
Greetings (FiE:2)

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. >You simply lay there for a moment, contemplating what you are going to do now.
  2. >You have never been banished before, and you have never spoken to anyone in the League about banishment.
  3. >Then again, probably no one has any firsthand experiences with it.
  4. >What to do, what to do...
  5. >You hear a voice in the distance mention something about a “red light” and “a pile of sticks falling from a hole in the sky o'er yonder.”
  6. >The odds of these descriptions referring to you are pretty high, all things considered.
  7. >You are about to take your leave and hide in a bush when you sense it.
  8. >You can smell it in the air. You know that scent from anywhere.
  9. >Fear.
  10. >Sweet,delicious, fear.
  11. >The scent is faint, but it's growing stronger. These things are approaching your direction. Time to prepare.
  12. >You rise, slowly, and with purpose. You put your legs together, and stand still, arms outstretched, head hanging loosely downwards.
  13. >You “close” your eyes. When you close them, you can sense living things that are nearby, but your eyes do not give the tell-tale green glow.
  14. >For all intents and purposes, you look like a run of the mill scarecrow.
  15. >As you rest, a few of your magical crows are formed from the shadows and fly around, landing on nearby trees to act as sentries.
  16. >One rests on your left shoulder, and caws loudly.
  17. >And the wait begins.
  19. >After about 30 minutes or so of you being perfectly still, one of your crows caws loudly.
  20. >You hear a very quiet “eep!” ahead of you. You focus on that direction.
  21. >(Oh my. Oh my! There's so much fear!) you cackle silently to yourself
  22. >”What... what is that thing?” The epicenter of fear is within a scythe's throw, but you exercise patience.
  23. >You know good things come to those who wait.
  24. >”Ah, don't be so scared, sugarcube. That's a scarecrow. Yeah, its a creepy lookin one, but in all mah years of farmin, I ain't ever seen a scarecrow do much more than just hang around.”
  25. >How strange. There is very little fear in the other. Perhaps it is bodyguard to the terrorized one?
  26. >”I'll just... stay back here, if that's... ok with you...” Good lord, how has she not wet herself yet?
  27. > “You are such a little filly sometimes. Watch, lemme show ya...”
  28. >The least afraid one approaches, but as she approaches, you can see the terror swell more and more.
  29. >This is good. You have just the thing to make this moment worth the wait.
  30. >”I... I still don't think you should be so close to it” If this voice gets any more afraid, it is going to explode.
  31. >”Gah, you just needta quit being so darn afraid.” The guardian is within grabbing distance now.
  32. >”See?! It's just a scarecrow! Nothin to be afraid of“ she quietly sighs in relief. “Watch...”
  33. >You feel hooves hit your chest, as you go flying back 20 or so feet.
  34. >You rag doll, in order to keep up the facade, tightening your eyes shut.
  35. >That hurt. A lot.
  36. >”See?! It aint nothin. Come on o'er here, and help me drag it to the farm. It'll serve well in the orchards.”
  37. >Yes, step closer my dear, and allow me to teach you what it truly means to be afraid.
  38. >”Ok...” Epicenter is shaking in fear. This is almost too good.
  39. >As you hear the guardian step towards you, you prepare.
  40. >”Don't you wonder why it is carrying a big, scary looking scythe?” said Epicenter
  41. >”Nah. Ahm sure its just to make it look more realistic to scare off the birds”
  42. >”but...but...”
  43. >”But what, sugah?”
  44. >”But why...” Her voice trails off.
  45. >”You gotta speak up, Flutters, I can't hardly hear you” The guardian is getting upset.
  46. >”Butifhehasthescythetoscareawaythebirdswhyarethereadozencrowswatchingus”
  47. >Wait, what did she just sa- Oh shit.
  48. >Now or never, Fiddle.
  49. >You open your eyes, causing them to glow an intense green color. Your head snaps upwards, focusing on the guardian.
  50. >She rises up in fear, her hat falling off her head. She never took her eyes off of yours.
  51. >Stupid mistake.
  52. >You briskly rise to a knee, Your left hand grabbing your scythe, your right hand grabbing the guardians throat. You continued to stare into her soul with your glowing green eyes, searching for the fear.
  53. >Perhaps you are too used to having a battle of wills with champions who are veterans of war, where you must fight to earn every inch of mental ground you gain.
  54. >In comparison, this creature's fears are very simple to get a hold of.
  55. >You manipulate the images in her head with ease. Her pupils become pinpoints as she witnesses her fears come to life.
  57. > She is looking out the window at a dead farm, a tumbleweed rolling across a field with many dead trees and stumps in view.
  58. >”I never loved you! Heck, none of us really did. We just tolerated you cause you worked so well in the fields!” Said an older female voice. The voice has a lisp caused by old age. “But since you hurt yourself, and the crops started dying, you've become as useless as a bucket with no bottom”
  59. >”I wish I had a better sister!” A younger voice shouted
  60. >”Eeyup” a strong male voice says in a matter-of-fact tone.
  61. >”No... no... This can't be happening...” the guardian turns around, looking into the glowing green eyes of an elderly being.
  62. > ”I regret your existence.”
  63. >As you leave the hallucination you witnessed, you see the creature that you caused a severe mental breakdown to crying and cowering from your domineering presence. She curled up into an orange ball of fluff
  64. >You let out a menacing smile at the sight of your handiwork.
  65. >You turn your head towards who you assume is Flutters.
  66. >She is hiding. No problem for you. Your fear senses are tingling.
  67. >You focus on seeing her presence, and you can tell she is behind a small tree.
  68. >You just made her fearless friend curl up into a ball and cry. Imagine what you could do to this little thing.
  70. >As you rise, you grab the hat that lies upon the ground and put it on.
  71. >Hmm. A bit loose, but its a nice hat.
  72. >”I feel your fear.” You slowly approach the tree she is hiding behind, dragging your scythe along the ground for a dramatic effect.
  73. >”Are you afraid?” You see the glowing presence from behind the tree shaking more and more. It seems to nod its head when you asked that question.
  74. >Raising your scythe from the ground makes a satisfying *ting * sound.
  75. >The fear this one has is intoxicating, its an aphrodisiac at this close of a range!
  76. >”Thisisanightmarewakeupthisisanightmarewakeupthisisanightmarewakeup.” she is sobbing quietly to herself, rocking back and forth and speaking herself into a fear induced stupor.
  77. > She has given up. You can sense it.
  78. >(Time to put her out of her misery)
  79. >You cut the small tree she is hiding behind down to wood chips within seconds. The hat falls off your head, and lands behind you during your attack.
  80. >”You're right, this is a nightmare...” you drag your fingertips along the edge of your scythe as the dust settles, sending a metallic ringing sound echoing through the woods. She cringes upon hearing it.
  81. >”A nightmare that you will NEVER AWAKEN FROM!” You raise your scythe high above your head to strike down the creature. The dust clears enough for you to see what you are about to slay.
  82. >Its a bright yellow color, with a pink mane.
  83. >Your scythe freezes in its raised position above your head.
  85. >Your mind is full of fuck right now. There's no way that you can be seeing this right.
  86. >”You're... a tiny pony...”
  87. >She answers with sobs. The wind picks up; the smell of urine is overpowering.
  88. >”A tiny... yellow... pony...with wings...”
  89. >You drop your arms down, your scythe settles onto the ground.
  90. >She looks from behind her mane, into your eyes.
  91. >”Are... are you going to kill me?” she sobs meekly.
  92. >Wow. Those eyes are so... innocent. You have never killed an innocent before (that you know of).
  93. >Most of the people who visited you in the League were plunderers, looking to score riches, they had evil in their eyes. And of course, when you began playing the role of executioner, there were no innocents
  94. >But this tiny pony was innocent, and afraid for its life. And for once, you feel bad about causing that fear.
  95. >For the first time ever, it doesn't feel right to murder something that is cowering in your presence.. You continue to stare into her eyes, as you lower your head, and shake it very slowly.
  96. >You stand there dumbfounded for a good minute.
  97. >”Why look for me?” You try to sound as non-terrifyingly murderous as possible
  98. >You are failing. Hard.
  99. >YellowQuiet continues crying.
  100. >”What are you?” This is the longest conversation you have had in a very long time that didn't end in someone getting slayed.
  101. >”A p...peg...” Her voice trails off.
  102. >You go down onto a knee in an effort to hear YellowQuiet better. You hear hoof-steps behind you.
  103. >A thick southern accent pierces the silence. “BUCK YOU!”
  104. >You turn around to catch a face full of hoof.
  105. >as you are falling, you see an orange pony with tears rolling down its cheeks, and pure rage in its eyes.
  106. >For the second time in your life, you feel fear.
  107. >it grabs its hat off the ground, snorting at you.
  108. >Then, darkness.
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