
pearl session p1

Jun 23rd, 2016
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  1. @Antioch|GM
  2. Pearl Fleischer stands at the sidewalk next to where her home used to be. She shouldn't be here, having only temporarily slipped the attention of her temporary foster parents.
  3. The sight of the bulldozed lot is etched into her mind, and her jaw is slack with disbelief.
  4. This can't be real.
  5. It's only been a week.
  6. She wants to run, but there's nowhere left to run to. ||
  7. +Divock|Pearl
  8. ...
  9. ← Alt has quit (Client exited)
  10. +Divock|Pearl
  11. Pearl's thoughts begin to echo repeatedly.
  12. "I have nothing left. Dad is gone. Mom is gone. Home is gone."
  13. "Where else is there to go?"
  14. She falls to her knees, eyes watering.
  15. +Divock|Pearl
  16. ||
  17. ⓘ Camtist|GM is now known as Camtist
  18. ⓘ Flit|Jordan is now known as Flitter
  19. @Antioch|GM
  20. As she falls to her knees, the world begins to shift and blur around her. Is it her tears? The nausea, the bile rising to her throat?
  21. She feels unsteady for a moment, feeling lost, out of place, and awash in the void of space, travelling---
  22. --- she wipes away her tears with her forearm, forgetting something, the empty, hollow feeling in her stomach remaining.
  23. She has to run. The foster parents are almost certainly still looking for her. But... to where? ||
  24. +Divock|Pearl
  25. She's been secluded from the world for so long, she can hardly think of places to run to. A school she never went to, that she ran from? Back to the foster home, the place she wants, NEEDS, to escape from? The park?
  26. +Divock|Pearl
  27. She remembers a public park that her mom took her to when she was younger, before she learned of how ugly the world could be.
  28. +Divock|Pearl
  29. Despite all that has happened, the idea of the park dredges up only happy, pleasant memories.
  30. Pearl stands up and, in a fit of impulsivity, begins to run in the direction she THINKS is the park.
  31. ||
  32. @Antioch|GM
  33. ((A Knowledge roll to try your best guess as to where the park is, in relation to your home.))
  34. +Divock|Pearl
  35. $roll 2d6
  36. +[ATM]
  37. Divock|Pearl [1] [1] = 2
  38. +Divock|Pearl
  39. ((apparently I was just supposed to roll one but it hardly matters I think))
  40. @Antioch|GM
  41. Pearl stumbles off in a random direction, hoping it'll take her to the park. As her eyes clear, she picks up speed. There's something different, not quite how she sees, not quite how she moves, and not quite how she feels, but a complex amalgam of the three senses.
  42. @Antioch|GM
  43. Certain points and locations in her periphery make themselves known to her. Across the street. A house's rooftop. Various points along the height of a streetlight. ||
  44. +Divock|Pearl
  45. ...
  46. ← Flitter has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  47. +Divock|Pearl
  48. The scenery, why is it drawing her attention? She hasn't gone for a memorable walk in ages, so these sights are unfamiliar to her in her minds eye, but something in her subconscious is telling otherwise.
  49. Maybe, maybe that's where she needs to go?
  50. +Divock|Pearl
  51. She tries to move towards them, to just let her mind relax. There's nothing else to look for, anywhow.
  52. ((anyhow))
  53. +Divock|Pearl
  54. She lets instinct take over.
  55. ||
  56. @Antioch|GM
  57. Settling on the location that's closest and feels most natural, she focuses on the lower portion of the streetlight.
  58. Her hands rocket outward, almost detaching themselves from her body, wrapping around the streetlight a few times over.
  59. A trail of fleshy string, looking like bloody ropes of flesh, intestines, and blood vessels, connect her arms to body, and they vanish back into her stumps as the hands winch her in, much like a grappling hook.
  60. All of this happens in the span of seconds, and Pearl finds herself on the other side of the street, hands disentangled from the light as she arrives. ||
  61. ⓘ AceOfSpade is now known as Aceleep
  62. ← Lid has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  63. +Divock|Pearl
  64. ...
  65. → Nick has joined
  66. +Divock|Pearl
  67. Pearl slows to a stop, trying to process what just happened. This...her arms, were they just detached? Why didn't it hurt? How did she...
  68. She tries to calm down.
  69. +Divock|Pearl
  70. Then she looks down at her hands and then at the rooftop she noticed earlier.
  71. +Divock|Pearl
  72. "Is this...a power? Am I a cape?"
  73. +Divock|Pearl
  74. She tries to focus that feeling she had earlier, and aims her hands at the rooftop.
  75. ||
  76. @Antioch|GM
  77. Once again, she focuses on a point on the rooftop, consciously marking it in her mind. Then, she sends her hands rocketing off her body, trailing streamers and ribbons of viscera in their wake. They clutch onto the roof's gutter. It seems the hands aren't pulling her in automatically, and require a decision to do so, giving her ample time to examine the
  78. wealth of bloody guts trailing out of her arms. ||
  79. +Divock|Pearl
  80. ...
  81. +Divock|Pearl
  82. Pearl nearly shrieks at the sight of her limbs, or whatever has become of them, now that she has a more focused look at them. She begins to feel the nausea from earlier return, though with a more concrete reason fueling it. Reflexively trying to cover her mouth, she 'retracts' herself, meanwhile thinking, "Pearl nearly shrieks at the sight of her limbs, or whatever has become of them, now that she has a more focused look at them. She begins to feel the nausea from earlier return, though with a more concrete reason fueling it. Reflexively trying to cover her mouth, she 'retracts' herself. "I'm not a cape...I'm a freak!" she thinks.
  83. ||
  84. @Antioch|GM
  85. ((Wits))
  86. ((Awareness would apply))
  87. +Divock|Pearl
  88. $roll 1d6
  89. +[ATM]
  90. Divock|Pearl [1] = 1
  91. @Antioch|GM
  92. As Pearl freaks out on the sidewalk, trying to keep her stomach's contents inside, she remains oblivious for quite some time until she's jolted out by the sound of a passing vehicle.
  93. It's enough to remind her that people are still looking for her. ||
  94. +Divock|Pearl
  95. Unable to figure out what caused her hands to retract before, she tries to tug on her hands, then lets go. She looks around, to see if anyone had followed, also looking at how many people are staring at the 'freak of nature' that is grabbing onto the top of a roof.
  96. ||
  97. @Antioch|GM
  98. ((Ah, my mistake. I assumed that Pearl retracted her hands back into her arms and then had a freak-out, not that she got stuck like that. Mind if we go back a bit and I clarify?))
  99. +Divock|Pearl
  100. ((No worries!))
  101. @Antioch|GM
  102. Pearl retracts her hands from the roof, watching the grotesque spectacle of organs and entrails zooming back into her arm stumps until her hands seamlessly fall back into place.
  103. As she freaks out on the sidewalk, trying to keep her stomach's contents inside, she remains oblivious for quite some time until she's jolted out by the sound of a passing vehicle.
  104. It's enough to remind her that people are still looking for her. ||
  105. +Divock|Pearl
  106. Not sure how to replicate her first 'escapade', Pearl looks around to see if anyone had followed. She also tries to notice if anyone is staring at her, given the spectacle that she would have caused to anyone looking in her general direction.
  107. +Divock|Pearl
  108. Simultaneously, she clutches the lamp post in fear, of both herself and of what she was running from. She is not sure which is more terrifying at the moment.
  109. ||
  110. @Antioch|GM
  111. ((Wits (Awareness) roll.))
  112. +Divock|Pearl
  113. $roll 1d6
  114. +[ATM]
  115. Divock|Pearl [3] = 3
  116. @Antioch|GM
  117. The neighborhood is quiet, just after lunch on a school day and workday. There's nobody here or looking out their windows, as far as she can tell. ||
  118. +Divock|Pearl
  119. With no one around, she calms herself. "At least no one can see me..." she mumbles. She decides to give roof climbing a second try, and focuses on grabbing onto the rooftop, with the intent of pulling herself up once she's grappled it.
  120. ||
  121. @Antioch|GM
  122. She marks a point on the roof again and sends her hands flying out towards it, winching her in as they latch onto the gutter. She lands on the roof, stumbling a little on impact, and finds herself in an excellent spot to survey the neighborhood.
  123. Despite the gross and creepy aspect of the power, it's... kind of fun. Pearl's reminded of visiting the park with her mother, again, and getting pushed on the swingset. ||
  124. +Divock|Pearl
  125. ...
  126. The exhilaration of flying through the air (despite how it looks) is a rush of adrenaline and makes her feel a little giddy. "Maybe...this isn't so bad..." Not exactly afraid of heights, she tries to survey where her house was in relation to her, to try and gauge her relative position. With a better viewpoint, she tries to see if her foster parents have come yet, ready to hide behind whatever she can if she sees them. She also tries to look for the park.
  127. +Divock|Pearl
  128. ||
  129. @Antioch|GM
  130. ((Awareness, once again))
  131. +Divock|Pearl
  132. $roll 1d6
  133. +[ATM]
  134. Divock|Pearl [1] = 1
  135. @Antioch|GM
  136. Atop the roof, Pearl spies the empty lot that was once her home. Another reminder of what she's lost.
  137. With that weighing on her, she's unable to spot the park -- if it's even close enough to see -- or if there are any people looking for her. ||
  138. ← ThalAI has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  139. +Divock|Pearl
  140. Pearl slumps, the reminder of her predicament hanging heavy within. Turning her attention to her power, though it disgusts her, she wonders if she can do the same thing that she can do with her arms with her feet, and holds on tight to whatever she can on the rooftop for leverage, and attempts to 'shoot' her feet down to the ground below.
  141. @Antioch|GM
  142. |||
  143. ((Pause for now! Tune in next time for more experimenting with Pearl's power, and evading child services!))
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