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Sep 28th, 2011
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  1. Basic globals:
  2. UI.CreateContext
  3. Function documentation:
  4. Creates a new UI context. A UI context must be created in order to create any frames.
  5. context = UI.CreateContext(name) -- Context <- string
  6. Parameters:
  7. name: A descriptive name for this element. Used for error reports and performance information. May be shown to end-users.
  8. Return values:
  9. context: A new context. Contexts are guaranteed to have at least the capabilities of a Frame.
  10. UI.CreateFrame
  11. Function documentation:
  12. Creates a new frame. Frames are the blocks that all addon UIs are made out of. Since all frames must have a parent, you'll need to create a Context before any frames. See UI.CreateContext.
  13. List of valid frame types:
  14. Frame: The base type. No special capabilities. Useful for spacing, organization, input handling, and solid color squares.
  15. Text: Displays text.
  16. Texture: Displays a static texture image.
  17. frame = UI.CreateFrame(type, name, parent) -- Frame <- string, string, FrameReadonly
  18. Parameters:
  19. name: A descriptive name for this element. Used for error reports and performance information. May be shown to end-users.
  20. parent: The new parent for this frame.
  21. type: The type of your new frame. Current supported types: Frame, Text, Texture.
  22. Return values:
  23. frame: Your new frame.
  24. UIParent.Event.Move
  25. UIParent.Event.Size
  26. _VERSION
  27. assert
  28. bit.arshift
  30. bit.bnot
  31. bit.bor
  32. bit.bswap
  33. bit.bxor
  34. bit.lshift
  35. bit.rol
  36. bit.ror
  37. bit.rshift
  38. bit.tobit
  39. bit.tohex
  40. collectgarbage
  41. coroutine.create
  42. coroutine.resume
  43. coroutine.running
  44. coroutine.status
  45. coroutine.wrap
  46. coroutine.yield
  47. debug.traceback
  48. dump
  49. Function documentation:
  50. Debug utility function. Similar to print(), but serializes any table parameters before outputting.
  51. dump(...) -- ...
  52. Parameters:
  53. ...: Takes any number of any parameter type.
  54. error
  55. gcinfo
  56. getfenv
  57. getmetatable
  58. ipairs
  59. load
  60. loadstring
  61. math.abs
  62. math.acos
  63. math.asin
  64. math.atan
  65. math.atan2
  66. math.ceil
  67. math.cos
  68. math.cosh
  69. math.deg
  70. math.exp
  71. math.floor
  72. math.fmod
  73. math.frexp
  74. math.huge
  75. math.ldexp
  76. math.log
  77. math.log10
  78. math.max
  79. math.min
  80. math.mod
  81. math.modf
  82. math.pi
  83. math.pow
  84. math.rad
  85. math.random
  86. math.randomseed
  87. math.sin
  88. math.sinh
  89. math.sqrt
  90. math.tan
  91. math.tanh
  92. newproxy
  93. next
  94. pairs
  95. pcall
  96. print
  97. print_raw
  98. rawequal
  99. rawget
  100. rawset
  101. select
  102. setfenv
  103. setmetatable
  104. string.byte
  105. string.char
  106. string.find
  107. string.format
  108. string.gfind
  109. string.gmatch
  110. string.gsub
  111. string.len
  112. string.lower
  113. string.match
  114. string.rep
  115. string.reverse
  116. string.sub
  117. string.upper
  118. table.concat
  119. table.foreach
  120. table.foreachi
  121. table.getn
  122. table.insert
  123. table.maxn
  124. table.remove
  125. table.sort
  126. table.unpack
  127. tonumber
  128. tostring
  129. type
  130. unpack
  131. xpcall
  133. Inspectors:
  134. Inspect.Ability.Detail
  135. Function documentation:
  136. Provides detailed information about abilities.
  137. detail = Inspect.Ability.Detail(ability) -- table <- ability
  138. details = Inspect.Ability.Detail(abilities) -- table <- table
  139. Parameters:
  140. abilities: A lookup table of identifiers of abilities to retrieve detail for.
  141. ability: The identifier of the ability to retrieve detail for.
  142. Return values:
  143. detail: Detail table for a single ability.
  144. details: Detail tables for all requested abilities. The key is the ability ID, the value is the ability's detail table.
  145. Returned members:
  146. autoattack: Autoattack mode of the ability.
  147. castingTime: Casting time of the ability, in seconds.
  148. channeled: Signals that the ability is channeled.
  149. continuous: Signals that the ability is continuous.
  150. cooldown: Cooldown of the ability, in seconds.
  151. costCharge: The amount of charge this ability consumes on use.
  152. costEnergy: The amount of energy this ability consumes on use.
  153. costMana: The amount of mana this ability consumes on use.
  154. costPlanarCharge: The amount of planar charges this ability consumes on use.
  155. costPower: The amount of power this ability consumes on use.
  156. currentCooldownBegin: The time the current cooldown started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  157. currentCooldownDuration: Duration of the current cooldown the ability is influenced by, in seconds.
  158. currentCooldownExpired: Number of seconds the current cooldown is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
  159. currentCooldownRemaining: Time remaining in the ability's current cooldown, in seconds.
  160. gainCharge: Amount of charge gained by using the ability.
  161. icon: Resource filename of the ability's icon.
  162. name: Name of the ability.
  163. outOfRange: Signals that the ability is out of range.
  164. passive: Signals that the ability is passive.
  165. positioned: Signals that the ability's effect is manually positioned by the user.
  166. racial: Signals that the ability is a racial ability.
  167. rangeMax: The maximum range of the ability.
  168. rangeMin: The minimum range of the ability.
  169. stealthRequired: Signals that the ability requires the user to be in stealth.
  170. target: The Unit ID of the unit that this ability will be used on if triggered at this moment.
  171. unusable: Signals that this ability is unusable.
  172. weapon: The required equipped weapon for this ability. May be "any", "melee", or "ranged".
  173. Inspect.Ability.List
  174. Function documentation:
  175. List available abilities.
  176. abilities = Inspect.Ability.List() -- table <- void
  177. Return values:
  178. abilities: A lookup table of IDs of the available abilities.
  179. Inspect.Addon.Cpu
  180. Function documentation:
  181. Returns recent CPU usage information. This is calculated using an exponential-falloff method.
  182. data = Inspect.Addon.Cpu() -- table <- void
  183. Return values:
  184. data: Recent CPU usage. This takes the format { AddonIdentifier = { SubIdentifier = cpu_used_as_a_fraction_of_one } }. SubIdentifiers are generated by Rift and the format may change without notice.
  185. Inspect.Addon.Current
  186. Function documentation:
  187. Returns the current addon. This information is used internally for counting CPU usage and determining frame ownership.
  188. addonIdentifier = Inspect.Addon.Current() -- string <- void
  189. Return values:
  190. addonIdentifier: The addon's identifier, as written in its TOC file.
  191. Inspect.Buff.Detail
  192. Function documentation:
  193. Provides detailed information about the buffs on a unit.
  194. detail = Inspect.Buff.Detail(unit, buff) -- table <- unit, buff
  195. details = Inspect.Buff.Detail(unit, buffs) -- table <- unit, table
  196. Parameters:
  197. buff: An identifier for the buff to retrieve detail for.
  198. buffs: A lookup table containing buff identifiers to retrieve details for.
  199. unit: The unit to inspect.
  200. Return values:
  201. detail: Detail table for a single buff.
  202. details: Detail tables for all requested buffs. The key is the buff ID, the value is the buff's detail table.
  203. Returned members:
  204. begin: The time the buff started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  205. caster: Unit ID of the buff's caster.
  206. curse: Signals that the buff is a curse.
  207. debuff: Signals that the buff is a debuff. If this is missing, then it's an actual buff.
  208. disease: Signals that the buff is a disease.
  209. duration: Duration of the buff in seconds.
  210. expired: Number of seconds the buff is past its expiration time. Generally indicates lag.
  211. icon: Resource filename of the buff's icon.
  212. name: Name of the buff.
  213. noncancelable: Signals that the buff cannot be voluntarily canceled. Does not show up for debuffs.
  214. poison: Signals that the buff is a poison.
  215. remaining: Time remaining on the buff, in seconds.
  216. stack: Number of stacks on the buff.
  217. Inspect.Buff.List
  218. Function documentation:
  219. List buffs on a unit.
  220. buffs = Inspect.Buff.List(unit) -- table <- unit
  221. Parameters:
  222. unit: The unit to inspect.
  223. Return values:
  224. buffs: A lookup table of the IDs of the buffs on the unit.
  225. Inspect.Documentation
  226. Function documentation:
  227. Provide documentation on items in the addon environment. Called with no parameters, it returns a table listing all documentation. Can provide both human-readable and computer-readable documentation.
  228. documentables = Inspect.Documentation() -- table <- void
  229. documentation = Inspect.Documentation(item) -- string <- variant
  230. documentation = Inspect.Documentation(item, parseable = false) -- string <- variant, boolean
  231. documentationTable = Inspect.Documentation(item, parseable = true) -- table <- variant, boolean
  232. Parameters:
  233. item: The item to get documentation on. May be either the item itself or a string identifier.
  234. parseable: Whether to return in a computer-readable format, as opposed to the normal human-readable format.
  235. Return values:
  236. documentables: List of all items that documentation can be retrieved for. In {["itemname"] = true} format.
  237. documentation: Documentation for the requested item.
  238. documentationTable: Computer-readable documentation for the requested item. Format may change without warning.
  239. Inspect.Mouse
  240. Function documentation:
  241. Returns information about the current mouse position and button state.
  242. results = Inspect.Mouse() -- table <- void
  243. Return values:
  244. results: Table containing the current mouse state. May include members x, y, Left, Right, Middle, Mouse4, Mouse5.
  245. Inspect.Shard
  246. Function documentation:
  247. Returns information about the current shard.
  248. shard = Inspect.Shard() -- table <- void
  249. Return values:
  250. shard: Table containing requested data.
  251. Returned members:
  252. name: The shard's name.
  253. Inspect.System.Language
  254. Function documentation:
  255. The client's current language.
  256. language = Inspect.System.Language() -- string <- void
  257. Return values:
  258. language: Current language. Valid values include "English", "French", "German", "Korean", "Russian".
  259. Inspect.Time.Frame
  260. Function documentation:
  261. The game time of the last frame. This function's return value will not change until the next frame.
  262. time = Inspect.Time.Frame() -- number <- void
  263. Return values:
  264. time: Time in seconds. Counted from an arbitrary point in the past. Guaranteed to be non-negative.
  265. Inspect.Time.Real
  266. Function documentation:
  267. A high-resolution realtime timer. Not measured in the same timespace as Inspect.Time.Frame.
  268. time = Inspect.Time.Real() -- number <- void
  269. Return values:
  270. time: Time in seconds. Counted from an arbitrary point in the past. Guaranteed to be non-negative.
  271. Inspect.Unit.Castbar
  272. Function documentation:
  273. Provides detailed information about a unit's castbar.
  274. detail = Inspect.Unit.Castbar(unit) -- table <- unit
  275. details = Inspect.Unit.Castbar(units) -- table <- table
  276. Parameters:
  277. unit: A unit, in either unit ID or unit specifier format.
  278. units: A lookup table containing units to inspect.
  279. Return values:
  280. detail: Detail table for a single castbar.
  281. details: Detail tables for all requested castbars. The key is the unit ID or unit specifier, the value is the castbar's detail table.
  282. Returned members:
  283. ability: ID of the ability being cast, if available.
  284. abilityName: Name of the ability being cast.
  285. begin: The time the cast started, in the context of Inspect.Time.Frame.
  286. channeled: True if this ability is channeled.
  287. duration: Duration of the cast in seconds.
  288. expired: Number of the seconds the cast is past its completion time. Generally indicates lag.
  289. remaining: Time remaining on the cast, in seconds.
  290. uninterruptible: Signals that the cast is not interruptible.
  291. Inspect.Unit.Detail
  292. Function documentation:
  293. Provides detailed information about a unit.
  294. detail = Inspect.Unit.Detail(unit) -- table <- unit
  295. details = Inspect.Unit.Detail(units) -- table <- table
  296. Parameters:
  297. unit: A unit, in either unit ID or unit specifier format.
  298. units: A lookup table containing units to inspect.
  299. Return values:
  300. detail: Detail table for a single unit.
  301. details: Detail tables for all requested units. The key is the unit ID or unit specifier, the value is the unit's detail table.
  302. Returned members:
  303. afk: Signals that the unit is AFK. Provided only for the player and the player's groupmembers.
  304. calling: The unit's calling. May be "mage", "rogue", "cleric", or "warrior".
  305. charge: The unit's charge. Provided only for the player.
  306. combo: The unit's combo points. Provided only for the player.
  307. comboUnit: The Unit ID of the unit that the combo points have been placed on. Provided only for the player.
  308. energy: The unit's energy.
  309. energyMax: The unit's maximum energy.
  310. guaranteedLoot: Signals that this unit guarantees loot on death. Shown in the user interface as a diamond above the portrait.
  311. guild: The unit's guild.
  312. health: The unit's health.
  313. healthCap: The unit's capped maximum health.
  314. healthMax: The unit's maximum health.
  315. level: The unit's level. May be "??" if the unit is hostile and very high-level.
  316. loot: The Unit ID that has looting rights to this corpse.
  317. mana: The unit's mana.
  318. manaMax: The unit's maximum mana.
  319. mark: The mark on this unit.
  320. name: The unit's name.
  321. nameSecondary: The unit's secondary name.
  322. offline: Signals that the unit is offline. Provided only for the player's groupmembers.
  323. planar: The unit's available planar charges. Provided only for the player.
  324. planarMax: The unit's maximum planar charges. Provided only for the player.
  325. player: Signals that the unit is a player, not an NPC.
  326. power: The unit's power.
  327. pvp: The unit's PvP flag.
  328. ready: The unit's readycheck status.
  329. relation: The unit's relation to you. May be "hostile" or "friendly". Neutral targets will not have this member.
  330. role: The unit's role. May be "tank", "heal", "dps", "support", or nil. Provided only for the player and the player's groupmembers.
  331. titlePrefix: The unit's title prefix.
  332. titleSuffix: The unit's title suffix.
  333. vitality: The unit's vitality. Provided only for the player.
  334. warfront: Signals that the unit has temporarily left the group to join a warfront. Provided only for groupmembers.
  335. Inspect.Unit.List
  336. Function documentation:
  337. Lists all the units that the client can see.
  338. list = Inspect.Unit.List() -- table <- void
  339. Return values:
  340. list: Map of unit ID to unit specifier. Units with multiple valid specs will have one chosen at random.
  341. Inspect.Unit.Lookup
  342. Function documentation:
  343. Converts unit IDs to unit specifiers and vice-versa.
  344. unit = Inspect.Unit.Lookup(unit) -- unit <- unit
  345. units = Inspect.Unit.Lookup(units) -- table <- table
  346. Parameters:
  347. unit: A single unit ID or unit specifier.
  348. units: A lookup table containing unit IDs and unit specifiers.
  349. Return values:
  350. unit: A unit ID or unit specifier, whichever is the opposite of the parameter given. May be nil.
  351. units: A lookup table of unit IDs and unit specifiers. The key is the input, the value is the result. Invalid inputs will not result in output entries.
  353. Commands:
  354. Command.Buff.Cancel
  355. Function documentation:
  356. Cancels a buff on the player. Not all buffs are cancelable.
  357. Command.Buff.Cancel(buff) -- buff
  358. Parameters:
  359. buff: The ID of the buff to cancel.
  360. Command.Slash.Register
  361. Function documentation:
  362. Registers a new chat slash command, inserts a new event table into the Event.Slash hierarchy, and returns that table. If called multiple times with the same slash command, will return the same table each time.
  363. eventTable = Command.Slash.Register(slashCommand) -- table <- string
  364. Parameters:
  365. slashCommand: The name of the slash command to register.
  366. Return values:
  367. eventTable: The event table for your slash command. nil if the slash command could not be registered (usually because it conflicts with a built-in slash command.)
  368. Command.System.Flash
  369. Function documentation:
  370. Controls the flashing of the Rift taskbar icon.
  371. Command.System.Flash(flash) -- boolean
  372. Parameters:
  373. flash: Whether the taskbar icon should flash or not.
  375. Utilities:
  376. Utility.Dispatch
  377. Function documentation:
  378. Calls a function, crediting that function's execution and errors to a specific addon. Errors will be handled by the standard error handler and not relayed to the caller. Does not return anything.
  379. Utility.Dispatch(func, identifier, info) -- function, string, string
  380. Parameters:
  381. func: The function to call.
  382. identifier: The identifier of the addon to credit execution time towards.
  383. info: An info string to be included in error reports.
  384. Utility.Event.Create
  385. Function documentation:
  386. Creates a custom event. Takes an identifier and an event path as parameters. Called with Create("Identifier", "The.Event.Path") the event table will end up at Event.Identifier.The.Event.Path, and will behave like a standard Rift event table in every way. Undefined behavior if given an identifier or a path that conflicts with a built-in Rift event or an existing addon event.
  387. handle, event = Utility.Event.Create(identifier, event) -- function, table <- string, string
  388. Parameters:
  389. event: The event's name. "." characters will be treated as hierarchy delimeters.
  390. identifier: The identifier of the addon creating this event.
  391. Return values:
  392. event: The resulting event table.
  393. handle: A handle used to trigger the event. Called with any selection of parameters, it will pass those parameters through to properly registered event handlers in order. Any errors caused by those event handlers will be caught and handled.
  394. Utility.Serialize.Inline
  395. Function documentation:
  396. Serializes a single parameter. Results in a string suitable for use as a parameter in Lua code. If the input is a table, it must not contain table cycles or non-tree structures.
  397. serialized = Utility.Serialize.Inline(element) -- string <- variant
  398. Parameters:
  399. element: Element to serialize.
  400. Return values:
  401. serialized: String containing serialized output. May be nil if there was an error with the input.
  403. Events:
  404. Event.Ability.Add
  405. Event documentation:
  406. Signals the addition of a player ability.
  407. Event.Ability.Add(abilities)
  408. Parameters:
  409. abilities: Lists the abilities that were added. Lookup table from ability ID to "true".
  410. Event.Ability.Cooldown.Begin
  411. Event documentation:
  412. Signals the start of an ability's cooldown.
  413. Event.Ability.Cooldown.Begin(cooldowns)
  414. Parameters:
  415. cooldowns: The abilities whose cooldown has been changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new cooldown. 0 indicates that the cooldown has finished.
  416. Event.Ability.Cooldown.End
  417. Event documentation:
  418. Signals the end of an ability's cooldown. All the values in the "cooldown" parameter will be 0.
  419. Event.Ability.Cooldown.End(cooldowns)
  420. Parameters:
  421. cooldowns: The abilities whose cooldown has been changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new cooldown. 0 indicates that the cooldown has finished.
  422. Event.Ability.Range.False
  423. Event documentation:
  424. Signals a player ability exiting range from its current target.
  425. Event.Ability.Range.False(abilities)
  426. Parameters:
  427. abilities: The abilities that have entered or exited range. The key is the ability ID, the value is whether they are currently in range.
  428. Event.Ability.Range.True
  429. Event documentation:
  430. Signals a player ability entering range from its current target.
  431. Event.Ability.Range.True(abilities)
  432. Parameters:
  433. abilities: The abilities that have entered or exited range. The key is the ability ID, the value is whether they are currently in range.
  434. Event.Ability.Remove
  435. Event documentation:
  436. Signals the removal of a player ability.
  437. Event.Ability.Remove(abilities)
  438. Parameters:
  439. abilities: Lists the abilities that were removed. Lookup table from ability ID to "false".
  440. Event.Ability.Target
  441. Event documentation:
  442. Signals a player ability changing its current target.
  443. Event.Ability.Target(abilities)
  444. Parameters:
  445. abilities: The abilities whose target has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new target.
  446. Event.Ability.Usable.False
  447. Event documentation:
  448. Signals a player ability becoming unusable.
  449. Event.Ability.Usable.False(abilities)
  450. Parameters:
  451. abilities: The abilities whose usability has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new usability.
  452. Event.Ability.Usable.True
  453. Event documentation:
  454. Signals a player ability becoming usable.
  455. Event.Ability.Usable.True(abilities)
  456. Parameters:
  457. abilities: The abilities whose usability has changed. The key is the ability ID, the value is the new usability.
  458. Event.Addon.Load.Begin
  459. Event documentation:
  460. Signals the beginning of an addon's loading sequence.
  461. Event.Addon.Load.Begin(addonidentifier)
  462. Parameters:
  463. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  464. Event.Addon.Load.End
  465. Event documentation:
  466. Signals the end of an addon's loading sequence. At this point, that addon is fully loaded and initialized.
  467. Event.Addon.Load.End(addonidentifier)
  468. Parameters:
  469. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  470. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.Begin
  471. Event documentation:
  472. Signals the beginning of an addon's saved variable loading.
  473. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.Begin(addonidentifier)
  474. Parameters:
  475. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  476. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.End
  477. Event documentation:
  478. Signals the end of an addon's saved variable load.
  479. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.End(addonidentifier)
  480. Parameters:
  481. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  482. (1 handler)
  483. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.Begin
  484. Event documentation:
  485. Signals the beginning of an addon's saved variable saving.
  486. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.Begin(addonidentifier)
  487. Parameters:
  488. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  489. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.End
  490. Event documentation:
  491. Signals the end of an addon's saved variable saving.
  492. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.End(addonidentifier)
  493. Parameters:
  494. addonidentifier: The addon's identifier.
  495. Event.Addon.Shutdown.Begin
  496. Event documentation:
  497. Signals the beginning of the shutdown sequence.
  498. Event.Addon.Shutdown.Begin()
  499. Event.Addon.Shutdown.End
  500. Event documentation:
  501. Signals the end of the shutdown sequence. This is the last event that will be sent.
  502. Event.Addon.Shutdown.End()
  503. Event.Addon.Startup.End
  504. Event documentation:
  505. Signals the end of the startup sequence. At this point, all addons are fully loaded and initialized.
  506. Event.Addon.Startup.End()
  507. Event.Buff.Add
  508. Event documentation:
  509. Signals new buffs on a unit.
  510. Event.Buff.Add(unit, buffs)
  511. Parameters:
  512. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  513. buffs: A lookup table containing the buffs involved.
  514. Event.Buff.Change
  515. Event documentation:
  516. Signals a change in existing buffs on a unit.
  517. Event.Buff.Change(unit, buffs)
  518. Parameters:
  519. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  520. buffs: A lookup table containing the buffs involved.
  521. Event.Buff.Remove
  522. Event documentation:
  523. Signals removal of buffs from a unit.
  524. Event.Buff.Remove(unit, buffs)
  525. Parameters:
  526. unit: The Unit ID of the unit involved.
  527. buffs: A lookup table containing the buffs involved.
  528. Event.Chat.Notify
  529. Event documentation:
  530. Signals a screen notification. This is generally used as a warning mechanism during boss fights.
  531. Event.Chat.Notify(info)
  532. Parameters:
  533. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  534. Parameter members:
  535. message: The text said.
  536. Event.Chat.Npc
  537. Event documentation:
  538. Signals an NPC speaking a line of text.
  539. Event.Chat.Npc(info)
  540. Parameters:
  541. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  542. Parameter members:
  543. from: The unit ID of the speaker, if available.
  544. fromName: The name of the speaker.
  545. message: The text said.
  546. Event.Combat.Damage
  547. Event documentation:
  548. Signals damage done to a unit.
  549. Event.Combat.Damage(info)
  550. Parameters:
  551. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  552. Parameter members:
  553. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  554. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  555. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  556. crit: Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
  557. damage: The amount of damage actually done.
  558. damageAbsorbed: The amount of damage absorbed.
  559. damageBlocked: The amount of damage blocked.
  560. damageIntercepted: The amount of damage intercepted.
  561. damageModified: The amount of damage modified.
  562. overkill: The amount of overkill done.
  563. target: The unit ID for the target.
  564. type: The damage type. Values include "life", "death", "air", "earth", "fire", "water".
  565. Event.Combat.Death
  566. Event documentation:
  567. Signals the death of a unit.
  568. Event.Combat.Death(info)
  569. Parameters:
  570. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  571. Parameter members:
  572. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  573. target: The unit ID for the target.
  574. Event.Combat.Dodge
  575. Event documentation:
  576. Signals a unit dodging an ability.
  577. Event.Combat.Dodge(info)
  578. Parameters:
  579. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  580. Parameter members:
  581. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  582. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  583. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  584. target: The unit ID for the target.
  585. Event.Combat.Heal
  586. Event documentation:
  587. Signals healing done to a unit.
  588. Event.Combat.Heal(info)
  589. Parameters:
  590. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  591. Parameter members:
  592. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  593. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  594. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  595. crit: Whether this was the result of a critical hit.
  596. heal: The amount healed.
  597. overheal: The amount of healing past maximum health wasted.
  598. target: The unit ID for the target.
  599. Event.Combat.Immune
  600. Event documentation:
  601. Signals a unit resisting an ability through immunity.
  602. Event.Combat.Immune(info)
  603. Parameters:
  604. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  605. Parameter members:
  606. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  607. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  608. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  609. target: The unit ID for the target.
  610. Event.Combat.Miss
  611. Event documentation:
  612. Signals an ability's effect missing a unit.
  613. Event.Combat.Miss(info)
  614. Parameters:
  615. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  616. Parameter members:
  617. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  618. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  619. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  620. target: The unit ID for the target.
  621. Event.Combat.Parry
  622. Event documentation:
  623. Signals a unit parrying an ability.
  624. Event.Combat.Parry(info)
  625. Parameters:
  626. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  627. Parameter members:
  628. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  629. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  630. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  631. target: The unit ID for the target.
  632. Event.Combat.Resist
  633. Event documentation:
  634. Signals a unit resisting an ability.
  635. Event.Combat.Resist(info)
  636. Parameters:
  637. info: Detailed information table about this event, containing several named parameters.
  638. Parameter members:
  639. ability: The ability ID for the ability used, if available.
  640. abilityName: The name of the ability used.
  641. caster: The unit ID for this event's initiator, if one exists.
  642. target: The unit ID for the target.
  643. Event.Slash (category for dynamically-created events)
  644. Event.Slash.dump
  645. (Slash event documentation TBI)
  646. (1 handler)
  647. Event.Slash.eventlog
  648. (Slash event documentation TBI)
  649. Event.System.Error
  650. Event documentation:
  651. Signals that an addon error has occurred. To prevent infinite loops, errors in handlers for this event may not result in further events being triggered.
  652. Event.System.Error(error)
  653. Parameters:
  654. error: Table containing error data.
  655. Parameter members:
  656. addon: The identifier of the responsible addon. Used in error types event, frameEvent, dispatch, fileNotFound, fileLoad, and fileRun.
  657. error: The actual error message generated. Used in error types event, frameEvent, script, dispatch, fileLoad, and fileRun.
  658. event: The name of the event responsible. Used in error types event, frameEvent, and internal.
  659. file: The name of the file responsible. Used in error types fileNotFound, fileLoad, and fileRun.
  660. frame: The name of the frame that the event was generated on. Used in error type frameEvent.
  661. info: The info string provided as part of the event handler. Used in error types event and dispatch.
  662. script: The exact script entered by the user. Used in error type script.
  663. stacktrace: The stacktrace at the point of the error. Used in error types event, frameEvent, script, dispatch, and fileRun.
  664. type: Error type. "event" indicates an error within a global event handler. "frameEvent" indicates an error within a frame event handler. "script" indicates an error within a user-entered /script. "dispatch" indicates an error within a Utility.Dispatch handler. "internal" indicates an error within Rift's code (hopefully you'll never see this). "fileNotFound" indicates a missing file when attempting to load an addon. "fileLoad" indicates a parse failure when attempting to load an addon. "fileRun" indicates an execution error when attempting to load an addon.
  665. (1 handler)
  666. Event.System.Secure.Enter
  667. Event documentation:
  668. Signals that the system is entering Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to entering combat. Functions that may not be called in Secure mode will be locked after this event is complete.
  669. Event.System.Secure.Enter()
  670. Event.System.Secure.Leave
  671. Event documentation:
  672. Signals that the system is leaving Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to leaving combat. Functions that may not be called in Secure mode are unlocked just before this event fires.
  673. Event.System.Secure.Leave()
  674. Event.System.Update.Begin
  675. Event documentation:
  676. Signals the beginning of a frame render. This is your last chance to make UI changes for this frame.
  677. Event.System.Update.Begin()
  678. Event.System.Update.End
  679. Event documentation:
  680. Signals the end of a frame render.
  681. Event.System.Update.End()
  682. (1 handler)
  683. Event.Unit.Add
  684. Event documentation:
  685. Signals the addition of units to unit specifiers. Always preceded by Event.Unit.Change.Remove. Triggers for unit IDs that have been removed from the specifier tree, but may not trigger for any children of those units. You may want to use LibUnitChange instead of this event.
  686. Event.Unit.Add(units)
  687. Parameters:
  688. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  689. Event.Unit.Available
  690. Event documentation:
  691. Signals the availability of Inspect.Unit.Detail.
  692. Event.Unit.Available(units)
  693. Parameters:
  694. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  695. Event.Unit.Castbar
  696. Event documentation:
  697. Signals a unit's castbar changing.
  698. Event.Unit.Castbar(units)
  699. Parameters:
  700. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is a castbar visibility flag.
  701. Event.Unit.Detail.Afk
  702. Event documentation:
  703. Signals a unit's AFK flag changing. Will only trigger for partymembers.
  704. Event.Unit.Detail.Afk(units)
  705. Parameters:
  706. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  707. Event.Unit.Detail.Charge
  708. Event documentation:
  709. Signals a unit's charge changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  710. Event.Unit.Detail.Charge(units)
  711. Parameters:
  712. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  713. Event.Unit.Detail.Combo
  714. Event documentation:
  715. Signals a unit's combo points changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  716. Event.Unit.Detail.Combo(units)
  717. Parameters:
  718. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  719. Event.Unit.Detail.ComboUnit
  720. Event documentation:
  721. Signals a unit's combo point target changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  722. Event.Unit.Detail.ComboUnit(units)
  723. Parameters:
  724. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  725. Event.Unit.Detail.Energy
  726. Event documentation:
  727. Signals a unit's energy changing.
  728. Event.Unit.Detail.Energy(units)
  729. Parameters:
  730. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  731. Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMax
  732. Event documentation:
  733. Signals a unit's energy maximum changing.
  734. Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMax(units)
  735. Parameters:
  736. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  737. Event.Unit.Detail.Guild
  738. Event documentation:
  739. Signals a unit's guild changing.
  740. Event.Unit.Detail.Guild(units)
  741. Parameters:
  742. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  743. Event.Unit.Detail.Health
  744. Event documentation:
  745. Signals a unit's health changing.
  746. Event.Unit.Detail.Health(units)
  747. Parameters:
  748. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  749. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCap
  750. Event documentation:
  751. Signals a unit's health cap changing.
  752. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCap(units)
  753. Parameters:
  754. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  755. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMax
  756. Event documentation:
  757. Signals a unit's health maximum changing.
  758. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMax(units)
  759. Parameters:
  760. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  761. Event.Unit.Detail.Level
  762. Event documentation:
  763. Signals a unit's level changing.
  764. Event.Unit.Detail.Level(units)
  765. Parameters:
  766. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  767. Event.Unit.Detail.Mana
  768. Event documentation:
  769. Signals a unit's mana changing.
  770. Event.Unit.Detail.Mana(units)
  771. Parameters:
  772. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  773. Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMax
  774. Event documentation:
  775. Signals a unit's mana maximum changing.
  776. Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMax(units)
  777. Parameters:
  778. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  779. Event.Unit.Detail.Mark
  780. Event documentation:
  781. Signals a unit's mark changing.
  782. Event.Unit.Detail.Mark(units)
  783. Parameters:
  784. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  785. Event.Unit.Detail.Name
  786. Event documentation:
  787. Signals a unit's name changing.
  788. Event.Unit.Detail.Name(units)
  789. Parameters:
  790. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  791. Event.Unit.Detail.Offline
  792. Event documentation:
  793. Signals a unit's offline flag changing. Will only trigger for partymembers.
  794. Event.Unit.Detail.Offline(units)
  795. Parameters:
  796. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  797. Event.Unit.Detail.Planar
  798. Event documentation:
  799. Signals a unit's planar charges changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  800. Event.Unit.Detail.Planar(units)
  801. Parameters:
  802. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  803. Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMax
  804. Event documentation:
  805. Signals a unit's maximum planar charges changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  806. Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMax(units)
  807. Parameters:
  808. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  809. Event.Unit.Detail.Power
  810. Event documentation:
  811. Signals a unit's power changing.
  812. Event.Unit.Detail.Power(units)
  813. Parameters:
  814. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  815. Event.Unit.Detail.Pvp
  816. Event documentation:
  817. Signals a unit's PvP flag changing.
  818. Event.Unit.Detail.Pvp(units)
  819. Parameters:
  820. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  821. Event.Unit.Detail.Role
  822. Event documentation:
  823. Signals a unit's role changing. Will only trigger for the player or partymembers.
  824. Event.Unit.Detail.Role(units)
  825. Parameters:
  826. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  827. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefix
  828. Event documentation:
  829. Signals a unit's title prefix changing.
  830. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefix(units)
  831. Parameters:
  832. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  833. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffix
  834. Event documentation:
  835. Signals a unit's title suffix changing.
  836. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffix(units)
  837. Parameters:
  838. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value, or "false" in place of nil.
  839. Event.Unit.Detail.Vitality
  840. Event documentation:
  841. Signals a unit's vitality changing. Will only trigger for the player's unit ID.
  842. Event.Unit.Detail.Vitality(units)
  843. Parameters:
  844. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  845. Event.Unit.Detail.Warfront
  846. Event documentation:
  847. Signals a unit's warfront flag changing. Will only trigger for partymembers.
  848. Event.Unit.Detail.Warfront(units)
  849. Parameters:
  850. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the new value.
  851. Event.Unit.Remove
  852. Event documentation:
  853. Signals the removal of units from unit specifiers. Always followed by Event.Unit.Change.Add. Triggers for unit IDs that have been removed from the specifier tree, but may not trigger for any children of those units. You may want to use LibUnitChange instead of this event.
  854. Event.Unit.Remove(units)
  855. Parameters:
  856. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  857. Event.Unit.Unavailable
  858. Event documentation:
  859. Signals the unavailability of Inspect.Unit.Detail.
  860. Event.Unit.Unavailable(units)
  861. Parameters:
  862. units: Table of the units changed. Key is the unit ID, value is the unit specifier, or "false" if the unit now has no specifier.
  864. UI:
  865. Layout:
  866. Members:
  867. GetBottom
  868. Function documentation:
  869. Retrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  870. bottom = Layout:GetBottom() -- number <- void
  871. Return values:
  872. bottom: The Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  873. GetBounds
  874. Function documentation:
  875. Retrieves the complete bounds of this element.
  876. left, top, right, bottom = Layout:GetBounds() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  877. Return values:
  878. bottom: The Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
  879. left: The X position of the left edge of this element.
  880. right: The X position of the right edge of this element.
  881. top: The Y position of the top edge of this element.
  882. GetEventTable
  883. Function documentation:
  884. Retrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
  885. eventTable = Layout:GetEventTable() -- table <- void
  886. Return values:
  887. eventTable: The event table of this element.
  888. GetHeight
  889. Function documentation:
  890. Retrieves the height of this element.
  891. height = Layout:GetHeight() -- number <- void
  892. Return values:
  893. height: The height of this element.
  894. GetLeft
  895. Function documentation:
  896. Retrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
  897. left = Layout:GetLeft() -- number <- void
  898. Return values:
  899. left: The X position of the left edge of this element.
  900. GetName
  901. Function documentation:
  902. Retrieves the name of this element.
  903. name = Layout:GetName() -- string <- void
  904. Return values:
  905. name: The name of this element, as provided by the addon that created it.
  906. GetOwner
  907. Function documentation:
  908. Retrieves the owner of this element.
  909. owner = Layout:GetOwner() -- string <- void
  910. Return values:
  911. owner: The owner of this element. Given as an addon identifier.
  912. GetRight
  913. Function documentation:
  914. Retrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
  915. right = Layout:GetRight() -- number <- void
  916. Return values:
  917. right: The X position of the right edge of this element.
  918. GetTop
  919. Function documentation:
  920. Retrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
  921. top = Layout:GetTop() -- number <- void
  922. Return values:
  923. top: The Y position of the top edge of this element.
  924. GetWidth
  925. Function documentation:
  926. Retrieves the width of this element.
  927. width = Layout:GetWidth() -- number <- void
  928. Return values:
  929. width: The width of this element.
  930. ReadAll
  931. Function documentation:
  932. Read all set points and sizes from this frame.
  933. results = Layout:ReadAll() -- table <- void
  934. Return values:
  935. results: Result table. Contains data in the following format: {x = {size = (size), [(position)] = {layout = (layout), position = (position), offset = (offset)}}, y = (the same thing)}.
  936. ReadHeight
  937. Function documentation:
  938. Read a set height from this frame.
  939. height = Layout:ReadHeight() -- number <- void
  940. Return values:
  941. height: The parameter passed to SetHeight(), or nil if no such parameter has been passed.
  942. ReadPoint
  943. Function documentation:
  944. Read a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
  945. layout, position, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(coordinate) -- Layout, number, number <- string
  946. layout, position, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(x, y) -- Layout, number, number <- number/nil, number/nil
  947. origin, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(coordinate) -- string, number <- string
  948. origin, offset = Layout:ReadPoint(x, y) -- string, number <- number/nil, number/nil
  949. Parameters:
  950. coordinate: Named coordinate. Must be a one-axis coordinate.
  951. x: X coordinate of the point. Either this or Y must be nil.
  952. y: Y coordinate of the point. Either this or X must be nil.
  953. Return values:
  954. layout: The table that this point is pinned to.
  955. offset: The offset in pixels from the source location to the actual location.
  956. origin: The string "origin".
  957. position: The position on "layout" that this point is pinned. 0 refers to the top or left edge, 1 refers to the bottom or right edge.
  958. ReadWidth
  959. Function documentation:
  960. Read a set width from this frame.
  961. width = Layout:ReadWidth() -- number <- void
  962. Return values:
  963. width: The parameter passed to SetWidth(), or nil if no such parameter has been passed.
  964. Events:
  965. Move
  966. Frame event documentation:
  967. Signals that the frame's vertices have moved.
  968. Layout.Event:Move()
  969. Size
  970. Frame event documentation:
  971. Signals that the frame's size has changed.
  972. Layout.Event:Size()
  973. Frame: Inherits from Layout
  974. Members:
  975. ClearAll
  976. Function documentation:
  977. Clear all set points and sizes from this frame.
  978. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  979. Frame:ClearAll() -- void
  980. ClearHeight
  981. Function documentation:
  982. Clear a set height from this frame.
  983. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  984. Frame:ClearHeight() -- void
  985. ClearPoint
  986. Function documentation:
  987. Clear a set point from this frame.
  988. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  989. Frame:ClearPoint(coordinate) -- string
  990. Frame:ClearPoint(x, y) -- number/nil, number/nil
  991. Parameters:
  992. coordinate: Named coordinate.
  993. x: X coordinate of the point.
  994. y: Y coordinate of the point.
  995. ClearWidth
  996. Function documentation:
  997. Clear a set width from this frame.
  998. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  999. Frame:ClearWidth() -- void
  1000. GetAlpha
  1001. Function documentation:
  1002. Gets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
  1003. alpha = Frame:GetAlpha() -- number <- void
  1004. Return values:
  1005. alpha: The alpha multiplier of this frame. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. This does not include multiplied alphas from this frame's parent - it's the exact value passed to SetAlpha.
  1006. GetBackgroundColor
  1007. Function documentation:
  1008. Retrieves the background color of this frame.
  1009. r, g, b, a = Frame:GetBackgroundColor() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  1010. Return values:
  1011. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  1012. b: Blue.
  1013. g: Green.
  1014. r: Red.
  1015. GetKeyFocus
  1016. Function documentation:
  1017. Gets the key focus status.
  1018. focus = Frame:GetKeyFocus() -- boolean <- void
  1019. Return values:
  1020. focus: Whether this frame is the current key focus.
  1021. GetLayer
  1022. Function documentation:
  1023. Gets the frame's layer order.
  1024. layer = Frame:GetLayer() -- number <- void
  1025. Return values:
  1026. layer: The render layer of this frame. See Frame:SetLayer for details.
  1027. GetMouseMasking
  1028. Function documentation:
  1029. Get the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
  1030. mask = Frame:GetMouseMasking() -- string <- void
  1031. Return values:
  1032. mask: The current mouse masking mode.
  1033. GetMouseoverUnit
  1034. Function documentation:
  1035. Gets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
  1036. unit = Frame:GetMouseoverUnit() -- string <- void
  1037. Return values:
  1038. unit: The current mouseover unit. May be nil if there is no mouseover unit.
  1039. GetParent
  1040. Function documentation:
  1041. Gets the parent of this frame.
  1042. parent = Frame:GetParent() -- Frame <- void
  1043. Return values:
  1044. parent: The parent element of this frame.
  1045. GetSecureMode
  1046. Function documentation:
  1047. Get the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
  1048. secure = Frame:GetSecureMode() -- string <- void
  1049. Return values:
  1050. secure: The current secure mode.
  1051. GetVisible
  1052. Function documentation:
  1053. Gets the visibility flag for this frame.
  1054. visible = Frame:GetVisible() -- boolean <- void
  1055. Return values:
  1056. visible: This frame's visibility flag, as set by SetVisible. Does not check the visibility flags of the frame's parents.
  1057. SetAllPoints
  1058. Function documentation:
  1059. Pins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaults to this frame's parent.
  1060. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1061. Frame:SetAllPoints() -- void
  1062. Frame:SetAllPoints(target) -- Layout
  1063. Parameters:
  1064. target: Target Layout to pin this frame's edges to.
  1065. SetAlpha
  1066. Function documentation:
  1067. Sets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
  1068. Frame:SetAlpha(alpha) -- number
  1069. Parameters:
  1070. alpha: The new alpha multiplier. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  1071. SetBackgroundColor
  1072. Function documentation:
  1073. Sets the background color of this frame.
  1074. Frame:SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b) -- number, number, number
  1075. Frame:SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b, a) -- number, number, number, number
  1076. Parameters:
  1077. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. Defaults to 1.
  1078. b: Blue.
  1079. g: Green.
  1080. r: Red.
  1081. SetHeight
  1082. Function documentation:
  1083. Sets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
  1084. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1085. Frame:SetHeight(height) -- number
  1086. Parameters:
  1087. height: The new height of this frame.
  1088. SetKeyFocus
  1089. Function documentation:
  1090. Sets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on another frame will automatically unset the current focus.
  1091. Frame:SetKeyFocus(focus) -- boolean
  1092. Parameters:
  1093. focus: The new key focus setting.
  1094. SetLayer
  1095. Function documentation:
  1096. Sets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order. If two frames have the same layer number, then the order of those frames is undefined, but stable during a single play session. Frames are always drawn after their parents.
  1097. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1098. Frame:SetLayer(layer) -- number
  1099. Parameters:
  1100. layer: The new layer for this frame.
  1101. SetMouseMasking
  1102. Function documentation:
  1103. Sets the frame's mouse masking mode.
  1104. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1105. Frame:SetMouseMasking(mask) -- string
  1106. Parameters:
  1107. mask: The new mouse masking mode. "full" is the standard mode, and means that creating any Left, Right, or movement-related mouse event will cause the frame to accept and consume any event from any of those types. "limited" causes the frame to accept and consume only events for buttons that have been hooked, so that hooking "LeftDown" will still pass Right mouse events through the frame. Note that hooking any keypress event will still consume MouseMove/In/Out events.
  1108. SetMouseoverUnit
  1109. Function documentation:
  1110. Sets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
  1111. Permitted only on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is not secured.
  1112. Frame:SetMouseoverUnit(unit) -- string
  1113. Frame:SetMouseoverUnit(unit) -- nil
  1114. Parameters:
  1115. unit: The new mouseover unit. May be a unit ID or a unit specifier. Pass in nil to disable the mouseover effect.
  1116. SetParent
  1117. Function documentation:
  1118. Sets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame's secure mode is "restricted", then its parent must also have a secure mode of "restricted".
  1119. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1120. Frame:SetParent(parent) -- FrameReadonly
  1121. Parameters:
  1122. parent: The new parent for this frame.
  1123. SetPoint
  1124. Function documentation:
  1125. Pins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and you should look at examples to see how to use it.
  1126. This function can take many different forms. In general, it looks like this: SetPoint(point_on_this_frame, target_frame, point_on_target_frame [, x_offset, y_offset]).
  1127. The first part is the point on this frame that will be attached. Usually, these are string identifiers. "TOPLEFT", "TOPCENTER", "TOPRIGHT", "CENTERLEFT", "CENTER", "CENTERRIGHT", "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMCENTER", "BOTTOMRIGHT". You may also use a string identifier that refers to a single axis - "TOP", "BOTTOM", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "CENTERX", "CENTERY". If you want more direct numeric control you can use number pairs. 0,0 is equivalent to "TOPLEFT", 1,1 is equivalent to "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0.5,nil is equivalent to "CENTERX".
  1128. The second part is the frame to attach to, as well as the point on that frame to attach to. The frame is simply passing in the frame table. The point is the same identifier or number pair as the first parameter.
  1129. Optionally, you may include an X or Y offset to the point.
  1130. This connection is permanent, and if the target frame moves, this frame will move along with it.
  1131. Caveat: If the target is a frame set to the "restricted" SecureMode, and the client is currently in "secure" mode, then unexpected behavior may occur.
  1132. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1133. Frame:SetPoint(...) -- ...
  1134. Parameters:
  1135. ...: This function's parameters are complicated. More details will be forthcoming.
  1136. SetSecureMode
  1137. Function documentation:
  1138. Sets the frame's secure mode.
  1139. "normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to be used and does not restrict frames in combat. "restricted" allows for certain sensitive functions to be called, but disables a significant amount of functionality in combat. In order to change a frame to "restricted", its parent must already be "restricted". Note that a "restricted" frame can still have "normal" children.
  1140. If you are not planning to use any restricted functions, your frame should remain in normal mode.
  1141. Frame:SetSecureMode(secure) -- string
  1142. Parameters:
  1143. secure: The new secure mode. Valid inputs are "normal" and "restricted".
  1144. SetVisible
  1145. Function documentation:
  1146. Sets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not be rendered or accept mouse input.
  1147. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1148. Frame:SetVisible(visible) -- boolean
  1149. Parameters:
  1150. visible: The new visibility flag.
  1151. SetWidth
  1152. Function documentation:
  1153. Sets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
  1154. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1155. Frame:SetWidth(width) -- number
  1156. Parameters:
  1157. width: The new width of this frame.
  1158. Events:
  1159. KeyDown
  1160. Frame event documentation:
  1161. Signals a key pressed.
  1162. Frame.Event:KeyDown(button)
  1163. Parameters:
  1164. button: The key, in string form.
  1165. KeyFocusGain
  1166. Frame event documentation:
  1167. Signals gaining key focus.
  1168. Frame.Event:KeyFocusGain()
  1169. KeyFocusLoss
  1170. Frame event documentation:
  1171. Signals losing key focus.
  1172. Frame.Event:KeyFocusLoss()
  1173. KeyType
  1174. Frame event documentation:
  1175. Signals text typed.
  1176. Frame.Event:KeyType(typed)
  1177. Parameters:
  1178. typed: The text.
  1179. KeyUp
  1180. Frame event documentation:
  1181. Signals a key released.
  1182. Frame.Event:KeyUp(button)
  1183. Parameters:
  1184. button: The key, in string form.
  1185. LeftClick
  1186. Frame event documentation:
  1187. Signals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block right mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1188. Frame.Event:LeftClick()
  1189. LeftDown
  1190. Frame event documentation:
  1191. Signals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block right mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1192. Frame.Event:LeftDown()
  1193. LeftUp
  1194. Frame event documentation:
  1195. Signals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block right mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1196. Frame.Event:LeftUp()
  1197. LeftUpoutside
  1198. Frame event documentation:
  1199. Signals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message. Blocks left mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block right mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1200. Frame.Event:LeftUpoutside()
  1201. MiddleClick
  1202. Frame event documentation:
  1203. Signals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse events from frames below this one.
  1204. Frame.Event:MiddleClick()
  1205. MiddleDown
  1206. Frame event documentation:
  1207. Signals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse events from frames below this one.
  1208. Frame.Event:MiddleDown()
  1209. MiddleUp
  1210. Frame event documentation:
  1211. Signals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse events from frames below this one.
  1212. Frame.Event:MiddleUp()
  1213. MiddleUpoutside
  1214. Frame event documentation:
  1215. Signals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message. Blocks middle mouse events from frames below this one.
  1216. Frame.Event:MiddleUpoutside()
  1217. Mouse4Click
  1218. Frame event documentation:
  1219. Signals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1220. Frame.Event:Mouse4Click()
  1221. Mouse4Down
  1222. Frame event documentation:
  1223. Signals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1224. Frame.Event:Mouse4Down()
  1225. Mouse4Up
  1226. Frame event documentation:
  1227. Signals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1228. Frame.Event:Mouse4Up()
  1229. Mouse4Upoutside
  1230. Frame event documentation:
  1231. Signals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message. Blocks fourth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1232. Frame.Event:Mouse4Upoutside()
  1233. Mouse5Click
  1234. Frame event documentation:
  1235. Signals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1236. Frame.Event:Mouse5Click()
  1237. Mouse5Down
  1238. Frame event documentation:
  1239. Signals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1240. Frame.Event:Mouse5Down()
  1241. Mouse5Up
  1242. Frame event documentation:
  1243. Signals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1244. Frame.Event:Mouse5Up()
  1245. Mouse5Upoutside
  1246. Frame event documentation:
  1247. Signals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message. Blocks fifth button mouse events from frames below this one.
  1248. Frame.Event:Mouse5Upoutside()
  1249. MouseIn
  1250. Frame event documentation:
  1251. Signals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left and right events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1252. Frame.Event:MouseIn()
  1253. MouseMove
  1254. Frame event documentation:
  1255. Signals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left and right events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1256. Frame.Event:MouseMove(x, y)
  1257. Parameters:
  1258. x: X coordinate.
  1259. y: Y coordinate.
  1260. MouseOut
  1261. Frame event documentation:
  1262. Signals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left and right events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1263. Frame.Event:MouseOut()
  1264. RightClick
  1265. Frame event documentation:
  1266. Signals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1267. Frame.Event:RightClick()
  1268. RightDown
  1269. Frame event documentation:
  1270. Signals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1271. Frame.Event:RightDown()
  1272. RightUp
  1273. Frame event documentation:
  1274. Signals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1275. Frame.Event:RightUp()
  1276. RightUpoutside
  1277. Frame event documentation:
  1278. Signals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message. Blocks right mouse events and mouse movement events from frames below this one. May block left mouse events depending on the MouseMasking mode.
  1279. Frame.Event:RightUpoutside()
  1280. WheelBack
  1281. Frame event documentation:
  1282. Signals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events from frames below this one.
  1283. Frame.Event:WheelBack()
  1284. WheelForward
  1285. Frame event documentation:
  1286. Signals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events from frames below this one.
  1287. Frame.Event:WheelForward()
  1288. Context: Inherits from Frame
  1289. Members:
  1290. (No extra members)
  1291. Events:
  1292. (No extra events)
  1293. Mask: Inherits from Frame
  1294. Members:
  1295. (No extra members)
  1296. Events:
  1297. (No extra events)
  1298. Text: Inherits from Frame
  1299. Members:
  1300. GetFont
  1301. Function documentation:
  1302. Gets the current font used for this element.
  1303. source, font = Text:GetFont() -- string, string <- void
  1304. Return values:
  1305. font: The actual font identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  1306. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  1307. GetFontColor
  1308. Function documentation:
  1309. Gets the current font color for this element.
  1310. r, g, b, a = Text:GetFontColor() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  1311. Return values:
  1312. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent.
  1313. b: Blue.
  1314. g: Green.
  1315. r: Red.
  1316. GetFontSize
  1317. Function documentation:
  1318. Gets the font size of the current element.
  1319. fontsize = Text:GetFontSize() -- number <- void
  1320. Return values:
  1321. fontsize: The current font size of this element.
  1322. GetFullHeight
  1323. Function documentation:
  1324. Get the height that would be required for this element to display all lines of text.
  1325. height = Text:GetFullHeight() -- number <- void
  1326. Return values:
  1327. height: The element height needed to display all lines of text.
  1328. GetFullWidth
  1329. Function documentation:
  1330. Get the width that would be required for this element to avoid word wrapping or truncation.
  1331. width = Text:GetFullWidth() -- number <- void
  1332. Return values:
  1333. width: The element width needed to avoid word wrapping or truncation.
  1334. GetText
  1335. Function documentation:
  1336. Get the current text for this element.
  1337. text = Text:GetText() -- string <- void
  1338. Return values:
  1339. text: The current text of the element.
  1340. GetWordwrap
  1341. Function documentation:
  1342. Gets the wordwrap flag for this element.
  1343. wordwrap = Text:GetWordwrap() -- boolean <- void
  1344. Return values:
  1345. wordwrap: The current wordwrap flag for this element. If false, long lines will be truncated. Defaults to false.
  1346. ResizeToText
  1347. Function documentation:
  1348. Sets the element's width and height to display all text without wordwrapping or truncation.
  1349. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1350. Text:ResizeToText() -- void
  1351. SetFont
  1352. Function documentation:
  1353. Sets the current font used for this element.
  1354. Text:SetFont(source, font) -- string, string
  1355. Parameters:
  1356. font: The actual font identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  1357. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  1358. SetFontColor
  1359. Function documentation:
  1360. Sets the current font color for this element.
  1361. Text:SetFontColor(r, g, b) -- number, number, number
  1362. Text:SetFontColor(r, g, b, a) -- number, number, number, number
  1363. Parameters:
  1364. a: Alpha. 1 is fully opaque, 0 is fully transparent. Defaults to 1.
  1365. b: Blue.
  1366. g: Green.
  1367. r: Red.
  1368. SetFontSize
  1369. Function documentation:
  1370. Sets the current font size of this element.
  1371. Text:SetFontSize(fontsize) -- number
  1372. Parameters:
  1373. fontsize: The new font size of this element.
  1374. SetText
  1375. Function documentation:
  1376. Sets the current text for this element.
  1377. Text:SetText(text) -- string
  1378. Parameters:
  1379. text: The new text for the element.
  1380. SetWordwrap
  1381. Function documentation:
  1382. Sets the wordwrap flag for this element.
  1383. Text:SetWordwrap(wordwrap) -- boolean
  1384. Parameters:
  1385. wordwrap: The new wordwrap flag for this element. If false, long lines will be truncated. Defaults to false.
  1386. Events:
  1387. (No extra events)
  1388. Texture: Inherits from Frame
  1389. Members:
  1390. GetTexture
  1391. Function documentation:
  1392. Gets the current texture used for this element.
  1393. source, texture = Texture:GetTexture() -- string, string <- void
  1394. Return values:
  1395. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  1396. texture: The actual texture identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  1397. GetTextureHeight
  1398. Function documentation:
  1399. Returns the actual pixel height of the current texture.
  1400. height = Texture:GetTextureHeight() -- number <- void
  1401. Return values:
  1402. height: The height of the current texture in pixels.
  1403. GetTextureWidth
  1404. Function documentation:
  1405. Returns the actual pixel width of the current texture.
  1406. width = Texture:GetTextureWidth() -- number <- void
  1407. Return values:
  1408. width: The width of the current texture in pixels.
  1409. ResizeToTexture
  1410. Function documentation:
  1411. Sets the element's width and height to the exact pixel size of the texture.
  1412. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1413. Texture:ResizeToTexture() -- void
  1414. SetTexture
  1415. Function documentation:
  1416. Sets the current texture used for this element.
  1417. Texture:SetTexture(source, texture) -- string, string
  1418. Parameters:
  1419. source: The source of the resource. "Rift" will take the resource from Rift's internal data. Anything else will take the resource from the addon with that identifier.
  1420. texture: The actual texture identifier. Either a resource identifier or a filename.
  1421. Events:
  1422. (No extra events)
  1423. RiftButton: Inherits from Frame
  1424. Members:
  1425. GetDefaultHeight
  1426. Function documentation:
  1427. Returns the default height of Rift buttons.
  1428. height = RiftButton:GetDefaultHeight() -- number <- void
  1429. Return values:
  1430. height: Default button height.
  1431. GetDefaultWidth
  1432. Function documentation:
  1433. Returns the default width of Rift buttons.
  1434. width = RiftButton:GetDefaultWidth() -- number <- void
  1435. Return values:
  1436. width: Default button width.
  1437. GetEnabled
  1438. Function documentation:
  1439. Gets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
  1440. enabled = RiftButton:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  1441. Return values:
  1442. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  1443. GetText
  1444. Function documentation:
  1445. Gets this button's text.
  1446. text = RiftButton:GetText() -- string <- void
  1447. Return values:
  1448. text: The current text of the element.
  1449. ResizeToDefault
  1450. Function documentation:
  1451. Resizes this button to its default width and height.
  1452. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1453. RiftButton:ResizeToDefault() -- void
  1454. SetEnabled
  1455. Function documentation:
  1456. Sets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
  1457. RiftButton:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  1458. Parameters:
  1459. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  1460. SetText
  1461. Function documentation:
  1462. Sets this button's text.
  1463. RiftButton:SetText(text) -- string
  1464. Parameters:
  1465. text: The new text for the element.
  1466. Events:
  1467. LeftPress
  1468. Frame event documentation:
  1469. Signals that the button has been pressed. Equivalent to LeftClick, but only triggered while the button is enabled.
  1470. RiftButton.Event:LeftPress()
  1471. RiftCheckbox: Inherits from Frame
  1472. Members:
  1473. GetChecked
  1474. Function documentation:
  1475. Gets whether the button is checked or not.
  1476. checked = RiftCheckbox:GetChecked() -- boolean <- void
  1477. Return values:
  1478. checked: The current checked state of this item.
  1479. GetDefaultHeight
  1480. Function documentation:
  1481. Returns the default height of Rift checkboxes.
  1482. height = RiftCheckbox:GetDefaultHeight() -- number <- void
  1483. Return values:
  1484. height: Default button height.
  1485. GetDefaultWidth
  1486. Function documentation:
  1487. Returns the default width of Rift checkboxes.
  1488. width = RiftCheckbox:GetDefaultWidth() -- number <- void
  1489. Return values:
  1490. width: Default button width.
  1491. GetEnabled
  1492. Function documentation:
  1493. Gets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
  1494. enabled = RiftCheckbox:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  1495. Return values:
  1496. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  1497. ResizeToDefault
  1498. Function documentation:
  1499. Resizes this checkbox to its default width and height.
  1500. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1501. RiftCheckbox:ResizeToDefault() -- void
  1502. SetChecked
  1503. Function documentation:
  1504. Sets whether the checkbox is checked or not.
  1505. RiftCheckbox:SetChecked(checked) -- boolean
  1506. Parameters:
  1507. checked: The new checked state of this item.
  1508. SetEnabled
  1509. Function documentation:
  1510. Sets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
  1511. RiftCheckbox:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  1512. Parameters:
  1513. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  1514. Events:
  1515. CheckboxChange
  1516. Frame event documentation:
  1517. Signals that the checkbox's checked state has changed.
  1518. RiftCheckbox.Event:CheckboxChange()
  1519. RiftSlider: Inherits from Frame
  1520. Members:
  1521. GetDefaultHeight
  1522. Function documentation:
  1523. Returns the default height of Rift sliders.
  1524. height = RiftSlider:GetDefaultHeight() -- number <- void
  1525. Return values:
  1526. height: Default button height.
  1527. GetDefaultWidth
  1528. Function documentation:
  1529. Returns the default width of Rift sliders.
  1530. width = RiftSlider:GetDefaultWidth() -- number <- void
  1531. Return values:
  1532. width: Default button width.
  1533. GetEnabled
  1534. Function documentation:
  1535. Gets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
  1536. enabled = RiftSlider:GetEnabled() -- boolean <- void
  1537. Return values:
  1538. enabled: The current enable state of this item.
  1539. GetPosition
  1540. Function documentation:
  1541. Returns the current position of the slider.
  1542. position = RiftSlider:GetPosition() -- number <- void
  1543. Return values:
  1544. position: The current position of this slider.
  1545. GetRange
  1546. Function documentation:
  1547. Returns the current range of the slider.
  1548. minimum, maximum = RiftSlider:GetRange() -- number, number <- void
  1549. Return values:
  1550. maximum: The maximum value for the position of this slider.
  1551. minimum: The minimum value for the position of this slider.
  1552. ResizeToDefault
  1553. Function documentation:
  1554. Resizes this slider to its default width and height.
  1555. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1556. RiftSlider:ResizeToDefault() -- void
  1557. SetEnabled
  1558. Function documentation:
  1559. Sets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
  1560. RiftSlider:SetEnabled(enabled) -- boolean
  1561. Parameters:
  1562. enabled: The new enable state of this item.
  1563. SetPosition
  1564. Function documentation:
  1565. Changes the current position of the slider.
  1566. RiftSlider:SetPosition(position) -- number
  1567. Parameters:
  1568. position: The new position of this slider. Must be within the current range.
  1569. SetRange
  1570. Function documentation:
  1571. Sets the current range of the slider.
  1572. RiftSlider:SetRange(minimum, maximum) -- number, number
  1573. Parameters:
  1574. maximum: The new maximum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and larger than "minimum".
  1575. minimum: The new minimum value for the position of this slider. Must be an integer and smaller than "maximum".
  1576. Events:
  1577. SliderChange
  1578. Frame event documentation:
  1579. Signals a change in the slider position.
  1580. RiftSlider.Event:SliderChange()
  1581. SliderGrab
  1582. Frame event documentation:
  1583. Signals the user grabbing the slider with the mouse.
  1584. RiftSlider.Event:SliderGrab()
  1585. SliderRelease
  1586. Frame event documentation:
  1587. Signals the user releasing the slider.
  1588. RiftSlider.Event:SliderRelease()
  1589. RiftTextfield: Inherits from Frame
  1590. Members:
  1591. GetCursor
  1592. Function documentation:
  1593. Returns the current position of the cursor.
  1594. cursor@result = RiftTextfield:GetCursor() -- number <- void
  1595. Return values:
  1596. cursor@result: The current position of this cursor. 0 indicates a cursor placed before any text.
  1597. GetDefaultHeight
  1598. Function documentation:
  1599. Returns the default height of Rift textfields.
  1600. height = RiftTextfield:GetDefaultHeight() -- number <- void
  1601. Return values:
  1602. height: Default textfield height.
  1603. GetDefaultWidth
  1604. Function documentation:
  1605. Returns the default width of Rift textfields.
  1606. width = RiftTextfield:GetDefaultWidth() -- number <- void
  1607. Return values:
  1608. width: Default textfield width.
  1609. GetSelection
  1610. Function documentation:
  1611. Returns the current bounds of the selected text.
  1612. begin, end = RiftTextfield:GetSelection() -- number, number <- void
  1613. Return values:
  1614. begin: The beginning of the selected text, in the same format GetCursor uses. nil if there is no text selected.
  1615. end: The end of the selected text, in the same format GetCursor uses. nil if there is no text selected.
  1616. GetSelectionText
  1617. Function documentation:
  1618. Get the current selected text for this element. Returns nil if no text has been selected.
  1619. text = RiftTextfield:GetSelectionText() -- string <- void
  1620. Return values:
  1621. text: The current text of the element.
  1622. GetText
  1623. Function documentation:
  1624. Get the current text for this element.
  1625. text = RiftTextfield:GetText() -- string <- void
  1626. Return values:
  1627. text: The current text of the element.
  1628. SetCursor
  1629. Function documentation:
  1630. Changes the current position of the cursor.
  1631. RiftTextfield:SetCursor(cursor) -- number
  1632. Parameters:
  1633. cursor: The new position of this cursor. Must be within the valid range.
  1634. SetSelection
  1635. Function documentation:
  1636. Sets the current bounds of the selected text. Call with no arguments to remove the current selection.
  1637. RiftTextfield:SetSelection() -- void
  1638. RiftTextfield:SetSelection(begin, end) -- number, number
  1639. Parameters:
  1640. begin: The new beginning of the selected text, in the same format SetCursor uses. Must be an integer and smaller than "end".
  1641. end: The new end of the selected text, in the same format SetCursor uses. Must be an integer and larger than "begin".
  1642. SetText
  1643. Function documentation:
  1644. Set the current text for this element.
  1645. RiftTextfield:SetText(text) -- string
  1646. Parameters:
  1647. text: The new text for the element.
  1648. Events:
  1649. TextfieldChange
  1650. Frame event documentation:
  1651. Signals that the textfield's text has changed.
  1652. RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldChange()
  1653. TextfieldSelect
  1654. Frame event documentation:
  1655. Signals that the textfield's selection has changed.
  1656. RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldSelect()
  1657. RiftWindow: Inherits from Frame
  1658. Members:
  1659. GetBorder
  1660. Function documentation:
  1661. Gets the element representing the window border.
  1662. border = RiftWindow:GetBorder() -- FrameReadonly <- void
  1663. Return values:
  1664. border: The window border.
  1665. GetContent
  1666. Function documentation:
  1667. Gets the element representing the window content area.
  1668. content = RiftWindow:GetContent() -- FrameReadonly <- void
  1669. Return values:
  1670. content: The window content area.
  1671. GetController
  1672. Function documentation:
  1673. Gets the ID of the current controller for this window.
  1674. controller = RiftWindow:GetController() -- string <- void
  1675. Return values:
  1676. controller: "border" or "content", whichever dictates the dimensions of the other.
  1677. GetDefaultHeight
  1678. Function documentation:
  1679. Returns the default height of Rift windows.
  1680. height = RiftWindow:GetDefaultHeight() -- number <- void
  1681. Return values:
  1682. height: Default window height.
  1683. GetDefaultWidth
  1684. Function documentation:
  1685. Returns the default width of Rift windows.
  1686. width = RiftWindow:GetDefaultWidth() -- number <- void
  1687. Return values:
  1688. width: Default window width.
  1689. GetTitle
  1690. Function documentation:
  1691. Get the current title for this element.
  1692. title = RiftWindow:GetTitle() -- string <- void
  1693. Return values:
  1694. title: The current title of the element.
  1695. GetTrimDimensions
  1696. Function documentation:
  1697. Gets the thicknesses of the border's visual trim.
  1698. left, top, right, bottom = RiftWindow:GetTrimDimensions() -- number, number, number, number <- void
  1699. Return values:
  1700. bottom: The thickness of the bottom window border.
  1701. left: The thickness of the left window border.
  1702. right: The thickness of the right window border.
  1703. top: The thickness of the top window border.
  1704. SetController
  1705. Function documentation:
  1706. Sets the current controller for this window. The controller will take on the exact dimensions of the RiftWindow object, and the other element will adjust accordingly.
  1707. Not permitted on a frame with "restricted" SecureMode while the addon environment is secured.
  1708. RiftWindow:SetController(controller) -- string
  1709. Parameters:
  1710. controller: The new controller ID. May be either "border" or "content".
  1711. SetTitle
  1712. Function documentation:
  1713. Set the current title for this element.
  1714. RiftWindow:SetTitle(title) -- string
  1715. Parameters:
  1716. title: The new title for the element.
  1717. Events:
  1718. (No extra events)
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