
How to piss off a "h4ck3r" #hackersonly

Oct 30th, 2016
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  1. Y so angry??... {:l)
  2. ; -------------- -------------- <//*//#!#//*//> -------------- -------------- ;
  3. ; [J Ganjanski] Whew, he gets angry don't he? Disrespectful mofo ain't he? ;
  4. ; #cantWeBeFr3ndz :D ;
  5. ; -------------- -------------- <//*//#!#//*//> -------------- -------------- ;
  7. [10/29/2016 5:05:00 AM] Lord Guru: >>>>>>?//???????????>>>>>>>
  8. [10/29/2016 5:17:14 AM] J Ganjanski: yes
  9. [10/29/2016 5:17:18 AM] J Ganjanski: ur mind blown
  10. [10/29/2016 5:17:20 AM] J Ganjanski: its ok
  11. [10/29/2016 5:17:41 AM] Lord Guru: wooooooooooow
  12. [10/29/2016 5:18:13 AM] Lord Guru: I'm about to leak ZH version of mirai
  13. [10/29/2016 5:25:01 AM] J Ganjanski: no1 cares
  14. [10/29/2016 5:25:23 AM] Lord Guru: clearly you do
  15. [10/29/2016 5:25:39 AM] Lord Guru: took you long enough to speak
  16. [10/29/2016 6:02:45 AM] Cassey: ok
  17. [10/29/2016 11:40:19 AM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: does anyone know a good free booter until I can buy a botnet?
  18. [10/29/2016 11:58:16 AM] J Ganjanski: yes
  19. [10/29/2016 11:58:17 AM | Edited 11:58:20 AM] J Ganjanski: its called
  20. [10/29/2016 11:58:23 AM] J Ganjanski: kill yourself
  21. [10/29/2016 11:59:35 AM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: well maybe this is why nobody likes you?!
  22. [10/29/2016 11:59:45 AM] J Ganjanski: i couldnt care less
  23. [10/29/2016 11:59:50 AM] J Ganjanski: everyone in this group is incompetent as fuck
  24. [10/29/2016 12:00:02 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: ok then bud
  25. [10/29/2016 12:00:05 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: :)
  26. [10/29/2016 12:00:10 PM] J Ganjanski: look at your name
  27. [10/29/2016 12:00:11 PM] J Ganjanski: 'modz'
  28. [10/29/2016 12:00:15 PM] J Ganjanski: fucking skid
  29. [10/29/2016 12:00:16 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: yea
  30. [10/29/2016 12:00:17 PM] J Ganjanski: go kill yourself
  31. [10/29/2016 12:00:31 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: I'm a modder and your point is?
  32. [10/29/2016 12:00:48 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: you fucking immigrant
  33. [10/29/2016 12:00:50 PM] J Ganjanski: you're a 'moder'
  34. [10/29/2016 12:00:53 PM] J Ganjanski: LOLOLOLOLOLO
  35. [10/29/2016 12:00:59 PM] J Ganjanski: do you even know what cpu architecture xbox runs off?
  36. [10/29/2016 12:00:59 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: moder?
  37. [10/29/2016 12:00:59 PM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  38. [10/29/2016 12:01:04 PM] J Ganjanski: tell me
  39. [10/29/2016 12:01:09 PM] J Ganjanski: what CPU architecture does xbox run off
  40. [10/29/2016 12:01:11 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: moder!! no a modder lmao
  41. [10/29/2016 12:01:20 PM] J Ganjanski: avoiding my question?
  42. [10/29/2016 12:01:28 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: nope
  43. [10/29/2016 12:01:28 PM] J Ganjanski: it seems like you don't even know what you're working with
  44. [10/29/2016 12:01:35 PM] J Ganjanski: because you're using tools made by someone else for skids like urself
  45. [10/29/2016 12:01:52 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: skid okay bud
  46. [10/29/2016 12:01:57 PM] J Ganjanski: yes
  47. [10/29/2016 12:01:59 PM] J Ganjanski: you're a skid
  48. [10/29/2016 12:01:59 PM] J Ganjanski: rofl
  49. [10/29/2016 12:02:49 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: take a VPN
  50. [10/29/2016 12:03:04 PM] J Ganjanski: do you even know what protocol VPN's utilize?
  51. [10/29/2016 12:03:28 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: No, shit
  52. [10/29/2016 12:03:37 PM] J Ganjanski: little xbox scriptie
  53. [10/29/2016 12:03:38 PM] J Ganjanski: gtfo
  54. [10/29/2016 12:03:56 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: no I'm not leaving
  55. [10/29/2016 12:04:06 PM] J Ganjanski: ur talentless
  56. [10/29/2016 12:04:14 PM] J Ganjanski: acne infested sḱid
  57. [10/29/2016 12:04:15 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: ok
  58. [10/29/2016 12:27:03 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Ganjanski, you're awefully arrogant and disrespectful
  59. [10/29/2016 12:27:45 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: thank you BaSs_HaXoR
  60. [10/29/2016 12:29:49 PM] J Ganjanski: michealweston
  61. [10/29/2016 12:29:56 PM] J Ganjanski: you're awefully incompetent
  62. [10/29/2016 12:32:27 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're condesending and ignorant
  63. [10/29/2016 12:35:22 PM] J Ganjanski: ur irrelevant
  64. [10/29/2016 12:35:23 PM] J Ganjanski: ok?
  65. [10/29/2016 12:35:29 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: umad?
  66. [10/29/2016 12:35:49 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: I'd shut up too
  67. [10/29/2016 12:36:40 PM] J Ganjanski: eh why would I be mad
  68. [10/29/2016 12:36:43 PM] J Ganjanski: you're the average xbox skid rofl
  69. [10/29/2016 12:36:49 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: ur a nobody
  70. [10/29/2016 12:36:52 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: skid
  71. [10/29/2016 12:36:57 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: rofllollmao
  72. [10/29/2016 12:36:59 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: dun
  73. [10/29/2016 12:37:01 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: ?
  74. [10/29/2016 12:37:15 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: You're harmless
  75. [10/29/2016 12:37:20 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: and weak
  76. [10/29/2016 12:37:27 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: ;)
  77. [10/29/2016 12:37:34 PM] J Ganjanski: can you name 1 x86 registrar?
  78. [10/29/2016 12:37:46 PM] J Ganjanski: no?
  79. [10/29/2016 12:37:47 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: that's his only comeback, "your the average xbox skit" rofl
  80. [10/29/2016 12:37:48 PM] J Ganjanski: thought so
  81. [10/29/2016 12:37:48 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: oh hear we go "googlable questions"
  82. [10/29/2016 12:38:03 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: He knows "1 x86 registrar" he's h3kr
  83. [10/29/2016 12:38:12 PM] J Ganjanski: could you tell me what happends to the stack when a function's called?
  84. [10/29/2016 12:38:13 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless... nuffsed bud
  85. [10/29/2016 12:38:18 PM] J Ganjanski: also explain the difference between stack/heap
  86. [10/29/2016 12:38:20 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  87. [10/29/2016 12:38:21 PM] J Ganjanski: can you?
  88. [10/29/2016 12:38:22 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  89. [10/29/2016 12:38:24 PM] J Ganjanski: exactly
  90. [10/29/2016 12:38:25 PM] J Ganjanski: clueless
  91. [10/29/2016 12:38:25 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  92. [10/29/2016 12:38:28 PM] J Ganjanski: incompetent, retard
  93. [10/29/2016 12:38:32 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: umad?
  94. [10/29/2016 12:38:36 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: (rofl)
  95. [10/29/2016 12:38:40 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: skiiiiiddddd
  96. [10/29/2016 12:38:42 PM] J Ganjanski: why would I be mad
  97. [10/29/2016 12:38:45 PM] J Ganjanski: I make more money
  98. [10/29/2016 12:38:46 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: cuz ur a skid
  99. [10/29/2016 12:38:48 PM] J Ganjanski: than your entire ancestor
  100. [10/29/2016 12:38:52 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: skid
  101. [10/29/2016 12:39:00 PM] J Ganjanski: u dont even know basic memory management
  102. [10/29/2016 12:39:02 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  103. [10/29/2016 12:39:03 PM] J Ganjanski: pls stop talking
  104. [10/29/2016 12:39:05 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  105. [10/29/2016 12:39:07 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: make me
  106. [10/29/2016 12:39:12 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: oh wait you can't
  107. [10/29/2016 12:39:12 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: you're harmless
  108. [10/29/2016 12:40:24 PM] J Ganjanski: ur talentless
  109. [10/29/2016 12:40:25 PM] J Ganjanski: be quiet
  110. [10/29/2016 12:40:26 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: You are just another cocky, arrogant, high-headed dickhead on the internet... All you do is talk, it it's immaturity speaking.
  111. [10/29/2016 12:41:53 PM] J Ganjanski: maybe u should learn what stack/heap is before u even talk idiot
  112. [10/29/2016 12:41:54 PM] J Ganjanski:
  113. [10/29/2016 12:42:00 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Google me; can't say the same for you ;)
  114. [10/29/2016 12:42:01 PM] J Ganjanski:
  115. [10/29/2016 12:42:22 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Wait so if I don't know something I iz stoopid?
  116. [10/29/2016 12:42:25 PM] J Ganjanski: yes
  117. [10/29/2016 12:42:28 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Woh
  118. [10/29/2016 12:42:33 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: nobodys gonna click it so you can grab our IP rolf
  119. [10/29/2016 12:42:46 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: You must be super smart, being you askin all the questions here huh?
  120. [10/29/2016 12:42:46 PM] J Ganjanski: it's a google shortener link
  121. [10/29/2016 12:42:47 PM] J Ganjanski: lol
  122. [10/29/2016 12:43:01 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: ok bud
  123. [10/29/2016 12:43:05 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: :)
  124. [10/29/2016 12:43:12 PM] J Ganjanski:
  125. [10/29/2016 12:43:14 PM] J Ganjanski: thats the original link
  126. [10/29/2016 12:43:15 PM] J Ganjanski: lol
  127. [10/29/2016 12:43:28 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: You needed to google your own question?
  128. [10/29/2016 12:43:35 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: That was a lil redundant...
  129. [10/29/2016 12:43:43 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: U know i though tho?
  130. [10/29/2016 12:43:43 PM] J Ganjanski: are you retarded
  131. [10/29/2016 12:43:44 PM] J Ganjanski: I said
  132. [10/29/2016 12:43:45 PM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  133. [10/29/2016 12:43:49 PM] J Ganjanski: are you retarded?
  134. [10/29/2016 12:43:49 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Mr.architextua
  135. [10/29/2016 12:43:56 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: U sooo smart
  136. [10/29/2016 12:44:01 PM] J Ganjanski: yeah
  137. [10/29/2016 12:44:03 PM] J Ganjanski: you're like 15
  138. [10/29/2016 12:44:06 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: can u teach us mr.condesndinger
  139. [10/29/2016 12:44:06 PM] J Ganjanski: acne infested and talentless
  140. [10/29/2016 12:44:08 PM] J Ganjanski: life must suck
  141. [10/29/2016 12:44:22 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: I know daddy it does, teach me plz
  142. [10/29/2016 12:44:23 PM] J Ganjanski: goodluck in life you talentless skid
  143. [10/29/2016 12:44:27 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: ur so smart
  144. [10/29/2016 12:44:36 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: ;)
  145. [10/29/2016 12:44:52 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: You're stupid, hop off our dick with your arrogant ass
  146. [10/29/2016 12:45:06 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: lmao
  147. [10/29/2016 12:45:57 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Why don't you go use your "basic memory management" to hack us now...
  148. [10/29/2016 12:46:22 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Or research teh arhcitxtre of an xbox so you can hack us
  149. [10/29/2016 12:46:35 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: with 1 register
  150. [10/29/2016 12:46:38 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: :l
  151. [10/29/2016 12:49:44 PM | Edited 12:50:28 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Great "swaggot.mcfaggot" went quiet... Think he's trying to h4cker me with his "talentless skid" attitude (nerd)
  152. [10/29/2016 12:50:48 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Such a tuff guy
  153. [10/29/2016 12:51:03 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: He could like really hurt some feelings online
  154. [10/29/2016 12:51:17 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: (rofl)
  155. [10/29/2016 12:57:09 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: :D
  156. [10/29/2016 1:26:40 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: On a more serious note:
  157. [10/29/2016 1:27:25 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: what is that?
  158. [10/29/2016 1:27:53 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: A pastebin
  159. [10/29/2016 1:28:11 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: oh I see it whos it to?
  160. [10/29/2016 1:28:31 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: Everyone in the chat that feels some-typa way
  161. [10/29/2016 1:28:57 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: oh shit I'm not against you in anyway lol
  162. [10/29/2016 1:29:02 PM] * | RGH In 2 Months | *: :D
  163. [10/29/2016 1:29:14 PM] BaSs_HaXoR: :P
  164. [1:37:26 AM] *** ‮ added buf : Build BigBear.c ***
  165. [4:35:48 AM] J Ganjanski: You're talentless weston just shut the fuck up rofl
  166. [4:35:58 AM] J Ganjanski: You'll never be able to do shit against me LOL
  167. [4:36:42 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: You don't even know me; the fact that you make accusations like that validates my statements made.
  168. [4:37:02 AM] *** EnvyTheGod has left ***
  169. [4:39:02 AM] J Ganjanski: just shut the fuck up rofl
  170. [4:44:00 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Your some random joe in a skype chat, chill bud
  171. [5:03:04 AM] J Ganjanski: your name is
  172. [5:03:06 AM] J Ganjanski: 'bass haxor'
  173. [5:03:07 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  174. [5:09:34 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Now don't go forget it now (cool)
  175. [5:09:50 AM] J Ganjanski: You're a fucking skid shut up
  176. [5:10:05 AM] J Ganjanski: On your pastebin you claim you do reverse engineering
  177. [5:10:10 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (flex)
  179. [5:10:11 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  180. [5:10:15 AM] J Ganjanski: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
  181. [5:10:18 AM] J Ganjanski: YOU'RE A JOKE
  182. [5:10:20 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (flex)
  183. [5:10:20 AM] J Ganjanski: HOLY FUCK
  184. [5:10:22 AM] J Ganjanski: DELUDED LITTLE SPASTIC
  185. [5:10:29 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: MY CAPS IS BROKE TOO.
  186. [5:10:39 AM] J Ganjanski: Your autism is beyond the spectrum
  187. [5:10:53 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (movember)
  188. [5:11:26 AM] J Ganjanski: How does it feel to be a talentless incompetent script kiddie whom; is so deluded it's unreal
  189. [5:11:41 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: It would hurt your feelings if someone where to know more than you huh?
  190. [5:11:49 AM] J Ganjanski: You don't rofl
  191. [5:11:53 AM] J Ganjanski: You will never
  192. [5:11:54 AM] J Ganjanski: ever
  193. [5:11:56 AM] J Ganjanski: know more than me
  194. [5:12:11 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (nerd)
  195. [5:12:13 AM] J Ganjanski: you're a incompetent scriptie bragging about things you cannot even grasp the basic concept behind
  196. [5:12:37 AM] J Ganjanski: so could you tell me random address space layout works?
  197. [5:12:46 AM] J Ganjanski: since you seem to be great at reverse engineering malware
  198. [5:12:52 AM] J Ganjanski: fucking idiot
  199. [5:13:04 AM] J Ganjanski: you don't grasp the basic concept of how ANYTHING operates at kernel level
  200. [5:13:09 AM] J Ganjanski: you're so deluded it's unreal
  201. [5:13:12 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I don't want to embarass you know. :)
  202. [5:13:12 AM] J Ganjanski: go back to xbox you fuckwit
  203. [5:13:42 AM] J Ganjanski: ok we have a function, the name of it is test();
  204. [5:13:46 AM] J Ganjanski: what happens to the stack when it's called?
  205. [5:13:53 AM] J Ganjanski: and what happends if another function, ex test1 is called?
  206. [5:14:01 AM] J Ganjanski: please explain what happends to the stack
  207. [5:14:15 AM] J Ganjanski: WRONG ANSWER INCOMPETENT CUNT
  212. [5:15:11 AM] J Ganjanski: you're so inept it's unreal, I'll literally smash you in any subject
  213. [5:15:14 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Great, now make a pdf and upload to a server and let me know when you get a download link for me to give to someone who cares. :)
  214. [5:15:23 AM] J Ganjanski: You got rekt
  215. [5:15:23 AM] J Ganjanski: skid fuck
  216. [5:15:33 AM] J Ganjanski: go back to modding xbox games
  217. [5:15:33 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Nah, playin xbox ;)
  218. [5:15:47 AM] J Ganjanski: what kernel does xbox run?
  219. [5:15:50 AM] J Ganjanski: DONT YOU KNOW?
  220. [5:15:57 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yes i do
  221. [5:16:00 AM] J Ganjanski: because you're a inept skid who in reality don't know shit
  222. [5:16:02 AM] J Ganjanski: ok what kernel does it run
  223. [5:16:03 AM] J Ganjanski: ?
  224. [5:16:12 AM] J Ganjanski: thought so
  225. [5:16:12 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  226. [5:16:15 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: oooh tricky wording, can you use it in a sentence?
  227. [5:16:16 AM] J Ganjanski: 'yes i do'
  228. [5:16:29 AM] J Ganjanski: do you even know what differs kernel from OS level? lol?
  229. [5:16:36 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yes i do
  230. [5:16:38 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: allow me to explain
  231. [5:16:40 AM] J Ganjanski: ok what differs it?
  232. [5:16:50 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  233. [5:16:54 AM] J Ganjanski: 'lemme google real quick'
  234. [5:16:57 AM] J Ganjanski: fucking idiot
  235. [5:17:10 AM] J Ganjanski: you're a joke and currently you're being completely trashed
  236. [5:17:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (chuckle)
  237. [5:17:24 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: No, looking for that smiley actually
  238. [5:17:33 AM] J Ganjanski: You literally avoid the questions because in reality you don't know any of them
  239. [5:17:40 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: what questions?
  240. [5:17:40 AM] J Ganjanski: you're a acne infested skid
  241. [5:17:48 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Want a pic?
  242. [5:17:49 AM] J Ganjanski: sure want me to ask you questions?
  243. [5:17:56 AM] J Ganjanski: let's start off with a simple one
  244. [5:17:59 AM] J Ganjanski: what differs UDP from TCP?
  245. [5:18:11 AM] J Ganjanski: thought so
  246. [5:18:11 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yes, one is spelt differantly
  247. [5:18:14 AM] J Ganjanski: you can't answer shit
  248. [5:18:18 AM] J Ganjanski: ugly cunt
  249. [5:18:22 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: then y u ask m8?
  250. [5:18:38 AM] J Ganjanski: Because 85 people are watching you avoiding questions because you're incredibly stupid
  251. [5:18:43 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yep
  252. [5:18:44 AM] J Ganjanski: You got TRASHED
  253. [5:18:53 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Ooooh, tuff
  254. [5:18:57 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: CAPS
  255. [5:19:00 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: BANG BANG
  256. [5:19:06 AM] J Ganjanski: Your name is bass_haxor
  257. [5:19:07 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Shots fiyad holmes
  258. [5:19:08 AM] J Ganjanski: like for real
  259. [5:19:12 AM] J Ganjanski: you're not even above 15
  260. [5:19:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: :D
  261. [5:19:19 AM] J Ganjanski: if you are, you have some sort of dysfunction
  262. [5:19:26 AM] J Ganjanski: because you're incredibly stupid
  263. [5:19:28 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I'm 14 3/4
  264. [5:19:29 AM] J Ganjanski: and most likely ugly too
  265. [5:19:39 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: did i pass daddy?
  266. [5:19:51 AM] J Ganjanski: You most likely suffer from severe autism
  267. [5:20:05 AM] J Ganjanski: you're deluded to the point I don't know whetever or not you're joking
  268. [5:20:16 AM] J Ganjanski: most likely some mental health issues
  269. [5:20:51 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Do you even know how to code in vb-Mc2?
  270. [5:21:22 AM] J Ganjanski: Yes I know the basic fundamentals of any .NET language
  271. [5:21:26 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Yes
  272. [5:21:30 AM] J Ganjanski: I do C whereas memory management isnt done for you
  273. [5:21:32 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I have all great answers
  274. [5:21:34 AM] J Ganjanski: You code in a managed language
  275. [5:21:43 AM] J Ganjanski: Memory management isnt handled by the developer
  276. [5:21:51 AM] J Ganjanski: you're granted it by the fucking language because it's dependent on a framework
  277. [5:22:03 AM] J Ganjanski: C/++ are examples of low level procedural languages
  278. [5:22:09 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (facepalm)
  279. [5:22:14 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: No.
  280. [5:22:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: C is high level
  281. [5:22:18 AM] J Ganjanski: Yes you idiot
  282. [5:22:20 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL?
  283. [5:22:22 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: and easy
  284. [5:22:22 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL?
  285. [5:22:24 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: like html
  286. [5:22:27 AM] J Ganjanski: oh C is easy?
  287. [5:22:29 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yes
  288. [5:22:35 AM] J Ganjanski: whats the difference between calloc() and malloc() ?
  289. [5:22:46 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: they're spelt differently
  290. [5:23:03 AM] J Ganjanski: calloc zeros the buffer, malloc leaves it
  291. [5:23:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: What else you got, I'm doing good
  292. [5:23:28 AM] J Ganjanski: You said C was easy but you don't even know it
  293. [5:23:30 AM] J Ganjanski: what a fucking meme
  294. [5:23:34 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: i do
  295. [5:23:38 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: allow me to teach you
  296. [5:23:58 AM] J Ganjanski: whats the difference between strcpy and str(n)cpy
  297. [5:24:08 AM] J Ganjanski: ?
  298. [5:24:20 AM] J Ganjanski: that goes for sprintf s(n)printf etc
  299. [5:24:21 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: C++ and VB derive from the same derivitate init by starting of evolutionary device named "bjarneStrousyrup"
  300. [5:24:35 AM] J Ganjanski: You're inept, you switched subject to C++
  301. [5:24:36 AM] J Ganjanski: from C
  302. [5:24:49 AM] J Ganjanski: You will never ever comprehend the basic fundamentals of a programming language
  303. [5:24:53 AM] J Ganjanski: you're so incredibly stupid
  304. [5:25:03 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: i won't? :(
  305. [5:25:09 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I fail did i?
  306. [5:25:16 AM] J Ganjanski: You never will.
  307. [5:25:25 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I will never fail! :)
  308. [5:25:27 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Thanks!
  309. [5:25:31 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: <3
  310. [5:25:34 AM] J Ganjanski: Your life is a fail.
  311. [5:25:40 AM] J Ganjanski: You're completely inept
  312. [5:26:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: indepth* i know, I like to explain everything down to the nearest bit
  313. [5:26:34 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL
  314. [5:26:37 AM] J Ganjanski: Inept is a word you idiot
  315. [5:26:44 AM] J Ganjanski: you complete fucking mongoloid
  316. [5:26:50 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: like a tcp reverse bind http request injecion via XSSsql from my asm compiler
  317. [5:27:09 AM] J Ganjanski: 'XSSsql'
  318. [5:27:12 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yes
  319. [5:27:16 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: i made it
  320. [5:27:18 AM] J Ganjanski: like, if you're going to troll do it properly
  321. [5:27:26 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: in VB+
  322. [5:27:28 AM] J Ganjanski: you don't even know the basics so it makes you look like a retard
  323. [5:27:41 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I don't troll -_- I srs guy
  324. [5:27:41 AM] J Ganjanski: 'http request'
  325. [5:27:43 AM] J Ganjanski: http is tcp
  326. [5:27:44 AM] J Ganjanski: but ok
  327. [5:27:47 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: no
  328. [5:27:52 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: http is SYN
  329. [5:27:56 AM] J Ganjanski: LOL?
  330. [5:28:00 AM] J Ganjanski: SYN IS A FUCKING FLAG
  331. [5:28:03 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: No
  332. [5:28:08 AM] J Ganjanski: you're a complete fucking idiot
  333. [5:28:09 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: it's a packet header
  334. [5:28:10 AM] J Ganjanski: holy fucking shit
  335. [5:28:21 AM] J Ganjanski: you're inept as fuck
  336. [5:28:22 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: dns routing table rainbow reflection
  337. [5:28:31 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: it's easy stuff m8
  338. [5:28:35 AM] J Ganjanski: HTTP establishes a syn/ack
  339. [5:28:38 AM] J Ganjanski: but it relies on TCP
  340. [5:28:38 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: yea?
  341. [5:28:39 AM] J Ganjanski: you idiot
  342. [5:28:43 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: keep going
  343. [5:28:56 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Whole chat rootin for yea
  344. [5:28:58 AM] J Ganjanski: like you don't even know the basics so you look like a complete idiot
  345. [5:29:03 AM] J Ganjanski: no the whole chat is laughing at you
  346. [5:29:06 AM] J Ganjanski: being trashed you dumb cunt
  347. [5:29:46 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I don't think so
  348. [5:29:52 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I think they like me :P
  349. [5:29:52 AM] J Ganjanski: Oh really
  350. [5:30:01 AM] J Ganjanski: I highly doubt so
  351. [5:30:07 AM | Edited 5:30:02 AM] J Ganjanski: your knowledge is equal to 0x00
  352. [5:30:07 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Wha?!
  353. [5:30:11 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: nah
  354. [5:30:26 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: You done lost your mind man
  355. [5:30:34 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: speakin code to me and stuff
  356. [5:30:40 AM] J Ganjanski: go kill yourself
  357. [5:30:41 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: 0x00
  358. [5:30:41 AM] J Ganjanski: filthy skid
  359. [5:30:50 AM] J Ganjanski: yes thats the HEX value for NULL
  360. [5:30:51 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: That mean like FUCK YOU?! in hacker?
  361. [5:30:51 AM] J Ganjanski: you idiot
  362. [5:31:06 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Nah. U idiot
  363. [5:31:11 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: big dummy
  364. [5:31:12 AM] J Ganjanski: you dont know shit
  365. [5:31:58 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Well, I do.
  366. [5:32:05 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I doWork();
  367. [5:32:30 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: (chuckle)
  368. [5:33:02 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Wanna teach me how to inline hook in x86?
  370. // for(i=0; i=i; 0=i); #NOTTROLL {:l) #whyUmad?
  372. More ;p
  373. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
  374. [5:41:18 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: Hey could you please teach me, i pay you.
  375. [5:41:48 AM] BaSs_HaXoR: I can pay anonymously like a lot of top hackers do...
  376. [5:43:04 AM] *** BaSs_HaXoR would like to add you on Skype Adding for hacks. ***
  377. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
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