

Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. – RP stylistic conventions
  2. Tense: You can write in present tense (Walking through the door, Shine smiles at everybody) Or you can write in past tense (Shine walked through the door and smiled at everybody). Just don't combine it.
  3. Direct speech VS indirect speech: Always use direct speech. (Shine smiled as she saw many familiar faces and walked to the bar "Hi Booze! How are you today? Can I have one Cider please?"). Indirect speech (Shine smiled as she saw many familiar faces and walked to the bar, ordering Cider from Booze.) Do you see the difference here? Indirect speech just isn't showing your character enough.
  4. Actions: By typing /me command first, you can convert your post into "action". "/me walks into bar" shows like "CrystalShine walks into bar"
  5. OOC (out of character) posts: enclosed in square brackets, are used for asking others for something your character see, but you don't know them as a player [please, where are you sitting?] [how far from me is that ogre?], situations that lead to your temporary absence [brb, boss] or other stuff that doesn't count as your character acting. Don't overuse it for meaningless chitchat, please. We have main channel or PM for that. It distracts other players and it's easy to overlook important IC post in the flood of OOC.
  6. Post length: There are two extremes in post length. One is multiplayer RP (Ultima Online, Neverwinter Nights), where post length is short and the pace of game fast. Second extreme is forum RP, where one post of book page size, describing inner feelings and thoughts of character isn't problem. IRC is somewhere in the middle. Describe your actions as well as you can, but keep in mind that someone might be on mobile IRC. Also, reading walls of text from 10 players isn't fun. It's a good habit to keep it at maximum of 2 posts (this doesn't apply to GM's of course!)
  8. − your character and his knowledge, metagaming: Keep in mind that you as a player can know something your character doesn't. If GM asks for perception rolls and other player from your group just saw pony hiding in shadows, you don't know it until your character doesn't spot him, or that player don't point out his presence. Try to do your best to avoid misusing such knowledge.
  10. – actions
  11. – If you do something more complex, try to split it to simplier actions. Others around you could want to react at some point and it's odd to interrupt your action in the middle, when you already finished it in your post.
  12. – Don't finish your actions for others! If I go to extreme with this "Takes a baseball bat and beats him to death". But even a simple "Grabs his tail and stops him" is wrong. He still can react and avoid your attempt. "Tries to grab his tail to stop him". That's how you do it right.
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