
Minali finally gets out of here

Aug 31st, 2015
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  1. [00:59] <Strategist14> So, to recap
  2. [01:00] <Strategist14> 5 imps, two of which are probably your buddies, another three look fairly unhappy
  3. [01:01] <Strategist14> Roll initiative
  4. [01:01] <medialPeripheries> ((what's the code for the dice again?))
  5. [01:01] <Strategist14> "Roll 1d20+(dex mod)"
  6. [01:02] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+1
  7. [01:02] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
  8. [01:02] <medialPeripheries> w00t
  9. [01:02] <Strategist14> Roll 5#1d20-1
  10. [01:02] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 5#1d20-1 [ 1d20=16 ]{15}, [ 1d20=5 ]{4}, [ 1d20=3 ]{2}, [ 1d20=6 ]{5}, [ 1d20=13 ]{12}
  11. [01:02] <Strategist14> Minali's turn first
  12. [01:02] <Strategist14> ((Keep in mind, you have a feat that's applicable here))
  13. [01:02] <medialPeripheries> how do I do such a check?
  14. [01:03] <Strategist14> ((I do not remember in the slightest))
  15. [01:03] <Strategist14> ((What was the feat's specifics again?))
  16. [01:03] <medialPeripheries> When rolling Initiative, make a Persuasion versus Insight check against every enemy. You get a bonus to the roll equal to your level, they get a bonus of 5 per enemy tier. On a success, that enemy won't attack you unless you start things.
  17. [01:04] <Strategist14> ((Roll Persuasion, then))
  18. [01:04] <Strategist14> Roll 5#1d20-1+5
  19. [01:04] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 5#1d20-1+5 [ 1d20=1 ]{5}, [ 1d20=2 ]{6}, [ 1d20=5 ]{9}, [ 1d20=14 ]{18}, [ 1d20=15 ]{19}
  20. [01:04] <medialPeripheries> Roll 5#1d20-1+3
  21. [01:04] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 5#1d20-1+3 [ 1d20=11 ]{13}, [ 1d20=12 ]{14}, [ 1d20=11 ]{13}, [ 1d20=6 ]{8}, [ 1d20=11 ]{13}
  22. [01:05] <Strategist14> Two of the unhappy-looking imps, and one of the happy ones, seem content to keep their distance
  23. [01:05] <medialPeripheries> You attempt to befriend the other three imps. "Hey, hope I'm not a bother. I'm not here to hurt you, I just want to get outta here and go home. Help?"
  24. [01:06] <Strategist14> One unhappy imp refuses to be swayed
  25. [01:06] <Strategist14> STRIFE!
  26. [01:06] <Strategist14> ((Minali's turn first))
  27. [01:07] <medialPeripheries> DAMN. You dive under the water and try to grab their legs!
  28. [01:07] <Strategist14> Make an Athletics or Acrobatics check to grapple
  29. [01:07] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2 acrobatics
  30. [01:07] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 acrobatics [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  31. [01:08] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to evade
  32. [01:08] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to evade [ 1d20=8 ]{7}
  33. [01:08] <Strategist14> You successfully grab the imp's legs
  34. [01:09] <medialPeripheries> You yank their legs forcefully, hoping to drag them under the water!
  35. [01:09] <Strategist14> Another roll
  36. [01:09] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2 acrobatics
  37. [01:09] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 acrobatics [ 1d20=19 ]{21}
  38. [01:09] <medialPeripheries> BOO YEAH
  39. [01:09] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to avoid
  40. [01:09] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to avoid [ 1d20=8 ]{7}
  41. [01:10] <Strategist14> The imp is now underwater
  42. [01:10] <medialPeripheries> You attempt to shake the imp into submission (while being slightly scared as to where this aggression is coming from?!)
  43. [01:11] <Strategist14> ((For now, that's already been a move and a standard action))
  44. [01:12] <medialPeripheries> oh
  45. [01:12] <Strategist14> Imp's turn
  46. [01:12] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to attack Minali
  47. [01:12] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to attack Minali [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
  48. [01:12] <medialPeripheries> snort
  49. [01:12] <Strategist14> The imp flails about underwater ineffectively
  50. [01:12] <Strategist14> You think it may be drowning
  51. [01:13] <medialPeripheries> Can you see the other imps' reactions?
  52. [01:13] <Strategist14> The other imps are pretty intent on staying out of your way right now
  53. [01:14] <medialPeripheries> You swim towards a wall with the imp, pull him just enough out the water, but bang him against the wall.
  54. [01:14] <Strategist14> Make an Athletics or Acrobatics check to drag, then an attack roll
  55. [01:15] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2 acrobatics drag
  56. [01:15] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 acrobatics drag [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
  57. [01:15] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 avoid
  58. [01:15] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 avoid [ 1d20=8 ]{7}
  59. [01:15] <Strategist14> The imp refuses to be pulled
  60. [01:15] <medialPeripheries> ((is attack just roll 1do?))
  61. [01:15] <medialPeripheries> *1d20
  62. [01:16] <Strategist14> ((Plus your Str mod, yes. You failed to pull it to the wall, though))
  63. [01:17] <medialPeripheries> Since he's not going to go anywhere, you figure you'd just punch his face in here.
  64. [01:17] <medialPeripheries> The inner you that is horrified gets smaller and smaller.
  65. [01:18] <Strategist14> ((Attack roll))
  66. [01:18] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+1 attack
  67. [01:18] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+1 attack [ 1d20=7 ]{8}
  68. [01:18] <Strategist14> The imp's wild thrashing makes you unable to aim accurately enough to land a blow
  69. [01:19] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to escape grapple
  70. [01:19] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to escape grapple [ 1d20=12 ]{11}
  71. [01:19] <Strategist14> Make an Athletics or Acrobatics check to hold on
  72. [01:19] <frozenFire> ((athletics. The grappler must roll athletics))
  73. [01:20] <medialPeripheries> aw no my acro is better :P
  74. [01:20] <medialPeripheries> roll 1d20+1 grapple
  75. [01:20] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+1 grapple [ 1d20=16 ]{17}
  76. [01:20] <medialPeripheries> oh good
  77. [01:20] <Strategist14> The imp wastes its time
  78. [01:20] <Strategist14> Your turn
  79. [01:20] <medialPeripheries> Your rage is bubbling. "I. AM. SO. SICK. OF. THIS. GODDAMNED. PLACE. GET. ME. OUT. OF. HERE!"
  80. [01:21] <medialPeripheries> You trash the imp wildly. Now you don't care if this blasted dude drowns.
  81. [01:21] <medialPeripheries> ((She is so ripe for going Grimdark omg))
  82. [01:21] <Strategist14> ((Attack roll))
  83. [01:22] <medialPeripheries> roll 1d20+1
  84. [01:22] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=12 ]{13}
  85. [01:22] <Strategist14> You punch the imp in the face
  86. [01:22] <Strategist14> ((Unarmed attacks are 1 damage plus Str mod))
  87. [01:23] <medialPeripheries> ((Do I even HAVE a named attack in my arsenal?))
  88. [01:23] <Strategist14> ((What's your strifekind?))
  89. [01:24] <medialPeripheries> ((The one I've been using lately is Liquidgelkid))
  90. [01:25] <medialPeripheries> which HA she is IN A GODDAMNED POOL
  91. [01:25] <medialPeripheries> WHY HAVE I ONLY JUST NOTICED THIS
  92. [01:25] <Strategist14> ((So, drowning the imp))
  93. [01:26] <medialPeripheries> You realize that this pool is pretty much your strife specibus with its scale reversed. Instead of you throwing a receptacle of liquid at someone, you now have WAY MORE THAN 3.4 OUNCES OF LIQUID AT YOUR DISPOSAL
  94. [01:27] <medialPeripheries> You keep the imp underwater as much as you can, punching it on the nose - or whatever passes for a nose with these guys - so they can't try to breathe
  95. [01:27] <Strategist14> ((Str mod?))
  96. [01:27] <medialPeripheries> ((mine's 1))
  97. [01:27] <Strategist14> ((So 2 damage for an unarmed strike, then))
  98. [01:28] <Strategist14> The imp continues to flail about
  99. [01:28] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to abscond
  100. [01:28] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to abscond [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
  101. [01:28] <Strategist14> The imp hits its head on the bottom of the pool and falls apart into grist
  102. [01:29] <Strategist14> Grist begins to float up to the surface around you. The four other imps give you fearful looks
  103. [01:29] <medialPeripheries> You swim about the bottom of the pool and collect all the grist. Then you come up for air and yell "GET ME OUT OF HERE OR SO HELP ME JEGUS I AM GOING TO USE THIS POOL AGAINST YOU"
  104. [01:30] <Strategist14> You obtain 10 build grist
  105. [01:30] <Strategist14> Make an Intimidate check
  106. [01:31] <medialPeripheries> roll 1d20+3 intimidate
  107. [01:31] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+3 intimidate [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  108. [01:31] <medialPeripheries> ...
  109. [01:31] <Strategist14> Roll 4#1d20-1
  110. [01:31] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 4#1d20-1 [ 1d20=20 ]{19}, [ 1d20=19 ]{18}, [ 1d20=5 ]{4}, [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
  111. [01:31] <medialPeripheries> BAH
  112. [01:31] <Strategist14> One imp rushes to help you out
  113. [01:32] <Strategist14> Two more, the two that had seemed happy before, give you hurt looks
  114. [01:32] <Strategist14> The fourth simply turns and swims away
  115. [01:33] <medialPeripheries> You are sad, but too tired to be more than just sad. This is a terrible predicament for everybody. You follow the one friendly imp out and try to not look back at your ex-friends
  116. [01:33] <Strategist14> The imp leads you out of the pool room, past the stick figure in the wall, and down the hallway you came here through
  117. [01:35] <Strategist14> It opens the room from before, the one that had fake grass and painted walls, with a small flourish
  118. [01:36] <medialPeripheries> WHAT. You were JUST HERE, and there was no other way out.
  119. [01:36] <medialPeripheries> You glare at the imp with suspicion.
  120. [01:36] <Strategist14> It shies away from you
  121. [01:37] <medialPeripheries> What is in this blasted room? You wonder if calling on MasageSprite will help, she vaguely mentioned something about her coming in useful?
  122. [01:37] <medialPeripheries> "MA. SPRITE. THINGY. HELP. NOW."
  123. [01:38] <Strategist14> ((I have no idea what your sprite is or how it acts))
  124. [01:38] <Strategist14> MasageSprite does not seem willing or able to answer
  125. [01:38] <medialPeripheries> ((think a platypus with bat wings and a cocktail sausage for a head. sweet but not the most forthcoming with information.))
  126. [01:39] <Strategist14> ((... Huh. Well alrighty then))
  127. [01:39] <medialPeripheries> UUUUUURRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! "WHY. IS. THERE. NO. EXIT"
  128. [01:39] <medialPeripheries> you wonder if you are doomed to be in this stupid gallery forever
  129. [01:40] <Strategist14> The imp cowers in a corner
  130. [01:40] <medialPeripheries> You're not even sure if your iguana friends are anywhere near alive
  131. [01:40] <medialPeripheries> You lost one of them
  132. [01:40] <medialPeripheries> What if you want through all this trouble to get the healing water and for nothing?
  133. [01:41] <medialPeripheries> You face the imp. "Look, I know I killed your friend there, but I don't wanna hurt anybody. Is there something to this room that I'm missing?"
  134. [01:41] <Strategist14> The imp stares at you
  135. [01:41] <Strategist14> After several seconds, it gestures to the painted wall
  136. [01:42] <medialPeripheries> You touch the painted wall. Does something happen?
  137. [01:42] <Strategist14> The paint smears where you touch
  138. [01:43] <Strategist14> Beneath the paint layer, the wall appears to be solid metal
  139. [01:44] <medialPeripheries> You wonder if there's writing on the metal, since there's writing damn near every wall in this place. You decaptcha one of the receptacles of water you rescued and pour it on the wall.
  140. [01:45] <Strategist14> The paint flows away easily, coming to rest in the fake grass turf and turning the floor quite sticky
  141. [01:45] <Strategist14> The metal wall appears soot-stained and very grimy
  142. [01:46] <medialPeripheries> You try wiping off the grime on the metal wall.
  143. [01:47] <Strategist14> Your hand comes away a bit dirtier than before, but the wall remains about the same. Wherever you are, these walls have had a LOT of time to accumulate dirt
  144. [01:47] <Strategist14> The imp waves for your attention
  145. [01:47] <medialPeripheries> You look back at the imp. "What's up, little guy?"
  146. [01:48] <Strategist14> The imp gestures to the puddle of paint, then to your newly-emptied water receptacle, and makes a face
  147. [01:48] <Strategist14> Roll Insight
  148. [01:49] <medialPeripheries> roll 1d20+2
  149. [01:49] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  150. [01:50] <Strategist14> The imp isn't very good at explaining things, but you think you get the idea
  151. [01:50] <Strategist14> It wants you to clean up the mess
  152. [01:51] <Strategist14> Or it thinks doing so would help you
  153. [01:51] <medialPeripheries> Huh. You try to collect as much of the paint into the empty receptacle as possible
  154. [01:51] <medialPeripheries> Sticky, sticky paint
  155. [01:52] <Strategist14> The imp shakes its head wildly, then mimes emptying the bucket
  156. [01:52] <medialPeripheries> You...pour the paint out.
  157. [01:53] <medialPeripheries> You don't want to empty all the receptacles! You need them for your friend!
  158. [01:53] <medialPeripheries> And, well, you're probably not welcome back at the pool.
  159. [01:53] <Strategist14> The imp gestures towards the pool
  160. [01:53] <medialPeripheries> Sigh. Sure. You head back to the pool and try to surrepticiously fill up your receptacle.
  161. [01:54] <Strategist14> You get a few stares, but no outright aggression
  162. [01:55] <Strategist14> The imp blocks the doorway in what appears to be an attempt to keep you from leaving the room
  163. [01:55] <Strategist14> Roll Insight again
  164. [01:55] <medialPeripheries> roll 1d20+2
  165. [01:55] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  166. [01:55] <Strategist14> It wants you in this room. Not sure whether that's to let its allies beat you up or to help you escape
  167. [01:56] <Strategist14> Though the other imps don't seem particularly inclined to help
  168. [01:57] <medialPeripheries> You fill up your painted receptacle with pool water. Is there somewhere else in this pool left to explore?
  169. [01:58] <Strategist14> Perception check
  170. [01:58] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2
  171. [01:58] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=10 ]{12}
  172. [02:01] <Strategist14> The room is mostly taken up by the swimming pool, though there are a few lounge chairs off to one side. A stack of fluffy towels sits in a corner next to a wall-mounted hand dryer
  173. [02:01] <Strategist14> The room is lit via skylight
  174. [02:02] <medialPeripheries> SKYLIGHT!
  175. [02:02] <Strategist14> You hear a faint thud
  176. [02:02] <medialPeripheries> you turn to face the source of the thud
  177. [02:03] <Strategist14> It presumably came from somewhere in the art gallery the imp is blocking you off from
  178. [02:04] <medialPeripheries> You wonder whether you should investigate the thud or the skylight. let's try the skylight first. You climb up as high as possible, over the chairs, towers, and hand dryer
  179. [02:05] <Strategist14> The skylight is still a good 20 feet or so above your head, even standing atop the towel pile
  180. [02:06] <Strategist14> The imps stare at you, more in confusion than outright hostility
  181. [02:06] <medialPeripheries> You point up at the skylight. "Not through here?" You contemplate tying the towels together to make a rope.
  182. [02:07] <Strategist14> Some imps look up to where you're pointing. The faces of the two imps from before light up
  183. [02:08] <medialPeripheries> You, uh, shield yourself with the towels because you think they're going to enact well-deserved revenge on you.
  184. [02:09] <Strategist14> The two imps splash towards you and your current minion
  185. [02:09] <Strategist14> They do not appear to want revenge
  186. [02:10] <medialPeripheries> Imps are weird.
  187. [02:11] <medialPeripheries> "You all won't have anything to carry way more water would you? There's a wall we have to wash down, I think."
  188. [02:13] <Strategist14> The three imps begin an extremely emphatic discussion, punctuated with lots of waving hand motions and expressions
  189. [02:14] <Strategist14> The pair seems to alternate between pointing to the skylight and towards the gallery, while the lone one gestures to the pool and your receptacle
  190. [02:14] <medialPeripheries> You wonder if at any point you will ever learn how to speak Imp.
  191. [02:15] <Strategist14> You sincerely doubt it, seeing as Imp appears to be a language made up by overly-caffeinated children
  192. [02:15] <medialPeripheries> LOL
  193. [02:15] <medialPeripheries> Do you even have any writing material on you? Because this owuld be waaaaay easier with diagrams
  194. [02:15] <Strategist14> The imps stop and stare at you
  195. [02:17] <Strategist14> One of them grabs for your liquid receptacle
  196. [02:17] <medialPeripheries> !!!!!
  197. [02:17] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-1 to disarm
  198. [02:17] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-1 to disarm [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
  199. [02:17] <Strategist14> The imp trips and falls on its face
  200. [02:17] <Strategist14> The other two shake their heads in secondhand shame
  201. [02:17] <medialPeripheries> You snicker. Good thing you have a couple more captcha'd, but they don't need to know that. You fill up the fallen receptacle with water.
  202. [02:18] <Strategist14> Imp #1 climbs back up and holds out its hands to receive the receptacle
  203. [02:19] <medialPeripheries> Uh, ok. You give it to the guy.
  204. [02:19] <Strategist14> It dumps the water back out and runs away with it, back into the gallery
  205. [02:19] <Strategist14> Imps #2 and #3 follow
  206. [02:20] <medialPeripheries> o_O
  207. [02:20] <medialPeripheries> You follow the imp procession
  208. [02:21] <Strategist14> You are now back in the painted room, where the three imps are doing their best to retrieve paint from the floor
  209. [02:21] <medialPeripheries> ...but you just got told NOT to do that
  210. [02:22] <medialPeripheries> "Er. I thought you didn't want the paint?"
  211. [02:22] <Strategist14> Imp #2 flails its arms in your general direction
  212. [02:24] <medialPeripheries> "You want ME to have the paint? I tried to do that and your friend complained!"
  213. [02:26] <Strategist14> Imp #1 looks up at it's being mentioned, then goes back to trying to grab a fistful of paint-coated fake grass
  214. [02:27] <medialPeripheries> ...wait, the GRASS?
  215. [02:27] <medialPeripheries> You try pulling up some of the grass
  216. [02:28] <Strategist14> The grass is fairly difficult to remove from the floor, but you manage it. However, the paint drips back down onto the floor, leaving you with nothing more than a handful of cheap... whatever this stuff is made of
  217. [02:29] <Strategist14> The imps try to grab at the paint you're dripping
  218. [02:30] <medialPeripheries> You try holding some of the paint in your own hands, completely perplexed
  219. [02:30] <Strategist14> You get the feeling the imps aren't too sure what they're doing either
  220. [02:31] <Strategist14> Regardless of whether or not it has a plan, Imp #1 begins scribbling on the part of the wall you'd washed clean
  221. [02:32] <Strategist14> Every few seconds, it dips its clawed hands into the small amount of paint they managed to collect inside the receptacle
  222. [02:32] <medialPeripheries> What does it say?
  223. [02:33] <medialPeripheries> What's on the wall?
  224. [02:33] <Strategist14> The imp's painting doesn't seem to have any words - you doubt it even qualifies as art
  225. [02:33] <Strategist14> But it MAY detail an escape plan. Or, uh... something
  226. [02:33] <Strategist14>
  227. [02:34] <Strategist14> Roll insight to decipher
  228. [02:34] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2
  229. [02:34] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=2 ]{4}
  230. [02:34] <medialPeripheries> AHRHASKJHKSJLA
  231. [02:34] <Strategist14> Yeah you got nothing
  232. [02:35] <frozenFire> ((I don't either, don't worry XD))
  233. [02:35] <medialPeripheries> You bang on the metal wall in frustration!
  234. [02:35] <medialPeripheries> You're going to die here, you just know it
  235. [02:35] <Strategist14> Imp #3 whacks Imp #1 on the head
  236. [02:36] <medialPeripheries> lol
  237. [02:36] <Strategist14> It starts finger-painting its own answer to your plight
  238. [02:38] <Strategist14> ((Which I am apparently unable to upload to Imgur now, because reasons))
  239. [02:40] <medialPeripheries> har
  240. [02:40] <Strategist14> Yeah you're... you're pretty lost with this one too
  241. [02:41] <Strategist14> Roll Insight
  242. [02:41] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2
  243. [02:41] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  244. [02:41] <medialPeripheries> YOU DIE. FOREVER.
  245. [02:42] <Strategist14> It appears to denote you flying through the window above
  246. [02:42] <Strategist14> Which admittedly, wouldn't be a bad plan if you were capable of flying
  247. [02:44] <medialPeripheries> "Guys, I can't fly. So unless you have rocket packs or somehow my dream self can come here, that's not going to happen. You have a ladder?"
  248. [02:45] <Strategist14> Imp #3 blinks, then shakes its head and points to the scribble more emphatically. Still makes no sense whatsoever
  249. [02:45] <Strategist14> Imp #2 steps outside of the painted room and stomps on the ground
  250. [02:46] <medialPeripheries> You follow Imp #2 out. Is there a secret passage like the one you found at their factory?
  251. [02:46] <medialPeripheries> Should you even ask them about the factory?
  252. [02:46] <Strategist14> Then it starts jumping up and down and clapping while screeching loudly
  253. [02:46] <Strategist14> You hear another thud
  254. [02:47] <medialPeripheries> O_O
  255. [02:47] <Strategist14> Imp #3 grabs the bucket and throws it up into the air
  256. [02:47] <Strategist14> Imps #3 and #1, which are still in the painted room, are now covered in paint
  257. [02:48] <medialPeripheries> "What's going on? Is this what your kind are poisoning the water with? Paint?!"
  258. [02:48] <Strategist14> Imp #3 grabs the receptacle again and rushes back to the pool room
  259. [02:48] <Strategist14> Imp #1 gestures to it's... "art"
  260. [02:48] <Strategist14> Imp #2 continues screeching
  261. [02:49] <medialPeripheries> Are these imps monkeys?!
  262. [02:49] <medialPeripheries> You try to find the source of the thuds.
  263. [02:50] <Strategist14> Farther back where you came from, deeper in the gallery
  264. [02:50] <Strategist14> "Y'know"
  265. [02:50] <Strategist14> "It doesn't have to be that hard"
  266. [02:51] <medialPeripheries> "If you are the stick figure guy again I'm going to strangle you with paint."
  267. [02:51] <Strategist14> "Sorry"
  268. [02:51] <Strategist14> "I'll leave"
  269. [02:52] <medialPeripheries> "You're not leaving until you give me answers."
  270. [02:52] <Strategist14> "So you won't strangle me then?"
  271. [02:54] <medialPeripheries> "Not unless you keep being annoying."
  272. [02:54] <medialPeripheries> "I just killed an imp, after all"
  273. [02:54] <Strategist14> "Sorry"
  274. [02:54] <Strategist14> "What can I do?"
  275. [02:55] <medialPeripheries> "I need to get out of here and get this water to my iguana friends, one of them is dying. I also need to figure out what to do with the water overall."
  276. [02:56] <Strategist14> "Seems simple enough."
  277. [02:56] <Strategist14> "First of all, I don't really know or care about any iguanas"
  278. [02:56] <Strategist14> "Second of all, this is the only real water you're ever gonna get here"
  279. [02:57] <Strategist14> "Third of all, there's no way out"
  280. [02:58] <medialPeripheries> "I've got paint at my disposal."
  281. [02:58] <Strategist14> "I'm sorry"
  282. [02:59] <Strategist14> "But there is legitimately no means of exit whatsoever. Not for a person."
  283. [02:59] <medialPeripheries> "Not for a human, maybe. I'm a troll."
  284. [03:00] <Strategist14> "Same difference. Bag of water and organs."
  285. [03:00] <medialPeripheries> "Can the imps get out?"
  286. [03:00] <Strategist14> "Nah, not really."
  287. [03:00] <Strategist14> "I mean, sort of, because they aren't really real things."
  288. [03:01] <medialPeripheries> "Real...?"
  289. [03:02] <Strategist14> "They're game constructs."
  290. [03:02] <Strategist14> "They kind of only exist for the sake of hurting players."
  291. [03:02] <medialPeripheries> Right! The video game! But these guys have been pretty helpful to you...some of them, anyway.
  292. [03:02] <medialPeripheries> You wonder if your handheld device has any ideas.
  293. [03:03] <Strategist14> "Both of these plans involve getting you killed in various horrible ways, for example."
  294. [03:04] <medialPeripheries> "Both of what plans?"
  295. [03:04] <Strategist14> "The imps, of course!"
  296. [03:04] <medialPeripheries> "Oh, their plans to get me out of here by flying? Yeah, I haven't gotten that upgrade yet."
  297. [03:05] <medialPeripheries> "What do you mean, it doesn't have to be so hard?"
  298. [03:05] <Strategist14> "I meant that you didn't HAVE to leave"
  299. [03:05] <Strategist14> "Chances are they're already dead anyway, right?"
  300. [03:06] <Strategist14> "And who cares how bad things get out there? Inside, everything's fine!"
  301. [03:06] <medialPeripheries> "Fine? FINE?! This place is loopy and things keep yelling at me or taunting me or chasing after me and I keep going around in circles! FINE?!"
  302. [03:07] <Strategist14> The stickman shrugs
  303. [03:07] <Strategist14> "Seems fine to me. Maybe you just aren't used to it yet"
  304. [03:07] <medialPeripheries> "I wonder where that woman on the playing card is. Is she here?"
  305. [03:07] <medialPeripheries> Trying to keep your mind out of being trapped...
  306. [03:08] <Strategist14> "What woman?"
  307. [03:10] <medialPeripheries> "There is this dark mysterious woman I saw from a playing card once. Maybe twice. I never knew what her deal was, but she was beautiful. Then there was this mannequin, which kind of reminded me of her? But could have been totally different. I don't know, I don't know what else to ask about."
  308. [03:10] <Strategist14> "Oh, those would probably be some other players"
  309. [03:10] <Strategist14> "Don't mind them."
  310. [03:11] <medialPeripheries> "I've seen the other players. They look...sorta like me, though not all of them have horns or gray skin. Not this lady."
  311. [03:12] <medialPeripheries> ((though to be fair I've never actually gotten a picture of this woman))
  312. [03:12] <Strategist14> "No, not your other players."
  313. [03:12] <Strategist14> "The OTHER other players."
  314. [03:13] <medialPeripheries> "...wait, what?"
  315. [03:13] <Strategist14> "Oh, nothing. You'll find out soon enough."
  316. [03:14] <Strategist14> "My point is, both of these escape routes involve your horrible demise."
  317. [03:14] <medialPeripheries> "So I have to die then?"
  318. [03:15] <Strategist14> "If you want to leave, that's probably the easiest method."
  319. [03:15] <medialPeripheries> You think about it for a while. You see no other way. Might as well. You're tired of this game.
  320. [03:15] <medialPeripheries> "All right. I take my demise."
  321. [03:15] <Strategist14> "Wait what"
  322. [03:16] <medialPeripheries> "I die. Maybe I'll wake up in Prospit or something, I don't know. Maybe the game resets itself and I can try again. If that's the only way out it's the only way out. So what do I do, fly or drown or what?"
  323. [03:16] <Strategist14> "Uh"
  324. [03:16] <Strategist14> "Well I mean"
  325. [03:16] <Strategist14> "The two imp ideas were to go out through the sewage system, which'd drown you or poison you or whatever"
  326. [03:17] <Strategist14> "Or convince Big Jim to throw you through the roof. Which'd kill you"
  327. [03:18] <medialPeripheries> Hm. You kinda miss flying, it reminds you of Prospit.
  328. [03:18] <medialPeripheries> "I'll take my chances with Big Jim."
  329. [03:19] <Strategist14> "Uh"
  330. [03:19] <Strategist14> "Alright, sure"
  331. [03:19] <Strategist14> "I'll go grab him, I guess"
  332. [03:20] <Strategist14> The stick figure walks around a corner until it's out of your view
  333. [03:20] <Strategist14> The imps look at you
  334. [03:21] <medialPeripheries> "It's been nice knowing you guys. Sorry I killed your friend. I'll say hi to him when I see him later."
  335. [03:21] <Strategist14> The imps nod enthusiastically
  336. [03:22] <medialPeripheries> AH, the poor innocent folks. Maybe they aren't always as terrible as the iguanas claim. Maybe the iguanas were the terrible ones. All that work for your death anyway.
  337. [03:22] <Strategist14> Another thud, this one noticeably louder than the other two
  338. [03:23] <medialPeripheries> "Big Jim, is that you?"
  339. [03:23] <Strategist14> You hear a roar
  340. [03:24] <Strategist14> And then the wall explodes
  341. [03:24] <Strategist14> Roll initiative
  342. [03:24] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+2
  343. [03:24] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=9 ]{11}
  344. [03:25] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20-2
  345. [03:25] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20-2 [ 1d20=17 ]{15}
  346. [03:25] <Strategist14> Big Jim, an utterly massive imp, punches you in the face
  347. [03:25] <Strategist14> Roll 1d20+3 to hit
  348. [03:25] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 1d20+3 to hit [ 1d20=7 ]{10}
  349. [03:26] <Strategist14> ((Hit?))
  350. [03:27] <medialPeripheries> You don't even want to fight him. "I'm told you can throw me out of that skylight, even if it kills me. Go for it."
  351. [03:27] <Strategist14> Big Jim looks at you in confusion
  352. [03:27] <Strategist14> Your three imp allies do what's best described as an interpretive dance
  353. [03:27] <medialPeripheries> lolololol
  354. [03:31] <Strategist14> ((Any response?))
  355. [03:32] <medialPeripheries> oh whoops
  356. [03:32] <medialPeripheries> You point to the roof, then back at you.
  357. [03:32] <medialPeripheries> "Me. Up. Out."
  358. [03:33] <Strategist14> Big Jim looks back and forth between you and the roof
  359. [03:33] <Strategist14> Persuasion check to make your intentions clear
  360. [03:33] <medialPeripheries> Roll 1d20+3 take me out of my misery
  361. [03:33] <`DICE> medialPeripheries rolled 1d20+3 take me out of my misery [ 1d20=9 ]{12}
  362. [03:34] <Strategist14> Big Jim picks you up and throws you out through the skylight
  363. [03:34] <Strategist14> Roll 2d4+3 for damage
  364. [03:34] <`DICE> Strategist14 rolled 2d4+3 for damage [ 2d4=4 ]{7}
  365. [03:35] <medialPeripheries> wheeee?
  366. [03:36] <Strategist14> You crash through the glass and come to rest on top of the building's roof
  367. [03:36] <medialPeripheries> Are you still alive?
  368. [03:36] <Strategist14> If you survive the 7 damage, then yes
  369. [03:36] <Strategist14> Yes you are
  370. [03:37] <medialPeripheries> You blink. How are you not dead. You sit up and try to see where you are.
  371. [03:38] <Strategist14> You are on top of the roof of the building you first entered
  372. [03:39] <Strategist14> The air may not be 'fresh' per se, but the concept remains the same
  373. [03:39] <Strategist14> You made it out
  374. [03:40] <medialPeripheries> !!!!!
  375. [03:40] <medialPeripheries> You clamber down and out of this forsaken building back to your hive!
  376. [03:40] <Strategist14> ((I'm gonna recommend you Take 10 for descending, instead of rolling for it))
  377. [03:41] <Strategist14> ((I've almost lost a player due to failing a climb roll after surviving everything else))
  378. [03:41] <medialPeripheries> Sure
  379. [03:41] <medialPeripheries> That leaves me with like 10 HP
  380. [03:41] <Strategist14> You CAREFULLY descend
  381. [03:42] <medialPeripheries> You head back for your hive. Maybe the iguanas are dead.
  382. [03:43] <Strategist14> ((At this point, seeing as I don't know a thing about your land outside the one mind-screw dungeon, I'm going to let AT take over))
  383. [03:43] <Strategist14> ((Take a level up for completing the dungeon))
  384. [03:44] <Strategist14> ((I can pastebin. Continue from here in play-by-post))
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