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- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246194688 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Linux (Ubuntu 11.04, 2.6.38-10-generic x86_64). Built on Mar 9 2011 (Git:Unknown)
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /usr/share/xbmc
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /usr/lib/xbmc
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /home/server/.xbmc/userdata
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /home/server/.xbmc
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /home/server/.xbmc/temp
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: The executable running is: /usr/lib/xbmc/xbmc.bin
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: Log File is located: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/xbmc.log
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246186496 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246321664 NOTICE: Setup SDL
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246211072 NOTICE: load settings...
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246211072 ERROR: Unable to load, reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246211072 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3246211072 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243544576 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243544576 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243544576 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
- 21:51:43 T:140101023717472 M:3243569152 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3238100992 NOTICE: Using visual 0x42
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = NVIDIA Corporation
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = GeForce GT 240/PCI/SSE2
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = 3.3.0 NVIDIA 270.41.06
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_test GL_NV_blend_minmax GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_complex_primitives GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragdepth GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_lod_clamp GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vdpau_interop GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum
- 21:51:44 T:140101023717472 M:3236532224 ERROR: GLX: Same window as before, refreshing context
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/disk2tb
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/disk320
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/disk1tb-1
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/disk-extra
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/disk1tb-2
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: UDisks: Added /media/RAGE
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
- 21:51:45 T:140101023717472 M:3233984512 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
- 21:51:47 T:140101023717472 M:3222949888 NOTICE: UpdateLibraries - Starting video library startup scan
- 21:51:47 T:140101023717472 M:3223150592 NOTICE: UpdateLibraries - Starting music library startup scan
- 21:51:47 T:140100665755392 M:3223150592 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Starting scan ..
- 21:51:47 T:140101023717472 M:3220627456 NOTICE: initialize done
- 21:51:47 T:140101023717472 M:3220627456 NOTICE: Running the application...
- 21:51:48 T:140101023717472 M:3210178560 NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
- 21:51:48 T:140101023717472 M:3210178560 NOTICE: WebServer: Started the webserver
- 21:51:48 T:140100549732096 M:3210178560 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:48 T:140101023717472 M:3210141696 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
- 21:51:48 T:140101023717472 M:3210141696 NOTICE: DS: Starting dbus server
- 21:51:48 T:140100507768576 M:3210141696 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
- 21:51:48 T:140100507768576 M:3210141696 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
- 21:51:48 T:140100423907072 M:3210141696 NOTICE: DS: Starting DBUS server in Run Application aka thread
- 21:51:48 T:140100541339392 M:3193327616 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:48 T:140100532946688 M:3193151488 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:49 T:140100392392448 M:3183841280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:49 T:140100400785152 M:3183841280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:49 T:140100541339392 M:3177021440 NOTICE: {'unplayed': 'True', 'albums': 'True', 'limit': '6'}
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3174113280 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174027264 NOTICE: ### TV-Show Next-Aired starting ...
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: ### author: Ppic, Frost
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: ### URL:
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: ### credits: Team Passion-XBMC,
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: ### date: 17-10-2010
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: ### version: 2.1.2
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3174215680 NOTICE: {'silent': 'True'}
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3173724160 NOTICE: ###db less than 24, fetch local data...
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3173818368 NOTICE: ### Load list: /home/server/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3173466112 NOTICE: [PLUGIN] 'Weather Plus: Version - 2.2.2-r' initialized!
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3173466112 NOTICE: ** Found XBMC Revision: r0 [Unknown] **
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### TV-Show Next-Aired starting ...
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### author: Ppic, Frost
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### URL:
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### credits: Team Passion-XBMC,
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### date: 17-10-2010
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### version: 2.1.2
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3172687872 NOTICE: {'silent': 'True'}
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###data available
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ### next list: 19 shows ### [{'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/folder.jpg', 'Genres': 'Comedy | Travel', 'GMT+0 NODST': '', 'Network': 'Sky One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Sep/05/2010', 'Show Name': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Show URL': '', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '26548', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Latest Episode': '01x08^Karl Comes Home^Nov/11/2010'}, {'Status': 'New Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311152400', 'Network': 'ABC (Australia)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'May/11/2011', 'Show Name': 'Angry Boys', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2011', 'Airtime': 'Wednesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '28421', 'Country': 'Australia', 'Next Episode': '01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Angry Boys', 'Latest Episode': '01x10^Episode 10^Jul/13/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Bones/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320364800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/13/2005', 'Show Name': 'Bones', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Discovery/Science | Drama | Mystery', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '2870', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Bones/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Bones', 'Latest Episode': '06x23^The Change in the Game^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Jan/20/2008', 'Show Name': 'Breaking Bad', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18164', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Breaking Bad', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^Box Cutter^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Final Season', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Chuck/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1319234400', 'Network': 'NBC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/24/2007', 'Show Name': 'Chuck', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Drama', 'Premiered': '2007', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '15614', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Chuck/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Chuck', 'Latest Episode': '04x24^Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger^May/16/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/15/2000', 'Show Name': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2000', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3188', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Latest Episode': '08x02^The Safe House^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Dexter/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'Showtime', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/01/2006', 'Show Name': 'Dexter', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '7926', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Dexter/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Dexter', 'Latest Episode': '05x12^The Big One^Dec/12/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Animation', 'Started': 'Jan/31/1999', 'Show Name': 'Family Guy', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adult Cartoons | Comedy', 'Premiered': '1999', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3506', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Family Guy', 'Latest Episode': "09x18^It's a Trap!^May/22/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Fringe/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316818800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/09/2008', 'Show Name': 'Fringe', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18388', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Fringe/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Fringe', 'Latest Episode': '03x22^The Day We Died^May/06/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316732400', 'Network': 'ABC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Mar/27/2005', 'Show Name': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Medical', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3741', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Latest Episode': '07x22^Unaccompanied Minor^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Leverage/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'TNT', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Dec/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Leverage', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18411', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Leverage/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Leverage', 'Latest Episode': '04x04^The Van Gogh Job^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311030000', 'Network': 'Discovery Channel', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/10/2006', 'Show Name': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adventure | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Monday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '14573', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Latest Episode': '07x01^Men vs Wild with Jake Gyllenhaal^Jul/11/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/NCIS/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316556000', 'Network': 'CBS', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/23/2003', 'Show Name': 'NCIS', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Crime | Drama | Military/War', 'Premiered': '2003', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '4628', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/NCIS/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'NCIS', 'Latest Episode': '08x24^Pyramid^May/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320109200', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/31/2010', 'Show Name': 'The Walking Dead', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Drama | Family | Horror/Supernatural | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '25056', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'The Walking Dead', 'Latest Episode': '01x06^TS-19^Dec/05/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/top gear/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311526800', 'Network': 'BBC TWO (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Documentary', 'Started': 'Oct/20/2002', 'Show Name': 'Top Gear', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Automobiles | Comedy', 'Premiered': '2002', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6753', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/top gear/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Top Gear', 'Latest Episode': '17x04^Series 17, Episode 4^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311271200', 'Network': 'BBC One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/22/2006', 'Show Name': 'Torchwood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6993', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Torchwood', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^The New World^Jul/14/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/True Blood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'True Blood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Horror/Supernatural | Mystery | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '12662', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/True Blood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'True Blood', 'Latest Episode': "04x04^I'm Alive And On Fire^Jul/17/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311375600', 'Network': 'Animal Planet', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Whale Wars', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Drama | Educational | Family', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20399', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Whale Wars', 'Latest Episode': '04x06^Race to Save Lives^Jul/15/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/white collar/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311116400', 'Network': 'USA', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/23/2009', 'Show Name': 'White Collar', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2009', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20720', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/white collar/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'White Collar', 'Latest Episode': '03x06^Scott Free^Jul/12/2011'}]
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Man vs. Wild
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: TODAY
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###White Collar
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-19
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Angry Boys
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-20
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Torchwood
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-21
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Whale Wars
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-22
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Top Gear
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Leverage
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###True Blood
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Breaking Bad
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Curb Your Enthusiasm
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###NCIS
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-09-20
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###Grey's Anatomy
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ###2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: 2011-09-22
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172687872 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###Fringe
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-09-23
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###Dexter
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###Family Guy
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###Chuck
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-10-21
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###The Walking Dead
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-10-31
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###Bones
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: 2011-11-03
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###An Idiot Abroad
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###no rfc
- 21:51:50 T:140100532946688 M:3172519936 NOTICE: ###today show: 1 - 'Man vs. Wild'
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3171864576 NOTICE: ###db less than 24, fetch local data...
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3171655680 NOTICE: ### Load list: /home/server/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/
- 21:51:50 T:140100400785152 M:3171655680 NOTICE: {'unplayed': 'True', 'albums': 'True', 'limit': '6'}
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170111488 NOTICE: ###data available
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170111488 NOTICE: ### next list: 19 shows ### [{'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/folder.jpg', 'Genres': 'Comedy | Travel', 'GMT+0 NODST': '', 'Network': 'Sky One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Sep/05/2010', 'Show Name': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Show URL': '', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '26548', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Latest Episode': '01x08^Karl Comes Home^Nov/11/2010'}, {'Status': 'New Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311152400', 'Network': 'ABC (Australia)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'May/11/2011', 'Show Name': 'Angry Boys', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2011', 'Airtime': 'Wednesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '28421', 'Country': 'Australia', 'Next Episode': '01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Angry Boys', 'Latest Episode': '01x10^Episode 10^Jul/13/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Bones/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320364800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/13/2005', 'Show Name': 'Bones', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Discovery/Science | Drama | Mystery', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '2870', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Bones/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Bones', 'Latest Episode': '06x23^The Change in the Game^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Jan/20/2008', 'Show Name': 'Breaking Bad', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18164', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Breaking Bad', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^Box Cutter^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Final Season', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Chuck/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1319234400', 'Network': 'NBC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/24/2007', 'Show Name': 'Chuck', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Drama', 'Premiered': '2007', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '15614', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Chuck/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Chuck', 'Latest Episode': '04x24^Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger^May/16/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/15/2000', 'Show Name': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2000', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3188', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Latest Episode': '08x02^The Safe House^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Dexter/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'Showtime', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/01/2006', 'Show Name': 'Dexter', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '7926', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Dexter/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Dexter', 'Latest Episode': '05x12^The Big One^Dec/12/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Animation', 'Started': 'Jan/31/1999', 'Show Name': 'Family Guy', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adult Cartoons | Comedy', 'Premiered': '1999', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3506', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Family Guy', 'Latest Episode': "09x18^It's a Trap!^May/22/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Fringe/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316818800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/09/2008', 'Show Name': 'Fringe', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18388', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Fringe/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Fringe', 'Latest Episode': '03x22^The Day We Died^May/06/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316732400', 'Network': 'ABC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Mar/27/2005', 'Show Name': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Medical', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3741', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Latest Episode': '07x22^Unaccompanied Minor^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Leverage/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'TNT', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Dec/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Leverage', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18411', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Leverage/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Leverage', 'Latest Episode': '04x04^The Van Gogh Job^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311030000', 'Network': 'Discovery Channel', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/10/2006', 'Show Name': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adventure | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Monday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '14573', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Latest Episode': '07x01^Men vs Wild with Jake Gyllenhaal^Jul/11/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/NCIS/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316556000', 'Network': 'CBS', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/23/2003', 'Show Name': 'NCIS', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Crime | Drama | Military/War', 'Premiered': '2003', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '4628', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/NCIS/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'NCIS', 'Latest Episode': '08x24^Pyramid^May/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320109200', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/31/2010', 'Show Name': 'The Walking Dead', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Drama | Family | Horror/Supernatural | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '25056', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'The Walking Dead', 'Latest Episode': '01x06^TS-19^Dec/05/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/top gear/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311526800', 'Network': 'BBC TWO (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Documentary', 'Started': 'Oct/20/2002', 'Show Name': 'Top Gear', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Automobiles | Comedy', 'Premiered': '2002', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6753', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/top gear/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Top Gear', 'Latest Episode': '17x04^Series 17, Episode 4^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311271200', 'Network': 'BBC One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/22/2006', 'Show Name': 'Torchwood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6993', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Torchwood', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^The New World^Jul/14/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/True Blood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'True Blood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Horror/Supernatural | Mystery | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '12662', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/True Blood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'True Blood', 'Latest Episode': "04x04^I'm Alive And On Fire^Jul/17/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311375600', 'Network': 'Animal Planet', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Whale Wars', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Drama | Educational | Family', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20399', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Whale Wars', 'Latest Episode': '04x06^Race to Save Lives^Jul/15/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/white collar/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311116400', 'Network': 'USA', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/23/2009', 'Show Name': 'White Collar', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2009', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20720', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/white collar/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'White Collar', 'Latest Episode': '03x06^Scott Free^Jul/12/2011'}]
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Man vs. Wild
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: TODAY
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###White Collar
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-19
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Angry Boys
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-20
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Torchwood
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-21
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Whale Wars
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-22
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Top Gear
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Leverage
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###True Blood
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Breaking Bad
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Curb Your Enthusiasm
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###NCIS
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-09-20
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Grey's Anatomy
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-09-22
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Fringe
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-09-23
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Dexter
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Family Guy
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Chuck
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-10-21
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###The Walking Dead
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-10-31
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###Bones
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: 2011-11-03
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ################
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###An Idiot Abroad
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###no rfc
- 21:51:50 T:140100392392448 M:3170336768 NOTICE: ###today show: 1 - 'Man vs. Wild'
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3169624064 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/c/auto-c68846e0.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3169624064 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-31db1ccd.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3169624064 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/e/auto-ec824ec1.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3168591872 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/c/auto-c68846e0.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3168591872 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/3/auto-31db1ccd.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140101023717472 M:3168591872 ERROR: Texture manager unable to load file: special://profile/Thumbnails/Video/e/auto-ec824ec1.tbn
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159805952 NOTICE: [] Current Map :
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- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] maptype = 5
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] map_list_url =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathertoday_large.html', 'US: Weather Today', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathertonight_large.html', 'US: Weather Tonight', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday2_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 2', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight2_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 2', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday3_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 3', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight3_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 3', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday4_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 4', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight4_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 4', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday5_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 5', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight5_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 5', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday6_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 6', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight6_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 6', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday7_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 7', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight7_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 7', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday8_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 8', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight8_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 8', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday9_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 9', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight9_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 9', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweatherday10_large.html', 'US: Weather Day 10', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/usweathernight10_large.html', 'US: Weather Night 10', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/us30daytemperature_large.html', 'US 30 Day Temperature', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/us30dayprecipitation_large.html', 'US 30 Day Precipitation', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/us90daytemperature_large.html', 'US 90 Day Temperature', ''), ('/maps/maptype/tendayforecastusnational/us90dayprecipitation_large.html', 'US 90 Day Precipitation', '')]
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] maptype = 30
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] map_list_url =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [('/maps/geography/europe/europesatellite_large.html', 'Europe: Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/reinounidoimagendesatelite_large.html', 'UK: Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/francesatellite_large.html', 'France Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/italysatellite_large.html', 'Italy: Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/germanysatellite_large.html', 'Europe: Northern Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/russiasatellite_large.html', 'Russia: Satellite', ''), ('/maps/geography/europe/scandinaviasatellite_large.html', 'Scandinavia: Satellite', '')]
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] map = /maps/maptype/currentweatherusnational/uscurrentweather_large.html
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] title = US: Current Weather
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] Locationindex = 1
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] maplist_user_file =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] map_url =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] Fetch image = curwx_600x405.jpg ||| url =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/weather.weatherplus/maps/9473ec7362f22b18ebd3be8f39496b7a
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] Area code = UKXX0025
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159298048 NOTICE: [] video_location : Non US Local_location : Not Available
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Timezone : -5
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] pressure : pressure-steady
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] pressure : 29.53
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Tonight
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] special://temp/weather/128x128/29.png
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] brief =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: ['Partly Cloudy', 'Scattered Showers', 'Partly Cloudy']
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Partly Cloudy
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Low
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 11
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Rain
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 20
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Some clouds. Low 11C. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph.
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Sunset:
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 21:18
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Tomorrow
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] special://temp/weather/128x128/39.png
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] brief =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: ['Partly Cloudy', 'Scattered Showers', 'Partly Cloudy']
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Scattered Showers
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] High
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 18
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Rain
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 30
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Variable clouds with a chance of showers. High 18C. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Sunrise:
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 5:16
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Tomorrow Night
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] special://temp/weather/128x128/29.png
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] brief =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: ['Partly Cloudy', 'Scattered Showers', 'Partly Cloudy']
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Partly Cloudy
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Low
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 10
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Rain
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 20
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Partly cloudy. Low near 10C. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph.
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Sunset:
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] 21:17
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Local Video Location : UK
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Weather Video =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE: [] Local Video =
- 21:51:50 T:140100371367680 M:3159044096 NOTICE:
- 21:52:06 T:140100665755392 M:3156471808 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting /media/server/series/Bro'Town/
- 21:52:06 T:140100665755392 M:3154755584 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting /media/server/series/Dead Like Me/
- 21:52:23 T:140101023717472 M:3123195904 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 2.
- 21:52:23 T:140100644693760 M:3123195904 DEBUG: SaveAlbumThumb exec: UPDATE album SET idThumb=672 where idAlbum=4294967295
- 21:52:23 T:140100644693760 M:3123195904 DEBUG: SaveAlbumThumb exec: UPDATE song SET idThumb=672 where idAlbum=4294967295
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123302400 DEBUG: DoScan Scanning dir '/media/server/music/The XX - XX (2cdbonus 320)/XX (the)/XX (bonus disc)/' as not in the database
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:6098526208 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Timothy Blackman/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Timothy Blackman/Buchanan Street (Nov 2008)/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M: 0 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Timothy Blackman/Giraffes, Wharves And Sinking Sand/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Timothy Blackman/Modern Sprawl/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Timothy Blackman/Unknown Album/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tom McRae - King Of Cards [2007][CD+SkidVid+Cov]/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tool/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:6098526208 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - Chocolate Elvis/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - Dehli9 (Disc 1)/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123249152 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - Dehli9 (Disc 2)/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123474432 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - Different Tastes Of Honey/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123474432 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - J.A.C/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123474432 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tosca - Suzuki (320kbps)/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123220480 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trashcan Sinatras - Weightlifting/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123220480 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - 12 Memories/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - Good Feeling/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - The Boy With No Name/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - The Boy With No Name [2007][CD+SkidVid+Cov]/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - The Invisible Band/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Travis - The Man Who/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trebunie-Tutki & Twinkle Brothers - Pie - Songs of Glory (2008)/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trinity Roots/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trinity Roots/Home, Land and Sea/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trinity Roots/True/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123445760 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Calypso Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Calypso Box Set/CD 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Calypso Box Set/CD 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Calypso Box Set/CD 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Christmas # 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Christmas # 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Christmas # 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Jamaican Hits Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Jamaican Hits Box Set/Trojan - Jamaican Hits # 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Jamaican Hits Box Set/Trojan - Jamaican Hits # 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Jamaican Hits Box Set/Trojan - Jamaican Hits # 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Mod Reggae Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Mod Reggae Box Set/Trojan - Mod Reggae # 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Mod Reggae Box Set/Trojan - Mod Reggae # 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123191808 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Mod Reggae Box Set/Trojan - Mod Reggae # 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123417088 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Rarities Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123417088 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Rarities Box Set/CD 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123417088 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Rarities Box Set/CD 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123417088 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Rarities Box Set/CD 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:24 T:140100644693760 M:3123417088 DEBUG: DoScan Scanning dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Rarities Box Set/Covers/' as not in the database
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3123200000 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Skinhead Reggae Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122769920 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Skinhead Reggae Box Set/Cd 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122769920 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Skinhead Reggae Box Set/Cd 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan - Skinhead Reggae Box Set/Cd 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set - 3CDs - 190kbps/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set - 3CDs - 190kbps/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set - 3CDs - 190kbps/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set/CD1/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set - 3CDs - 190kbps/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set/CD2/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set - 3CDs - 190kbps/Trojan 12 Inch Box Set/CD3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan Dub Box Set-Vol I-Cd 1-3-kl/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan Dub Box Set-Vol I-Cd 1-3-kl/Trojan Dub Box Set-Cd 1/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan Dub Box Set-Vol I-Cd 1-3-kl/Trojan Dub Box Set-Cd 2/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan Dub Box Set-Vol I-Cd 1-3-kl/Trojan Dub Box Set-Cd 3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan_Mod_Reggae_Box_Set_-_3CDs_-_190kbps_-_by_soundcitystuttgart/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122610176 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan_Mod_Reggae_Box_Set_-_3CDs_-_190kbps_-_by_soundcitystuttgart/CD1/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122495488 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan_Mod_Reggae_Box_Set_-_3CDs_-_190kbps_-_by_soundcitystuttgart/CD2/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122495488 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Trojan_Mod_Reggae_Box_Set_-_3CDs_-_190kbps_-_by_soundcitystuttgart/CD3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122495488 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tune Yards/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122507776 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tune Yards/Bird Brains/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122507776 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Tune Yards/W H O K I L L/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122507776 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History (2010) [PROMO]/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122733056 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Ultimate Alternative Wavers/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122733056 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/VA-Trojan Calypso Box Set-cd 1-3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122847744 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/VA-Trojan Calypso Box Set-cd 1-3/va - trojan calypso cd1/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122847744 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/VA-Trojan Calypso Box Set-cd 1-3/va - trojan calypso cd2/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122847744 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/VA-Trojan Calypso Box Set-cd 1-3/va - trojan calypso cd3/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122593792 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Vangelis-Odyssey-The Definitive Collection(Darkside_RG)/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Venetian Snares/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Venetian Snares/My Downfall/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Venetian Snares/Rossz/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/videogamepianist/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Wax Tailor - In the Mood for Life/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Wishbone Ash - Pilgrimage (1971) [EAC rip @320]/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Wyatt Robert - Rock Bottom/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Yael Naim/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Yeasayer/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Yeasayer/All Hour Cymbals/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Yeasayer/Odd Blood/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: DoScan Skipping dir '/media/server/music/Yes Sir Boss/' due to no change
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 DEBUG: Process - Finished scan
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 NOTICE: My Music: Scanning for music info using worker thread, operation took 00:37
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122561024 INFO: Music scan was stopped or finished ... restoring FindRemoteThumbs
- 21:52:25 T:140100644693760 M:3122814976 DEBUG: Thread 140100644693760 terminating
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123089408 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 113, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123089408 DEBUG: OnKey: 61477 pressed, action is Left
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123032064 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogMusicScan.xml) ------
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 113, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: OnKey: 61477 pressed, action is Left
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(51)
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(51)
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10051
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10051 is locked.
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Custom_51_Main_Menu.xml) ------
- 21:52:25 T:140101023717472 M:3123425280 INFO: Loading skin file: Custom_51_Main_Menu.xml
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123236864 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123236864 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123179520 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123179520 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123150848 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123150848 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123347456 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL:
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123347456 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123187712 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123187712 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123027968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:27 T:140101023717472 M:3123027968 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Star Trek/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 1.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 2.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 3.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 4.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 5.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 6.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 7.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/Summer Heights High 8.mp4
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Summer Heights High/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-01 - 04-04-01 - That's My Bush! - An Aborted Dinner
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-02 - 04-11-01 - That's My Bush! - A Poorly Executed
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-03 - 04-18-01 - That's My Bush! - Eenie, Meenie, Miney,
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-04 - 04-25-01 - That's My Bush! - SDI Aye Aye!
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-05 - 05-02-01 - That's My Bush! - The First Lady's
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122778112 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-06 - 05-09-01 - That's My Bush! - Mom 'E' DEA
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122679808 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-07 - 05-16-01 - That's My Bush! - Trapped In a Small
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122679808 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/S1-08 - 05-23-01 - That's My Bush! - Fare Thee
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122679808 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/That's My Bush!/
- 21:52:28 T:140101023717472 M:3122679808 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:28 T:140101023717472 M:3122679808 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122380800 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The A-Team/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3122057216 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Cult/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3121848320 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The George Carlin Show/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3121688576 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The IT Crowd/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3121688576 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Inbetweeners/
- 21:52:28 T:140100665755392 M:3121913856 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Pillars of the Earth/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121688576 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Secret Life Of The Airport/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121459200 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Secret Life Of The National Grid/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121479680 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Secret Life of Machines/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Thick of It/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Trap/
- 21:52:29 T:140101023717472 M:3121508352 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
- 21:52:29 T:140101023717472 M:3121508352 DEBUG: OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
- 21:52:29 T:140101023717472 M:3121508352 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(8210)
- 21:52:29 T:140101023717472 M:3121508352 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(8210)
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Walking Dead/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting /media/server/series/The Wiggles/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Wiggles/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The Wire/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121508352 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/The invisibles/
- 21:52:29 T:140100665755392 M:3121086464 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Thundercats/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3119337472 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Time Team/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118985216 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Torchwood/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118985216 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Trailer Park Boys/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118821376 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/True Blood/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118821376 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/True Stories/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118821376 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Twenty Twelve/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118657536 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Twin Peaks/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/01.See-Saw to Arkansas.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/02.Creepy Trip to Lemon Twist.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/03.Why oh Why Wyoming.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/04.Beat the Clock to Yellow Rock.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/05.Mish Mash Missouri Dash.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/06.Idaho a Go Go.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/07.The Baja-Ha-Ha Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/08.Real Gone Ape.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/09.Scout Scatter.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/10.Free Wheeling to Wheeling.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/11.By Rollercoaster to Upsan Downs.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/12.The Speedy Arkansas Traveller.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/13.The Zippy Mississippi Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/14.Traffic Jambalaya.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/15.Hot Race at Chillicothe.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/16.The Wrong Lumber Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/17.Rhode Island Road Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/18.The Great Cold Rush Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/19.Wacky Race to Ripsaw.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/20.Oils Well that Ends Well.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/21.Whizzin to Washington.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/22.The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/23.Eeny Miny Missouri Go.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/24.The Super Silly Swamp Sprint.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/25.The Dopey Dakota Derby.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/26.Wott-Will Delaware.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/27.Speeding for Smogland.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/28.Race Rally to Raleigh.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/29.Ballpoint Penn.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/30.Fast Track to Hackensack.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/31.The Ski Resort Road Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/32.Overseas Hi-Way Race.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/33.Race to Racine.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Wacky Races/34.The Carlsbad or Bust Bad.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Wacky Races/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep1.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep2.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep3.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep4.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep5.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/WCB Heroes Ep6.avi
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/We Can Be Heroes/
- 21:52:30 T:140100665755392 M:3118432256 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Whale Wars/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3118010368 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Wilfred/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117985792 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Wonders of the Universe (2011)/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 1 - The Grand Design.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 2 - The Ministerial Broadcast.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 3 - The Smoke Screen.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 4 - The Key.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 5 - A Real Partnership.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 6 - A Victory for Democracy.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 7 - The Bishops Gambit.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 1/Yes Prime Minister Series 1 Episode 8 - One of Us.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 1 - Man Overboard.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 2 - Official Secrets.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 3 - A Diplomatic Incident.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 4 - A Conflict of Interest.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 5 - Power to the People.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 6 - The Patron of the Arts.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 7 - The National Education Service.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/Series 2/Yes Prime Minister Series 2 Episode 8 - A Tangled Web.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Yes (Prime) Minister/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 1 - Open government (25th February 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 2 - The official visit (3rd March 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 3 - The economy drive (10th March 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 4 - Big brother (17th March 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 5 - The writing on the wall (24th March 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 6 - The right to know (31st March 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 1/Yes Minister Series 1 Episode 7 - Jobs for the boys (7th April 1980).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 1 - The Compassionate Society.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 2 - Doing The Honours.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 3 - The Death List.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 4 - The Greasy Pole.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 5 - The Devil You Know.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 6 - The Quality Of Life.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 2/Yes Minister Series 2 Episode 7 - A Question Of Loyalty.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 1 - Equal Opportunities.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 2 - The Challenge.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 3 - The Skeleton In The Cupboard.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 4 - The Moral Dimension.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 5 - The Bed Of Nails.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 6 - The Whisky Priest.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Series 3/Yes Minister Series 3 Episode 7 - The Middle-Class Rip-Off.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/Yes Minister/Yes Minister Christmas Special/Yes Minister - Party Games (Christmas Special).avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/Yes Minister/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117936640 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/an idiot abroad/
- 21:52:31 T:140101023717472 M:3117772800 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:31 T:140101023717472 M:3117772800 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117613056 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/boardwalk empire/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117613056 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/citizen smith/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117371392 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/come fly with me/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep1.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep2.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep3.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep4.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep5.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/darkplace/Darkplace_ep6.avi
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/darkplace/
- 21:52:31 T:140100665755392 M:3117596672 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/dollhouse/
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3117416448 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/father ted/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117002752 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117002752 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3117002752 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/fawlty towers/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117002752 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117002752 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117015040 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3117015040 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116978176 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116978176 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116982272 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/ideal/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116982272 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116982272 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/lab rats/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To -
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116933120 ERROR: Keymapping error: no such action '-' defined
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116613632 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/merlin 2008/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(VideoLibrary,Addons,return)
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(VideoLibrary,Addons,return)
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10025 is locked.
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116613632 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116191744 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/mongrels/
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116191744 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/peep show/
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 1/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 2/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 3/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 4/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 5/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 6/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 7/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 8/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 9/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 10/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 11/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M: 0 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD 12/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: Could not enumerate file /media/server/series/tom and jerry/Tom And Jerry DVD Bonus/Video/VIDEO_TS.IFO
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/tom and jerry/
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/top gear/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116027904 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3116027904 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3116027904 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/trawlermen/
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3115073536 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3115073536 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3115073536 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
- 21:52:32 T:140100558124800 M:3115073536 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3115073536 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating Dialog.Close(51)
- 21:52:32 T:140101023717472 M:3115073536 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To Dialog.Close(51)
- 21:52:32 T:140100665755392 M:3112779776 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/underbelly/
- 21:52:32 T:140100558124800 M:3108462592 WARNING: Create - Unsupported protocol(script) in script://
- 21:52:32 T:140100371367680 M:3114557440 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
- 21:52:32 T:140100371367680 M:3114557440 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
- 21:52:32 T:140100558124800 M:3114557440 DEBUG: Thread 140100558124800 terminating
- 21:52:33 T:140100400785152 M:3114557440 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
- 21:52:33 T:140100665755392 M:3114557440 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting /media/server/series/white collar/
- 21:52:33 T:140100392392448 M:3114557440 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
- 21:52:33 T:140100665755392 M:3114557440 DEBUG: VideoInfoScanner: No (new) information was found in dir /media/server/series/white collar/
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3123421184 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x7f6ba406e040, multi=0x7f6ba4010380)
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3123421184 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Custom_51_Main_Menu.xml) ------
- 21:52:33 T:140100665755392 M:3123671040 NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:45
- 21:52:33 T:140100665755392 M:3123671040 INFO: Video scan was stopped or finished ... restoring FindRemoteThumbs
- 21:52:33 T:140100665755392 M:3123671040 DEBUG: Thread 140100665755392 terminating
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3123671040 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3123671040 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
- 21:52:33 T:140100636301056 M:3123671040 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3123687424 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
- 21:52:33 T:140100558124800 M:3123687424 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
- 21:52:33 T:140100558124800 M:3123687424 WARNING: Create - Unsupported protocol(script) in script://
- 21:52:33 T:140100558124800 M:3123912704 WARNING: Previous line repeats 1 times.
- 21:52:33 T:140100558124800 M:3123912704 DEBUG: Thread 140100558124800 terminating
- 21:52:33 T:140100383999744 M:3114147840 DEBUG: DoWork - took 179 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/8/82d4200e.jpg
- 21:52:33 T:140101023717472 M:3105259520 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogVideoScan.xml) ------
- 21:52:34 T:140101023717472 M:3105288192 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:34 T:140101023717472 M:3105288192 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:35 T:140101023717472 M:3105275904 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:35 T:140101023717472 M:3105275904 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:35 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 114, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:35 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 INFO: initializing python engine.
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: Loading: /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: Python wrapper library linked with internal Python library
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3105304576 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=7
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105304576 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105304576 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: Process - The source file to load is /home/server/.xbmc/addons/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: Process - Setting the Python path to /home/server/.xbmc/addons/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: Process - Entering source directory /home/server/.xbmc/addons/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/ flags: 2
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: Loading: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding (0x23925d0)
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105165312 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol initstrop
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/ flags: 2
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: Loading: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding (0x7f6bac8dc7b0)
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol init_socket
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/ flags: 2
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: Loading: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding (0x7f6bac91a560)
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol init_ssl
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3105030144 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/ flags: 2
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104878592 DEBUG: Loading: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding (0x7f6bb51c4da0)
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol inittime
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### TV-Show Next-Aired starting ...
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### author: Ppic, Frost
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### URL:
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### credits: Team Passion-XBMC,
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### date: 17-10-2010
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### version: 2.1.2
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: {}
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###db less than 24, fetch local data...
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### Load list: /home/server/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###data available
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ### next list: 19 shows ### [{'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/folder.jpg', 'Genres': 'Comedy | Travel', 'GMT+0 NODST': '', 'Network': 'Sky One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Sep/05/2010', 'Show Name': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Show URL': '', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '26548', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/an idiot abroad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'An Idiot Abroad', 'Latest Episode': '01x08^Karl Comes Home^Nov/11/2010'}, {'Status': 'New Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311152400', 'Network': 'ABC (Australia)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'May/11/2011', 'Show Name': 'Angry Boys', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2011', 'Airtime': 'Wednesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '28421', 'Country': 'Australia', 'Next Episode': '01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Angry Boys/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Angry Boys', 'Latest Episode': '01x10^Episode 10^Jul/13/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Bones/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320364800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/13/2005', 'Show Name': 'Bones', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Discovery/Science | Drama | Mystery', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '2870', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Bones/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Bones', 'Latest Episode': '06x23^The Change in the Game^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Jan/20/2008', 'Show Name': 'Breaking Bad', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18164', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Breaking Bad/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Breaking Bad', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^Box Cutter^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Final Season', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Chuck/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1319234400', 'Network': 'NBC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/24/2007', 'Show Name': 'Chuck', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Drama', 'Premiered': '2007', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '15614', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Chuck/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Chuck', 'Latest Episode': '04x24^Chuck Versus the Cliffhanger^May/16/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311552000', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/15/2000', 'Show Name': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Comedy', 'Premiered': '2000', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3188', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Curb Your Enthusiasm/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Latest Episode': '08x02^The Safe House^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Dexter/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'Showtime', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/01/2006', 'Show Name': 'Dexter', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '7926', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Dexter/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Dexter', 'Latest Episode': '05x12^The Big One^Dec/12/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316991600', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Animation', 'Started': 'Jan/31/1999', 'Show Name': 'Family Guy', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adult Cartoons | Comedy', 'Premiered': '1999', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3506', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Family Guy/', 'Runtime': '30', 'localname': 'Family Guy', 'Latest Episode': "09x18^It's a Trap!^May/22/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Fringe/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316818800', 'Network': 'FOX', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/09/2008', 'Show Name': 'Fringe', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18388', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Fringe/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Fringe', 'Latest Episode': '03x22^The Day We Died^May/06/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316732400', 'Network': 'ABC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Mar/27/2005', 'Show Name': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Medical', 'Premiered': '2005', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '3741', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Greys Anatomy/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': "Grey's Anatomy", 'Latest Episode': '07x22^Unaccompanied Minor^May/19/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Leverage/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'TNT', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Dec/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Leverage', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Comedy | Crime | Drama', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '18411', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Leverage/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Leverage', 'Latest Episode': '04x04^The Van Gogh Job^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311030000', 'Network': 'Discovery Channel', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/10/2006', 'Show Name': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Adventure | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Monday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '14573', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Man vs Wild/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Man vs. Wild', 'Latest Episode': '07x01^Men vs Wild with Jake Gyllenhaal^Jul/11/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/NCIS/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1316556000', 'Network': 'CBS', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/23/2003', 'Show Name': 'NCIS', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Crime | Drama | Military/War', 'Premiered': '2003', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '4628', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/NCIS/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'NCIS', 'Latest Episode': '08x24^Pyramid^May/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1320109200', 'Network': 'AMC', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/31/2010', 'Show Name': 'The Walking Dead', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Drama | Family | Horror/Supernatural | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2010', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 10:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '25056', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/The Walking Dead/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'The Walking Dead', 'Latest Episode': '01x06^TS-19^Dec/05/2010'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/top gear/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311526800', 'Network': 'BBC TWO (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Documentary', 'Started': 'Oct/20/2002', 'Show Name': 'Top Gear', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Automobiles | Comedy', 'Premiered': '2002', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 08:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6753', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/top gear/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Top Gear', 'Latest Episode': '17x04^Series 17, Episode 4^Jul/17/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311271200', 'Network': 'BBC One (United Kingdom)', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/22/2006', 'Show Name': 'Torchwood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi', 'Premiered': '2006', 'Airtime': 'Thursday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '6993', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Next Episode': '04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Torchwood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Torchwood', 'Latest Episode': '04x01^The New World^Jul/14/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/True Blood/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311548400', 'Network': 'HBO', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Sep/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'True Blood', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama | Horror/Supernatural | Mystery | Thriller', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Sunday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '12662', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/True Blood/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'True Blood', 'Latest Episode': "04x04^I'm Alive And On Fire^Jul/17/2011"}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311375600', 'Network': 'Animal Planet', 'Classification': 'Reality', 'Started': 'Nov/07/2008', 'Show Name': 'Whale Wars', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Action | Adventure | Drama | Educational | Family', 'Premiered': '2008', 'Airtime': 'Friday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20399', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/Whale Wars/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'Whale Wars', 'Latest Episode': '04x06^Race to Save Lives^Jul/15/2011'}, {'Status': 'Returning Series', 'ep_img': '/media/server/series/white collar/folder.jpg', 'RFC3339': '2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00', 'GMT+0 NODST': '1311116400', 'Network': 'USA', 'Classification': 'Scripted', 'Started': 'Oct/23/2009', 'Show Name': 'White Collar', 'Show URL': '', 'Genres': 'Drama', 'Premiered': '2009', 'Airtime': 'Tuesday at 09:00 pm', 'Ended': '', 'Show ID': '20720', 'Country': 'USA', 'Next Episode': '03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011', 'path': '/media/server/series/white collar/', 'Runtime': '60', 'localname': 'White Collar', 'Latest Episode': '03x06^Scott Free^Jul/12/2011'}]
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Man vs. Wild
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: TODAY
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###07x02^New Zealand South Island^Jul/18/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-18T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-18
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###White Collar
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###03x07^Taking Account^Jul/19/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-19T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-19
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Angry Boys
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###01x11^Episode 11^Jul/20/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-20T21:00:00+10:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-20
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Torchwood
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###04x02^Rendition^Jul/21/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-21T21:00:00+01:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-21
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Whale Wars
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###04x07^Enemy In Their Grasps^Jul/22/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-22
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Top Gear
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###17x05^Series 17, Episode 5^Jul/24/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T20:00:00+01:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###Leverage
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###04x05^The Hot Potato Job^Jul/24/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###True Blood
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104608256 NOTICE: ###04x05^Me and The Devil^Jul/24/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Breaking Bad
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###04x02^Thirty-Eight Snub^Jul/24/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Curb Your Enthusiasm
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###08x03^Palestinian Chicken^Jul/24/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-07-24T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-07-24
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###NCIS
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###09x01^Season 9, Episode 1^Sep/20/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-09-20T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-09-20
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Grey's Anatomy
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###08x01^Season 8, Episode 1^Sep/22/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-09-22T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-09-22
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Fringe
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###04x01^Season 4, Episode 1^Sep/23/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-09-23T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-09-23
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Dexter
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###06x01^Season 6, Episode 1^Sep/25/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Family Guy
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###10x01^TBA^Sep/25/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-09-25T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-09-25
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Chuck
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###05x01^Chuck Versus the Zoom^Oct/21/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-10-21T20:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-10-21
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###The Walking Dead
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Oct/31/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-10-31T22:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-10-31
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###Bones
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###07x01^The Memories in the Shallow Grave^Nov/03/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###2011-11-03T21:00:00-4:00
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: 2011-11-03
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ################
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###An Idiot Abroad
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###02x01^Season 2, Episode 1^Sep/2011
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###no rfc
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 NOTICE: ###today show: 1 - 'Man vs. Wild'
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 INFO: Default 4:3 resolution directory is 720p
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 INFO: Default 16:9 resolution directory is 720p
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 INFO: Loading skin includes from /720p/includes.xml
- 21:52:36 T:140100544198400 M:3104833536 INFO: Error loading includes.xml file (/720p/includes.xml): Failed to open file (row=0, col=0)
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3102781440 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (/home/server/.xbmc/addons/ ------
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3102781440 INFO: Loading skin file: /home/server/.xbmc/addons/
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3102781440 DEBUG: unable to load /home/server/.xbmc/addons/ Failed to open file at line 0
- 21:52:36 T:140101023717472 M:3104051200 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
- 21:52:36 T:140100636301056 M:3104051200 DEBUG: GetImageHash - unable to stat url /media/server/series/top gear/folder.jpg
- 21:52:38 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 22, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
- 21:52:38 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
- 21:52:39 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (/home/server/.xbmc/addons/ ------
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 INFO: Scriptresult: Success
- 21:52:39 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 ERROR: ClearBlock: Trying to clear non existent block /home/server/.xbmc/addons/
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 DEBUG: xbp_dlopen loading python lib /usr/lib/xbmc/system/python/ flags: 2
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 DEBUG: Loading: /home/server/.xbmc/temp/
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 DEBUG: RegisterExtensionLib, adding (0x1de0e10)
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 DEBUG: xbp_dlsym - load symbol initcollections
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 INFO: Python script stopped
- 21:52:39 T:140100544198400 M:3103895552 DEBUG: Thread 140100544198400 terminating
- 21:52:39 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: python thread 7 destructed
- 21:52:44 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 114, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:44 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 114, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 114, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(9111)
- 21:52:45 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(9111)
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:46 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:47 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:47 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:47 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:47 T:140101023717472 M:3103895552 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(9310)
- 21:52:48 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(9310)
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 INFO: Python, unloading python24.dll because no scripts are running anymore
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: UnloadExtensionLibs, clearing python extension libraries
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:49 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 116, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103772672 DEBUG: OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 36, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating Container.SetViewMode(53)
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To Container.SetViewMode(53)
- 21:52:50 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 WARNING: GetLabel - Unknown nodetype requested 0
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 113, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: OnKey: 61477 pressed, action is Left
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(50)
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(50)
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 113, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:51 T:140101023717472 M:3103911936 DEBUG: OnKey: 61477 pressed, action is Left
- 21:52:53 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x1e9e730, multi=0x21df520)
- 21:52:53 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 111, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
- 21:52:53 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 DEBUG: OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
- 21:52:53 T:140101023717472 M:3103899648 INFO: CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=0x2380900, multi=0x22ee550)
- 21:52:54 T:140101023717472 M:3104026624 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/
- 21:52:54 T:140101023717472 M:3104026624 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:52:55 T:140101023717472 M:3104030720 INFO: LIRC Initialize: using: /dev/lircd
- 21:52:55 T:140101023717472 M:3104030720 DEBUG: Failed to connect to LIRC. Giving up.
- 21:53:04 T:140100383999744 M:3104038912 DEBUG: Thread 140100383999744 terminating (autodelete)
- 21:53:04 T:140100400785152 M:3104038912 DEBUG: Thread 140100400785152 terminating (autodelete)
- 21:53:04 T:140100392392448 M:3104030720 DEBUG: Thread 140100392392448 terminating (autodelete)
- 21:53:04 T:140100371367680 M:3104030720 DEBUG: Thread 140100371367680 terminating (autodelete)
- 21:53:06 T:140100636301056 M:3104182272 DEBUG: Thread 140100636301056 terminating (autodelete)
- 21:53:06 T:140101023717472 M:3104182272 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: special://xbmcbin/system/
- 21:53:06 T:140101023717472 M:3104182272 DEBUG: Unloading:
- 21:53:24 T:140101023717472 M:3103944704 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(
- 21:53:24 T:140101023717472 M:3103944704 DEBUG: Unloading:
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