
The Trickster and the Harlequin- How far you've come

Jun 20th, 2012
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  1. Five years. You lived 5 years of your life in an alternate dimension called Equestria. In that time, you fought dragons, Diamond Dogs, Gryphons and other p0nies; you earned yourself scars of many types, more time in a hospital bed than any other p0ny in history, a mechanical left arm with built in magic tracker and enabled you to cast magical spell like a unicorn, many friends that cared for you, commendations from royalty, a very special somep0ny, and your brilliant and equally smart daughter. You are Lokie, the only human in Equestria, and the last mother fucker any creature would want to mess with.
  3. Today, you were sitting down for breakfast when Rainbow Dash and Harley walked in. You smiled to them, and slid two plates of toast and honey to them.
  4. ‘Morning.’ You say with a smile ‘How are my two favourite girls?’
  5. ‘I’m good daddy.’ Harley says, digging into her breakfast.
  6. ‘And I am especially good.’ Dash says, giving you a warm kiss. ‘How are you sweetheart?’
  7. ‘I am fantastic, cos I have you both here.’
  8. It had been a week since you and Spike had defeated the Gryphon army and rescued Sweetie Belle from Gilda’s clutches. You can still remember the squawk Gilda made as you shoved her eagle head up her lion ass. In the week that followed, p0nies had seen the change in Spike, mainly his new pair of wings and his manor of not taking anymore crap from others. Most of the town saw Spike as older, all except Rarity. She couldn’t prove it to him that she saw him as more than a baby, despite his size, wings and demeanour.
  9. > No skin off your back, you played your part.
  10. ‘Don’t forget, Harley’s first performance is on this weekend.’ Rainbow says.
  11. ‘How could I forget? She won’t shut up about how she is a pretty p0ny princess.’ You chuckle.
  12. ‘Daaaaad. You know that’s not true.’ Harley whines.
  13. You did know. Mjolna was doing a stage performance of your first book, Seven Ancient Artifacts, and Harley was playing the protagonist’s main love interest, Dusty Hills aka “Princess Dusty”.
  14. ‘Are you able to pick Harley up from practice today?’ Rainbow asks.
  15. ‘Yeah, that’s fine. I’m free for a few weeks.’ You say, sipping your orange juice.
  17. Rainbow Dash leaves for weather duties and Harley leaves for school. You don’t have a lot to do these days, so you usually talk to Claire. You walk down the basement stairs and to your desk. It was in more of a tidy than what it usually is. You sit down at your desk to see a message waiting for you.
  18. >CB: Hey Lokie. How are you big bro?
  19. >LL: Yeah, I’m good. How are you Lawyer Bear?
  20. >CB: Hahaha. It’s stressful.
  21. >LL: I wish I was there for you.
  22. >CB: Don’t give me that crap. You needed to stay there for them. Also, are you really going to do this?
  23. >LL:Yeah, why not?
  24. >CB: Well, it kinda sounds harsh.
  25. >LL:Okay, if I fail, I relinquish all parental control of Harley to you.
  27. >LL: Feel better writing that?
  28. >CB:Yes. I have to go. I have to study. Bye Lokie-lan
  29. >LL: Bye Claire Bear.
  30. You place your pen down, and decide since there isn’t a lot to do today, you prepare for the next few weeks. First, you wanted to take a nap. No use wasting all day on this. You walk upstairs and crash on your couch, falling asleep in an instant.
  32. You wake up a few hours later, and check the clock. You had to pick Harley up in an hour, so you decide you had time to walk to town and get some lunch. You put on your coat and head towards the town. As you hit the centre of town, you notice how packed Sugarcube Corner is at this time of day. You decide on swinging into the play house to watch Harley rehearse.
  33. The playhouse is a very old looking building, painted in crimson, gold and black. You sneak inside the building and find the main theatre area. Harley was on stage, wearing something that looks like Daring Doo. There was only 2 other p0nies in the audience, Mjolna was up the front watching on, and a dark grey unicorn colt with a brown mane sitting in the middle. The look on his face was obvious, he had the hots for somep0ny on stage.
  34. Creeping forward, you find a seat behind him and watch Harley act.
  35. ‘You like her, don’t you?’ you whisper.
  36. ‘Who?’ he says, not taking his eyes of Harley.
  37. ‘The one playing Dusty.’
  38. ‘Is it that obvious?’
  39. ‘Well, you can’t your eyes of her, so…yeah.’
  40. ‘Sorry…I just wish I knew how to talk to her.’
  41. ‘Well, are you apart of this play?’
  42. He leans forward as Harley kicks a bad guy. ‘Kinda, I help Miss Mjolna with script writing.’
  43. ‘well, tell her what you think of the story this was based off.’
  44. ‘Oh, thank you. I’m Iron Hooves, by the way.’
  45. He turns around, but you are already gone in a flash of light.
  47. You land outside the building, a little shaken up. You hated teleportation spells, they never made you feel well afterwards. You pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
  48. ‘Lokie-Dokie?’ came a familiar voice.
  49. You look up to see Derpy and Dinky staring at you.
  50. ‘Derpy muffin, Derple Dinky.’ You say, giving them a hug each.
  51. ‘What just happened. Lokie? You appeared outta nowhere.’ Dinky said.
  52. ‘Teleportation is a troubling spell. What are you two doing here?’
  53. ‘Muffin and I are here to see nephew Iron-Muffin.’ Derpy says.
  54. ‘Oh, I wondered if he was related to you.’
  55. ‘He is Quarterback’s son. Quarter wasn’t happy when he wasn’t a sports p0ny.’
  56. ‘Well, he seems like a nice colt. Gonna grow into a wonderful stallion, I think.’
  57. ‘Yep. Cousin Iron is funny.’ Dinky says.
  58. ‘Well Derpy, I don’t want to stop you. I need to get some lunch. You should visit Dash and I sometime.’
  59. ‘Okie Lokie Dokie.’ Derpy says with a typical smile.
  60. You wave goodbye to Derpy and Dinky and make your way to Sugarcube Corner. When inside, you order a strawberry shake and a chocolate cupcake. You are about to take a bite, when a flash of pink comes into your vision.
  61. ‘HEY LOKIE!’ Pinkie Pie screams.
  62. ‘Hey Pinkie. I hope you forgave me for missing my party.’ You say with an apologetic smile.
  63. ‘Of course. I mean I was upset at first because I thought you broke a promise but then I found out that you didn’t, so I couldn’t be mad. And then I found out you went to save Sweetie Belle.’
  64. ‘No, that was Spike. He did all the work, I was his sidekick.’ You take a bite of cupcake ‘ I just wish it worked out.’
  66. ‘What do you mean Lokie?’
  67. ‘Well, you know how much Spike likes Rarity.’
  68. ‘Well DUH!’ she smacks her forehead with her hoof.
  69. ‘Well, he did this because of that. But when Rarity asked him out, he said no. He still doesn’t believe she sees him as older.’
  70. ‘Wowwie Zowwie… I didn’t know that.’ Pinkie’s hair flattened, but retained colour.
  71. ‘Pinkie, can I tell you something, and I want a Lokie Promise you don’t break it.’ You lean forward.
  72. ‘What’s that?’ Pinkie giggles.
  73. ‘Like a Pinkie Promise, only more serious. You will hold this promise until you die.’ Pinkie Pie salutes and nods ‘Okay, repeat after me. Cross my heart, hope to die. Gryphons and Dragons remove my eye.’ Pinkie repeats it, if a little concerned.
  74. You go on to tell Pinkie Pie about the past 4 years, you having dreams of your future.
  75. ‘So, Spike and Rarity have a little filly together?’ Pinkie says with a smile.
  76. ‘Yeah, Gem Shine. Completely white with dragon scales on her spine. Beautiful little filly. But if Spike and Rarity don’t end up together…things might change.’
  77. ‘Don’t worry about that Lokie.’ Pinkie gives you a smile. ‘It’s meant to be.’
  78. You smile, and finish your cupcake. You are about to leave, when you feel a hoof on your arm.
  79. ‘Lokie, did you…see me?’ Pinkie asks
  80. You smile and hold her hoof in your hand, reliving that dream like it was yesterday.
  82. Pinkie, Harley and yourself sat on the porch of Pinkie’s house. Her mane was faded, and her wrinkles showed, but she still had that winning smile. You watched on as Celestia dropped the sun, and Luna raised the moon, and you smile.
  83. Harley had taken the day away from Manehatten where she lived with her husband and their little colt, Quick Change, to visit you both in P0nyville.
  84. ‘I’m glad you two are here today.’ Pinkie says
  85. ‘It’s okay Aunt Pinkie.’ Harley says ‘We are always here for you.’
  86. ‘Pinkie, we are your bestest friends foreverest.’ You say to Pinkie, inciting a giggle all around.
  87. As the sun goes down fully, Pinkie looks at you.
  88. ‘So, I am the last one…’ she says
  89. You nod ‘Yeah. Lucky last Pinkie Pie, and you are going to keep going.’
  90. She giggles again. ‘I’m sorry about Dashie, I know you miss her.’
  91. Tears formed in your eyes again. ‘Yeah, We do. She was a better wife than I ever deserved. She was brave to the bitter end.’
  92. ‘She was a great mom too.’ Harley says ‘She loved me and dad to the end.’
  93. Pinkie sighed. ‘Hey Harley? Can you make a mini-me for me?’
  94. Harley nodded, and in flash of red light, another Pinkie Pie sat there, one you remembered from when you first arrived.
  95. ‘My name is Pinkie Pie.’ Pinkie sings ‘And I am here to say,’
  96. ‘I’m going to make you smile and brighten up your day.’ You and Harley continue.
  97. The three of you continue singing. ‘It doesn’t matter now, if you are sad or blue; cos cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie’s here to do.’
  98. You stop and smile, until you realise Pinkie wasn’t singing…or breathing. Harley breaks down immediately.
  99. ‘Cos you loved to make us smile smile smile…’ you whisper.
  101. You wipe away some tears and look over to Pinkie. She had many tears in her eyes, and a massive smile on her face.
  102. ‘From the day I met you, to the day I lose you, you were my bestest friend foreverest.’
  103. ‘Really?’ Pinkie says
  104. ‘For always and ever.’
  105. She launches at you in a massive hug, which you return. You leave Pinkie with a few bits, and walk back to the playhouse to see…Harley being held back by Dinky, and that Iron Hooves holding his nose, being checked over by Mjolna.
  106. You run over to see what happened, immediately grabbing Harley by her scruff.
  107. ‘What did you do now?’ you say, bringing her eye level.
  108. ‘What does it look like? I punched him in the face.’ She replies.
  109. >Fair point.
  110. ‘Okay, you know my feeling on fighting. I am very upset at you, Harley Quin.’
  111. ‘But …but daaaad.’
  112. ‘No buts.’ You place her on the ground, and crouch down ‘Nothing you can say will make it alright.’
  113. ‘He called your book shit.’
  114. You immediately spin, and look at Iron. He sees you. You see him. He sees your rage. You see him run.
  115. ‘YOU’RE DEAD YOU LITTLE WEASEL!!’ You scream, running after him.
  116. Iron runs, and you chase after him, through the streets of P0nyville towards Whitetail Woods. He turned back once, and saw the murder in your eyes.
  117. ‘Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry.’ He screams at you.
  118. When you hit the edge of town, you make sure no other p0ny is around, before kicking up the speed, and tackling Iron Hooves to the ground. As you pin him down, he looks at you with a brave face.
  119. ‘I’m not apologising.’ He says.
  120. ‘you want them to be your final words?’
  121. ‘No, my final words are “Is it still bad I want to date her?”’
  122. ‘She’s my daughter, so yes.’
  124. You stand up, and pick Iron Hooves up by the horn, before sitting him next to you. He looks at you in utter fear, until you sit down next to him.
  125. ‘Thank Celestia you decided to run this way.’ You say ‘You really know how to woo the fillies, don’t you?’
  126. ‘What…’ he says, looking at you.
  127. ‘Okay, you have your chance to explain why you did that. And…go’
  128. ‘I-it was you sitting behind me?’ you nod ‘So I told her…but I didn’t know who she was, I swear. If I knew she was the daughter of the Dragon Slayer-‘
  129. ‘You would have still done it. Kid, face it. It was love at first sight, yes?’
  130. Iron kicked some dirt ‘So you aren’t mad…about the book comment?’
  131. ‘Your name is Iron Hooves; your aunt is my best friend. If I hurt you, I lose muffin supply.’
  132. ‘Oh god…Aunty is going to be mad at me.’
  133. You chuckle ‘Derpy isn’t capable of mad…I don’t think. But the point is you made a mistake, and now you have to tell me where I went wrong.’
  134. ‘Well…your books don’t suck, I just think they would have been better incorporated into a play form better. I mean Miss Mjolna is a great acting teacher, but she isn’t good at script writing.’
  135. ‘Have you told her this?’
  136. Iron looks at you like you insulted Celestia. ‘I could never say something like that to her. She would yell at me.’
  137. You stand up and dust yourself off. ‘Kid, she hit me in the head with a hammer because I had a special somep0ny. You have nothing to worry about, now come on. I’m pretty sure everyp0ny needs to apologise.’
  139. As you and Iron Hooves walk back into the town and towards the playhouse, you immediately spot Harley. She looks at you, and then at Iron, and immediately her fury is back. She charges for the both of you, and you smile.
  140. ‘Silly filly…’ you mutter.
  141. You lift your left hand and it glows green. Harley is barely 3 feet from Iron when she is bathed in a green glow, lifting her off the ground.
  142. ‘Hey Pumpkin.’ You say with a smile.
  143. Harley struggles in your magic, kicking her legs to break free. ‘Let me down…I gotta kick his flank for calling your book silly.’
  144. ‘How about this?’ you wave your hand up and down, and Harley moves in unison, shaking her up.
  145. ‘Uuurgh…’ she groans.
  146. ‘You going to listen now?’ Harley nods, a sad look on her face. ‘Now, I spoke to Iron Hooves here, and he explained it better to me because…well, I’m not his type. My book isn’t silly, the playwright was.’ You look to Mjolna, and she gives you a confused look. ‘So I decided on a punishment. Young master Iron here, is going to take you out to dinner.’
  147. ‘WHAT?!?’ they yelled in unison.
  148. ‘Yep. He shall take you out for dinner to apologise for what he has done, and you are going because you hit him.’
  149. ‘And if I refuse?’ Harley says.
  150. ‘No pancakes. Ever. Again.’
  151. ‘Huremph…. And what if I don’t like him?’
  152. ‘You know my best friend Derpy, and your best friend Dinky?’ Harley nods again ‘Meet cousin Iron Muffin.’
  153. Harley look from you to Iron and back, and went quiet.
  154. ‘Iron, you should go back. Tell everyp0ny you’re fine. I have to take little miss home.’
  155. ‘Okay Lokie.’ He looked at Harely floating in the air, and blushed. ‘Ummm…bye Harley…’
  156. Before she could say a word, he was gone.
  158. You walk through the streets, Harley still struggling in the air. She kicked as hard as she could, but couldn’t break your spell.
  159. ‘Let me go…’ she whined.
  160. ‘Promise not to attack anyp0ny?’
  161. ‘…yeah.’
  162. You wave your hand and Harley floats up onto your shoulders, the magic dissipating when she sits down. Immediately she bonks you on the head.
  163. ‘You are a mean father.’ She says.
  164. You stop in the middle of the street, and look down. ‘Sorry…’ you mutter.
  165. ‘I…I wasn’t really angry, daddy.’
  166. ‘I wasn’t apologising to you. I was apologising to my dad.’ You continue walking to centre of town ‘I don’t think I told you this, but my final words to my dad were along the lines of “I hate you”. I just don’t want you to make the mistakes I did.’
  167. You feel Harley hug your head. ‘I’m sorry daddy. But why do I have to go out with him?’
  168. ‘What’s wrong with him?’
  169. ‘I ‘unno… He made fun of your book.’
  170. ‘I spoke to him about that. He said it was a silly book to make into a script. The colt’s a playwright, well trying to be. And when I came in before to see my wittle pwincess,’ you reach up and tickle her ‘He was staring at you. That p0ny has a serious thing for my daughter.’ You could sense Harley’s blush and you chuckle. ‘Just, give him a chance. And remember, if he breaks your heart, I break him.’
  171. Harley hit you in the head with a marshmallow hoof, and you chuckle.
  172. ‘Where are we going daddy?’ Harley asks.
  173. ‘I need to go see Spike, so you wanna hang with Twi for an hour. Maybe work on your awesome skillz.’
  174. Harley started to giggle and rocked back and forth on your head in excitement.
  176. You eventually get to Twilight’s Library, knocking on the door. You are greeted by Twilight.
  177. ‘Hey Lokie. Hey Harley.’ She says.
  178. ‘Hi Miss Twilight.’ Harley says, jumping down from your head.
  179. ‘Hey Twi. I need to borrow Spike for an hour.’ You say.
  180. ‘Hmm… what do I get in return?’
  181. ‘I’ll trade you your dragon for my unicorn.’
  182. ‘Deal. Come on Harley Quin. We can have tea and catch up.’
  183. Twilight and Harley walk inside and Spike walks out.
  184. ‘Hey bro,’ Spike says, holding out a claw ‘Sup?’
  185. You complete the bro claw ‘I need your help with some stuff.’
  186. ‘Suh-weet. Time away from book shelving.’ He walks out and extends his wings. ‘Hop on.’
  187. ‘Nah, check this.’
  188. You close your eyes, aiming your open palm to your feet. Your shoes glow green on their soles and begin to float in the air.
  189. ‘Air skates.’ You say, as you lift into the air. ‘First to Rarity’s place, then we’re off.’
  190. Spike gives you a dirty look and growls.
  191. ‘Get over yourself. I killed something bigger than you when I still had both arms.’
  192. ‘Oh, you really want to do this?’ Spike flaps his wings, and rises into the air.
  193. ‘Come at me bro…’ you say with a smug smile.
  194. Spike shoots for you, but you were gone. You skated in the air like it was nothing humming a simple tune.
  195. ‘Ya better hurry up. You wouldn’t want to miss Rarity.’ You cry as you hear wing beats behind you.
  196. ‘you suck you know that.’ Spike says as he catches up.
  197. ‘Give me a break. You will live longer than I will. Let me have my fun while I last.’
  198. You both chuckle as you fly towards Carousel Boutique.
  200. You speed through the sky, skating on air, with Spike keeping up next to you. You were almost at Carousel Boutique when you looked to him.
  201. ‘Ever pulled a complete stop from this speed?’ you say
  202. ‘Wha…’ Spike says, looking at you.
  203. ‘Sorry bro. This might hurt you a bit.’
  204. You close your eyes and cast a teleport spell so you can land on the ground. Spike wasn’t as lucky. He sped into the side of the building with a thud, giving it a good shake. As he falls to the ground, you flick your wrist, and Rarity’s couch comes galloping out the door like a p0ny and dives under him.
  205. He rubs his head and looks at you. ‘Thanks, but couldn’t you have just teleported me too?’
  206. ‘Oh but where is the fun in that?’ you say with a chaotic grin that could make Discord cower in fear.
  207. You flick your wrist again, and the couch carries Spike inside, you following them in.
  208. ‘Oh who is it now?’ comes a high class voice.
  209. Rarity comes stomping out and glares at you.
  210. ‘Did you steal my fainting couch and hit my building?’ she scowls at you.
  211. ‘Well I wasn’t going to have Spike land on the ground.’ You say, rubbing the back of your neck.
  212. Rarity finally calms down enough to see Spike sitting there staring at her radiance.
  213. ‘Oh…Hi Mister Spike.’ She says in a quiet voice.
  214. ‘Putting Mister in front of my name doesn’t prove you see me as older.’ He says in a deadpan voice.
  215. Rarity looks defeated at this.
  216. ‘Spike, maybe go sit outside.’ You say. He nods and walks out the door.
  217. You walk out a few minutes later and he gives you a dirty look.
  218. ‘She is doing some work for me. Come on, you find the gems, I’ll dig them.’
  220. You arrive back at Twilight’s house within the hour, Spike obviously forgiven you for giving him some delicious gems. He gives you a brofist, and you pass him his sack of gems. You keep a small sack for your purposes. You pick Harley up and put her back on your shoulders.
  221. ‘Did you have fun with Twi?’ you ask.
  222. ‘Yeah.’ She replies, snuggling into your hair.
  223. ‘Learn anything new?’
  224. ‘No, we just talked about school and the playhouse.’
  225. You smile as you cast the air skates again and softly glide home. When you get there, Rainbow Dash is already inside cooking dinner. You glide in, placing Harley on the couch to nap, and touching down on the ground.
  226. ‘Hey Dashie, how was work?’ you say, walking in to the kitchen and giving her a kiss.
  227. ‘Stressful. I had to move a storm to Manehatten and Thunderlane decided he was sick again.’
  228. ‘Bloody fake p0nies.’ You shake your fist and Dash giggles.
  229. ‘How was your day?’
  230. ‘Oh you know, the usual. Slept, ate, picked up Harley, hung up with my bro.’
  231. ‘Remember the days when we would do that?’
  232. ‘Yeah, bros for life.’
  233. ‘Do you miss it?’
  234. ‘You were an excellent bro, but I’m too happy with you being my special somep0ny. I have you and Harley and everything I need.’
  235. She smiles and kisses you again. ‘How’s Claire?’
  236. ‘Tired. She is working her flank off being the smart lawyer. Oh, before I forget, I have to go to Canterlot on business.’
  237. Rainbow stopped cooking and looks at you ‘What for?’
  238. ‘I need to get my human license renewed.’ You both chuckle ‘Nah, my publicist needs to see me in person. With my new book coming out soon, we need to plan the launch.’
  239. ‘Okay, when you leaving?’
  240. ‘Tomorrow morning.’
  242. ‘Will you be back in time for Harley’s play?’ Rainbow asks with concern
  243. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for all the bacon in the world.’
  244. ‘I still don’t get that?’
  245. ‘Okay, what if the Wonderbolt’s asked you to join, but you had to miss Harley’s play.’
  246. ‘Hmm,’ Dash thinks for a second ‘Well…I think I would choose Harley. Wonderbolts can’t love me like she does.’
  247. ‘Good choice.’
  248. You lean down to give her another kiss when you hear a thud come from the lounge room.
  249. ‘OW mur furce.’ Harley cries.
  250. She walks in, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
  251. ‘Wow, now it’s an improvement.’ You say with a chuckle.
  252. You feel yourself get lifted off the ground in a red aura. Harley gives you an evil smile.
  253. ‘Now for revenge.’ She cackles
  254. Your stomach drops as she shakes you up and down like you did to her earlier that day.
  255. ‘HeEeEeEeLp MeEeEeE!’ You cry to Rainbow Dash.
  256. She can’t stop laughing at you, but tackles Harley and tickles her. The drop in concentration allows you to break free of the spell and fall to the ground. You immediately tackle the two of them and begin the tickle war.
  257. After 5 minutes of this, you end it all with a kiss to each of them. You stand up and help them up to.
  258. ‘You girls have made me especially happy in the past 4 years.’ You say to them.
  259. ‘We love you too Lokie.’ Rainbow says ‘Now come on, I made this wonderful spaghetti. We need to eat.’
  260. You smile and all three of you sit down at the table to enjoy a meal of Mama Wuten’s Old Fashion Spaghetti™.
  262. After dinner, the three of you sit down to watch a few movies until Harley falls asleep. You carry her into her bedroom, kissing her forehead as she slept.
  263. ‘Goodnight my little princess. I love you from here to eternity.’ You whisper to her.
  264. You slide out of her room, and silently shut the door, before creeping to your room to slide into bed. Rainbow Dash flitters in soon after to join you, landing on the bed and wrapping you in a hug.
  265. ‘You okay hunny?’ she says
  266. ‘Yeah, I’m just a bit nervous…’ you say
  267. ‘What’s wrong?’
  268. ‘Well, my publicist NEVER asks me to meet up. I think there might be something wrong.’
  269. Rainbow gives you a long kiss. ‘Everything is going to be fine.’
  270. ‘Dashie, how long do p0nies stay with their special somep0nies?’
  271. Dash freezes in place. ‘What do you mean?’
  272. ‘I mean… I never learnt this completely, but can p0nies stay special somep0nies for life?’
  273. ‘Well...yeah, I think so. Why do you ask?’
  274. ‘Cos I never want you to leave me, no matter what.’
  275. You give Rainbow another kiss and fall asleep knowing how much you love each other.
  276. >Though it doesn’t make any of this easier.
  278. You wake up in the morning to something clinging to your face. You reach up and feel soft fur and…a horn. You wave your hand and the sleeping Harley levitates off your face. You lightly place her on the bed, next to the sleeping form of Rainbow Dash. You slide out of the bedroom and down the stairs to fix up breakfast.
  279. The smell of fresh pancakes and chocolate syrup spread through the house. The aroma brought Rainbow and Harley out of their sleep. They both rushed down stairs to see the kitchen table filled with stacks of pancakes, fresh squeezed orange juice, a jug of fresh chocolate sauce and a fruit and flower garnish. You stand at the sink washing the last of the dishes as they walk in.
  280. ‘What’s all this?’ Rainbow says
  281. You turn around and smile ‘Since I will be away for a while, I thought I would do something special for my family.’
  282. Harley jumps up on a seat ‘Can I dig in?’ she gives you a cheeky smile.
  283. ‘Hold on, I want to enjoy this breakfast with my family.’ You say, holding out a seat for Rainbow.
  284. She sits down, and you slide her back in before taking your own seat. You look at Harley and then to Rainbow Dash, and a few tears start to form.
  285. ‘What’s wrong? They say in unison.
  286. ‘It’s nothing. I mean, never did I think that I would have a daughter or a special someone who were p0nies.’ You start to rub your left arm ‘You both changed my life for the good. I just wanted to make sure you knew it.’
  287. They smile at you, no words able to convey their emotion. You reach across and steal a pancake from Harley, and she magics it off your fork with a laugh.
  289. At 10 am, you stood at the train station with Rainbow and Harley standing with you. You had your suitcases already on board, and the train would leave in 15 minutes.
  290. ‘Well, I’ll send you letters via Spike mail.’ You say. ‘The Princesses know how to find me.’
  291. Your arm starts to twitch and you spin, grabbing Pinkie Pie mid-leap, into a bear hug.
  292. ‘Pink Ninja Hug!’ you yell, breathing in her cotton candy scent.
  293. You swing around to see Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike all smiling at you.
  294. ‘We came to see you off too.’ Twilight says.
  295. ‘Ya’ll be gone fer a while, ya might miss the youngins play.’ Applejack adds.
  296. ‘Yeah, but I will make it back.’ You say ‘Seems everyp0ny is here to say goodbye for now.’
  297. ‘Not all of us…’ Spike says in a sad voice.
  298. ‘No, she is coming up behind us.’ You say with a smile.
  299. Everyp0ny turned to see Rarity walking up with a sheepish smile. Next to her levitated a wooden bucket. She placed it on a bench before walking over to the group.
  300. ‘Ah Anon, so…so good to see you before you left.’ Rarity says, looking at her hooves.
  301. ‘Oh, you know me.’ You say with a sly smile ‘Couldn’t miss seeing you, could I?’
  302. Rarity goes red and looks at Spike. He looks at her, and his wings flare out.
  303. >Madre de Dios, The rumours are true.
  304. ‘Hi Spike.’ She says
  305. ‘Hi Rarity. If you are here to try-‘
  306. ‘Spike, please just let me say what I have to say.’ She takes a deep breath and levitates the bucket towards her.
  308. ‘Spike, I know it may seem as if I would only see you as a baby dragon, even in your fabulous new form,’ Rarity blushed even darker ‘And I know it may be hard to prove it to you, so I decided to do the only thing I could think of.’ She lifted the bucket over her head.
  309. ‘Rarity?’ Spike says, becoming quite nervous ‘What are you doing?’
  310. ‘If I can’t prove I see you as older,’ She gave Spike a warm smile ‘Maybe I can prove I don’t care what other p0nies think.’
  311. The bucket hanging over Rarity’s head tipped over, spilling mud all over Rarity, covering her in copious amounts of filth.
  312. ‘Spike, I can walk through the streets of Canterlot covered in mud if I knew I could have dinner with a dragon half as wonderful as you.’
  313. ‘Rarity, do you know what you are saying?’ Fluttershy says.
  314. ‘I do darling. I feel something for Spike that I haven’t felt for any other p0ny, and I can understand if he can’t reciprocate the same feelings. I treated him as a child, I cannot ask him to forget all that.’ Rarity smiles at Spike again. ‘I should be going. I feel I should strut around town for a while before going home. Goodbye Lokie, I do hope things go in your favour.’
  315. Rarity starts to walk away, when Spike flies in front of her.
  316. ‘Spike, you make a better dragon than a door.’ She says with a smile.
  317. ‘Rarity…’ Spike started to get flustered ‘Would you mind if I joined you on the walk?’
  318. Rarity smiles wide and nods ‘I would definitely love that.’
  319. Spike shoots you a smile and you nod before he is off, walking next to Rarity.
  320. ‘No, I did not do that.’ You say, before kissing Harley and Rainbow goodbye.
  322. It had been almost a week since you had left for Canterlot and Rainbow Dash was getting worried. She paced outside the P0nyville Playhouse, her friends surrounding her.
  323. ‘Where is he?’ she whined.
  324. ‘Rainbow Dash, stop worrying.’ Twilight said ‘The train is probably running late.’
  325. ‘Ya gotta give dat stallion a break, sugah.’ Said Applejack.
  326. ‘Cos he promised he would be here for you.’ Pinkie Pie exclaimed.
  327. ‘And…Lokie would never miss this…I think.’ Fluttershy quietly added.
  328. ‘Yeah yeah, I know.’ Rainbow rubbed her temples ‘Spike, any word from him yet?’
  329. To Spike’s credit, he was doing his best not to pass out. For the past week, he and Rarity have been an item, even been as far to kiss in public.
  330. ‘SPIKE!’ Rainbow yelled.
  331. ‘Wha- Huh?’ he said, regaining focus on everything else that wasn’t Rarity ‘No Rainbow Dash. No word from him yet.’
  332. ‘WHERE THE BUCK IS HE?!?!’ Dash screamed.
  333. A light brown mare walked out of the playhouse, and looked at the group.
  334. ‘Hey guys? You can come in now.’ She said
  335. ‘Thanks Mjolna.’ Twilight said ‘Come on Rainbow. He will just be a little late.’
  336. Rainbow sighed before walking inside with the rest of her friends. As they were ushered to their front row seats, they noticed a red rose on each seat, or a small ruby for Spike, and an empty seat where you were supposed to sit. They all promptly took their seats as the audience quieted down. Mjolna walked out with a large smile on her face.
  337. ‘Good Evening Mares and Gentlecolts, and welcome to the first performance of the stage production of “Seven Ancient Artifacts”, written by Lokie Ironscript. So please sit back, relax and enjoy the night’s entertainment.’
  339. By the time intermission rolled around, p0nies were restless to move about. The audience moved outside for some fresh air and refreshments. The minute Rainbow Dash is outside, she screams in rage.
  340. ‘WHERE IS LOKIE?!?!’
  341. ‘Rainbow Dash, calm down.’ Twilight said. ‘Cut him some slack.’
  342. ‘NO, TWILIGHT! I will NOT relax. He said he would be here and he isn’t!’
  343. Applejack leap through the air and tackled Rainbow to the ground, pinning her there.
  344. ‘Calm down sugah. It ain’t good tah be all bucking bronco and all.’ She said in a calm voice.
  345. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath and stopped fighting.
  346. ‘I’m sorry… I just worry something happened to him. He could never miss something like this.’
  347. Applejack steps off Rainbow and helps her up.
  348. ‘Sometimes you just need faith.’ Twilight said. ‘Let’s go sit inside. Intermission must almost be over.’
  349. The Mane 6 walked inside to see the rest of the audience sitting ready for Act 2, murmuring amongst themselves. Rainbow barely made it to her seat when she was barrelled over by Harley.
  350. ‘MOM! We need your help back stage.’ She says. ‘There is a rope out of reach, and you are the best flyer in the town.’
  351. Rainbow smiled at this and flew up on the open stage. Harley pointed out the rope that needed to be dragged to the ground. Rainbow flew up and grabbed the rope in her teeth, pulling it towards the ground. As she pulled the rope, she didn’t notice the banner that it raised, she didn’t notice the crowd murmur and giggle, and sure as shit didn’t see you silently walk out on stage, box in hand.
  353. Rainbow Dash tied the rope down to the metal hoop provided and turned to fly off stage when she was stopped by you, kneeling on one knee smiling at her.
  354. ‘What…what’s going on?’ she said.
  355. You smiled wider and pointed up. Rainbow looked up and her mouth dropped. “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” was painted on a banner that hung over your head. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at you.
  356. ‘Rainbow Dash,’ you said, trying to fight the emotion. ‘ You have been there for me through thick and thin. You have been my special somep0ny for 4 years, but I realised that I needed to prove more to you. You are the best flyer in Equestria, no matter what some performers say, you have been the Element of Loyalty and proved yourself time and time again. I know…’ tears broke through ‘I know I am just a mutant monkey from another universe, but I love you with all of my heart. Will you marry me?’
  357. You open the box to reveal a golden bracelet with Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark, made of a diamond cloud and coloured gems for the lightning bolt. Rainbow Dash took one look and broke in to tears.
  358. ‘Yes, I will Lokie.’ She said, before wrapping you in a hug.
  359. The entire town cheered you on, and you were the happiest human in history. You placed the bracelet on her hoof, and kissed her. You picked her up and carried her back to your seats so you could watch the rest of the play.
  361. Later that night, you lay in bed with your now fiancée, Rainbow Dash. You held her in your arms, just so happy everything worked out.
  362. ‘So, is that why you were in Canterlot?’ Dashie says.
  363. ‘Yeah. I had to go see Celestia, and got into an argument with her.’ You say, petting her soft mane.
  364. ‘Why?’
  365. ‘Well, she didn’t believe I loved you enough to be married. So I threatened to kill her.’
  366. ‘You WHAT?!’
  367. ‘I told her I would marry you, and she said over her dead body. I looked her in the eye and told her if I must, I would. After a brief fire fight, she was about to banish me when she stopped and laughed.’
  368. ‘Huh…?’
  369. ‘Yeah, she said it was all a ruse. She wasn’t going full on to hurt me, she just wanted to prove that I loved you more than life itself.’
  370. ‘Bucking Trollestia…’
  371. ‘Yeah, and after the visit to the doctors and getting patched up, I came all the way home and here I am.’
  372. ‘So…who knew about all this?’
  373. ‘Harley, Mjolna and Rarity. Everyp0ny else was as shocked as you.’
  374. ‘You know, neither of us know how to plan a wedding?’
  375. ‘Luckily Celestia’s gift for us is that she is covering it.’ You kiss her forehead.
  376. ‘Really, I mean not that I am ungrateful…’
  377. ‘It’s fine. She already has a date in mind. Our usual anniversary.’
  378. Rainbow Dash pushes you away. ‘Are you sure? I mean, it’s your birthday too.’
  379. ‘So I get the best gift of my life, a loving wife.’
  380. Rainbow curls up next to you again ‘I don’t know why you want to marry me…’
  381. ‘Hey, I’m not the one marrying a weird monkey, now am I?’ This makes Dash giggle. ‘I have to go send some mail. I’ll be back up soon.’
  382. ‘Take your time. She’ll need it.’ Dash gives you a smile as you walk out.
  384. You sit in your favourite seat in front of your writing desk, pondering what you just did. You can’t stop smiling about it, that’s for sure. You grab your quill and parchment and started to write the note. You place the messenger stone on the parchment, and in a *crack*, the letter was gone. You didn’t have to wait long for a reply, she was probably waiting for you.
  385. >LL: Hey, you awake?
  386. >CB: Yes, Tell me what happened.
  387. >LL: I don’t know what you are talking about.
  388. >CB: I will hunt you across dimensions.
  389. >LL: I’m getting married.
  390. >CB: I’m so happy for you.
  391. >LL: You don’t sound it?
  392. The next response took 5 minutes, but it came with a photo. You look at it, and your heart almost breaks. It was a picture of Claire, her black hair tied up, and she was wearing pyjamas, but she was crying with a smile.
  393. >CB: Proof enough for you.
  394. >LL: I miss you… you know that right?
  395. >CB: I miss you too… I can’t believe any of this. My big bro is getting married.
  396. >LL: Well, I wish you could be here for it.
  397. >CB: I do too Lokie. I really do.
  398. >LL: I should get to bed. I have a lot to do over the next few months.
  399. >CB: Okay, night Lachlan.
  400. >LL: Night Claire.
  401. You place the quill down and walk upstairs and into your bedroom. Falling asleep with Rainbow Dash in your arms, you don’t fear anything that may happen.
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