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Oct 20th, 2013
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  2. by Anonymous GTA V Fan, I take no credit
  5. x,y,z are the first three coordinates (accurate and double checked in common.rpf)
  6. Scene_Root, 501.5, 5604.5, 797.9, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, UFO, 0 - chiliad ufo
  7. Scene_Root, 2490, 3777, 2402.879, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, ambient_ufos, 0 - hippy base ufo
  8. Scene_Root, -2366.379, 2962.758, 1448.873, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, ambient_ufos, 0 - zacundo ufo
  10. Data from ambient_ufos.txt which was an xsc (how did they open it?)
  11. Coordinates were a bit wonky...
  12. -1124.392, -514.7001, 33.21493 - ufo in studio area???
  13. 2490.0, 3777.0, 2402.879 - hippy base ufo (spot on)
  14. -2052.0, 3237.0, 1450.078 - zacundo ufo b/c same vicinity???
  16. Relation to certain points (personal goal to find origin 0,0) somewhere near X Franklin's New House and Y Michael's Tennis Court (Approximation is right in Vinewood area left of cinema) (also, do the units of measurement seem to widen as get into country region???)
  18. Closest and easiest points to origin I could find:
  19. Scene_Root, 1.1837, 526.1027, 174.1595, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - Franklin's New House
  20. Scene_Root, -14.39331, -1472.696, 29.5896, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, launcher_Tonya, 0 - Tonya
  21. Scene_Root, -17.78003, -1440.036, 30.1015, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - Franklin's Aunt's House
  22. Scene_Root, 94.57227, -1290.082, 28.7355, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - ???Vanilla Unicorn???
  23. Scene_Root, -813.9949, 180.6932, 75.7406, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - Michael's House
  24. Scene_Root, -780.4614, 156.5187, 66.4744, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, launcher_tennis, 0 - Michael's Tennis Course
  25. Scene_Root, 1972.606, 3817.044, 32.4297, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - Trevor Trailer
  26. Scene_Root, -1151.746, -1518.136, 9.6346, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, savegame_bed, 0 - Trevor Floyd's Apartment
  27. Scene_Root, -1109.213, 4914.744, 216.101, 13, 0, 0, 0.5085521, -0.8610312, Altruist_cult, 0 - altruist cult
  28. Scene_Root, 114.64, -1290.34, 29.68, 13, 0, 0, 0, -1, stripclub, 0 -strip club
  31. There's a strange game of red arrow following one can play:
  32. 1. sand glyph in country (w/zigzag) has concrete cylinder with red arrow on top which points to
  33. 2. hippy camp concrete cylinder with red arrow on top which points to
  34. 3. liquor store (above Trevor's trailer block on map) sign with red arrow which points to (now this becomes hazy)
  35. 4. either:
  36. a. The red crop-sprayer airplane in the circular loop runway which points more toward Altruist cult, chiliad tunnel, or the red lumber mill (didn't investigate much). Alternately, there's a red burned-out car which could throw the trail...
  37. b. The Lost MC's gang loop which has a motel sign with a red arrow with the word "range" which points to Fort Zacundo and possibly the bunker above which the UFO floats. Most plausible theory, although there is a for sale sign on ground with red arrow with the words "Fuck Off" sprayed on pointing back exactly in the direction I traveled from the liquor store arrow!
  39. The Lost MC's gang loop road is interesting because it resembles the graphic yellow "paths" depicted on the hippy camp. Within the loop is a "talent show" stage divided with blue, red and green lights, each with a separate stool. Presumably the stage is meant for the main characters: blue for Michael, red for Trevor, and green for Franklin. Furthermore, the Fort Zancundo UFO sports a decal with the words "Segregate and Rearrange." An anagram of these words could be "Easter egg near grand ear" or "Easter egg near range" but leaves out an A and a D. Now here it becomes even trickier... If the latter is regarded and the two letters are thrown out, understanding the motel sign at the loop with the word "range" (it's a motel range), there might be reason to believe that an Easter egg type scenario might occur when all three protagonists are brought to the talent show stage in the Lost MC's gang loop area. I haven't looked through the missions list, closed caption script, or audio files for anything suspiciously related yet. I do know there are three ambient ufos and a possible one at the movie lot (not in sky because its at a z depth of 33) which could be a prop.
  41. MORE:
  42. 1. ufo texture files (only xtds are currently openable) were found in following under levels:
  43. gta5\_citye\downtown_01\dt1_tc_rpf\dt1_tc_dufo.xtd - "citye" indicates eastern downtown? not sure about "tc"
  44. gta5\_hills\country_01\cs1_09_sea_rpf\cs1_09_sea_ufo.xdr - this is obviously the crashed ufo, not under
  45. ambient ufos because it's not active
  46. 2. WTF building with the mock ufo embedded isn't relevant and should be treated as such (although files should be found)
  47. 3. Omega's alien gizmo that's constructed at the end of the "Collect 50 Spaceship Parts" isn't relevant and should be treated as such (although files should be found)
  48. 4. Unfortunately, there are no files nor coordinates pointing toward a jet-pack of any sort. Finding a workable UFO vehicle should be the priority therein.
  49. 5. Files in common.rpf point toward a possible vehicle named "Vulkan" that could be the code-word for the UFO - this needs more research, especially if the following is opened up more.
  50. 6. There are still files that cannot be opened: xmap's, .xdr's, etc. These are most likely compressed xbox propriety files which are hard to crack. There are also audio awc's which can't be opened and converted to .wav's yet (like the morse_sine.awc and many of the vehicle sounds from the misc.rpf). These still hold clues to hidden items. There are reports that either utilizing the files from the xbox discs or the ps3 discs yield different results and access to files but so far I've only explored the xbox discs because of their availability for research. Hopefully LibertyV RPF7Viewer and GTA V Console Texture Editor will be updated appropriately. If PC version comes out soon enough, everything will be a snap though.
  52. Advice:
  53. -Avoid the hate and the trolls.
  54. -It's just a game, I should really just relax.
  55. -Good luck and good hunting.
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