
The Power of One

Apr 2nd, 2015
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  1. >It is a beautiful, currently non-disastrous day in Ponyville.
  2. >Most places, that's not the kind of clarification one would need to make on a regular basis.
  3. >Here, well, sometimes things can get a little... hectic.
  4. >"There's a rampaging hydra on the loose!" screams a townspony as they run past.
  5. >Yeah, kinda like that.
  6. >Welp, so much for tranquility, time to hide again.
  7. >Okay... rainbarrel? No, occupied.
  8. >Nearby houses? Barred and shut.
  9. >Dig a hole? Shoot, this part's cobbled.
  10. >Maybe it won't come this w– nope, there it is, charging straight at you. Figures.
  11. >Well, you had a good run.
  12. >Coulda seen more parts of the world, though.
  13. >Eh, can't have it all.
  14. >Now, what's the most dignified position for somepony to find your corpse in...
  15. >While trying to determine the most flattering mangled sprawl, a shadow passes overhead.
  16. >With a tremendous crash, something strikes the street between you and the rampaging beast.
  17. >Squinting through the dust kickup, you are able to make out a peculiar, bipedal form...
  18. "Anonymous?"
  19. >The human looks to you with a wild grin, casting an arm back as he turns to face to the looming threat.
  20. >"Fear not, Cherry Berry! I, Anonymous the Mighty, shall fell this great menace!"
  21. "Hey, that's way better than what I was thinking, do that!"
  22. >Like a cackling rocket, the human takes a mighty leap towards the still advancing malice, powerful fist primed and ready.
  23. >You watch in awe as he... misses completely, sailing high overhead like a wayward stone.
  24. >Not entirely his own fault though, looks like a giant purple laser from the sky just flattened his target to the pavement.
  25. >That could only mean...
  26. >"Look, it's Princess Twilight!" helpfully shouts Amethyst Star nearby.
  27. >"AH COME ON!" Anonymous yells from his position face down in the dirt just beyond the creature.
  28. >Sure enough, the semi-recently coronated god-princess hovered overhead, preparing another spell.
  29. >You and several other townsponies look on as the downed hydra begins glowing purple, and slowly lifts into the sky.
  30. >"Okay everypony, this threat has been neutralized. I'm going to take this guy back to the bog where he belongs. You may all resume your pre-rampaging hydra activities."
  31. >The gathered crowd cheers as she flies off over the Everfree, confused five-headed beast in tow.
  32. >Barely a few seconds later, everypony promptly disperses to continue about their day, as if nothing had ever happened.
  33. >Such was life in Ponyville, the only quiet little town where disasters of life and death were as routine as the weather.
  34. >You get used to it after a while, though.
  35. >At least, most do.
  36. >Looking up from your thoughts you find the square now empty, save for one, besides yourself.
  37. >There was a certain other odd creature remaining, unmoved from his previous location.
  38. >A short trot brings you to his side, where you find the human sitting crosslegged and crossarmed, at the end of the small dirt trench his body had carved upon impact.
  39. >You follow his gaze skyward, and watch the two purple silhouettes shrink into the distance.
  40. "Missed another one, huh?"
  41. >Anonymous briefly looks over to regard you, before returning to the horizon.
  42. >"Yeah... I swear, this happens every time nowadays."
  43. >He raises both arms to the scene ahead.
  44. >"Ever since Princess Starbutt used the power of four gods to stomp that magic stealing centaur jerkoff into the dirt, I haven't gotten to do crap. She just sits atop that big gaudy lookin' castle thing watching for trouble, then effortlessly resolves it before I even get to throw a punch."
  45. >With a sigh, he looks to the upheaved dirt before him.
  46. >"I dunno, I feel like I'm not really needed around here anymore."
  47. >Looks like somebody could use some cheering up.
  48. "Hey, that's not true. Why, if you hadn't showed up when you did, I'd probably be pushing up daisies."
  49. >Anon looks over to you, a small spark of hope in his eyes.
  50. >"Really?"
  51. "Yeah!"
  52. >You think for a moment.
  53. "...Well actually, maybe not this time. I don't think that thing slowed down at all, so Princess Twilight would have probably stopped it at pretty much the same place."
  54. >This information does not help his mood, causing him to resume looking for solace in the dirt.
  55. >By Celestia you were terrible at this.
  56. "But hey, you've saved my life lots of times in the past! And plenty of other ponies too."
  57. >He looks back to the horizon. "I guess. But that was before the whole princess thing went down. Back then all I had to compete with was Rainbow Dash for some of the smaller stuff, and her friends pulling that weird 'Mare Do Well' stunt put a stop to that."
  58. >You remember that day all too well.
  59. >Having had enough sitting in the dirt for one day, Anonymous stands up to his full height of nearly double your own, and brushes himself off.
  60. >"I mean, I'd at least get to take care of things when those six were all off on some grand, epic adventure, but apparently Tirek was 'the last great threat to this world', so they hardly leave town anymore except for social events every now and then."
  61. >He takes one last glance at the sky beyond the Everfree, before putting his hands in his pockets and turning away.
  62. >"Guess I better find something else to do."
  63. >Kicking a loose stone from the crater, he walks off staring at the ground.
  64. >You linger in the shallow trench a moment, before turning and walking in the opposite direction to your home.
  65. >Wow, you've never seen him quite this down in the dumps before.
  66. >Sure wish there was something you could do to help him.
  67. >But you weren't some sort of unstoppable powerhouse from another dimension, or a princess with governing control over the very force of magic itself, or even an element of the universal laws that made up one of the most powerful magics in the kingdom.
  68. >All you were was a small, comparatively squishy earth pony, who occasionally liked to take to the air in a variety of contraptions.
  69. >And that tended to go badly most of the time anyway.
  70. >But then again...
  71. >What did any of that matter?
  72. >Who says you can't try and help him?
  73. >Your instinctual habit of just letting things happen around you?
  74. >You've seen just how well that's worked out for you so far.
  75. >No, it was time for a change.
  76. >A change that started with a certain human.
  77. >Well, |the| human.
  78. >You abruptly spin around and take off in the other direction.
  79. "Anonymous, wait up!"
  81. >You trot alongside Anon through town, looking for potential uses for his unusual abilities.
  82. "So, what did you have in mind, anyway?"
  83. >The human shrugs as he scans the surroundings.
  84. >"Dunno. In my off-time I like to lift things. Maybe I could help those that needed a good lift. ...Like there!"
  85. >Anonymous points towards a nearby home, at which somepony was rummaging around by the edge.
  86. >Before you can inquire further, the excited extraequestrian dashes over to assist, with you staying as close behind as you can.
  87. >He skids to a halt near the crouched pony, who seemed to be fishing around underneath the house.
  88. >"Good afternoon, miss. Do you require lifting assistance?"
  89. >The pony, who you now recognize by her mark as Golden Harvest, stands up and eyes the human warily.
  90. >"Hm? Oh, no, see I just dropped someth–"
  91. >"Need access to the underside? No problem, I shall lift the house."
  92. >"Well actually I can just get somepony to crawl–"
  93. >The sound of timber creaking and snapping cuts her off, as Anonymous grabs the edge of the wall and effortlessly rips one end of the home free from its foundation.
  94. >You and Goldie cringe at the numerous sounds of housewares and breakables shattering to the floor from inside.
  95. >"I have lifted the house."
  96. >"Uh... thanks," Goldie squeaks nervously.
  97. >Like a frightened field mouse, she cautiously pokes her head into the shattered crawlspace, grabbing a lost tomato in her mouth.
  98. >She pulls back, smiling uneasily, before taking off like a shot.
  99. >"Another crisis solved, by Anonymous the Lifter."
  100. >"What are you doing?!"
  101. >The two of you look up to find a rather irate Daisy glaring down from a second story window.
  102. >Anonymous stares back blankly for a moment before answering.
  103. >"...Lifting?"
  104. >"Well could you stop? You just broke everything on this side of my house!"
  105. >"Oh. Whoops."
  106. >With all the grace of an active fault line, Anonymous releases the house, which crashes back to the ground, now itself bent in the middle and tilted towards you.
  107. >You can hear everything on the other side of the house go tumbling to the floor in a series of crashes.
  108. >Daisy grumbles angrily before slamming the shutters closed, which shortly fall to the ground.
  109. "Uh, maybe we should try something else."
  111. >With sufficient distance between you and that last catastrophe, you take a moment to think.
  112. >Anonymous seemed to have something of a one-track mind when it came to things like this, so maybe you should try and lend a hoof.
  113. >Had to start helping somewhere, right?
  114. "So, what did you do before coming here? I'm sure the kind of strength you have let you help your kind in lots of less accidentally destructive ways."
  115. >Anonymous' hands return to his pockets.
  116. >"Not really. I was just a regular joe before coming here, so I wasn't able to do much in the way of heroics or other such feats of power."
  117. "Really? I can't believe that, having seen what you're capable of."
  118. >"Yeah, but that's only in this world. According to Twilight's fancy magic crap, the dimension I'm from is about 12 times denser than this one, along with a few other differences in physics. She explained it in great detail, little of which I actually remember, but the gist of it was that everything in this universe is like cardboard and styrofoam to me."
  119. >Well that explained a few things, though you recall a discrepancy.
  120. "But I've watched you carefully pull a kitten from a tree without hurting it at all. I mean, you tore the tree out of the ground to do it, but the kitten was fine, after some therapy."
  121. >"Yeah, I had to learn to get a handle on controlling my strength as quick as I could. Didn't feel like getting sent to the rabbit farm if I could help it."
  122. >Strange, did he have something against rabbits? Or somepony that tended to them? Fluttershy had some, but...
  123. >Forget it, probably some human thing.
  124. >"Beyond that," he continues, "Twilight also rigged up this enchanted bracelet with a gravity inhibitor spell, to help counteract the fact that I apparently weigh close to 2400 Equestrian pounds. So I guess I should be thankful to her for that, but she still doesn't have to hog all the disaster cleanup for herself."
  125. >Anonymous looks down at the gold, jewel encrusted bangle on his wrist, which you wonder how you managed to miss all this time.
  126. >Not much of a mystery as to who designed it, though.
  127. "I think she's more concerned with minimizing collateral damage, if anything."
  128. >"And what's wrong with the way I do things?"
  129. "You do kinda fly through or get thrown into a lot of houses."
  130. >"It's not my fault if Ponyville building standards aren't up to code."
  131. "Ponyville building standards don't take into consideration any living wrecking balls running around looking for work."
  132. >"Well then they're in severe need of being updated."
  133. >You both fall silent in contemplation for a time.
  134. "...You could get a job at Sweet Apple Acres. I'm sure having someone like you around would speed up productivity a whole lot."
  135. >"Tried that back when I got here. Kicked a tree into the stratosphere."
  136. "Huh. But you said you've gotten better at controlling it since then, right?"
  137. >"Well yeah, but I still don't think Applejack likes me all that much."
  138. "Why not?"
  139. >"The tree might have flown through the barn first."
  140. "...Oh."
  141. >"...And through her house."
  142. "Euh."
  143. >"And I might have immediately celebrated what an amazing trick shot it was."
  144. "Okay okay, so Sweet Apple Acres is out. Hmm... how about construction?"
  145. >"There's a state-wide ban on me entering any construction zones, after Princess Celestia had me officially classified as a mobile disaster area."
  146. "Alright, no construction. ...Life guard?"
  147. >"Can't swim."
  148. "Shoot. There's gotta be something you can do around here... Hey, look at that!"
  149. >You gallop over to the bulletin board outside the town hall, Anonymous following behind.
  150. >Reaching up, you pull down a piece of paper and look it over.
  151. >"What's up?"
  152. "It's a Help Wanted listing. There's sure to be somepony who'd love your help on here."
  153. >The human looks at the list over your shoulder for a moment in contemplation.
  154. >"Hmm... Alright, it's worth a shot."
  155. "Great! Let's see, first up..."
  157. >You make your way into the large pit on the outskirts of town, donning the free pith helmet the ponies running the archaeological dig had given you.
  158. >Something about a dress code, you weren't fully paying attention.
  159. >Taking a look around, you spot an interesting looking stone, and trot over to start brushing it off.
  160. >Even if it was Anonymous that was looking for ways to help the town, that didn't mean you couldn't get into the spirit of things yourself.
  161. >As strange as the alien creature was in his ways, you would be lying if you said that hanging out with him wasn't somewhat enjoyable.
  162. >Certainly no end to the excitement, for sure.
  163. >As a matter of fact, you can hear some excitement going on behind you right now.
  164. >Approaching the commotion, you can see a giant white surface uncovered next to Anonymous.
  165. >"What is that?" one of the archaeological ponies asks.
  166. >"I think it's part of a dragon skeleton," another answers.
  167. >You make your way through the gathering crowd to stand next to Anonymous.
  168. "Wow, look a that! We've barely been here an hour, and you've already uncovered something like that!"
  169. >"Yeah, how about that?"
  170. >The lead archaeologist comes over to inspect the find.
  171. >"Good work, Anonymous. Now, We'll need everypony here to start uncovering the–"
  172. >"I got it!"
  173. >Without any hesitation, Anon digs both hands into the dirt around the exposed bone and grabs hold.
  174. >"Wait, hold on!" the lead archaeologist pleads in futility.
  175. >With a mighty yank, Anonymous pulls free from the ground an entire, intact dragon skeleton, holding it high above his head.
  176. "...Huh. Neat."
  177. >You give a smile to the lead, but falter when you notice her still devastated expression.
  178. >"Anonymous, you're supposed to uncover findings |slowly| and |carefully|."
  179. >"Why? I got it out just fine, didn't I?"
  180. >At that point, the entire skeleton proceeds to disintegrate into a heap of dust on top of you and Anonymous.
  181. >The icy stares of the entire dig team bore into the two of you.
  182. >"Ahwhoops."
  183. >Perhaps archaeology was not in the cards.
  185. >"The circus."
  186. "Yeah!"
  187. >"What can I do at a circus?"
  188. "Have you never heard of the strongman act?"
  189. >The circus overseer looks over his clipboard a moment, before shaking his head.
  190. >"Sorry there guy, we ain't got room for no strongman right now."
  191. >"Well shoot. Anything else I can do?"
  192. >He scans the clipboard again, flipping through a few pages.
  193. >"We got an opening for a living cannonball."
  194. "That sounds pretty good. You're definitely sturdy enough."
  195. >"Eh, sure, why not?"
  196. >The overseer leads you both to a large cannon at one end of the yard.
  197. >"Just climb on in there and we'll give ya a quick test run, see if yer really up to tha job."
  198. >With a shrug, Anonymous jumps up and clambers into the barrel of the cannon, while you take a seat on a nearby crate.
  199. >You were going to ask if there was a net set up at the target location, but realized Anon probably didn't need one.
  200. >The overseer walks around to the back and lights the fuse.
  201. >You cover both ears with your forehooves and watch in aticipation.
  202. >In an instant, the cannon completely explodes, sending shrapnel flying in every direction and knocking you off the crate from the blast force.
  203. >Carefully peering over what was now a piece of cover, you find no trace of the cannon, only Anonymous, standing in the middle of a large scorch mark appearing somewhat confused.
  204. >He looks to his gravity bracelet, flicking it a few times.
  205. >"Uh, sorry. Sometimes this thing malfunctions for a bit."
  206. >Hearing the overseer trying to scramble out of some wreckage, you gesture your head in the opposite direction and the two of you swiftly walk away.
  208. "Come on, Anon, this is perfect for you."
  209. >You and the interdimensional immigrant stand before the side of a great mountain a mile or so outside town.
  210. >Behind you stand a smattering of railworker ponies, gathered around the end of an unfinished section of track.
  211. >"I dunno, this seems an awful lot like construction. Which I remind you I am by law forbidden to do."
  212. "No, it's okay, I checked with the foreman. This is |demolition|, which is perfectly fine. In fact, I daresay you were born for it!"
  213. >"Well, if you say so."
  214. >The anxious human turns back to the foreman, who was making sure to stand a safe distance away.
  215. >Come to think of it, why weren't you doing that?
  216. >"So what did you want me to do?"
  217. >"Just knock a hole through the mountain! We gotta get this track laid by tomorrow morning, and the next shipment of dynamite won't get here 'til Tuesday!"
  218. >After a short inspection of the rock's surface, Anon seems to pick a spot, and rears back his fist.
  219. >"Alright, here we go!"
  220. >With a mighty thunderclap, Anon punches the wall of stone with all his might.
  221. >There is a short rumble from deeper within the rock, but no obvious damage to the wall.
  222. >You stand up from the small ditch you had jumped in, curious as everyone else.
  223. "Well that's strange."
  224. >Before you or anypony else can question it, the rumble returns, at a much greater intensity.
  225. >A crack appears at the point of impact, slowly growing larger and larger.
  226. >It creeps all the way up the side of the mountain in seconds, and with a terrible screaming of stone, the entire mountain splits wholly in half.
  227. >You stare dumbfounded at the bisected pieces of mountain slowly listing away from each other, as Anonymous contemplates his own fist.
  228. >"Well how about that," he finally starts, looking back at the group with a grin. "Guess I don't know my own strength, huh? ...Uh."
  229. >Picking your jaw up from the floor, you follow his gaze to find the railworkers in much the same situation as you were a moment ago.
  230. >At which point you remember something probably important.
  231. "...Weren't they going to build something higher up the mountain, that these tracks were leading to?"
  232. >Anon does not answer your question, and instead looks at the watch he does not own.
  233. >"Well hey would you look at the time we gotta get, come on Cherry."
  234. "Whua!"
  235. >Not given any time to protest, you are abruptly scooped up off the ground and held under Anon's arm as he runs as fast as his devastatingly powerful legs can carry him.
  237. >As the afternoon sun hangs lazily in the sky above, the two of you rest on a park bench after having finally evaded that crew of irate railworkers.
  238. >"Well, I think that's enough terrific failures for one day."
  239. "Come on, Anon, there's still some things left on the list. You could tryyy... hm."
  240. >"Look, I appreciate all the help, Cherry, I really do. But I'm starting to think there's just not a place left for me in this town."
  241. >You let the unneeded paper drift to the ground and look up to Anonymous with concern.
  242. "That's not true! What will happen if I get attacked by another hydra? Or manticore, or chimera, or any of the other horribly dangerous creatures that live entirely too close to this town?"
  243. >"Then I'm sure Princess Twilight will promptly kick its shit in, and if not her one of her other five friends, because I think they got some kind of final form themselves."
  244. >Rising to his feet, the despondent force of destruction looks away from you.
  245. >"It might just be time for me to move on. Maybe I'll move out to the Badlands and beat up changelings for a living. I hear the place is lousy with 'em these days."
  246. >You fumble for words to change his mind, but nothing comes, leaving you silently holding a hoof up after him as he walks away.
  247. >"Thanks again for trying, Cher. I'll see you around, I guess. Maybe. Whatever."
  248. "Anonymous..."
  249. >Well, shoot. This day could have gone better.
  250. >Guess you really |were| terrible at this whole 'cheering up' thing.
  251. >With Anon gone, it was back to the old dull drudgery of coming face to face with the reaper every day.
  252. >Worse yet, you'd be losing one of the longest running friends you didn't even realize you had.
  253. >All because of some stupid, overpowered princess, and your inability to do anything about it.
  254. >...No, it's not going down like that.
  255. >That's old Cherry Berry talking.
  256. >A mare who, as far as you were concerned, was dead.
  257. >She died this morning; killed by a hydra, when she laid down in the street and just accepted the fate that was given to her.
  258. >But you don't do that.
  259. >You are going to do everything you can to help your friend.
  260. >And having exhausted all the secondary symptoms of the problem, there was only one thing left to do.
  261. >You were going to solve this problem at the source.
  263. >Four knocks reverberate though the strange crystalline door of the castle.
  264. >Boy, this thing really did clash with the town pretty hard, now that you're right up on it.
  265. >Was this place even open to the public?
  266. >You've kinda been ignoring it ever since it popped out of the ground, to be honest.
  267. >Maybe you'd be better off just going home.
  268. >Darnit, shutup Dead Cherry, you're dead.
  269. >You're doing this, even if you have to knock the door down yourself.
  270. >As you ruminate on how hard you'd have to kick to knock down a twenty foot tall crystal door, you hear a heavy unlatching, and the portal swings open to reveal a small dragon.
  271. >"Oh, hey Cherry Berry. What's up?"
  272. "...Hi, Spike. Is, uh, the Princess in? I wanted to have a word, if I could."
  273. >"Who, Twilight? Yeah, come on in."
  274. >Spike leads you inside, to a reasonably sized library, where Twilight was shelving books.
  275. >Guess some things never change.
  276. >"Hey, Twilight. Cherry Berry wanted to see you."
  277. >The purple alicorn looks down from the high shelf she was hovering in front of, smiling at your recognition.
  278. >You return a slightly uneasy smile yourself.
  279. >"Oh, of course. I'm pretty much done with this section anyway."
  280. >Levitating the last few books onto the shelf, she swoops down and lands in front of you.
  281. >"Hello Cherry, what's on your mind?"
  282. "Uh, hi, Princess Twilight. I was wondering–"
  283. >"Just Twilight is fine, you know. We've been acquainted for at least two years, after all."
  284. "Oh, right. Sorry, it's still a little strange to think about."
  285. >She rolls her eyes in an understanding fashion, moving over to a small crystal table and sitting down.
  286. >"Tell me about it. So, you were saying?"
  287. >You follow over and have a seat yourself across from her.
  288. "Well... It's about Anonymous."
  289. >Some measure of content leaves her with a sigh, eyes narrowing in assumption.
  290. >"What did he break this time?"
  291. "Nothing! ...Okay, a lot of things. But that's not what I'm here about."
  292. >Her eyebrow raises in curiosity.
  293. >How to put this...
  294. "See, ever since you've been... watching over the town more closely, Anon has felt just a bit... useless."
  295. >"What do you mean?"
  296. "Well, it's just that he used to do a lot of the disaster prevention, even if he sometimes made a few more in the process. But now that you take care of so many of them so quickly and easily, it's been hard to find other uses for his... particular skillset."
  297. >Twilight turns more contemplative. "Hm.... He did help stop a lot of the various monster rampages and catastrophic threats, now that I think about it. ...Even if his methods were a bit on the destructive side."
  298. "He's saved me and a lot of the other townsponies countless times, for sure."
  299. >"So, what do you think we should do?"
  300. >You were slightly thrown off by having a part in the potential solution, and take a moment to think.
  301. "Uh, I'm not sure. We already looked into other things for him to do most of today, and didn't really come up with anything."
  302. >"Yes, I heard about some of that from the town."
  303. >You shrink down a little bit.
  304. "Yeah... sorry about all that. I'd help repay some of the damages, but..."
  305. >Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. "It's alright, no need for that. Celestia had a sizable fund set up for that sort of thing shortly after Anonymous arrived."
  306. >Well, that's a relief.
  307. >You were always curious how things got rebuilt so quickly after Anon's various forms of 'help'.
  308. "Well, besides that I don't really know what could be done. I wouldn't want to hope that more large-scale emergencies were to start happening, Celestia knows we've got enough of them already. But if you were to maybe... let Anon have one every now and then, I'm sure it would help to lift his spirits."
  309. >The small town princess giggles a bit.
  310. >"Well, though I can't guarantee anything, I'm sure there will be more chances for Anon to help the town in the future. Due to recent events–"
  311. >The wall barely four feet away from you explodes into a hail of shattered crystal.
  312. >Lowering your forelegs from your face, you look through the purple translucent barrier now protecting you from shrapnel, to find an extremely excited human standing in the castle's new entryway.
  313. >"Did somebody say lift?!"
  314. >The barrier flickers out of existence as the now rather irate small town princess answers.
  315. >"No! ...Well, yes. But not in that way!"
  316. >"Oh," Anon responds, excitement fading. "Do you need anything lifted anyway?"
  317. >"Not right now, thanks."
  318. >"Well shoot."
  319. >The deflating biped's gaze falls to the floor, where he seems to notice your reflection and looks up.
  320. >Oh, hey Cherry. What are you doing here?"
  321. "Just came to talk to Prin– Twilight about something."
  322. >"Yeah?" he asks, walking into the room. "What about?"
  323. "Uh, well..."
  324. >"She came to talk about your grievances with the way I've been handling Ponyville's mayhem detail," Twilight answers for you, walking over towards the gaping hole in the wall.
  325. >Anonymous looks from her to you, a look of concerned bewilderment evident.
  326. >"Really?"
  327. "...Yeah. Since all that stuff we tried didn't work, I thought I'd at least try talking to Twilight about it."
  328. >The human still seemed perplexed.
  329. >"But... why would you do that?"
  330. >You stand up to face him fully, still needing to crane your neck back to meet him eye to eye.
  331. "Because, I don't want you to leave, Anonymous."
  332. >This only seems to further his confusion.
  333. >"Why? This place would probably be way better off without me, now that Twilight's at the helm..."
  334. >You shake your head.
  335. "That's not true. While I appreciate everything she's done for the town, she can't really care for it in the way you do."
  336. >"I am right here, you know," Twilight interjects, while floating all the shattered fragments of crystal wall into a nearby crystal trash bin.
  337. "As powerful as she is, she can't do everything that needs to be done around here on her own."
  338. >"She seems to have been managing it so far."
  339. "For the bigger stuff, sure. But who'll be around for the smaller things? Like that cat you rescued from that tree? Or those three fillies you rescued from that other tree, when they got tangled up in some kind of steam-powered kite? Or all those other things that seem to get stuck in trees unusually frequently? Who would help them?"
  340. >Anon scratches his head in thought.
  341. >"Uh, any pegasus? You know, those horses that can fly?"
  342. "Well, okay, I guess they could. But |do| they?"
  343. >"Sometimes."
  344. "...Uh. Hm."
  345. >Better add 'motivational speeches' to that list of things you were not very good at.
  346. >"Besides, as much as I enjoy doing those things, they could probably stand to be handled by someone with a smaller track record for collateral damage."
  347. >"Wait, you're aware of all that?" Twilight asks, her magic forcing the hole in the broken wall to grow closed.
  348. >Guess living in a castle made of crystals had its benefits.
  349. >"Well, yeah," Anon answers, crossing his arms. "Sure, I know I get excited sometimes, but I'm not stupid."
  350. >"Coulda fooled me..." she mutters under her breath.
  351. "Okay, well, despite all that, I still don't think you should leave town."
  352. >"And why not?"
  353. "Because..."
  354. >You swallow, trying to remove the lump forming in your throat.
  355. "...I think you might be the only real friend I have around here."
  356. >His arms drop to his sides, bewilderment on full display.
  357. >"What? But I see you talking to other ponies all the time."
  358. "They're just acquaintances. None of them know or care about me that much, especially not enough to jump between me and a charging hydra."
  359. >"To be fair, most of them probably can't bench press an ocean liner."
  360. "Well they could at least try harder than they do now! In fact, sometimes I feel like this whole place is out to get me. What's that? Your balloon is crashing? That's okay, I've got time to sign a few more autographs while you plummet to your doom! Oh, I'm stopping you from crossing a bridge you could easily just fly over? Better dump garbage on me! Princess Luna's having trouble adjusting to the times? I bet I know what would fix that, how about covering me in giant spiders?! Giant spiders that crawled into my |mouth|!"
  361. "And you know what? A lot of things like that could have been avoided, but I just let them happen! Up until today this world has barely even been aware of my presence. Well I'm sick of it! I'm sick of lamenting my fate, never trying to change anything that I know is wrong, because I don't think I can make a difference. I'm going to make a difference here, because I will not let the only creature in this world that realizes I exist go running off into the desert to live alone and beat up overgrown bugs because |he| thinks he can't make a difference himself, when he is the only one that |ever did|!"
  362. >The human and alicorn stare at you silently for a moment as your fume starts to wind down.
  363. >"You... okay there?" Twilight eventually asks.
  364. "Yeah, I... I'm sorry, I think I just needed to get that out. I'm okay now."
  365. >You look back up to the still undecided human.
  366. "But I meant what I said about you. And I know a lot of other ponies feel the same way, despite what terms I might be on with them."
  367. >You walk closer and put one hoof on Anon's leg.
  368. "Whether you realize it or not, this place just wouldn't be the same without you."
  369. >For several tense seconds, Anonymous simply looks down at you stonefaced.
  370. >But soon enough, a great smile breaks through the facade, with him kneeling down to embrace you in a hug.
  371. >"Aw, Cherry!"
  372. >You are startled at first, but quickly return the hug, prompting him to squeeze tighter as the joy overwhelms his every oh god your bones.
  373. "Anon... crushing... can't... breathe... organs.... failing..."
  374. >After a moment he realizes your unfathomable discomfort and relents.
  375. >"Uh, whoop. Sorry."
  376. "Its... alright..." you reply through haggard breaths. "I was planning on... getting a new one anyway..."
  377. >"A new what?"
  378. "...Skeleton."
  379. >He nervously chuckles a bit as you try to realign your spine.
  380. "So... are you still going to leave Ponyville?"
  381. >Anon smiles at you again, while a purple aura envelops you and quickly pops several of your joints back into place.
  382. >You give a quick appreciative nod to Twilight.
  383. >"Well, I guess I don't have much of a choice now, do I? If you and the town need me that badly, I'd be doing a great disservice by leaving."
  384. >Despite the lingering soreness, your face mirrors his happiness.
  385. "Good. I'm glad to hear it."
  386. >"I'll miss frequently being able to punch hydras and star bears in the teeth, though, but I think I'll be able to adjust to a lower tone lifestyle soon enough."
  387. >"Actually," Twilight starts, "that may not be necessary. Right before you came bursting in here shouting about lifting, I was going to tell Cherry something. See–"
  388. >Twilight's entire back half suddenly starts vibraing, in medium length bursts.
  389. >"Guh, sorry, I gotta take this."
  390. >She thumps her flank against the wall nearby.
  391. >"Hello? ...Mhm. ...Uhuh. ...Right. We'll be there as soon as we can."
  392. >She swings her behind into the wall again, and you swear you can hear the click of a telephone receiver being set down.
  393. >"Apparently there's a Friendship Crisis in Fillydelphia. The girls and I are going to go check it out."
  394. >As she turns to the bookcase, you and Anon exchange a confused look, before you speak up.
  395. "Wait, you're leaving? For how long?"
  396. >"Dunno, could be a couple days," she responds, stuffing a few books and supplies into her saddlebags.
  397. >"What about the town?" Anon asks.
  398. >"I feel confident in leaving it in your capable hands, Anon," she replies with a smile. "Feel free to operate out of the castle while we're away."
  399. >Anon is dumbfounded.
  400. >"What, really?"
  401. >"Yep. And with this new situation I kept trying to talk about, things like this are bound to happen more often, so I think you'll have plenty to do around here."
  402. >His bewilderment soon turns to unbridled joy, and Anon crouches down to the floor.
  403. >"ALL RIIIIGHT!"
  404. >Like a cataclysmic spring, Anonymous leaps into the air, crashing straight through seventeen floors of crystal castle and into the sky above.
  405. >You and Twilight stare through the tunnel of holes in silence for a moment.
  406. >"I'll clean that up when I get back."
  407. >With that, she turns and begins trotting towards the exit.
  408. >You raise a hoof at her, still curious.
  409. "Wait, what about me?"
  410. >The purple princess looks back, grinning again.
  411. >"Well, somepony has to keep Anonymous in check," she says with a wink. "If not, I doubt there'd be much of a town to come back to."
  412. >You give her another uneasy smile, and a light bow.
  413. "I'll do what I can. Though don't be surprised if you come back to only about fifty percent of a town."
  414. >"Try and shoot for sixty, if you can."
  415. >You both share a chuckle, and exchange goodbyes.
  416. >With the princess gone, you release a sigh containing a little leftover tension, and look over to Anon.
  417. >...Who was still not there.
  418. >You look back up through the hole in the ceiling.
  419. "When is he coming down?"
  421. >The sunlight of a new day glints off the various structures of the castle.
  422. >You walk out onto the crystalline balcony, where Anonymous stands with one foot on the railing, hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he scans the horizon for danger.
  423. "Anything yet?"
  424. >"Nothing much going on today, doesn't look like. I heard some crashes earlier but I'm pretty sure it was just Derpy flying into things again."
  425. "She should really get that eye thing checked out."
  426. >"Nah, it's part of what makes her special. Besides, the town wouldn't be the same without a pegasii bumbling through walls and windows every now and then."
  427. >You roll your eyes with a smile.
  428. "I'm sure."
  429. >A loud explosion of glass and timber coming from somewhere in the middle of town catches your attention.
  430. "Was that her? That sounded like an entire building coming down."
  431. >Anon peers down at a rising plume of smoke.
  432. >"Nnnooo, that is some kind of rouge automated apple sales cart going haywire and firing apples in every direction."
  433. "I thought the crusaders gave up engineering after the kite incident."
  434. >"They can be persistent sometimes."
  435. >Stepping fully onto the balcony's railing, Anon stands tall and raises both arms to the sky.
  436. >"Citizens of Ponyville! Fear not the destructive force of apples! I, Anonymous the Protector, am coming to kick some ass!"
  437. >With a mighty bound, he flies from the castle like a rocket, towards the source of fruity destruction.
  438. >...Right into the roof of a building.
  439. >But hey, it was closer than last time.
  440. >It looked like today was going to be another wildly disastrous day in Ponyville, the town of unending calamity.
  441. >And that was just fine.
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