
Bonfire Blaze (2.1)

Nov 28th, 2017
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  1. Name: Bonfire Blaze
  3. Gender: Male
  5. Race: Unicorn
  7. Class: Preacher (Bard/Cleric)
  9. Skills:
  10. Unicorn Catalyst: passive; a unicorn’s horn counts as a catalyst for spellcasting.
  11. Unicorn Telekinesis: spell; manipulate objects through sheer force of will. Complex tasks and heavier objects may require more focus.
  12. Glorify: Instant, recharge 4; With an impromptu sermon or inspiring phrase, you boost a single ally’s next action to autocrit.
  13. Cheap Shot: recharge 1, weapon; Outside of combat this skill is automatic and renders the target helpless. In combat, 9+ renders the target helpless.
  14. Smooth Talker: Can talk a being into not getting in the way, not make a fuss and generally not be an issue. As long as you have not attacked them or they don’t have a strong reason to be fighting you, they will not be hostile to you and will be open to talking. This does not affect their hostility towards the rest of the party.
  15. Heal: recharge 1, spell, ranged; Restores target’s hits to full and restores one wound, or removes all status effects. Crit restores 2 wounds, crit fail deals a wound of damage to the target.
  17. Talent:
  18. Holy Blade: automatic, once per battle; Bonfire cuts his hoof with his own sword while uttering a prayer. Through the magic ritual, the blade is lit on fire, doing fire elemental damage for the rest of combat. In addition, Bonfire takes 2 hits of damage when using this skill, but gets +3 on his next regular attack, and +2 on every normal attack afterwards until combat is over.
  20. Inventory:
  21. Steel longsword (Single)
  22. Red shawl
  23. Iron breastplate
  24. Drinking flask (usually filled with ale)
  25. Small notebook
  26. Quill & ink
  27. Flasks of holy water
  28. Fire starting tools
  29. Coinpurse (250 bits)
  31. Appearance:
  32. Bonfire is an older stallion with a reddish brown coat and dark blue eyes. His mane, once bright red, has faded over the years and has many streaks of grey through it. He is balding, and tries to hide this by wearing what's left of his mane in a top knot. His face is lined, and he has grown a scruffy beard. His cutie mark is a fire with a coiled sword embedded. He always wears a red knitted shawl over a simple iron breastplate. He keeps his sword holstered in a sheath over his back.
  34. Backstory:
  35. Bonfire Blaze is part of an elusive sect of Celestia worshippers called the Red Priests. Trained by them from a young age , he was considerably less pious than his fellow priests, preferring to drink and be merry over spreading the word of the sun princess. He was ordained by the Priests to be a missionary, looking to spread the faith of Celestia in foreign lands. Over time, he has found himself straying from his sacred duty, being more of an sellsword than a missionary, but his faith in the Lady of Light is undeniable.
  37. Personality and Traits:
  38. Bonfire is a jolly, outgoing unicorn. While he is a Red Priest, he is not a zealot, and does not impose his views on others. While his experiences over the years have bolstered his faith, he has always felt more at home in a tavern over an abbey. Nonetheless, he takes his duties very seriously, traveling where Celestia guides him. He is fond of drinking, usually taking swigs out of a flask of one alcoholic beverage or another. He also chronicles his journeys in a notebook he keeps on him at all times. When at rest, he often performs rituals of the Red Priests, which supposedly keep him and his companions safe.
  40. In combat, Bonfire calls upon the Lady of Light's power, performing a ritual to set his sword ablaze. He is a skilled swordsman, and can also perform basic healing spells to assist his companions. However, he much prefers to avoid combat whenever possible, often trying to talk his way out of situations rather than picking fights he might not be able to win. As is common with Red Priests, he has a slight fear of the dark; the Priests are fire worshippers, and a common phrase in their prayers is "the night is dark and full of terrors". He is also somewhat sensitive about his baldness, styling what's left of his mane in a top knot to cover the top of his head.
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