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Dec 21st, 2014
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  1. Eaglesword: Ey mate, I'm about to rebuilt the Imperium along side Sakroth,
  2. Eaglesword: Well,
  3. Eaglesword: Atleast improve.
  4. Eaglesword: I want to make IoM and PN close again, that fine?
  5. Eaglesword: Being brother and sister clans after all
  6. AMWarfield: Sci-fi as a genre on this site is dieing
  7. Eaglesword: Roblox as a whole is dying
  8. AMWarfield: Were you in Erletta?
  9. Eaglesword: No, but i was at a time allied
  10. AMWarfield: Hold off for a minute
  11. AMWarfield: Can you and sak follow me?
  12. Eaglesword: On my way.
  13. Eaglesword: Just a sec, need to find out my password>.>
  14. AMWarfield: coming?
  15. Eaglesword is now Online.
  16. Eaglesword: Give me a bit, Roblox keeps sendign me to the "Download now"
  17. Eaglesword: thing
  18. AMWarfield: Alright
  19. Eaglesword: Still doing it, are you able to move it to Steam?
  20. AMWarfield: Not really
  21. AMWarfield: We all have time
  22. Eaglesword: Shitty, Alright let me try a few more things.
  23. Your state is set to Offline.
  24. Eaglesword is now Offline.
  25. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  26. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  27. Eaglesword is now Online.
  28. Eaglesword: Whats it about anyway chief aslong as we all have time to kill
  29. AMWarfield: I've been at Prima Nox for.. more than 2 years now, me and iamthewalres feel we've led it the best we can, I could dump money into it for a temporary effect, but everyone who knows about it does, and the last wave of people to join it came a long time ago.
  31. Colonial groups are new and rapidly growing, and they all use the same projectile-fire musket and sword. We'd use our knowledge of raycasts to differ us from the rest, possibly the equivalent of remaking Erletta, but using an irl group for diplomacy with other colonial groups.
  33. Alternatively, there is making a medieval group, with raycast bows and crossbows and the sword to be found at Invictam. We'd probably end up using Invictam as it's already here and built. We were thinking of the Hanseatic League, we'd fight with the Teutonic Order group and any other that arise.
  34. AMWarfield: We were also thinking of being vikings.
  35. Eaglesword: Hmm.
  36. Eaglesword: Do you all have skype
  37. Eaglesword: ?
  38. AMWarfield: We want to do this with you and sakroth as you're a group in a similar situation, and you have more connections, building and scripting knowledge than me while I'm more active on ROBLOX, while I have 2 years of coherent experience, we all have years, but I have it with pure leadership as well as probably being more active than you.
  39. AMWarfield: We could do this on steam or skype
  40. Eaglesword: Interesting.
  41. Eaglesword: Veeerry much so.
  42. AMWarfield: I'll add them to this then?
  43. Eaglesword: Mhmm
  44. Your chat with Eaglesword is now a multi-user chat.
  45. Eaglesword has been invited to chat.
  46. Zasha/Resco has been invited to chat.
  47. Zasha/Resco entered chat.
  48. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  49. General Gibus entered chat.
  50. Eaglesword: We going on VC or just staying with chat?
  51. niggr-riley has been invited to chat.
  52. AMWarfield: I can do either
  53. General Gibus: Same
  54. Zasha/Resco: sammme
  55. Eaglesword: Type for simplicity? And chat if we need clarity?
  56. AMWarfield: Anyone else I should invite?
  57. Eaglesword: You wanted Sak?
  58. General Gibus: Ulk?
  59. niggr-riley entered chat.
  60. AMWarfield: I was thinking about asking Dathuran for whatever script made a captured point give your team a chance of spawning at it.
  61. AMWarfield: For invictam.
  62. Eaglesword: Personally, I think a script that allowed you to click and choose where to spawn would be more efficent.
  63. AMWarfield: Well, we don't have that lol
  64. Eaglesword: Mhmm.
  65. AMWarfield: Alright
  66. AMWarfield: That's down the road.
  67. niggr-riley: we could get one
  68. AMWarfield: Is there anyone vital to this that any could add right now
  69. AMWarfield: From beginning to end stage?
  70. niggr-riley: mike was part of our bit with delmar
  71. niggr-riley: he's good with managment
  72. AMWarfield: Is shyshen online, if we did colonial, the erletta uniforms would be a godsend
  73. AMWarfield: Mike's in other stuff though, isnt he with cini, zx and the social circle that follows devon around
  74. Eaglesword: I could probalby have Rukia in on this.
  75. AMWarfield: They're currently in that UNSC startup
  76. AMWarfield: Alright, do so
  77. niggr-riley: no idea
  78. MK2 has been invited to chat.
  79. AMWarfield: I'll add him then
  80. AMWarfield: hm
  81. niggr-riley: we're using the basic blade right?>
  82. niggr-riley: that thing is the best
  83. General Gibus: I liked it
  84. AMWarfield: For now we just need who's going to be instrumental to this regardless of what we do, we're divided on medieval or colonial
  85. AMWarfield: Colonial wouldn't really get that would they?
  86. niggr-riley: Prolly not.
  87. niggr-riley: Was talking if we do med.
  88. niggr-riley: Bruce and I had a start up for a Colonial going.
  89. AMWarfield: There's bushman but he's pretty much quit
  90. Eaglesword: ^
  91. AMWarfield: d0peyd0pe's in other stuff, no?
  92. niggr-riley: Was kinda steampunkesq.
  93. AMWarfield: 0MN0M's quit as well?
  94. Eaglesword: Easily transferable to Colonial though.
  95. Eaglesword: I think 0M Is alive somewhere
  96. AMWarfield: I'll add him as well then
  97. AMWarfield: nvm offline
  98. Eaglesword: If we go Med,
  99. Eaglesword: I know the Teutonics leader
  100. Eaglesword: So theres possible free tech
  101. Eaglesword: IF we are that jewed.
  102. General Gibus: We are the most jewed of all the jews
  103. AMWarfield: Well
  104. AMWarfield: Nobody else then it appears.
  105. AMWarfield: So, first order of business
  106. AMWarfield: Who would lead the group?
  107. Eaglesword: Well, we've got a few things on that,
  108. Father Christmas Ulthwé has been invited to chat.
  109. Eaglesword: You and I both have the experience, So i really think we should do something to satisfy everyones ego.
  110. Father Christmas Ulthwé entered chat.
  111. Father Christmas Ulthwé: ?
  112. AMWarfield: This is meztech
  113. General Gibus: He's a huge fag.
  114. AMWarfield: Mez I'm gonna ctrl+v you some stuff, alright?
  115. Eaglesword: Rofl.
  116. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Uh sure.
  117. Eaglesword: Anyways,
  118. AMWarfield: Don't spam this or go off telling everyone
  119. Father Christmas Ulthwé: > 99.99% confused.
  120. AMWarfield: Shut the fuck up and wait
  121. Eaglesword: How will we be organizing this? I.E Are we militaristic, cilivalized Or wtf thatscalled. or an Empire? wt/ both.
  122. niggr-riley: I'll list it off.
  123. General Gibus: Komn doesn't want to be a kingdom
  124. General Gibus: Because that implys we have civilians
  125. AMWarfield: I dunno if having a "civilian" rank would get more people, but the civilian ranks never do jack shit
  126. General Gibus: And he doesn't want to deal with that shit
  127. AMWarfield: And its just clutter
  128. Eaglesword: Well,
  129. niggr-riley: Imperialism, Democratic, Communist, Militaristic, Oligarcic
  130. Eaglesword: In all due reality,
  131. Eaglesword: If we are just a Military
  132. Eaglesword: Might scare off people.
  133. Eaglesword: If we have something political,
  134. niggr-riley: I'm saying Militaristic.
  135. Eaglesword: We bring in more people.
  136. niggr-riley: Model it off prussia.
  137. Eaglesword: Think as a teen might playing this game, Some like war, Some like Political shit,
  138. niggr-riley: "There are no civilians, only those not in active duty"
  139. Eaglesword: Why not satisfy both parties?
  140. Eaglesword: If that is possible, then why not attempt it.
  141. General Gibus: If we're doing med
  142. Father Christmas Ulthwé: So we're moving to medieval or colonial.
  143. General Gibus: Than politics would span to being a noble
  144. AMWarfield: Everyone wants power, really, a group with civilian stuff just adds more ranks, but it's all ranks to these kids in the end.
  145. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I'm not following which one we actually settled on.
  146. AMWarfield: They want the highest rank and a good leader dangles it infront of them to keep them moving essentially.
  147. AMWarfield: It won't be much difference imo.
  148. AMWarfield: And military means less rank clutter.
  149. Eaglesword: Well,
  150. Eaglesword: Mind if i explain what we were going to do with Delmar?
  151. AMWarfield: Not at all.
  152. Eaglesword: So, There is the Military, and there is the Civil shit,
  153. Eaglesword: The miltiary is organised in Legions, Army groups, Idfk whatever you please
  154. Eaglesword: In med, that would be something like Houses, Or something idk really.
  155. AMWarfield: Divisions
  156. General Gibus: We could do houses.
  157. Eaglesword: Essentially yes,
  158. Eaglesword: Now,
  159. Eaglesword: They have their own seperate "Division" groups
  160. Eaglesword: Apart fro the main group
  161. Eaglesword: The main group just lists if you are Black
  162. Eaglesword: Blank*
  163. Eaglesword: Or blank
  164. Eaglesword: Like, My rank might list as "Military Personal"
  165. Eaglesword: Or "Politicians"
  166. General Gibus: So a historical ro-nation
  167. General Gibus: Pretty much
  168. Eaglesword: More or less.
  169. niggr-riley: tldr: rome
  170. Eaglesword: Ro-nations seem to be in trend.
  171. AMWarfield: Disgusting
  172. Eaglesword: And when done properly, bring mass success.
  173. Eaglesword: Disgusting, but successful.
  174. AMWarfield: please no modern groups I'd like to not lose any hope I have left in this game, people are only in those for tools at the city.
  175. General Gibus: We're not doing a modern group
  176. Eaglesword: ^^
  177. General Gibus: Its basically the ro-nation model
  178. General Gibus: But apply it to whatever era we are doing.
  179. General Gibus: I don't like it either
  180. General Gibus: But
  181. General Gibus: It works
  182. General Gibus: And others like it.
  183. AMWarfield: I saw what you did with dominion of terra
  184. AMWarfield: Do you mean implementing that
  185. Eaglesword: I really honsetly forget what i did in DoT.
  186. niggr-riley: kom
  187. niggr-riley: did you ever look at rome
  188. General Gibus: He was PG
  189. General Gibus: >Because of Twolf
  190. niggr-riley: because that's the basic group model
  191. niggr-riley: now adays
  192. AMWarfield: I am PG but anyways
  193. AMWarfield: hm
  194. General Gibus: I'll go with it
  195. General Gibus: It works, it will get us members.
  196. Eaglesword: ^
  197. General Gibus: And I can easily just ignore the political shit
  198. Eaglesword: If it dosen't, Its a quick fi.
  199. AMWarfield: I can be on board with that, but it means we'd all have to be active in recruiting for it
  200. Eaglesword: Fix*
  201. AMWarfield: I assume us four would lead a division
  202. Eaglesword: If we look at how easy we can go from Ro-nation to military.
  203. Eaglesword: Its just a quick chop,
  204. General Gibus: True
  205. General Gibus: And I'd be active
  206. AMWarfield: If we did medieval, it'd be houses, if we did colonial, it'd be..?
  207. General Gibus: Regiments?
  208. Eaglesword: ^
  209. niggr-riley: Baronies.
  210. niggr-riley: whatever you call it
  211. niggr-riley: it doesn't matter
  212. niggr-riley: it's the same concept
  213. AMWarfield: Alright
  214. AMWarfield: I'm not too sure on what to think on that, because I don't know if we can keep 4 divisions active right off the bat.
  215. Eaglesword: Thats something we might eed to sort out now,
  216. General Gibus: Maybe 2
  217. Eaglesword: Rather than later.
  218. AMWarfield: Yeah.
  219. General Gibus: To start out
  220. Eaglesword: We can satisfy ego's as we go.
  221. General Gibus: Heres how I see it.
  222. General Gibus: One of us is going to be the leader
  223. niggr-riley: A council.
  224. General Gibus: The other three/four
  225. Eaglesword: ^
  226. General Gibus: Are granted the divisions
  227. General Gibus: To lead
  228. Eaglesword: If we have to,
  229. Eaglesword: A political leader, A military leader, The central Figure, and etc etc
  230. niggr-riley: A shared account for the leadership role.
  231. niggr-riley: And a council beneath it.
  232. niggr-riley: Atleast that's what I think.
  233. Eaglesword: Shared accoutns are sketchy,
  234. Eaglesword: Nobody ever trusts anyone.
  235. Zasha/Resco: not unless your real life buddies
  236. Eaglesword: ^
  237. General Gibus: or me and komn
  238. AMWarfield: Well me and vis share theholyfirstnight rather well
  239. General Gibus: Yea
  240. niggr-riley: i mean i trust bruce enough to give him my shit
  241. niggr-riley: and i don't think anyone here is a dick
  242. niggr-riley: so
  243. Eaglesword: Shared dosen't always mean strong leadership, but if we have to, lets make him look pretty
  244. Eaglesword: Or she
  245. General Gibus: Hm.
  246. Eaglesword: I vote for a big ass beard.
  247. General Gibus: Sure. All the monarchs have beards
  248. Eaglesword: So all in favor of Shared account?
  249. niggr-riley: Imperialism or Monarchy?
  250. AMWarfield: We're getting carried away.
  251. Zasha/Resco: If he's military he has to be clean shaven, that's how it is wth the military Bl
  252. Eaglesword: True enough
  253. AMWarfield: So eaglesword would like us all leading our own divisions with a shared acc between us, maximum decentralization?
  254. Zasha/Resco: brb
  255. General Gibus: It would take coordination between us
  256. Eaglesword: ^
  257. General Gibus: So we'd need to be open to communication
  258. AMWarfield: Alright
  259. Eaglesword: If i'm away from the computer, i'll give a few people my # encase anything comes up.
  260. niggr-riley: However.
  261. niggr-riley: fuck
  262. niggr-riley: i forget what i was going to say
  263. AMWarfield: I'll wait for sakroth, then I'll give my preposition for organization.
  264. AMWarfield: Oh. okay then
  265. General Gibus: Lol
  266. Eaglesword: Rofl.
  267. Zasha/Resco: back
  268. AMWarfield: @Eaglesword's idea of each leading own division, main group just for coordination- That requires us all to be active in promoting our own divisions when we could be combining our efforts on a main group. I propose a model of the Teutonic Order (, where it is a main united body, but there are four houses with the retinues of the prominent group members.
  269. General Gibus: Links busted
  270. AMWarfield:
  271. General Gibus: Hm
  272. AMWarfield: That way
  273. AMWarfield: We have the main group fighting things, but members we want to identify as "ours", we can invite them to join one of the houses
  274. AMWarfield: To satisfy your urges for divisions
  275. Eaglesword: Interesting, but i would still like to bring in the intellectual/political group, would this some how allow that?
  276. General Gibus: If we're doing med
  277. General Gibus: I doubt it
  278. AMWarfield: It'd be something in of itself, It wouldn't have any large effect in group ranking or fighting, it'd be separate entirely
  279. niggr-riley: Once things are up and running, Bruce and I had something planned for delmar.
  280. Zasha/Resco: how does a political group benifit or is just role play stuff
  281. General Gibus: Roleplay stuff
  282. Zasha/Resco: oh
  283. General Gibus: People like that.
  284. niggr-riley: IE supporting "do whatever it takes to climb the ranks but don't get caught" stuff.
  285. General Gibus: ?
  286. AMWarfield: The Teutonic Order fights its battles regardless of the house they are in, but while patrolling, they may do stuff, or there may be family events like tournaments, or even some brief inter conflict we perpetuate for RP ;)
  287. Zasha/Resco: so basically corruption
  288. niggr-riley: corruption is good
  289. Eaglesword: ^
  290. Zasha/Resco: hwat
  291. niggr-riley: if you can limit it and control it, it is the motiviation to do things
  292. niggr-riley: if a group is corruption free there is no point
  293. Zasha/Resco: what if a nigger gets in our system and corrupts things
  294. niggr-riley: why be ambitious when there is no need for change?
  295. niggr-riley: then that is our fault for allowing it
  296. Zasha/Resco: ok
  297. AMWarfield: The nigger would have to be smarter than us
  298. niggr-riley: ^
  299. AMWarfield: While, probably not a hard achievement,
  300. niggr-riley: which is a scientific impossibility
  301. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Well I'm a redneck so.
  302. AMWarfield: wouldn't be done on ROBLOX.
  303. General Gibus: So we turn a blind eye to what we allow, but act on what we dislike?
  304. Zasha/Resco: my group is corruption free B) nothing to worry about
  305. niggr-riley: yes
  306. AMWarfield: Your group has 5 active members
  307. Zasha/Resco: lol
  308. AMWarfield: And is unimportant on a site-wide scale
  309. General Gibus: Lol
  310. Zasha/Resco: ik ;p
  311. General Gibus: Alright
  312. General Gibus: I'm all for this allowing corruption to an extent
  313. Eaglesword: ^
  314. niggr-riley: This is an idea bruce and I threw around
  315. AMWarfield: Let's not get carried away though, I'm compromising the divisions with my idea
  316. niggr-riley: quire a bit
  317. AMWarfield: Which one are we supporting?
  318. Eaglesword: Undermining corruption shouldn't be a thing.
  319. niggr-riley: *quite
  320. General Gibus: Lets focus on gas' preposition for a sec though
  321. General Gibus: Should we have the divisions BE the group, or a side thing like gas suggested?
  322. Zasha/Resco: better for it to be in the group
  323. niggr-riley: Both.
  324. Zasha/Resco: or you get split up like a ro nation
  325. AMWarfield: explain
  326. Zasha/Resco: and its harder to communicate
  327. niggr-riley: It's like political parties.
  328. niggr-riley: You have the option to join none.
  329. niggr-riley: You won't get anywhere.
  330. niggr-riley: But you can refuse to join any.
  331. Zasha/Resco: brb again
  332. niggr-riley: And remain independant.
  333. General Gibus: Maybe officers must belong to a noble house?
  334. niggr-riley: again
  335. General Gibus: So you can work your way up the group
  336. niggr-riley: not a requirement
  337. General Gibus: But you hit a point
  338. General Gibus: Where you have to join one
  339. AMWarfield: So you're openly suggesting the "good old boy" system were we promote our own people at the expense of others
  340. AMWarfield: That's asking for some arguments lol
  341. AMWarfield: While I imagine a slight bias
  342. Eaglesword: ^
  343. AMWarfield: That's just an invitation for crowded officer ranks
  344. AMWarfield: Where we each try to get our own guys as powerful as possible
  345. General Gibus: Not if we're all coordinating
  346. AMWarfield: Then that's not what sak suggested
  347. niggr-riley: Limit it to having 1-2 officers from each house then.
  348. Zasha/Resco: back
  349. AMWarfield: So the next highest rank is crowded
  350. Eaglesword: @Gas everything is subject to change
  351. niggr-riley: And the idea is we're all coordinated through out this.
  352. Eaglesword: ^
  353. niggr-riley: That's my assumption anyway.
  354. General Gibus: for a second, let me just ask
  355. Eaglesword: We can't do this, if we do not work as a group
  356. AMWarfield: We shouldn't intentionally have a bias, we'll just know people from our own house better over time if we don't purposely consider that.
  357. niggr-riley: Assuming we're all coordinated and use that idea it's a way to have limited corruption and keep power in the primary group.
  358. niggr-riley: And anyone can join a house.
  359. AMWarfield: Granted we invite them
  360. niggr-riley: Or if they pass examination of sorts.
  361. General Gibus: Maybe they are free to join
  362. AMWarfield: It can be up to us how we want to organize our houses.
  363. General Gibus: Yea
  364. General Gibus: Free to join, not to rank up in
  365. Eaglesword: Regarding the houses,
  366. niggr-riley: Yeah.
  367. Eaglesword: Will there be a Family? And then the house units?
  368. niggr-riley: That works Visc.
  369. General Gibus: Do we want to pull a game of thrones
  370. niggr-riley: Family openly shows who you're inclined to be biassed towards.
  371. niggr-riley: I'd say no to that.
  372. Eaglesword: Like, is every group rank just a carbon copy?
  373. niggr-riley: Houses are bigger.
  374. AMWarfield: I propose what you see in the teutonic order group, main group with fighting and ranks, with the families as a side project
  375. AMWarfield: Literally just social cliques. No subdivisions that aren't a rank in it
  376. AMWarfield: It'd be up to us if we wanted an exam, invite only, or whatever.
  377. AMWarfield: Ranks could be like "Initiate", "Advisor", or whatever.
  378. AMWarfield: Whatever you all wanted for your respective houses.
  379. AMWarfield: Family guards possibly.
  380. AMWarfield: I don't wanna get carried away though
  381. Eaglesword: Regarding that, is every "Household" Ranks carbon copy? Or house customization
  382. AMWarfield: House customozation
  383. General Gibus: Gas is suggesting cutomization
  384. AMWarfield: We'd each be the owner of our house groups
  385. General Gibus: I agree
  386. AMWarfield: Assuming we all have BC.
  387. Eaglesword: <TBC
  388. General Gibus: I have BC
  389. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I do not.
  390. AMWarfield: Sakroth, are you an impoverished nigger?
  391. Zasha/Resco: ; (
  392. niggr-riley: I'll be in Bruce's house.
  393. niggr-riley: I much prefer the role of second to first.
  394. General Gibus: So three houses
  395. General Gibus: Me komn and eagle
  396. Zasha/Resco: I'll go in viscsss
  397. General Gibus: For starters, at least.
  398. AMWarfield: Wait
  399. AMWarfield: So we're using my idea then?
  400. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Seems like it.
  401. General Gibus: We're saying if we were to.
  402. AMWarfield: With the main group and the houses as side?
  403. Eaglesword: ^
  404. AMWarfield: Well let's determine that then, what say you eagle
  405. Eaglesword: Well, its bascally a simplifyied idea of my own
  406. Eaglesword: But otherwise
  407. Eaglesword: I do quite enjoy that idea
  408. AMWarfield: Alright.
  409. AMWarfield: So now let's get down to the leadership of those houses,
  410. niggr-riley: I think there should be a motivation for houses to compete as well.
  411. niggr-riley: Some kinda reward or summat.
  412. AMWarfield: Regular group events can provide that.
  413. AMWarfield: "I beat the filthy _____'s at the tournament!"
  414. niggr-riley: Well enough for now then.
  415. AMWarfield: But yeah
  416. AMWarfield: Tournaments or practice battles
  417. AMWarfield: So now down to house leadership,
  418. Eaglesword: Will each house have its own "House" So to speak? I.E Like a Castle, Or something? Or naw?
  419. AMWarfield: If you wanted, i don't see anything against it.
  420. Eaglesword: Hmmk.
  421. AMWarfield: Ideally I'd prefer me, vis, sakroth, eagle leading houses but me and vis are pretty similar and sak and eagle are similar but 2 houses is not enough.
  422. AMWarfield: I'd think we need atleast 3.
  423. General Gibus: Me you and eagle
  424. AMWarfield: Meztech
  425. General Gibus: The only three BC here
  426. General Gibus: Mez is not BC
  427. General Gibus: Zasha said he'd go with me
  428. AMWarfield: Someone could buy it for him possibly, but yeah can't operate with that for now.
  429. Zasha/Resco: ; )
  430. AMWarfield: Since he's different from all of us,
  431. AMWarfield: no offense mez
  432. AMWarfield: But you know what I mean
  433. AMWarfield: Like, if someone was being an insolent shitbird
  434. niggr-riley: Again, I work much better as a second.
  435. AMWarfield: He'd talk to the insolent shitbird where we'd all shoot him
  436. niggr-riley: ^
  437. Eaglesword: ^^
  438. General Gibus: True
  439. niggr-riley: pretty much
  440. General Gibus: I can play the diplomacy game.... to a point
  441. General Gibus: That point being 5 minutes
  442. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I am skilled at it.
  443. niggr-riley: I'm a good politician.
  444. Eaglesword: Me/Sak/Gas are all excllent.
  445. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Hell I was raised into it.
  446. AMWarfield: It's what I did early for prima nox, then I hardened.
  447. AMWarfield: But anyways.
  448. Eaglesword: Sak's killed about 3-4-5 IoM's politically.
  449. AMWarfield: I guess he cant lead a house since no BC
  450. AMWarfield: Unless he doesn't wanna be a jew and pay 6 bucks for it
  451. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I can pay it.
  452. Eaglesword: I just build relationships.
  453. AMWarfield: You there mez
  454. AMWarfield: Alright
  455. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I just choose not to.
  456. AMWarfield: Can you though?
  457. AMWarfield: One month BC, 5.99$
  458. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Father Christmas Ulthwé: I can pay it.
  459. AMWarfield: Doesn't have to be tonight
  460. General Gibus: If you don't mind waiting for christmas
  461. AMWarfield: Alright
  462. General Gibus: I could buy saks BC
  463. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I just don't want to.
  464. AMWarfield: Sak wants to be w/ eagle
  465. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Well, I don't want to lead a house.
  466. General Gibus: I could lead a house
  467. General Gibus: And mez could be my diplomacy guy
  468. Father Christmas Ulthwé: ^
  469. AMWarfield: So we're looking at me, visc, and eagle.
  470. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I've helped Vis with most of his groups.
  471. General Gibus: ^
  472. AMWarfield: I'm left with 0 beginning members but I can rectify that eventually I guess, I'm completely unsure of what twolf would say to this
  473. AMWarfield: Hence why I didn't add him
  474. AMWarfield: He's in UNSC and Rome though and he doesn't look intent on leaving so I won't bother him with it I guess
  475. AMWarfield: He'd just be another inactive officer.
  476. AMWarfield: Anyways.
  477. AMWarfield: Is 3 too little?
  478. General Gibus: We can add more later
  479. General Gibus: Bestow lordship on some pleb we like.
  480. General Gibus: Bring him in
  481. Eaglesword: ^
  482. AMWarfield: I was thinking that the first/second highest ranks all lead houses
  483. General Gibus: Make sure he's agreeable
  484. Eaglesword: Truth be told,
  485. niggr-riley: I've been grooming KillerDoran as of late.
  486. AMWarfield: He's in IOm no?
  487. AMWarfield: Should I add him
  488. niggr-riley: Aye'.
  489. niggr-riley: Not yet.
  490. Eaglesword: Us 3 are more kind of like the "Royal Houses" So to speak since we are all "In" On it.
  491. niggr-riley: He's not complete yet.
  492. Eaglesword: We all know the grand scheme,
  493. niggr-riley: Once he takes his first step towards overthrowing Grax i'd like to involve him somehow.
  494. Eaglesword: Everyone else might not be like that.
  495. niggr-riley: I'll also say this.
  496. niggr-riley: We should all take turns using the shared account.
  497. niggr-riley: Cycle it day to day.
  498. niggr-riley: To give it the appearence of activity.
  499. General Gibus: That could get chaotic.
  500. AMWarfield: Let's not get carried away
  501. niggr-riley: As if it weren't one of us.
  502. AMWarfield: House leadership
  503. Eaglesword: ^
  504. General Gibus: Like a multiple personality disorder
  505. AMWarfield: Me, eagle, visc for now
  506. AMWarfield: Seem good?
  507. Zasha/Resco: yes
  508. niggr-riley: yes
  509. AMWarfield: Alright
  510. General Gibus: I'll agree because I'm one of them
  511. Eaglesword: Da'.
  512. General Gibus: Lol
  513. Eaglesword: Bruze's ego is now satisfyied.
  514. AMWarfield: So we have a main group with fighting with side houses for social,
  515. AMWarfield: What comes next?
  516. Eaglesword: Should we decided what we "Are" as a civ?
  517. AMWarfield: I'm putting off Medieval VS Colonial as long as possible so we all have time to mull over that.
  518. General Gibus: I guess
  519. AMWarfield: Alright, yeah
  520. niggr-riley: Imperialistic or Monarchical.
  521. AMWarfield: Should we have elections for the leader role between us 3,
  522. AMWarfield: shared account, or what/
  523. AMWarfield: Or a single leader
  524. Eaglesword: Right so one at a time,
  525. Eaglesword: Lets start with AM and work on
  526. niggr-riley: We could use the Grand marshal plan from Delmar.
  527. AMWarfield: Explain that
  528. Eaglesword: We might have to change that a little.
  529. Eaglesword: But go for it.
  530. General Gibus: Still, explain it
  531. niggr-riley: Essentially.
  532. niggr-riley: We start off with X leader.
  533. niggr-riley: They've got X amount of time in their term.
  534. niggr-riley: In that time they have to achieve X amount of victories with less than Y amount of losses.
  535. niggr-riley: If they do so they retain power.
  536. niggr-riley: If they don't elections go for another.
  537. niggr-riley: And they'[re not an option for that election.
  538. AMWarfield: That seems too complicated and/or hard to keep track of
  539. General Gibus: Plus
  540. General Gibus: It is based on the activity of the group
  541. Eaglesword: ^
  542. Zasha/Resco: yeah
  543. Eaglesword: Its based on the Activity of the group, to force the group so to speak
  544. General Gibus left chat.
  545. Eaglesword: If we leave the activity of the group up to chat
  546. Eaglesword: up to fate*
  547. Eaglesword: Leaders get lazy, people get distracted by that new clan
  548. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  549. Eaglesword: etc.
  550. Eaglesword: etc
  551. Eaglesword: If we cannot push our own group to activity then what then?
  552. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  553. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  554. AMWarfield: vis DCed
  555. niggr-riley: The idea is it promotes activity through competition.
  556. Eaglesword: ^
  557. Eaglesword: TLDR: Capitalism
  558. AMWarfield: None of us particularly lust after the leader role, though, do we? lol
  559. niggr-riley: Of course we can have one shared account above whatever we call the rank you compete for.
  560. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I'm fine with this. Minus most of the earn leadership time through combat really.
  561. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I like the term limits between a few leaders though.
  562. AMWarfield: Me and eagle have led groups before and have gotten the goods and goddamn awfuls from them
  563. Eaglesword: Well if you want me to play the devils advocate, i can always lust for it
  564. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Someone fucks up and they can't fix it themselves, next guy comes in and does it for them.
  565. AMWarfield: I don't think we really ambition for it anymore.
  566. Eaglesword: ^
  567. Eaglesword: For me, It's more of Real life.
  568. Eaglesword: But that aside, I can probably re-ignite my fire's periodically
  569. niggr-riley: I can light a fire under Eagle's ass.
  570. niggr-riley: tbh i'm the one who does it 9/10 times
  571. niggr-riley: then the asshat quits out
  572. AMWarfield: Will that happen for this?
  573. Eaglesword: When My ass quits out?
  574. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  575. AMWarfield: If your ass quits out halfway to completion
  576. niggr-riley: I'll simply take his place
  577. niggr-riley: And find my own second.
  578. Eaglesword: ^
  579. Eaglesword: Well,
  580. niggr-riley: Likely Doran.
  581. AMWarfield: I wouldn't really use that as a reliable system as it gives eagle just cause to just drop out on us
  582. Eaglesword: I don't drop out unless i don't see a future.
  583. Eaglesword: Or life is just that fucked.
  584. Eaglesword: Basically as long as you guys show strength, and motivation.
  585. Eaglesword: Im here until your weak, and then im out.
  586. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Neat.
  587. Eaglesword: Im weird like that.
  588. AMWarfield: Well let's not have any quits when the going gets tough.
  589. AMWarfield: Alright, vis is online
  590. AMWarfield: idk why he hasnt re-accepted
  591. Zasha/Resco: yeah
  592. Eaglesword: I won't as long as we all do our 100% 90% of the time
  593. Eaglesword: Anyways, You can count on me
  594. niggr-riley: As long as we all do our jobs this won't fail.
  595. AMWarfield: Alright. I still don't know what to make of this,
  596. niggr-riley: The future.
  597. AMWarfield: I can get behind elections for leader every month maybe,
  598. Eaglesword: We did kind of get off track.
  599. AMWarfield: But the whole thing about victories seems overly complex
  600. AMWarfield: And hard to keep track of for the average member
  601. niggr-riley: Again, a way to promote competition.
  602. niggr-riley: It can be changed.
  603. AMWarfield: Competition between us, yea, shouldn't normal elections give that though? Wouldn't people just vote for theit house leader anyways?
  604. AMWarfield: their*
  605. Eaglesword: Thats boring though
  606. Eaglesword: Its logging on
  607. Eaglesword: typing
  608. Eaglesword: Logging off
  609. Eaglesword: Our idea is to push for war, activity
  610. Eaglesword: And a reason to spend more than an hour online
  611. niggr-riley: Our system had it so if you were in X house
  612. niggr-riley: You couldn't vote for anyone running from that house
  613. niggr-riley: You had to vote for another house leader
  614. AMWarfield: hm
  615. Eaglesword: We could always simplify it
  616. Eaglesword: But It needs to have serious competition
  617. AMWarfield: If a leader was displeased with you
  618. AMWarfield: He could challenge you to a duel for the leader role
  619. AMWarfield: That'd be exciting for everyone
  620. niggr-riley: Or wargames.
  621. Eaglesword: ^
  622. AMWarfield: Yeah, like
  623. AMWarfield: "bring your 3 best to the fort"
  624. Eaglesword: We were thinking more like... House scale Wargames
  625. niggr-riley: ^
  626. AMWarfield: That just gives advantage to whoever opens his house to the masses though
  627. niggr-riley: Test of tactics and strength.
  628. niggr-riley: No it doesn't.
  629. AMWarfield: ROBLOX combat works strongly in favor of that
  630. Eaglesword: Then square it out at even odds.
  631. niggr-riley: Terrain.
  632. Eaglesword: Given a normal sword, Me and Riley have taken on more than our fair share of uneven fights and won
  633. niggr-riley: We'd have to make the place these wargames are held at diverse in terrain.
  634. Eaglesword: ^
  635. niggr-riley: Make it so there's plenty of opportunity for a small force to take a bigger one
  636. AMWarfield: Alright, so there's "Get 10 victories or election" or "Challenge to a duel for the role" between houses, single, I suppose it'd be up to the challenger
  637. niggr-riley: Such as choke points forests etc
  638. niggr-riley: I dislike the idea of single.
  639. Eaglesword: ^
  640. Eaglesword: Not enough reason to log on and give a damn
  641. AMWarfield: Then you can challenge with your friends, i dunno
  642. AMWarfield: Historical duels, the defender chose the weaponry
  643. AMWarfield: And the attacker chose the location
  644. niggr-riley: House proves you are both skilled and tactful.
  645. niggr-riley: That's actually sounds interesting.
  646. AMWarfield: Alright
  647. AMWarfield: So which system we using? I can go either way really
  648. niggr-riley: Leave those as options for now.
  649. niggr-riley: Vote on them later down the road.
  650. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  651. AMWarfield: Alright then
  652. AMWarfield: Who starts out as leader?
  653. Eaglesword: Your idea, Your followers, You.
  654. AMWarfield: I'm thinking eaglesword, if he changed his name back to eaglesword for the name value, it'd get initial followers, no?
  655. Eaglesword: Rofl,
  656. AMWarfield: I got no idea how popular you still are
  657. Eaglesword: Changing back to Eagle might generate a few old names.
  658. AMWarfield: It's better than nothing, and a re-change is free right?
  659. Eaglesword: nawp
  660. Eaglesword: but i got 9k
  661. AMWarfield: damn it
  662. AMWarfield: We might need some of that for ads so keep as is I guess. What would you think is better
  663. niggr-riley: I can try and pull a few favors.
  664. Eaglesword: I have TBC monthly soooo
  665. Eaglesword: i have ffucks to give
  666. AMWarfield:
  667. AMWarfield: I'm not exactly hurting.
  668. AMWarfield: So yeah, I want to keep it at 100k though
  669. AMWarfield: So I can continue TCing for a benchmark profit.
  670. AMWarfield: So we have 20k plus whatever eagle, vis is OK with spending.
  671. AMWarfield: My 100k is somewhat reliable TC profit.
  672. niggr-riley: i've got nothing
  673. AMWarfield: So you'd be alright with changing back, if you think that might help?
  674. niggr-riley: maybe a couple limited
  675. niggr-riley: s
  676. Eaglesword: If we make an ad, Im buying the guy
  677. AMWarfield: Would it be worth 1k?
  678. Eaglesword: Not really, unless I spin it off properly.
  679. niggr-riley: best limited i have rn
  680. niggr-riley:
  681. Eaglesword: But, Might as well give it a go, I'll do atm
  682. AMWarfield: Not yet
  683. AMWarfield: We havent even made the group
  684. Eaglesword: bored of stolen fury anyway
  685. AMWarfield: So I'll be the first leader then I suppose
  686. Your state is set to Offline.
  687. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  688. Connected again and rejoined chat.
  689. AMWarfield: DCed and rejoined
  690. AMWarfield: We all good?
  691. niggr-riley: ye
  692. Eaglesword: Yeap
  693. AMWarfield: Alright
  694. AMWarfield: So we have a main group with combat and fighting and ranks, 3 houses for social purposes, with komnenos leading the group first, succession is still in the air
  695. AMWarfield: The next highest rank would be eaglesword and viscarios
  696. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  697. niggr-riley: Houses should be semi-mixed.
  698. niggr-riley: imo
  699. AMWarfield: Well yeah
  700. Eaglesword: wtf is imo?
  701. AMWarfield: Your idea for duels and such with your houses
  702. AMWarfield: In my opinion
  703. Eaglesword: kk
  704. AMWarfield: They'd be mixed unofficially pretty much
  705. AMWarfield: If you're assigning flanks
  706. AMWarfield: It would be "Faggot #1, take these retards from House Whatever to the left"
  707. AMWarfield: Or stuff like that.
  708. Eaglesword: If im ever caught in a situation where thats appliciable, it's exacttly what i'll do.
  709. AMWarfield: Get what I mean?
  710. Eaglesword: Its all i ever used IoM's Regiments for.
  711. niggr-riley: what was best regiment and why was tanith
  712. AMWarfield: I think we need to solve succesion, it's whats going to make this group unique.
  713. AMWarfield: So, diplomatic election if they fail to meet a quotia, or military duel?
  714. Eaglesword: Duels are a thing of chance and skill with a sword
  715. Eaglesword: I.E I may be smarter but im still weaker
  716. niggr-riley: I'd rather the former.
  717. AMWarfield: Or firearm, but sak was talking about duels between houses
  718. AMWarfield: Alright
  719. niggr-riley: In that scenario.
  720. niggr-riley: House duels are best option I believe.
  721. niggr-riley: They asses tactical knowledge and ability to train shitbirds into the elite.
  722. niggr-riley: As well as skill.
  723. AMWarfield: I could support an election as it includes the whole group, but how could we stop house-wide vote brigading?
  724. AMWarfield: Since regardless of who is better
  725. niggr-riley: We're the houses.
  726. AMWarfield: Exactly
  727. AMWarfield: Say, I step down
  728. niggr-riley: We coordinate.
  729. AMWarfield: Vis' house votes for vis
  730. AMWarfield: Eagles' house votes for eagle
  731. niggr-riley: Again.
  732. niggr-riley: X house can't vote for it's leader/
  733. niggr-riley: Has to pick another.
  734. AMWarfield: So thats literally 1 other option lol
  735. niggr-riley: Not necessarily.
  736. niggr-riley: Any Officer is eligable.
  737. AMWarfield: I dunno if I trust the officers that much, and it cycling between us, the ones fully in the know, would keep us all motivated
  738. niggr-riley: As long as they meet the prerequesite.
  739. AMWarfield: I think we can address that if it becomes an issue
  740. AMWarfield: Since there's still the defeated house to break a tie vote
  741. niggr-riley: Mmm.
  742. AMWarfield: As well as the lowborn
  743. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  744. AMWarfield: Alright
  745. AMWarfield: That should iron out the leader and houses, no?
  746. niggr-riley: Aye'
  747. General Gibus has been invited to chat.
  748. AMWarfield: Alright
  749. AMWarfield: Vis is back
  750. General Gibus entered chat.
  751. General Gibus: Sorry about that
  752. AMWarfield: I'll send you what we said
  753. General Gibus: Alright
  754. AMWarfield: Tell me when you
  755. AMWarfield: youre set on that*
  756. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Wait.
  757. Father Christmas Ulthwé: AMWarfield: Vis' house votes for vis
  758. AMWarfield: Eagles' house votes for eagle
  759. niggr-riley: Again.
  760. niggr-riley: X house can't vote for it's leader/
  761. Eaglesword: My house cannot vote for me
  762. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Do the people outside of those get to vote as well?
  763. AMWarfield: We're relying on the unaffiliated and the defeated house to break that vote
  764. niggr-riley: Yes.
  765. niggr-riley: Everyone can vote.
  766. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Ah
  767. AMWarfield: I dunno if we're following saks idea if we do that
  768. Eaglesword: So to clarify, Is my house able to vote for whoever?
  769. Eaglesword: For example anyway.
  770. AMWarfield: To my understanding yes, except if you are the losing leader
  771. Eaglesword: So the losing house cannot vote for its own leader?
  772. Eaglesword: Goodie.
  773. AMWarfield: Yeah that seems good
  774. niggr-riley: No house can vote for anyone within it's house.
  775. AMWarfield: Thats what I question
  776. AMWarfield: Since if we're relying on tiebreakers anyway
  777. AMWarfield: Wouldn't that just switch the votes around the other way
  778. niggr-riley: Elabourate.
  779. AMWarfield: There are 3 house leaders
  780. AMWarfield: One steps down
  781. AMWarfield: There are 2 candidates for leader
  782. AMWarfield: If a guy can't vote for his house leader
  783. AMWarfield: That leaves one other option.
  784. niggr-riley: Weren't we going to bring in a fourth house?
  785. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Only 3 with BC.
  786. niggr-riley: Later on.
  787. AMWarfield: Later on yea but that shouldn't effect a whole lot still
  788. niggr-riley: Yes it would.
  789. AMWarfield: It's something we can decide when we get a 4th house
  790. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I was thinking something like an Indited rank. Something that serves as the role of an 'Heir' or 'Party Leader'.
  791. niggr-riley: That's three options for the defeated house.
  792. niggr-riley: Two for the undefeated.
  793. AMWarfield: Yeah, the house leaders getting second to highest rank
  794. AMWarfield: alright
  795. AMWarfield: But for now we have 3
  796. AMWarfield: and not 4
  797. AMWarfield: so banning house voting would be pointless
  798. AMWarfield: ?
  799. General Gibus: Yea
  800. Eaglesword: ^
  801. General Gibus: sorry was grabbing soup
  802. General Gibus: then catching up
  803. AMWarfield: alright so when we get 4 houses that seems like a good idea
  804. AMWarfield: So we have houses and leadership nailed down now
  805. AMWarfield: What's next
  806. General Gibus: Uh
  807. General Gibus: We need a uniform
  808. niggr-riley: Uniforms, Base, etc
  809. General Gibus: Shyshen might help us if we do colonial
  810. General Gibus: But if we do med
  811. AMWarfield: That comes after colonial vs medieval which we've been thinking about
  812. AMWarfield: We have leadership down
  813. AMWarfield: Now we should do military vs civilian?
  814. AMWarfield: Eaglesword wanted civi stuff right?
  815. Zasha/Resco: military
  816. Eaglesword: I wanted both
  817. AMWarfield: Like, uh, lemme find somethinf
  818. Eaglesword: Military is short sighted in my oppinion
  819. General Gibus: If we do a med group
  820. General Gibus: What could civis do
  821. AMWarfield:
  822. niggr-riley: Political structure allows us to have fun and screw shitbirds
  823. AMWarfield: This?
  824. General Gibus: Gas they don't have gov stuff set up
  825. General Gibus: Ergo they don't have civilian stuff set up
  826. Eaglesword:
  827. niggr-riley: ^
  828. AMWarfield: That, ah, looks like it'll take a while to make
  829. niggr-riley: best example of practical application
  830. General Gibus: So lets just think
  831. AMWarfield: So you want something like the senate
  832. General Gibus: Like
  833. General Gibus: Hold on, for a second
  834. General Gibus: This will not work for a med fuedal group
  835. General Gibus: In that era, civilians were peasentry
  836. General Gibus: Shitbirds
  837. niggr-riley: Yes it will.
  838. General Gibus: They didn't get rights
  839. General Gibus: How?
  840. niggr-riley: There were sub classes of citizens and shitbirds had rights.
  841. Eaglesword: TLDR: We don't have to be historically accurate
  842. General Gibus: Oh, yea. I guess your right
  843. General Gibus: I'm too used to being with mez in WW2 groups
  844. niggr-riley: There were artisans merchants paesants serfs higher class merchants priests
  845. niggr-riley: etc
  846. General Gibus: Yea, I didn't think about that
  847. General Gibus: I've been playing too much CK2
  848. AMWarfield: What would they do lol
  849. AMWarfield: The collegias are inactive as shit
  850. AMWarfield: The only "civilian" jobs that mean anything are the plebian council and senate
  851. niggr-riley: I would disagree.
  852. AMWarfield: The rest of the "civilians" are the foreigners
  853. niggr-riley: .Puger started out as a pleb on his alt.
  854. AMWarfield: I am in that group right now and attend things with twolf semi-regularly in the PG
  855. niggr-riley: Worked his way up to a high class citizen.
  856. AMWarfield: The collegias are almost as useless as the Vigiles.
  857. niggr-riley: Then made senator through befriending mark.
  858. niggr-riley: All because every time he was there.
  859. niggr-riley: He had his family supply any romans that needed it with armor.
  860. niggr-riley: And weapons.
  861. AMWarfield: That's just him using families which we have
  862. AMWarfield: The "priests" don't do anything or are dead
  863. AMWarfield: nor the "artisans" or whatever
  864. AMWarfield: The civilians are the foreigners, useless females, and politicians
  865. Eaglesword: So that means we shouldn't try it anyway?
  866. AMWarfield: I'm inclined against it.
  867. General Gibus: If we had some roleplay city place
  868. Eaglesword: Whats stopping us from succeeding those concepts?
  869. General Gibus: We could have a merchant class
  870. AMWarfield: Getting tied up in them and losing track of the military that's important.
  871. niggr-riley: The point is.
  872. Eaglesword: IF we lose track of the military, its our own incompetence.
  873. niggr-riley: Military alone doesn't function as well as both working in unison.
  874. Eaglesword: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6
  875. niggr-riley: There's more appeal to the later.
  876. General Gibus: And like eagle said
  877. General Gibus: We can easily cut off the non-military part
  878. General Gibus: If it doesn't work
  879. Eaglesword: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  880. niggr-riley: If you're not into just wargroups then you can join for the political-RP aspects
  881. General Gibus: It could be experimental
  882. AMWarfield: Alright, then, how would you go about doing this
  883. niggr-riley: Start off by setting a basic outline for the military and recruiting for that first.
  884. niggr-riley: Start raiding and making a name for ourselves.
  885. Eaglesword: ^
  886. niggr-riley: Then open the civilian elements.
  887. General Gibus: Sounds good to me.
  888. General Gibus: If we're doing a civilian thing
  889. General Gibus: Eventually
  890. General Gibus: We're gonna have some sort of partha-esque thing
  891. General Gibus: Which would mean scripting that I doubt any of us are capable of.
  892. Eaglesword: Ohhh boy.
  893. AMWarfield: What would it require, script wise, though
  894. General Gibus: Yea.
  895. AMWarfield: We don't need to make catapults
  896. General Gibus: No, no we don't
  897. AMWarfield: And there's a stationary colonial cannon in FMs, that we could probably put on a trebuchet if we did med
  898. AMWarfield: that you can turn around
  899. AMWarfield: and use a swab to reload
  900. AMWarfield: and adjust power of
  901. General Gibus: But thats military
  902. AMWarfield: It seems like the hardest thing to script
  903. General Gibus: Once again
  904. General Gibus: I'm getting ahead of us
  905. AMWarfield: Alright
  906. General Gibus: Military first
  907. General Gibus: We work on the civilian stuff later
  908. General Gibus: Just know its going to be a thing I guess.
  909. AMWarfield: So, anything else we can decide before the theme?
  910. General Gibus: Not that I can think of
  911. AMWarfield: Alright
  912. AMWarfield: Colonial vs medieval
  913. General Gibus: Is sak and eagle here?
  914. Eaglesword: Wel, For starters, what are the benefits
  915. General Gibus: k
  916. Eaglesword: of both?
  917. Eaglesword: And the negatives?
  918. General Gibus: Colonial has more enemies
  919. AMWarfield: Medieval pros, we get those awesome swords, we can use castle invictam pretty much without building edits
  920. Zasha/Resco: I think theres more people in colonial
  921. AMWarfield: Medieval cons, nowhere near as many medieval groups
  922. AMWarfield: Weak ranged combat
  923. AMWarfield: Colonial pros, raycast muskets and bayonets, invictam looks to be better built for ranged firefights,
  924. AMWarfield: Many more groups to fight
  925. Eaglesword: I really, really recommend buidling a new fort if we go Colonial.
  926. AMWarfield: Medieval cons, no dank swords unless we really wanted to give it to everyone which I do not recommend
  927. Eaglesword: Because i cannot exacttly say that Invictam is impressive
  928. AMWarfield: We have Prima Nox's class GUI and the TSD raycast scripts to work with
  929. AMWarfield: So for medieval we could have a swordsman and crossbow class for ranged/melee
  930. AMWarfield: And for colonial we could have an officer (sabre and pistol) and musketeer (musket/bayonet)
  931. AMWarfield: In colonial, they all use the same shitty projectile musket script
  932. General Gibus: We'd have to raid people with that.
  933. AMWarfield: We would use our scifi knowledge in raycasts to make our weapons better than theirs
  934. AMWarfield: As opposed to medieval
  935. AMWarfield: AKA no people to raid lol
  936. General Gibus: True true
  937. Eaglesword: ^ would bring people to our superior tech
  938. AMWarfield: Teutonic order is dead
  939. AMWarfield: I think we have to follow the community.
  940. AMWarfield: I vote Colonial
  941. Zasha/Resco: Me too
  942. Eaglesword: #Colonial 2015
  943. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I've never been a fan of colonials.
  944. General Gibus: I really wanted to do med
  945. General Gibus: But
  946. General Gibus: What you say is true
  947. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I do as well.
  948. AMWarfield: Damnit, AFK
  949. AMWarfield: Like an hour or more.
  950. General Gibus: Colonial- fuck
  951. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I think I'm gonna have to vote me-
  952. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Fuckall.
  953. General Gibus: Well colonial is my vote.
  954. Zasha/Resco: : )
  955. General Gibus: So I'm pretty sure thats a majority
  956. Father Christmas Ulthwé: 4/6
  957. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I was gonna vote medieval but
  958. Eaglesword: @Mez@Gen Well We don't have to be all l33t Line Battles
  959. Father Christmas Ulthwé: fuck the minority
  960. Zasha/Resco: We can be gurillas
  961. AMWarfield: Nevermind
  962. General Gibus: Technically that would be kinda what I want to do, but Idc either way
  963. AMWarfield: It's like 20 minutes to half an hour
  964. General Gibus: ok
  965. AMWarfield: Family wanted me to watch a movie but its in the last 1/4th of it
  966. General Gibus: kk
  967. AMWarfield: So stay here if we all have time
  968. AMWarfield: afk
  969. General Gibus: If we want to incorporate the houses into colonial
  970. General Gibus: Fuedalism never died
  971. General Gibus: We're still fuedal kingdom with muskets
  972. General Gibus: rah rah
  973. Eaglesword: Look at France before the Revolution
  974. Eaglesword: #Nobles
  975. General Gibus: Yea.
  976. General Gibus: So we'll still have houses and families
  977. General Gibus: But in a colonial setting?
  978. Eaglesword: It'l work
  979. Eaglesword: It'l just be touchy.
  980. General Gibus: Whatever.
  981. General Gibus: We can pull it off.
  982. General Gibus: So we'll need a new base, I guess.
  983. Eaglesword: I'll pull up some concepts
  984. General Gibus: Alright.
  985. Zasha/Resco: cool
  986. niggr-riley: Somebody keep a record of this
  987. General Gibus: Uh
  988. niggr-riley: I've gotta be off.
  989. General Gibus: I can put up a titan pad
  990. niggr-riley disconnected.
  991. General Gibus: And pastebin it
  992. General Gibus: Or nah I'll just pastebin it
  993. Eaglesword:
  994. Eaglesword:
  995. General Gibus: Star fort would be cool
  996. Eaglesword:
  997. Eaglesword: 3rd is my fav.
  998. General Gibus: Yea
  999. General Gibus: I agree
  1000. General Gibus: So are we going to try fictional kingdom
  1001. Zasha/Resco: a star fort from empire total war
  1002. Eaglesword: @Zas Look at 3rd pic
  1003. Zasha/Resco: ok
  1004. Eaglesword: gg.
  1005. General Gibus: lol
  1006. Eaglesword: And I think we should keep it Historical ish.
  1007. Eaglesword: People are very, very touchy with there history
  1008. Eaglesword: in Colonial.
  1009. General Gibus: So we're going to choose an existing nation.
  1010. General Gibus: Alright
  1011. Zasha/Resco: colonial star forts are awesome let me get a pic
  1012. General Gibus: We'll have to beat out some existing one then.
  1013. Eaglesword: @Zas u didint look at 3rd pic did u
  1014. General Gibus: And prove ourself as the true ______ empire
  1015. Eaglesword: srs, its a starfort
  1016. Eaglesword: Prussian?
  1017. General Gibus: Hm
  1018. Eaglesword: Well, Let me get Colonial empires up
  1019. Zasha/Resco:
  1020. Zasha/Resco: star fort B)
  1021. General Gibus: nah
  1022. Eaglesword: @Zas
  1023. General Gibus: fort augusta
  1024. Eaglesword:
  1025. Zasha/Resco: ok ok
  1026. General Gibus: So we gotta build a new base
  1027. General Gibus: Prob gonna take time.
  1028. Eaglesword: probably rofl
  1029. General Gibus: Which sucks
  1030. General Gibus: Because the longer we're inactive
  1031. General Gibus: Longer amount of time for us to pussy out.
  1032. General Gibus: How long you think its gonna take to make a base like this
  1033. Eaglesword: don't ask that question
  1034. General Gibus: k
  1035. General Gibus: Not gonna
  1036. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Uh.
  1037. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I think the question is who's making it.
  1038. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Not how long.
  1039. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I have 0 skill in colonial shit.
  1040. General Gibus: I could make something rudimentary
  1041. General Gibus: But you're not gonna like it
  1042. General Gibus: Lol
  1043. Eaglesword:
  1044. Eaglesword: Prussia?
  1045. General Gibus: Hmmm
  1046. General Gibus: I'm fine with whoever
  1047. Father Christmas Ulthwé: ^
  1048. General Gibus: Prussias cool.
  1049. General Gibus: Lots of prussian groups
  1050. General Gibus: I mean
  1051. General Gibus: Theres lots of every kind of group
  1052. Eaglesword: Find one thats successful.
  1053. Eaglesword: nvm
  1054. General Gibus: Depends on the year
  1055. Eaglesword: found one.
  1056. Eaglesword: fuck
  1057. Eaglesword: brb tho
  1058. Eaglesword: bathroom
  1059. General Gibus: k
  1060. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Maybe colonial Dutch?
  1061. General Gibus: I was thinking that
  1062. Father Christmas Ulthwé: That or P+L.
  1063. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Those are the two I'd do.
  1064. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Probably Dutch though.
  1065. Zasha/Resco: dutch
  1066. General Gibus: The commonwealth might be good.
  1067. Zasha/Resco: I'm gonna get off this chat
  1068. General Gibus: k
  1069. Zasha/Resco: cya, we should hang out like the day after tomarow
  1070. General Gibus: Your talking to me right?
  1071. Zasha/Resco left chat.
  1072. General Gibus: annnnd he's gone
  1073. General Gibus: And everybody else
  1074. General Gibus: is away
  1075. General Gibus: Eagle is taking
  1076. General Gibus: A huge shit
  1077. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I'm here.
  1078. General Gibus: So father christmas
  1079. Eaglesword: Back
  1080. General Gibus: What am I getting
  1081. General Gibus: For christ- hi
  1082. Eaglesword: sawp.
  1083. Eaglesword: brb
  1084. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Fuckall.
  1085. General Gibus: Lol
  1086. General Gibus: So anyways
  1087. General Gibus: As I was saying
  1088. General Gibus: Father christmas
  1089. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Da?
  1090. General Gibus: I've been a good boy
  1091. Eaglesword left chat.
  1092. General Gibus: What am I getting
  1093. General Gibus: For christmas
  1094. Father Christmas Ulthwé: Wehl sinc you been gut boy
  1095. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I gib you wat you alwehs wanted
  1096. General Gibus: ?
  1097. Father Christmas Ulthwé: What.
  1098. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I don't know what you always wanted.
  1099. Father Christmas Ulthwé: I'm just giving it to you.
  1100. General Gibus: O-oh
  1101. General Gibus: Ok
  1102. Father Christmas Ulthwé: > santa logic
  1103. General Gibus: Sounds good to me
  1104. Father Christmas Ulthwé left chat.
  1105. General Gibus left chat.
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