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a guest
Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. [18:19:23] <TokenDaRing> hi christopher
  2. [18:27:34] <christopher> yeah
  3. [18:29:19] <TokenDaRing> how are you?
  4. [18:30:09] <christopher> lonely
  5. [18:31:16] <TokenDaRing> why?
  6. [18:31:37] <christopher> cause wankers like u
  7. [18:32:17] <TokenDaRing> why are you lonely because of me?
  8. [18:32:22] <TokenDaRing> I don't even leave near you
  9. [18:33:23] <christopher> nah but wankers drove me nuts
  10. [18:34:07] <TokenDaRing> how can anyone drive you nuts?
  11. [18:34:23] <christopher> say i am shit to other ppl
  12. [18:34:33] <christopher> so those ppl cant make up their own mind
  13. [18:34:44] <TokenDaRing> I'm sure those people make up their own mind
  14. [18:34:45] <TokenDaRing> I mean
  15. [18:34:54] <TokenDaRing> people don't automatically just believe what they're told
  16. [18:35:01] <TokenDaRing> they form their own opinions
  17. [18:35:13] <christopher> yeah but i dont talk shit about ppl
  18. [18:35:22] <TokenDaRing> if someone tells me that I should think a certain way about someone, I always try to find out for myself if thats true
  19. [18:37:43] <christopher> nah woman tried to put words in my mouth
  20. [18:37:54] <christopher> i cant get over this woman
  21. [18:38:01] <christopher> now she is plotting against me
  22. [18:38:54] <TokenDaRing> who is she?
  23. [18:39:11] <christopher> that i dont really know
  24. [18:39:45] <TokenDaRing> well what happened?
  25. [18:39:53] <TokenDaRing> what woman was putting words in your mouth?
  26. [18:40:10] <christopher> on fb
  27. [18:40:31] <christopher> if i said what she thinks what i said i never did what i said
  28. [18:40:50] <christopher> i was on shrooms for 3months b4 i saw her
  29. [18:40:51] <TokenDaRing> I don't understand
  30. [18:40:59] <christopher> i wasnt making sense
  31. [18:42:21] <christopher> you r probably helping her plot agianst me
  32. [18:42:25] <christopher> goaway
  33. [18:42:26] <TokenDaRing> I don't know who she is
  34. [18:42:36] <TokenDaRing> how can I plot with someone I don't know
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