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Tea Group Session 16

a guest
Jan 24th, 2014
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  1. [2014-01-17 23:18:04] |<-- Black_Tea has left (Quit: Nettalk6 -
  2. [2014-01-17 23:18:55] =-= Irispone is now known as Iris
  3. [2014-01-17 23:19:37] -->| Black_Tea (jc| has joined #teagroup
  4. [2014-01-17 23:22:06] <KendallKun> 4 Session start
  5. [2014-01-17 23:23:32] * Black_Tea "That didn't sound encouraging..."
  6. [2014-01-17 23:23:34] <KendallKun> 4 Having been tasked with killing the head of the forges by The Mongrels, the group have ended up at a display of the Wardens, two of the creatures on show.
  7. [2014-01-17 23:23:51] * Ginger_Ails|P frowns as he scrutinizes the mech-suited alicorns. His eyes go to the wings and added bit, searching for uniformity or deformity that would indicate medical alterations or additions.
  8. [2014-01-17 23:25:48] * Iris stays silent as her face falls... though no one is around to see it.
  9. [2014-01-17 23:25:51] * Fleet_Fortune is still listening for a definite sign of who exactly their target was. This announcer mare is a possible candidate, but you can't be too careful.
  10. [2014-01-17 23:26:55] <KendallKun> 4 The alicorns appear to be mainly metal, though the wings look wrong. They appear to be a mix of metal and pony flesh, though Ginger_Ails can tell that the flesh isn't typically of a pegasus wing.
  11. [2014-01-17 23:27:02] * Apricot_Tarts tries to keep her composure "What the..."
  12. [2014-01-17 23:28:24] * Black_Tea whispers: "You think there's some poor bastard inside, or they are practically robots with some fleshy parts, like mechabrains?"
  13. [2014-01-17 23:29:35] * Ginger_Ails|P frowns. "I don't think they are ponies. Not entirely. Wings aren't. Definitely based on equine anatomy... Unicorn with grafter wings perhaps?..." He talking aloud as his mind tries to walk to a solution.
  14. [2014-01-17 23:34:57] <KendallKun> 4 As Ginger_Ails examines the creature further, it appears that the jagged spike which would accommodate the horn appears to be uncomfortable at best for a unicorn if not outright unfit.
  15. [2014-01-17 23:38:01] * Ginger_Ails|P shakes his head as he thinks. "No... Earth ponies physically altered?" He continues to think out loud softly.
  16. [2014-01-17 23:39:20] * Iris thinks back on the history she knows, wondering what hellish beast these could be.
  17. [2014-01-17 23:39:43] * Black_Tea shivers. "uhhaa... I can take a lot, but imagine being trapped inside such a thing, no thanks."
  18. [2014-01-17 23:41:20] <KendallKun> 4 Iris can recall some information, or rather rumour in older books, that a special type of power armour designed to keep a pony alive at all costs was in development towards the end of the war.
  19. [2014-01-17 23:42:51] <KendallKun> 4 As the group continue to watch, the mare parades the two Wardens around. Foals and their parents gather, all talking to Joy and Chivalry in excited tones, seemingly unaffected by the emotionless green of their eyes.
  20. [2014-01-17 23:43:39] * Iris thinks the two abominations need to be put out of their misery.
  21. [2014-01-17 23:43:57] * Apricot_Tarts is disgusted :I
  22. [2014-01-17 23:44:03] |<-- Ginger_Ails|P has left (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
  23. [2014-01-17 23:45:16] * Black_Tea "we gotta stock up on armor piercing rounds and emp stuff"
  24. [2014-01-17 23:45:39] * Fleet_Fortune ignores the spectacle for now, and looks around to see if she can spot any more... important looking ponies that are watching the 'show'.
  25. [2014-01-17 23:45:48] * Iris is beyond disgust at this point. This whole boat has elicited disgust. What she feels now is deep, knee-weakening sadness...
  26. [2014-01-17 23:46:37] * Iris A mausoleum of Equestria's sins she can tolerate. But a carnival?
  27. [2014-01-17 23:46:59] * Iris leans back against her wall and watches.
  28. [2014-01-17 23:47:33] -->| Ginger_Ails|P ( has joined #teagroup
  29. [2014-01-17 23:52:01] <KendallKun> 4 While looking for anyone else, Fleet_Fortune manages to end up getting lost in the ebb and sway of the crowd. She now can't see the rest of the group
  30. [2014-01-17 23:58:08] * Black_Tea "What's your plan, how do we proceed?"
  31. [2014-01-17 23:58:45] * Ginger_Ails|P hopes his dirtiness holds. He keeps observing, nervous Fleet_Fortune has gone out of sight.
  32. [2014-01-18 00:02:03] * Fleet_Fortune is a little worried about losing sight of the others. She would fly, but thinks that's an incredibly bad idea right now. Instead, she tries to at least try and navigate her way out of the crowd.
  33. [2014-01-18 00:04:40] <KendallKun> 4 Fleet_Fortune manages to make her way through the crowd, and finds herself not too far from the others.
  34. [2014-01-18 00:09:34] * Ginger_Ails|P stays to the center of the group as the 'show' unfolds. Hiding behind a thin layer of soot as left him a bit nervous.
  35. [2014-01-18 00:11:04] * Fleet_Fortune keeps being inconspicuous, watching for any signs of their target.
  36. [2014-01-18 00:12:04] <KendallKun> 4 Due to the lack of description, Fleet_Fortune has no idea who exactly she's looking for.
  37. [2014-01-18 00:13:01] * Iris walks over to Black_Tea and Ginger_Ails|P, working her way through the crowd. She's feeling a little anxious too, but for reasons very different from Ginger.
  38. [2014-01-18 00:13:13] * Apricot_Tarts teleports down to Iris (hopefully unnoticed) "Iris! I have an idea. We need to presenter to sign something. If the name matches we got ourselves a target. If not, we'll keep searching."
  39. [2014-01-18 00:17:08] * Black_Tea "do we have something sign-worthy? I know this type of pony, Public speaker equals attention whore. I don't think she will give an autograph for a fan on a piece of garbage-paper."
  40. [2014-01-18 00:17:44] <Iris> "I have my journal," Iris says.
  41. [2014-01-18 00:17:54] <Iris> "... and a costume, I suppose," she mutters.
  42. [2014-01-18 00:18:08] |<-- Ginger_Ails|P has left (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
  43. [2014-01-18 00:18:12] <KendallKun> 4 Some the crowd have started to murmur, glancing at the group occasionally. It appears they are drawing some attention.
  44. [2014-01-18 00:18:25] <Iris> "Fuck me if they fall for that, actually," Iris remarks after a moment.
  45. [2014-01-18 00:18:36] * Apricot_Tarts snorts "Don't worry, I will."
  46. [2014-01-18 00:19:19] <Iris> "Hm. I could have them sign my armor..."
  47. [2014-01-18 00:19:31] * Black_Tea looks around to notice any security-ponies, or people who would readily fight them once a fight would break our.
  48. [2014-01-18 00:20:33] * Apricot_Tarts whispers "I could have her sign my pistol. So I can fight the 'zebra infiltrators in the name of the authorities':"
  49. [2014-01-18 00:21:11] <KendallKun> 4 Black_Tea can see a few Authorities around the display area, they appear to be busy with crowd control at the moment.
  50. [2014-01-18 00:21:17] -->| Ginger_Ails|P ( has joined #teagroup
  51. [2014-01-18 00:24:56] * Iris patpats Apricot_Tarts!
  52. [2014-01-18 00:25:09] <Iris> "Good idea, Apricot," she says, sounding cheery for once.
  53. [2014-01-18 00:26:44] * Black_Tea "sorry to throw a monkey wrench into that, but I doubt she's more than a face, and if she is some big tier pony she'll know what her signature on a gun is worth..."
  54. [2014-01-18 00:27:23] |<-- Ginger_Ails|P has left (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
  55. [2014-01-18 00:30:10] -->| Ginger_Ails|P ( has joined #teagroup
  56. [2014-01-18 00:32:34] <Iris> "Ehh. I think it could work," Iris says.
  57. [2014-01-18 00:34:58] * Black_Tea nods, "yes"
  58. [2014-01-18 00:35:50] <Apricot_Tarts> "Iris, gimme your pen."
  59. [2014-01-18 00:36:23] <Iris> "Apricot, I don't carry pens."
  60. [2014-01-18 00:36:40] <Iris> "I'm a pencil gal. You should know that."
  61. [2014-01-18 00:36:53] <Apricot_Tarts> "Just give me something to write."
  62. [2014-01-18 00:37:06] * Ginger_Ails|P has no better plan. He nods his support.
  63. [2014-01-18 00:37:16] * Iris gives Apricot a pencil!
  64. [2014-01-18 00:37:27] <Iris> "Don't lose that. I don't know when I'll be getting more."
  65. [2014-01-18 00:37:32] * Apricot_Tarts takes off all her insigina "I'll have her sign my uniform, as much as I hate it."
  66. [2014-01-18 00:37:48] * Apricot_Tarts takes the pen and makes her way through the crowd.
  67. [2014-01-18 00:39:22] * Black_Tea "Pencil Gal, I like that. Pencils are nice and durable, and you can always see when they work. Pens are much more unreliable."
  68. [2014-01-18 00:39:59] <Iris> "They also never fade," Iris adds helpfully, turning to glance Black_Tea's way.
  69. [2014-01-18 00:41:29] * Black_Tea "indeed" He nodded and smiled at Iris.
  70. [2014-01-18 00:41:33] <KendallKun> 4 Several of the group are able to spot a small gathering of ponies just to the side of the display. All but one of said gathering are wearing Iron Horn gang wear, the last one wearing scrap armour and a welding mask.
  71. [2014-01-18 00:44:36] * Fleet_Fortune makes her way back toward the group. She tries to stay unseen, without wading back into the crowd if she can help it.
  72. [2014-01-18 00:47:00] * Ginger_Ails|P sees the Iron Horns milling about. He grimaces. "Interesting fashion choice. Nice mask." He looks over to Apricot_Tarts.
  73. [2014-01-18 00:47:41] * Apricot_Tarts turns around "Why, hello there."
  74. [2014-01-18 00:48:23] <Iris> "... what. What's everypony doing?" Iris asks, looking around in confusion at the sudden shift among her comrades.
  75. [2014-01-18 00:48:46] * Apricot_Tarts nods over to the Iron Horns
  76. [2014-01-18 00:48:48] * Ginger_Ails|P points out the masked mare. "Coincidence?"
  77. [2014-01-18 00:49:12] <KendallKun> 4 As Fleet_Fortune returns to the group, the Wardens take flight, soaring away. The mare at the display announces that the show has ended and that the Ministries are still looking for further volunteers. A few of the crowd go up to apply, but most return to their work.
  78. [2014-01-18 00:49:43] * Apricot_Tarts approaches the mask mare "Amazing show, wasn't it?"
  79. [2014-01-18 00:50:30] * Fleet_Fortune stands next to Ginger_Ails|P. "See them? Off to the side."
  80. [2014-01-18 00:51:05] * Iris eeks as Apricot speeds off!
  81. [2014-01-18 00:51:18] * Ginger_Ails|P nods. "Yes. I think that's out mare. "
  82. [2014-01-18 00:52:16] * Black_Tea "friends of yours?" he asks sarcastically so ginger_Ails and Fleet_Fortune recognize it as a simple question if they recognize them.
  83. [2014-01-18 00:52:25] <KendallKun> 4 The pony in the welding mask nods to Apricot_Tarts, "Indeed. Fine work from the Industrial district, putting those things together!"
  84. [2014-01-18 00:53:10] <Iris> "No. Our mark," Iris mutters, walking with the group after Apricot.
  85. [2014-01-18 00:54:25] * Black_Tea "Works for me..." he puts on a smile and made his way after Iris, readying his senses for a fight, although not drawing his weapon.
  86. [2014-01-18 00:55:22] <Apricot_Tarts> "It really is impressive. Excuse me, I haven't gotten your name, mister...?"
  87. [2014-01-18 00:55:58] <KendallKun> 4 The stallion nods, "Thank you, and it's Face Plate, Head of the Forges."
  88. [2014-01-18 00:55:59] * Fleet_Fortune mutters, "We shouldn't all approach at once..." She starts to stealthily make her way off to the side, keeping an eye on Apricot, Iris, and the Iron Horns.
  89. [2014-01-18 00:57:38] * Apricot_Tarts chuckles "How fitting, considering you're wearing a mask."
  90. [2014-01-18 00:59:26] * Ginger_Ails|P stays well back. He's support, he'll watch their backs from a safe distance.
  91. [2014-01-18 00:59:51] <KendallKun> 4 Face Plate chuckles, "Indeed. I suppose I should be getting back to work. Farewell miss...?"
  92. [2014-01-18 01:00:26] * Iris just tromps-on over!
  93. [2014-01-18 01:06:45] <Apricot_Tarts> "Tarts, Apricot Tarts. Now please if you'd excuse me, I have something to take care of." She draws her SMG "The others send their regards." She then opens fire.
  94. [2014-01-18 01:20:05] <KendallKun> 4 The bullets slam into Face Plate, some pinging off his armour. He gives a roar of pain, shouting, "Intruders! Kill 'em all!"
  95. [2014-01-18 01:24:23] <Iris> "Not today, ugly," Iris mutters, preparing to engage
  96. [2014-01-18 01:31:11] * Apricot_Tarts teleports back up to a safe position and draws her rifle
  97. [2014-01-18 01:32:41] * Ginger_Ails|P ,from a safe distance back, quickly assessed the Iron Hooves weapons.
  98. [2014-01-18 01:37:03] <KendallKun> 4 Ginger_Ails can see that two of the gang members have shotguns while the other has a rifle of some kind. Face Plate has a hunting rifle
  99. [2014-01-18 01:38:25] * Ginger_Ails|P smirks. They haven't drawn their weapons yet, he'll beat them to it' his horn lights and he tries to grasp their weapons and pull them away.
  100. [2014-01-18 01:43:05] <KendallKun> 4 Ginger_Ails manages to pull two of the weapons away, Face Plate's injuries preventing him from grabbing his gun. The other two members manage to snatch them just before Ginger_Ails can get them away.
  101. [2014-01-18 01:43:35] * Iris laughs triumphantly at Ginger's success!
  102. [2014-01-18 01:43:48] * Iris She's really gunning to get a belly full of bullet, isn't she...
  103. [2014-01-18 01:44:55] * Ginger_Ails|P pulls the weapons he snatched far and away. He'll deposit them on a roof to collect later.
  104. [2014-01-18 01:49:47] <KendallKun> 4 Ginger_Ails manages to take the service rifle away, but the last shotgun is held onto tightly.
  105. [2014-01-18 01:53:09] * Ginger_Ails|P only gets one, he starts floating it up about twenty five feet before taking a shot at the mark.
  106. [2014-01-18 01:56:20] <KendallKun> 4 The shot goes wide.
  107. [2014-01-18 02:02:03] <KendallKun> 4 The rifle wielding gang member growls at the lack of his weapon, spotting Black_Tea. The Earth pony gives a shout as he moves towards him.
  108. [2014-01-18 02:08:01] <KendallKun> 4 The remaining armed pony also rushes Black_Tea, taking a shot when in range.
  109. [2014-01-18 02:08:21] <KendallKun> 4 The shot goes wide.
  110. [2014-01-18 02:09:49] * Iris pulls her pistol and fires on the pony closes to Black Tea. Can't have him getting overwhelmed...
  111. [2014-01-18 02:16:19] <KendallKun> 4 In a blaze of bullets, the gang member drops like a stone, blood oozing out from bullet wounds.
  112. [2014-01-18 02:17:49] * Fleet_Fortune draws her 9mm pistol, and from the safety of her hiding spot, fires two carefully aimed shots at Face Plate.
  113. [2014-01-18 02:20:22] <KendallKun> 4 The two shots hit but plink off Face Plate's armour. The stallion just gets angrier at this.
  114. [2014-01-18 02:23:08] <KendallKun> 4 The last gang member makes a break for it across the street.
  115. [2014-01-18 02:23:48] <Iris> "You better run, jackass!" Iris screams after him. "Your fucking nob of a boss is next!"
  116. [2014-01-18 02:26:29] <KendallKun> 4 Face Plate advances on Iris, taking two swings at her.
  117. [2014-01-18 02:27:15] <KendallKun> 4 The first swing missed, the second landing.
  118. [2014-01-18 02:28:42] * Iris tanks the hit, taking the pain without much of a reaction.
  119. [2014-01-18 02:33:21] * Black_Tea charges the iron horn who still has his weapon and tackles him towards the wall.
  120. [2014-01-18 02:41:23] <KendallKun> 4 Black_Tea misses the pony completely, but manages to stay upright
  121. [2014-01-18 02:41:42] * Apricot_Tarts lines up two aimed headshots with her rifle "Oh no you didn't!"
  122. [2014-01-18 02:42:07] <KendallKun> 4 Both shots go wide.
  123. [2014-01-18 02:47:39] * Ginger_Ails|P levitates and stows the service rifle on a roof with the other liberated arms. He looks to see the pony fleeing. As un-subtle as this was, a runner is bad. He lights his horn, forming a sphere of force around the running pony. That shield should hold him long enough with only his bare hooves to batter it down.
  124. [2014-01-18 02:50:38] <KendallKun> 4 The fleeing pony starts yelling at the shield.
  125. [2014-01-18 02:51:08] <KendallKun> 4 The shotgun pony fires two shots at Black_Tea.
  126. [2014-01-18 02:53:26] <KendallKun> 4 Both shots hit true.
  127. [2014-01-18 02:55:34] <Iris> While the shotgun pony is blasting away at Black_Tea in a (presumably) fair fight, Iris reloads her pistol and pulls her shotgun in a ridiculous flurry of motion, pointing it straight at Face Plate's chest and pulling the trigger.
  128. [2014-01-18 02:58:26] <Iris> "Don't eat all my bullets, fatso," Iris says.
  129. [2014-01-18 02:59:22] |<-- Apricot_Tarts has left (Quit: )
  130. [2014-01-18 03:00:07] <KendallKun> 4 Face Plate appears unaffacted by the attack, giving the reply, "I plan on feeding you to my furnaces you sniveling little shit!"
  131. [2014-01-18 03:01:10] * Fleet_Fortune sees that Iris looks like she can handle herself. She takes flight, moving within closer range to fire at the shotgun-wielding pony and takes a well-aimed shot.
  132. [2014-01-18 03:03:13] <KendallKun> 4 The gang member gives a shout as he's hit, snarling at the pegasus.
  133. [2014-01-18 03:04:21] <KendallKun> 4 The trapped member starts to shout as loud as he can, yelling for the Authorities and any other Iron Horns that could be around.
  134. [2014-01-18 03:08:05] <KendallKun> 4 Face Plate begins his assault on Iris again, attacking four times.
  135. [2014-01-18 03:08:56] <KendallKun> 4 The first attack hits true, the rest missing.
  136. [2014-01-18 03:09:38] * Iris hmphs, shrugging-off another blow.
  137. [2014-01-18 03:12:22] -->| Apricot_Tarts ( has joined #teagroup
  138. [2014-01-18 03:15:11] * Black_Tea Seeing red, Black Tea draws his Machete, even though being mayorly hurt, and tries to chop his enemies head off.
  139. [2014-01-18 03:15:12] |<-- Apricot_Tarts has left (Quit: )
  140. [2014-01-18 03:19:35] <KendallKun> 4 With a mighty swing, Black_Tea cleaves the head in two. The body staggers around for a bit before collapsing.
  141. [2014-01-18 03:20:04] * Black_Tea roars at the fallen opponent
  142. [2014-01-18 03:20:35] * Iris is too locked in her duel with Face Plate to notice the others prevailing.
  143. [2014-01-18 03:21:01] <KendallKun> 4 Session pause
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