
DnD backstory - Free Wind

Jul 17th, 2016
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  1. Many a pegasus pony could trace some form of connection to Cloudsdale. Either by birth or by family connection, "A pegasus' home is in the clouds." Free Wind is no different. As the son of two Cloudsdale citizens themselves, Free was born as much a typical pegasus as one could get. Gale Force, his father, was a weatherpony and his mother, High Ground, a member of the Cloudsdale Guard regiment. In his foalhood he was encouraged to follow in his mother's path and enlist in the Cloudsdale military, though he did not like it much. He always felt something was missing in that future, finding it quite...restraining. During Flight School on a field trip to Canterlot he found what he was looking for. The different cultures, races, languages all made him suddenly aware of the wider world. It caught his interest. And gave him his Cutie Mark.
  3. Since then Free Wind spent as much as he could learning about the world outside Cloudsdale. From basic magical theory to the 9 different ways to greet a Minotaur, he spent his time studying whatever he could get his hooves on, as long as it was about the wider world. Naturally, this put him at even more odds with his parents, High Ground in particular. She never approved of his interest in such 'trivial' things.To her, it was all the fantasies of a colt with his head in the clouds. Sometimes literally. But as Free grew older it became clear his interest was not going to wane anytime soon, he even made a list. And you can never keep a pegasus cooped up for too long without him getting antsy. Eventually, he managed to convince his parents to let him set off on an adventure of his own, with the coin he earned doing odd jobs around town.
  5. With his coin, a journal, and his backpack he set off to Canterlot to plan his journey proper. The city held some bit of nostalgia from his previous trip, but being able to truly explore wherever he wanted turned it into a new place. The city wasn't exactly the multicultural melting pot he remembered though. He was nearly mugged on his first day, and his fluency in Griffin was the only thing that managed to stall them long enough for a Guard patrol to round the corner. Some ponies would have taken this as a bad omen and turn back, but not Free Wind. He just started carrying a dagger out in the open.
  7. When the rush from seeing a new place waned he moved on. The first stop from Canterlot mountain was Saddle Lake, decided upon when Free gazed upon it from a rooftop. The clear, calm waters with Canterlot in the background made it a scene worthy of a postcard. It also made it a reasonably popular spot for travelers to stop and set up camp. On a seculded spot on the shore away from civilisation for the first time, the reality of his situation started setting in. He was on his own now. From then on, outside of the settlements in the wild, he'd be on his own, with no pony to watch over him. He was thrilled! He'd caught fish (and released them), roasted marshmallows, slept on clouds, talked with travelers, shared their meals, learnt their stories, he even drew a picture of his view from the beach. Fortunately, Free's skills in drawing ponies and drawing landscapes were mutually exclusive.
  9. The next stop was the City of Everfree. Now while there were paved and well traveled roads heading through the forest, Free clearly didn't take any of them much. Not while there was so much to see off it. He'd set a rule for himself: No wings. Not unless necessary. A few days of travel would pass before he reached civilisation once again, mostly because he took detours for the slightest reason. Hear a chimera in the distance? Go check it out! That beast is being turned to stone by a cockatrice? Hide on a cloud and watch on in morbid curiosity. Though such animals were rare, being so close to a major city. The forests were well tended and lacked many dangerous animals. However he did get high eating an amanita mushroom he found growing by a stream, and then food poisoning from some unripe berries after a squirrel took all the good ones.
  11. Everfree City was a stark contrast to Canterlot. The place was originally founded as Princess Luna's capital during the War of the Two Sisters, centered around their old castle, now a ruin. The buildings were old, a few of them abandoned and in disrepair. The hallmarks of any dying city. Still, it was a slow death, and until then there were still ponies to meet, and things to do. He'd rented a room at the Inn, explored the castle, and took a few jobs off the notice board for the extra coin. At the castle archives Free listened to the story of an old couple, too stubborn to leave even when their grandchildren were already growing up in newer cities. In the Inn he tried playing matchmaker for a baker named Tarte Tatin who had long set her sights on the blacksmith's apprentice across the bar, which that nearly backfired when the young stallion started flirting with Free instead. He managed to get them together eventually though, and got some new friends, a lifetime offer for baked goods, and a night worth writing down in his journal. His ticket out of there came when a small trade caravan running a route to the bison tribes and Dodge arrived in town. They needed an extra hoof to help move some extra goods, and being quite a bit poorer from buying a new crossbow and case of bolts, Free needed the money.
  13. The six pony group set off from Everfree soon after, due south towards Bison territory. Being the ever curious soul he was, Free naturally gravitated towards the lone Zebra of the group, a guard named Maji. He'd taught him many things about Zebra culture and language, more than any one book could teach about the mysterious race that lived further south from the Bison. And being a quick learner Free managed to pick up some basic Zebrican by the time they met their first tribe. Insults first, of course. The arid grasslands and deserts south of Everfree forest were wide and open, with rocky crevasses, ridges and buttes. Free's nights were spent gathered around campfires listening to the ponies and buffalo talk, from folklore and news of the warring tribes to stories about the terrifying Giant Scorpions and Nagas that the young and brave of the tribe test themselves upon. In the day he helped the group sell their goods, swapping stories with some of the customers curious about the new face. Free was loading a cart when a group of warriors dragged back a scorpion that had strayed too close to their tribe for comfort. He watched with great interest as the beast was efficiently harvested of its organs and limbs, to be used by the tribe for crafting weapons, furniture,and tools. He was approached that night by a buffalo that noticed Free as one of the few ponies that didn't immediately turn green at the sight of a dissection, and offered him some of their tribe's specialties: a mixed drink made with traces of the venom of a Giant Scorpion, and a popular trade item with the ponies of Dodge. The rest of what happened that night was a blank in his memory though, as when he was awoken by Maji in the morning it was time for the caravan to leave. Free found himself with an incredibly dry sore throat and receiving looks of disapproval, chuckles of amusement, and even some pats on the back in pride. When he asked the other ponies what happened to cause this sudden friendliness they replied "Its best you don't remember." An older buffalo provided a similar response, her beads nearly falling off in hearty laughter, as she replied with an equally cryptic "You'll remember it eventually!" At that point Free simply shrugged and moved on.
  15. The trip to Fort Dodge was as uneventful with the journey from Everfree though, with the long walks providing plenty of time to continue learning Zebrican. Most of the time though, he was moving any stray raincloud he could find, and squeezing as much water out for the others to cool off under. By the time he reached he was fluent enough to converse with any Zebra he would meet, learned a great deal about Buffalo and the dissection of Giant Scorpions, and had a bit pouch noticeably lighter than when he left Everfree. Poker, mostly. He parted ways with the Caravan a day after, leaving the frontier outpost when it had sated his curiosity. This time, he was headed due East towards the port town of Baltimare. Through more forests and part of the Hayseed swamps, Free had a bit of an unlucky streak. He never got the chance to properly set up camp for very long due to the soft ground, though he discovered Will-o-wisps were mostly benign. As long as you were at a distance and never followed them. EVER. The details of watching a cragodile get led into a tar pit and its stranded cries luring a chimera into the same place for a bunch of wisps to feed off them both was enough to make him more wary of strange lights in the swamp. The mists made him lose his way, and he ended up on the coast south of the city, right on the edge of a battle between a hydra and manticore, surrounded by the aftermath of a skirmish of a battle between a Pirate camp and the Royal Guard. The hydra won, by the way. Free had heard of Black dragons inhabiting the area, but (un?)fortunately, he couldn't find sign of any.
  17. While taking a short rest after the hydra left the area, the pegasus was ambushed by a lone timberwolf, and Free had to defend himself with an axe he found nearby. While he came out of the attack with only a few scratches, it managed to call upon the rest of its pack before retreating. Free had to wade through the swamp to escape. In the town he would get further difficulty however, since only after being given funny looks and denied service a few times did he realise he smelled terrible. "You smell so bad even a week-starved cragodile wouldn't eat you!" he was told. He didn't even get to correct the pony that cragodiles can last up to months between meals before being chased out. Eventually though, he managed to find a bathhouse closer to the port where the Griffons and fishing meant he could spend more than thirty seconds to tell his story. After explaining to the employees and few patrons why he smelled worse than a ship's toilet, the hen at the counter, Anna, personally took him through all of their facilities for "a hard scrub". Free would stay in that bathhouse for a while, entertaining the Griffons of the stories of his adventures and showing off his journal and some of the souveniers he collected along the way: a cake recipe, a headband with some feathers, and a deck of cards. The griffons took their new friend out hunting in the northern woods and he spent a day out at sea with some sailors fishing. But after a close call with some of the seedier elements of the city Free decide to shorten his stay, much to the disappointment of Anna and the other griffons, and move northward to Fillydelphia.
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