
Q & A on alleged "Nazi Occultism"

Jul 17th, 2013
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  1. Q. Hitler called himself a Christian. Both his words and his actions suggest that he was. If that is the case, what is with all the symbolism used by the Reich? The patriotards in the Jones/Icke camp site all this symbolism as evidence that Hitler was an occultist. They cite the swastika, the eagle, the SS bolts, the Death's Head, the fasci and other motifs as evidence of the occult. Do you have any information concerning where any of these symbols came from or why Hitler used them?
  3. A. Hi, well there is yet another whole crock of shit that needs a thorough debunking, but just to name one thing, the National Socialists never used a "Swastika" of eastern religions! Their symbol was the Hakenkreuz!
  5. Now there was indeed what could be described as a "roots" movement within the NS movement, which was about defining their Germanic, pagan roots, but that is NOT what they were pushing, and NOT occult. It was always CHRISTIAN! Hitler first encountered this symbol at the Lambach Abbey (more info below with picture)
  7. Himmler was really the only one who was into the "occult" and Hitler used to laugh it him! National Socialism is Christian to the core, NOT occult. But these brain-dead morons think that any symbol imaginable is of the "Illuminati". What symbol have THEY not used or co-opted and tainted?
  10. Myth Busting
  12. Many have asserted that Hitler and the NSDAP were "Pagan Occultists" and they point to the use of the "Swastika" and it's "Sanskrit origins" and subsequent use by many other pagan cultures over thousands of years as their evidence. There is just one problem with that: The NSDAP symbol was NOT a "swastika"!
  14. It was a "Hakenkreuz" (hooked cross). It was a hooked Christian cross, with the hooks symbolizing axe heads, pointing to the right in clockwise direction, not to the left as with the pagans.
  16. Pronunciation of "Hakenkreuz": the "a" in German is like the soft "o" sound in English and it would sound like "aw" as in hawk. Kreuz: the "eu" is like "oy" as in boy or toy, while the "z" is pronounced more like "tz" like in blitz. So together, kreuz in German would almost rhyme with the "oids" in English words such as tabloids or asteroids, except there is more of a "t" sound in it.
  18. Adolf Hitler did not "invent it", but rather he adapted and adopted it, but NOT from pagans, nor as a symbol of "secret occultism" within National Socialism. He first encountered this symbol for the first time as a young child attending Catholic church.
  20. Hitler was raised in the Catholic Church, and his worldview, as expressed in his writings and speeches, was heavily influenced by Christian teachings. While Hitler did make many statements that were critical of the church after 1938 and was not, in later life, what one would call a fan of the "Church", this does nothing to alter the obvious fact that the Church had great influence on Hitler's early education. It most assuredly did. In fact, it formed the foundation of his early education, and it is apparent in his later speeches and his writings that this foundation formed the single greatest influence on his "thought," such as it was.
  22. Hitler's mother was a devout Catholic who attended Mass faithfully. He was raised in the Catholic Church, and his worldview, as expressed in his writings and speeches, was heavily influenced by Christian teachings. The influence of the Catholic Church on Hitler's worldview occurred during his early training in the Catholic school he attended as a child. Frau Helene Hafstaengl testified that her friend Adolf once told her that
  23. "as a small boy it was his most ardent wish to become a priest. He often borrowed the large kitchen apron of the maid, draped it about his shoulders in vestment fashion, climbed on a kitchen chair and delivered long and fervent sermons."
  24. It is said that, according to relatives or family friends, that young Adolf was able to deliver Christian sermons by age 7. At that age, his family had relocated to Lambach, a town rich in medieval history and architecture. Their new dwelling place overlooked the Lambach Abbey, a great Benedictine monastery originally founded in the eleventh century, and which was adorned by a half a dozen of the "Hakenkreuz" symbols, amongst various the Byzantine frescoes. The Hakenkreuz symbols were engraved in stone on the exterior walls of the monastery. Obviously this fascinated him and stuck with him.
  27. The NSDAP needed a symbol for their movement to counter both the "Hammer and Cycle" of the Bolsheviks who were running rampant in Germany (and had already taken over the government of Bavaria, and it was they who violently opposed and even shot at members of the small NSDAP group, killing and wounding many, and jailing Hitler and other survivors), and to counter the so-called "Star of David" used by the so-called "Jews" and Zionists. But also the symbol of Freemasonry. They were at war. The NSDAP was a revolution by Christian Patriots, and their chosen rallying symbol, the "Hakenkreuz", was their identifier and represented their line in the sand. It also had another meaning however. One can see that the Hakenkreuz of the NSDAP was not level, that is with a straight, horizontal line at the bottom and top, but rather, they turned it on and angle. Again, that is different from the pagan swastika, and it formed a double "SS", in the old style "Fraktur" (Gothic) script or alphabet of the Germans.
  29. So what did the "S" stand for? It stood for Socialism...but NOT "Marxist-Socialism", which the NSDAP opposed. There are HUGE differences! The NSDAP did NOT entirely oppose Capitalism, only unbridled Judeo-Capitalism which enslaved the masses, just as they opposed Judeo-Marxist-Socialism or Bolshevism, which also enslaved the masses. Both are destroyers of nations and cultures. Both of those were the REAL "extremists", and both were the product of the Jewish.
  31. National Socialism was the "Third Way", which brought the elite Barons, Industrialists and the common workers to the same table, as one German Folk, to work together for their common benefit, rather than as foes in Jewish controlled class struggle, that was harming the nation, rich and poor alike
  33. The Term "Nazi"
  35. For those who are unfamiliar with or understand the term NSDAP, it is an abbreviation of "National Socialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei" or National Socialist German Workers Party. You may also be wondering why I do not simply use the term "Nazi". It is because that is a term that they themselves never used. It was a slur or pejorative term created by the Jewish supported and controlled Social Democrats as a contemptuous slur against the NSDAP, and it was later adopted by the allies, for their propaganda purposes.
  37. I have heard a second explanation, which is that "Nazi" really originated from the Russians., but it is a long and complicated issue, and requires some knowledge of the Russian language and their letters.
  39. I refuse to use their term ever in my discussions here, or on my blog. I think that it is essential, for those who seek and speak the truth, to deprogram ourselves from all the garbage that we have been indoctrinated with, and to STOP using their terminology, and stop perpetuating it when we engage with others in conversations about Hitler, his party, and WWII history.
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