4,1<'
  85. [21:50] <Paradox> (roll off for speed)
  86. [21:50] <Bokor> 1d20
  87. [21:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  88. 01[21:50] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
  89. [21:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  90. 03[21:51] * Paradox changes topic to 'Floathelm > Reuben > Bob > Floyd | Floatzel > Shorty > Lebowski > Buizel x 3 > Bisharp | 4,1/9,1(0,1:8,1^9,1)4,1<'
  91. [21:52] <Paradox> Floathelm grins widely at Floyd, then lunges at him with sharp teeth!
  92. [21:52] <Paradox> 1d20
  93. [21:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  94. [21:52] <Paradox> 3d10+15
  95. [21:52] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+15: 27 [3d10=10,1,1]
  96. [21:54] <Paradox> Reuben slashes at the Floathelm!
  97. [21:54] <Paradox> 1d20
  98. [21:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  99. [21:54] <Paradox> Noep
  100. [21:54] <Paradox> Go Bob
  101. 06[21:54] * Bokor takes out his mace, lunges forward at Floathelm with a IRON HEAD
  102. [21:54] <Bokor> 1d20
  103. [21:54] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  104. [21:55] <Bokor> 5d10+7 that's a flinch
  105. [21:55] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, that's a flinch: 44 [5d10=10,5,6,8,8]
  106. [21:55] <Paradox> Bonk!
  107. [21:55] <Paradox> Go Floyd
  108. 06[21:57] * Dr_Floyd goes for the kill, enraged after being bit the by the Floathelm.
  109. 01[21:57] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 glaving
  110. [21:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, glaving: 9 [1d20=9]
  111. [21:57] <Paradox> (heet)
  112. 01[21:57] <Dr_Floyd> 4d10+6 damage
  113. [21:57] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, damage: 35 [4d10=6,5,9,9]
  114. [21:58] <Paradox> Floathelm is fleenched! Shorty's turn
  115. 01[21:58] <Dr_Floyd> (if i use powder snow/icy wind does it multihits?)
  116. 01[21:58] <Dr_Floyd> (on the buizels?)
  117. [22:00] <Paradox> (mmm yes)
  118. [22:00] <Paradox> (but nve mind you)
  119. 01[22:01] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 powder snow!
  120. [22:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, powder snow!: 16 [1d20=16]
  121. 01[22:01] <Dr_Floyd> 2d10+7 stab damage
  122. [22:01] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, stab damage: 21 [2d10=4,10]
  123. [22:03] <Paradox> (well, whats her stab?)
  124. [22:03] <Paradox> (roll it)
  125. 01[22:04] <Dr_Floyd> (ice)
  126. [22:04] <Paradox> (... well duh but STAB dice)
  127. 01[22:04] <Dr_Floyd> 1d8
  128. [22:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d8: 3 [1d8=3]
  129. [22:04] <Paradox> Okay! Predictably the buizel are not much bothered by the ice move.
  130. [22:04] <Paradox> Lebowski's turn
  131. 06[22:05] * Bokor mimics his master, goes for an IRON TAIL on the Floathelm
  132. [22:05] <Bokor> 1d20
  133. [22:05] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  134. [22:05] <Bokor> (that's...yeah gotta be a miss)
  135. 03[22:07] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  136. 03[22:08] * Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  137. [22:08] <Paradox> 3#1d20
  138. [22:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3#1d20: 13 [1d20=13], 5 [1d20=5], 17 [1d20=17]
  139. [22:09] <Paradox> 2d10+1d8+8 zoom!
  140. [22:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, zoom!: 17 [2d10=1,7; 1d8=1]
  141. [22:09] <Paradox> Floyd, Bob, and Lebowski take a little bit of water damage.
  142. [22:09] <Paradox> The Bisharp attacks!
  143. [22:09] <Paradox> 1d20
  144. [22:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  145. [22:10] <Paradox> 2d20+18
  146. [22:10] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+18: 35 [2d20=12,5]
  147. [22:10] <Paradox> And knocks out one of the buizel.
  148. 03[22:10] * Paradox changes topic to 'Floathelm > Reuben > Bob > Floyd | Floatzel > Shorty > Lebowski > Buizel x 2 > Bisharp | 4,1/9,1(0,1:8,1^9,1)4,1<'
  149. [22:11] <Paradox> Floathelm continues attacking Floyd!
  150. [22:11] <Paradox> 1d20
  151. [22:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  152. 01[22:11] <Dr_Floyd> (FUCK)
  153. [22:11] <Paradox> 45 bite damage and flinched
  154. [22:11] <Paradox> Reuben does some sort of acrobatic fucking pirouette
  155. [22:11] <Paradox> 3#1d20
  156. [22:11] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3#1d20: 16 [1d20=16], 16 [1d20=16], 13 [1d20=13]
  157. [22:12] <Paradox> 2d20+20
  158. [22:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+20: 25 [2d20=2,3]
  159. [22:12] <Paradox> The attacks the remaining buizel and Floathelm
  160. [22:12] <Paradox> gogo Bob
  161. 06[22:13] * Bokor down monster! gear grind on Floathelm
  162. [22:13] <Bokor> 2#1d20
  163. [22:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 2#1d20: 16 [1d20=16], 17 [1d20=17]
  164. [22:13] <Bokor> 8d6+7
  165. [22:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 8d6+7: 39 [8d6=4,5,3,5,6,2,1,6]
  166. [22:15] <Paradox> The Floathelm turns and attacks Bob now >:O
  167. [22:15] <Paradox> 1d20
  168. [22:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  169. [22:15] <Paradox> 5d10+15
  170. [22:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 5d10+15: 50 [5d10=10,10,5,2,8]
  171. [22:15] <Paradox> CRUNCH
  172. [22:15] <Paradox> Shorty's turn
  173. 01[22:16] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 headbutting a Buizel
  174. [22:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, headbutting a Buizel: 16 [1d20=16]
  175. 01[22:16] <Dr_Floyd> 2d10+5 f-f-flinched
  176. [22:16] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, f-f-flinched: 16 [2d10=9,2]
  177. [22:18] <Paradox> (pretty sure headbutt is 2d20 bro)
  178. [22:19] <Bokor> (it is)
  179. 01[22:19] <Dr_Floyd> 2d20+5 then
  180. [22:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, then: 30 [2d20=17,8]
  181. [22:20] <Paradox> Lebowski?
  182. 06[22:21] * Bokor Lebowski goes for the floatzel again, with a rock climb!
  183. [22:21] <Bokor> 1d20
  184. [22:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  185. [22:21] <Bokor> 3d20+9 confoosed
  186. [22:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, confoosed: 39 [3d20=15,7,8]
  187. [22:22] <Paradox> (rock climb? huh)
  188. [22:22] <Bokor> (yeah.)
  189. [22:22] <Paradox> Buizels attack!
  190. [22:22] <Paradox> 2#1d20
  191. [22:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2#1d20: 1 [1d20=1], 18 [1d20=18]
  192. 01[22:22] <Dr_Floyd> (wait)
  193. 01[22:23] <Dr_Floyd> (one is down and other is flinched)
  194. 01[22:23] <Dr_Floyd> (what do)
  195. [22:23] <Paradox> (there were three)
  196. [22:23] <Paradox> (but yeah I'll say the one that was up was the one that got the 1 sooo)
  197. 01[22:23] <Dr_Floyd> (and you did two rolls)
  198. [22:23] <Paradox> Bisharp!
  199. [22:24] <Paradox> (I forgot about the fleench)
  200. [22:24] <Paradox> 1d20 crit check?
  201. [22:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, crit check?: 18 [1d20=18]
  202. [22:24] <Paradox> 3d10+18
  203. [22:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+18: 24 [3d10=4,1,1]
  204. [22:24] <Paradox> Hgggn the Bisharp barely doesn't take out anothe buizel
  205. [22:25] <Paradox> Floathelm suddenly pivots and kicks all of you!
  206. [22:25] <Paradox> 3#1d20
  207. [22:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3#1d20: 2 [1d20=2], 5 [1d20=5], 6 [1d20=6]
  208. [22:25] <Paradox> aaand misses everyone but Bob.
  209. [22:25] <Paradox> 2d20+18
  210. [22:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+18: 38 [2d20=18,2]
  211. [22:26] <Paradox> Reuben does another passing blade attack!
  212. [22:26] <Paradox> 2#1d20
  213. [22:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2#1d20: 14 [1d20=14], 14 [1d20=14]
  214. [22:26] <Paradox> 2d20+20
  215. [22:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+20: 42 [2d20=8,14]
  216. [22:26] <Paradox> And knocks out one of the buizel
  217. 03[22:26] * Paradox changes topic to 'Floathelm > Reuben > Bob > Floyd | Floatzel > Shorty > Lebowski > Buizel x 1 > Bisharp | 4,1/9,1(0,1:8,1^9,1)4,1<'
  218. [22:26] <Paradox> Gogo Bob
  219. 06[22:27] * Bokor swings at the floatzel again, "show you to kick and bite me!"
  220. [22:27] <Bokor> 2#1d20
  221. [22:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 2#1d20: 16 [1d20=16], 6 [1d20=6]
  222. [22:28] <Paradox> (hithit)
  223. [22:28] <Bokor> 8d6+7
  224. [22:28] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 8d6+7: 31 [8d6=1,2,4,6,1,3,5,2]
  225. [22:29] <Paradox> Reuben attacks!
  226. [22:29] <Paradox> 1d20
  227. [22:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  228. [22:30] <Paradox> 6d10+20
  229. [22:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 6d10+20: 51 [6d10=10,4,6,5,1,5]
  230. [22:30] <Paradox> He stabs the Floatzel in the knee >:O
  231. [22:30] <Paradox> (... wait no)
  232. 01[22:30] <Dr_Floyd> (what)
  233. [22:30] <Paradox> Floyd's turn
  234. [22:30] <Paradox> RETCONBEAM
  235. 01[22:30] <Dr_Floyd> (should have been me isntead of him)
  236. 06[22:30] * Dr_Floyd lunges at Floathelm. "You bitch! You vill pay! You vill pay!"
  237. 01[22:30] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20
  238. [22:30] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  239. [22:30] <Paradox> (hits)
  240. 01[22:31] <Dr_Floyd> 4d10+6
  241. [22:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 4d10+6: 30 [4d10=9,1,8,6]
  242. [22:32] <Paradox> Hits! The Floatzell looks worse for the wear
  243. [22:32] <Paradox> But it attacks anyway >:]
  244. [22:32] <Paradox> 1d20
  245. [22:32] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  246. [22:33] <Paradox> 3d10+15
  247. [22:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+15: 32 [3d10=9,5,3]
  248. 01[22:33] <Dr_Floyd> (me?)
  249. [22:33] <Paradox> (yes you)
  250. [22:33] <Paradox> Shorty is up!
  251. 01[22:33] <Dr_Floyd> (fuck, if it wasn't for my dr i'd be out!)
  252. 01[22:34] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20 headbutting Floatzel
  253. [22:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, headbutting Floatzel: 12 [1d20=12]
  254. 01[22:34] <Dr_Floyd> 2d20+5 finish her?
  255. [22:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, finish her?: 28 [2d20=15,8]
  256. [22:35] <Paradox> (didn't you headbutt last turn?)
  257. [22:35] <Paradox> (it is an EoT move :O )
  258. 01[22:36] <Dr_Floyd> (then bite)
  259. 01[22:36] <Dr_Floyd> 3d10+5 biting~
  260. [22:36] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, biting~: 23 [3d10=5,9,4]
  261. [22:36] <Paradox> (roll eet)
  262. [22:36] <Paradox> chomp chomp bite. the floatzel looks quite hurt
  263. [22:36] <Paradox> Lebowski!
  264. 06[22:37] * Bokor goes for a poison tail on the floatzel!
  265. [22:37] <Bokor> 1d20
  266. [22:37] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  267. [22:37] <Paradox> !
  268. 01[22:37] <Dr_Floyd> (whooop whoop whoop!)
  269. [22:38] <Bokor> (24+9+8 = 41)
  270. [22:38] <Bokor> (and poisoned)
  271. [22:39] <Paradox> Lebowski jumps and slams his tail into the Floathelm, knocking it out!
  272. [22:40] <Paradox> As soon as it goes down, the remaining buizel poofs.
  273. 06[22:41] * Bokor calls Lebowski to crawl back up his arm, "Well, that was...unexpected."
  274. [22:42] <Bokor> "good job by the way, brah."
  275. 06[22:42] * Dr_Floyd gets up with a grim look on his face. "Let us go."
  276. [22:44] <Bokor> "aye, let's...leave this place. It seems haunted or something"
  277. [22:44] <Paradox> 1d20
  278. [22:44] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 13 [1d20=13]
  279. 01[22:44] <Dr_Floyd> "Zere are no such things as real ghosts. Zis is an illusion, probably from zat vench zat Brick attacked."
  280. [22:45] <Paradox> You notice a key in Floathelm's shirt pocket.
  281. [22:45] <Bokor> "hm, curious."
  282. 06[22:45] * Bokor takes it
  283. [22:48] <Paradox> As soon as you touch the key...
  284. [22:48] <Paradox> 1d100
  285. [22:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d100: 75 [1d100=75]
  286. [22:48] <Paradox> 1d100
  287. [22:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d100: 17 [1d100=17]
  288. [22:48] <Paradox> (oh my)
  289. [22:49] <Paradox> (roll Wis checks both of you~)
  290. [22:49] <Bokor> 1d20+7
  291. [22:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20+7: 25 [1d20=18]
  292. 01[22:49] <Dr_Floyd> 1d20+2
  293. [22:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Dr_Floyd, 1d20+2: 7 [1d20=5]
  294. [22:49] <Paradox> nope.avi
  295. 01[22:49] <Dr_Floyd> (that's the second wis check you get with an 25 :V)
  296. [22:50] <Paradox> 1d20 Reuben
  297. [22:50] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, Reuben: 7 [1d20=7]
  298. [22:50] <Paradox> Bokor feels the lucidity of wakingness rush back into him all of a sudden
  299. [22:51] <Paradox> You find yourself in the caves where you were before. You're back in the room where the hostages had been held
  300. [22:51] <Paradox> They seem to be gone now. The body of the boy from earlier is still here, as well as the bodies of the Blazikens you killed.
  301. [22:51] <Bokor> "what the?"
  302. [22:51] <Paradox> Floyd and Reuben are sleeping nearby
  303. [22:52] <Bokor> "..."
  304. 06[22:52] * Bokor stands up, or at least tries to...
  305. [22:53] <Paradox> You manage to stand up without any trouble
  306. 06[22:53] * Bokor tries to shake Floyd awake, "Floyd, Floyd, snap out of it"
  307. 01[22:54] <Dr_Floyd> (does i wakes?)
  308. [22:56] <Paradox> (you do)
  309. 06[22:56] * Bokor turns to shake Rueben awake as Floyd stirs
  310. 06[22:57] * Dr_Floyd grumbles while getting up. "Hhhngh. Yup, it vas a godforsaken dream."
  311. [22:57] <Bokor> "Wake up damnit"
  312. [22:57] <Paradox> Reuben wakes up too, with a sleepy yawn.
  313. 06[22:58] * Bokor doesn't waste much time waiting for them to wake up, creeps down the hallway...
  314. [22:58] <Bokor> "I don't know what that was just then, but something odd going on here"
  315. [22:58] <Paradox> As you begin creeping down the hallway, you see a pair of glowing red eyes in front of you.
  316. [22:59] <Bokor> "uh oh"
  317. [22:59] <Paradox> 1d100
  318. [22:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d100: 31 [1d100=31]
  319. 01[22:59] <Dr_Floyd> "It just gets better."
  320. [22:59] <Paradox> (...)
  321. [22:59] <Paradox> It's a hondour
  322. [22:59] <Paradox> It barks at you. >:O
  323. 01[23:00] <Dr_Floyd> "Get out."
  324. [23:00] <Bokor> "What you want, boyo?" (zoopathy)
  325. [23:00] <Paradox> (FYI, if I'd rolled above 35 on that 1d100 it was gonna be an FOE <:3c )
  326. 01[23:01] <Dr_Floyd> (that'd be nice of you)
  327. [23:02] <Bokor> "We were here to rescue people. Those first people who marched in here? With the birds? Yeah, you can thank them for that trouble."
  328. [23:02] <Paradox> (well, not a real FOE, just something like what Brick fought)
  329. [23:03] <Bokor> "Well as you can see here," guestures to the bodies, "we done handled them."
  330. 06[23:04] * Dr_Floyd cuts a piece of the blaziken's leg and throws it to the houndour, ignoring Bokor.
  331. [23:04] <Bokor> "I know you don't like us here, nor do I got much desire to be stayin' here, but we gotta find the rest of our people."
  332. [23:05] <Paradox> The houndour sniffs at it, licks it, and then backs away. Blegh!
  333. 06[23:05] * Bokor turns to the two behind him, "I think you get the jist of this conversation."
  334. [23:06] <Bokor> "He says the others are still here, deeper in"
  335. 06[23:07] * Bokor continues forward. "We'll try to stay out of your way. Granted, you got a pretty big cave for yourself.."
  336. [23:07] <Paradox> He wags his tail happily as you compliment his cave.
  337. 06[23:08] * Dr_Floyd just follows Bokor, still groggy. "Vell, i 'ope zey 'adn't zeir zroats cut zen..."
  338. [23:08] <Bokor> "think we should check Miss Ellen at the entrance first, or just go straight back there?"
  339. [23:08] <Paradox> (Anyway, +1 Trainer Level to both of you~)
  340. [23:08] <Paradox> (aaand ... 4k pokemon exp)
  341. [23:09] <Bokor> "scary things back there eh? Bah, can't beat the shit we just saw..."
  342. [23:10] <Paradox> The houndour just sits and pants.
  343. 01[23:10] <Dr_Floyd> (yay)
  344. 01[23:10] <Dr_Floyd> "Ve must search Brick first. Ze boy must not be far."
  345. 03[23:10] * Garlyle ( has joined #PoketrianOdyssey
  346. [23:10] <Paradox> (Good thing to end on!)
  347. [23:10] <Bokor> "Well..."
  348. [23:11] <Paradox> </session> unless either of you are in the market for a houndour
  349. [23:11] <Bokor> (tempted :o)
  350. 06[23:11] * Bokor kneels down to the Houndoor's level
  351. 01[23:11] <Dr_Floyd> (meh)
  352. 01[23:12] <Dr_Floyd> (get out gabe!)
  353. [23:12] <Bokor> "What you say you and me see if we can get back the people who invaded your cave?"
  354. 14[23:12] * Garlyle ( has left #PoketrianOdyssey
  355. 01[23:12] <Dr_Floyd> "...You still speaking vith ze dog?"
  356. [23:12] <Bokor> "yes."
  357. [23:13] <Paradox> The houndour whines sadly
  358. 06[23:13] * Bokor gives a empathic frown
  359. [23:13] <Bokor> "I know how that feels."
  360. 06[23:14] * Bokor gets out a friend ball, "What you say you and me join up? I think you'd like my buddies as well, snaps his fingers and Lebowski and Vodun come out :D
  361. [23:14] <Paradox> (roll it)
  362. [23:14] <Bokor> (looking up friend ball real quick)
  363. [23:15] <Bokor> 1d100-5
  364. [23:15] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d100-5: 91 [1d100=96]
  365. [23:15] <Bokor> (rofl)
  366. 01[23:15] <Dr_Floyd> (hahahaha i stand corrected)
  367. [23:16] <Bokor> "you wanna wrestle eh?"
  368. [23:17] <Paradox> The houndour snarls
  369. 06[23:17] * Bokor draws his mace, "I might look old, but I ain't to be trifled with."
  370. 01[23:17] <Dr_Floyd> "Ve don't 'ave time for zis..."
  371. [23:19] <Bokor> (since I'm a trainer, should I just go?)
  372. [23:19] <Paradox> (yep)
  373. 06[23:19] * Bokor moves forward without hesitation, takes a swing, gear grind!
  374. [23:19] <Bokor> 2#1d20
  375. [23:19] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 2#1d20: 1 [1d20=1], 14 [1d20=14]
  376. [23:20] <Bokor> 4d6+7
  377. [23:20] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 4d6+7: 21 [4d6=3,1,5,5]
  378. [23:21] <Paradox> Bonk!
  379. [23:21] <Paradox> The attack doesn't seem very effective
  380. [23:21] <Paradox> It breathes fire at you!
  381. [23:21] <Paradox> 1d20
  382. [23:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 18 [1d20=18]
  383. [23:21] <Paradox> 2d10+1d6+12
  384. [23:21] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d10+1d6+12: 24 [2d10=1,5; 1d6=6]
  385. [23:21] <Paradox> Go again
  386. 06[23:22] * Bokor grunts at the ineffectveness of the blow. "Well, you're a tough one ain't ya"
  387. 06[23:22] * Bokor goes for a IRON HEAD
  388. [23:22] <Bokor> 1d20
  389. [23:22] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  390. [23:23] <Bokor> 5d10+7
  391. [23:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 5d10+7: 37 [5d10=6,10,1,6,7]
  392. [23:23] <Paradox> Bonk! still not that much damage..
  393. [23:23] <Paradox> 1d20
  394. [23:23] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  395. [23:24] <Paradox> 3d10+12
  396. [23:24] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 3d10+12: 33 [3d10=9,4,8]
  397. [23:24] <Paradox> The Houndour sprays stars at Bokor >:O
  398. 06[23:24] * Bokor continues the duel with anoher GEAR GRIND
  399. [23:25] <Bokor> 2#1d20
  400. [23:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 2#1d20: 3 [1d20=3], 17 [1d20=17]
  401. [23:25] <Bokor> 4d6+7
  402. [23:25] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 4d6+7: 25 [4d6=6,3,5,4]
  403. [23:25] <Paradox> Bonk!
  404. [23:26] <Paradox> The houndour begins barking furiously!
  405. [23:26] <Paradox> 1d20
  406. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  407. [23:26] <Paradox> 2d20+12
  408. [23:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+12: 46 [2d20=17,17]
  409. [23:27] <Paradox> (goo~)
  410. 06[23:27] * Bokor another swing, "Argh, tougher than you look too"
  411. [23:27] <Bokor> 2#1d20
  412. [23:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 2#1d20: 1 [1d20=1], 19 [1d20=19]
  413. [23:27] <Bokor> 4d6+7
  414. [23:27] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 4d6+7: 22 [4d6=1,2,6,6]
  415. [23:29] <Paradox> Bonk!
  416. [23:29] <Paradox> It continues barking!
  417. [23:29] <Paradox> 1d20
  418. [23:29] <Paradox> 2d20+12
  419. [23:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  420. [23:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Paradox, 2d20+12: 39 [2d20=20,7]
  421. 06[23:30] * Bokor is at his limit..."Bah, I submit, you're a tough one." He sits down, coughing
  422. [23:31] <Paradox> (you could throw the pokeball :O )
  423. [23:31] <Paradox> (alternatively, use a pokemon :B .. I didn't expect you to PERSONALLY fight it)
  424. [23:32] <Bokor> (made it sound that way :S k)
  425. 01[23:32] <Dr_Floyd> "You need 'elp?"
  426. 06[23:32] * Bokor Vodun floats forward, with a frown. "grrr"
  427. [23:33] <Bokor> (speed 12 still)
  428. [23:33] <Paradox> (go~)
  429. 06[23:34] * Bokor draws a little pendelum thing with his begins to tick...tick...tick, hypnosis
  430. [23:34] <Bokor> 1d20
  431. [23:34] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  432. [23:34] <Paradox> The Houndour is SO asleep
  433. 06[23:35] * Bokor looks at Vodun, "why didn't you do that earlier, goofball?" looks back at the friend ball, chuckles, "go catch", and throws it at the Houndour
  434. [23:35] <Bokor> 1d100-5
  435. [23:35] <DiceMaid-9001> Bokor, 1d100-5: 42 [1d100=47]
  436. [23:36] <Paradox> The ball rolls around!
  437. [23:36] <Paradox> It rolls to!
  438. [23:36] <Paradox> It rolls fro!
  439. [23:37] <Paradox> It bobbles up and down!
  440. [23:37] <Paradox> CLICK
  441. 06[23:37] * Bokor gets up, walks over and picks up the ball, "well, he's gonna be a bit grumpy when he finds out how that went down. I'm gonna go find Wyl, a dog just wupped my ass."
  442. [23:38] <Bokor> "thanks buddy," he says to Vodun
  443. 01[23:38] <Dr_Floyd> "Guess i vill go und search for Brick zen."
  444. [23:38] <Paradox> </sesshun>
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