
Tempus Temptartes Traditio- Iterum atque iterum

Oct 4th, 2012
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  1. >You awake with a startle.
  2. >Last night, you dreamt that you were running from General Mahonie when Celestia came out of nowhere and tried to kill you.
  3. >You are Anonymous, a 10 year old with too many powerful enemies.
  4. >As you become more alert, you feel something soft and warm on your arm.
  5. >You sit up to see Minuette hugging your arm, sound asleep.
  6. >You giggle at how sweet she looks while asleep. More docile.
  7. >You slowly slip out of her grasp, only for her to murmur something you couldn’t really understand. Sliding off the bed, you tip-toe out of the room and into the hallway to the toilet.
  8. >After using the facilities, you turn to go back to your room when you notice a light on in the kitchen. You sneak forwards and peek around the doorway to see a familiar brown p0ny sitting at the kitchen table.
  9. ‘Doctor?’
  10. >He shoots up immediately and looks at you.
  11. >’Anonymous, my boy. What are you doing up so early in the morning?’
  12. >You walk forwards, and take a seat at the table.
  13. ‘Nightmares keeping me awake. You?’
  14. >’Same.’
  15. >Your stomach loudly growls.
  16. >’Hungry much?’
  17. ‘I…’ you blush ‘I didn’t eat after breakfast yesterday.’
  18. >’My word… If you are going to stay here, you need to eat three meals a day.’
  19. >The Doctor gets up from his seat and walks to the fridge.
  20. ‘Umm…Doctor. You said I was staying here, right?’
  21. >’Yes, of course. Why?’
  22. ‘Well, I kinda feel silly calling you “Doctor” all the time…’
  23. >The Doctor retrieves a plate of pastries from yesterday, as well as a loaf of bread.
  24. >’Well, what would you prefer?’
  25. ‘Can I call you…’
  26. >You mumble the final words, too afraid of his reaction.
  27. >’Pardon?’
  28. ‘Can I call you…something like…dad?’
  29. >The Doctor immediately freezes mid-step.
  31. ‘I…I’m sorry Doctor. I didn’t mean to imply-‘
  32. >’No, it’s alright Anon.’ He sighed deeply ‘I don’t know if you would want me as a parental figure sometimes. Colgate says I’m reckless and childish. I run off to do mad things on impulse. But really, what does she know? She can’t control Minnie half the time.’
  33. ‘So? But who better to raise a child without a childhood than the biggest colt of them all.’
  34. >The Doctor smiled.
  35. >’But what about your real dad?’
  36. ‘If I need to talk about him, he will just be my father. Kinda like father time.’
  37. >’Oh? And why am I not allowed that title?’
  38. ‘Okay, you live for a hundred millennia walking through time and come see me.’
  39. >He chuckled and sat back down with breakfast.
  40. ‘Also…there was something I needed to tell you…’
  41. >You tell The Doctor everything Celestia spoke to you about, ending with how you are forced to see her every Friday.
  42. >By the end of it, the Doctor is silent.
  43. ‘So, on the scale of one to Dalek…how screwed am I?’
  44. >’I’d say…wait, you know about Daleks?’
  45. ‘Yeah…I think. Something from Aunty’s memory transfer might have leaked through.’
  46. >’Well, I’d say stay under the radar. Don’t cause trouble and you should be fine. She might eventually give up.’
  47. >You take a bite of Danish.
  48. ‘But what if she doesn’t? I’m afraid she is going to continue after me…’
  49. >The Doctor smiled. ‘Oh believe me, Anon. There is a lot more to be afraid of than her. Like how you have to go to school today.’
  51. >You spit-take the apple juice in your mouth and look at him.
  52. ‘What…?’
  53. >’Yes. You are going to be attending school. My house, my rules.’
  54. ‘Fine.’ An evil smile grows on your face. ‘I’ll tell Aunty Colgate what you said about her.’
  55. >The Doctor immediately stiffens, but smiles.
  56. >’Well, I can let her have a full day with you,’ he leaned in closer with an evil grin ‘all alone.’
  57. ‘Oh, cos that worked out so well last time. She thought she killed me and was on the verge of tears.’
  58. >’Oh gosh… what happened?’
  59. ‘After I belted Miss Rarity with another book, she demanded an apology. I was stubborn and she tried to force me to do it by…’
  60. >’Showing she actually loves you?’
  61. ‘And so I went limp and pretended to pass out.’
  62. >’Wow…you are one scary creature, Anon. Brilliant, and my word you are so, but very scary.’
  63. ‘Well, Dad, you adopted me.’
  64. >A very loud and whiny “Awww” comes from the doorway and you both turn to see Colgate standing there, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
  65. >C ’You cheated…you knew I wanted him and you cheated.’
  66. >D ’He CHOSE me. Don’t get all pouty just because he likes me more.’
  67. >C ’That’s not fair! I demand a recount!’
  68. ‘GUYS!’
  69. >They both turn to look at you.
  70. ‘I am not a toy, nor am I a pet. I am sentient and I have feelings. I get that you both care for my wellbeing, but fighting over me won’t solve anything. I appreciate the attention, but sometimes I… I don’t know.’
  71. >The Doctor smiled. ‘You’ll get used to it, Anon. It just means we love you.’
  72. ‘You might,’ you look to the floor ‘but Minuette still hates me.’
  74. >C ‘Really? I mean the way she burst into the shop demanding she sleep in your roo-‘
  75. >Colgate was interrupted by a small amount of magic hitting her in the back of the head. In the doorway now stood a very red looking Minuette, her face was a mixture of rage and embarrassment as she stared daggers at everyone in the room.
  76. >M ‘SHUT UP!’
  77. >The Doctor stifled a giggle as Colgate corrected herself and looked at Minuette.
  78. >C ‘Well…that was fairly rude of you. I was just telling your cousin about last night and how you were-’
  79. >M ‘I SAID SHUT IT! NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR- wait, cousin?’
  80. >D ‘Yes, technically I adopted him. And best of all, he is going to your school.’
  81. >Minuette froze mid-stride and looked at the Doctor, and then to Colgate and finally to you.
  82. >M ‘No! He can’t go to my school! He’ll embarrass me in front of all my friends!’
  83. ‘See, she agrees with me. No school.’
  84. >Colgate spun and looked at you with eyes that struck fear deep into your very soul.
  85. >C ‘What…did you say?’
  86. ‘I’m not going to school. I haven’t gone yet, and I turned out okay.’
  87. >The Doctor waved his front hooves at you, motioning for you to stop. Colgate slowly walked forwards to you, her look becoming more menacing.
  88. >C ‘You will go to school willingly, or I will force you to go.’
  89. ‘What, like you “forced” me to apologise to Rarity?’
  90. >Colgate chuckled as she loomed over you.
  91. >’That was nothing. I merely teased you for fun. You don’t know how deep a time p0ny’s rage goes.’
  92. >You hard swallowed and flipped a coin in your head.
  93. >You could accept her offer right now, and go to school.
  94. >Or…
  95. >You could show her how deep your rabbit hole goes.
  97. >Of course you chose the latter. You were tired of others pushing you around.
  98. ‘Go ahead. Nothing you can say or do will even come close to what I endured in the science labs. Abandoned by my father, and left for dead. Poked, prodded and pricked 24/7. I was denied sleep for a week because they thought I needed proper “persuasion” to activate the powers I didn’t have.’
  99. >The Doctor stared at you, his mouth agape. Minuette was shaking in fear as your voice dripped sheer malice.
  100. ‘I have had vivisections performed on me without anaesthesia, men in white coats cutting into my organs to see what makes me tick. When I was on the brink of death, thinking this would all be over, they’d revive me to do it all again. So I say this, Aunty; do what you feel needs to be done, but I’d rather die than be forced to do something against my will.’
  101. >Colgate’s look didn’t change as she brought her head down to your ear. The words she spoke froze you to your core.
  102. >’Do this because we love you,’ she whispered ‘please?’
  103. ‘What…?’
  104. >Colgate pulled her head back, and you could see her expression. She was no longer causing you to fear with a stare. She had a look of worry and plead, small specks of tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
  105. >’Please, Anon. I know you are afraid sometimes, and you will have to deal with many more situations in your life, but we are your family now. We will support your every choice, and we will protect you as best we can.’
  107. >You feel your tears beginning to build up, but you are still frozen in place.
  108. >’Anon, all we ask is that you do your best in life. Do your best with what life has dealt you. We want you to be the brilliant little monkey we know you can be.’
  109. >You giggle and nod, only able to muster a weak ‘okay…’
  110. >Colgate nuzzled your cheek, but you didn’t shy away. For the first time in 5 years, you weren’t afraid of someone else’s touch.
  111. >’Thank you. Now go get cleaned up. I would prefer you looking your best for your first day at school.’
  112. ‘What…what if I don’t know as much as I should?’
  113. >This time, the Doctor butted in.
  114. >D ‘Anon, you are brilliant. All of us can see it. You would be in the same spot even if you went to school back in your dimension. Just try your hardest, and make some friends.’
  115. ‘Thanks…dad.’
  116. >C ‘Minnie, did you want to say something to your cousin?’
  117. >Minnie gasped and looked at the ground, looking shocked she was called on.
  118. ‘It’s okay, I know yo-‘
  119. >M ‘You aren’t as useless as I first thought…’
  120. ‘What?’
  121. >Minuette looked up at you. ‘You aren’t useless. You came to us with a large hole in your body, but you still had the energy to run from mom. You stood in front of Princess Celestia and stared her down.’ A small smile grew on her face ‘You hit Miss Rarity in the face and got away with it. You are going to be fine.’
  122. >You walk over to Minuette and give her a hug, to which she freezes up in surprise.
  123. ‘Thank you Minuette.’
  124. >M ‘Just don’t expect me to hang around you all the time at school. I have friends of my own.’
  126. >After quickly bathing, you brush your teeth and return to your smelly old clothes. You walk out the bathroom to see Colgate waiting for you.
  127. >’All set?’
  128. ‘Uh, yeah. Aunty, where do I get new clothes from?’
  129. >’Well, where did these clothes come from?’
  130. ‘They were left for me outside the lab facilities… Clothes fairy?’
  131. >’Probably not… I know where somep0ny can make you some new clothes, but you need to apologise to her first.’
  132. ‘If you say it’s that blue meanie, I’m gunna bite you.’
  133. >’You wouldn’t bite your favourite Aunty, would you?’
  134. >You smile a toothy grin and Colgate chuckles.
  135. >’You have to apologise to Rarity for the pillow to the back of the head.’
  136. ‘What about the books?’
  137. >’I’d say she deserved them.’
  138. ‘Hmmm…okay. When do we have to leave for school?’
  139. >’We should leave after Minnie has breakfast. That should give us enough time to go to Rarity’s, get you measured and then get you young ones to school.’
  140. >From the kitchen, you hear a clatter of plates, and Minuette walked out a few seconds later, wearing a light blue saddlebag filled with books.
  141. >M ‘I’m ready.’
  142. >C ‘Okay, have you two got everything?’
  143. ‘Wait!’
  144. >You run into your room and return a minute later wearing your death cloak.
  145. >M ‘Mommy, does he haaaave to wear that?’ Her voice was as whiny as ever.
  146. >C ‘If Anon wants to, it’s his choice. I think he looks dashing.’
  147. ‘As the personification of death?’
  148. >The two of them give you a look of shock.
  149. ‘I have a vocabulary greater than a parrot, thank you very much.’
  150. >You hear Minuette mutter something about an egg head, and you stick your tongue out as a response.
  152. >C ‘Okay, time to leave before you start a war in here. David, come say good bye.’
  153. >The Doctor walked out of another room in the hallway wearing a magnifying glass headband.
  154. >D ‘Alright tiny little versions of your future selves, time to go to the house of learning.’
  155. >M ‘Bye bye Uncle.’
  156. >Minuette used her magic to float up and give the Doctor a kiss on the cheek.
  157. >D ‘Bye Minnie. Try not to be mean to Anon at school.’
  158. >You slowly shuffle forwards towards the Doctor, and you can see he is, too, just as nervous and confused as you.
  159. >D ‘Uhh… I don’t really know how one would do this in our situation. I would guess-‘
  160. >You don’t let him finish as you give him a hug. After a few seconds, he returns it.
  161. >D ‘Have a good day. Don’t get into any fights and don’t bite any p0ny,’ he leaned in close ‘unless they really deserve it, then I say bite the hay bales out of them.’
  162. >You chuckle.
  163. ‘See ya dad. I’ll see you tonight.’
  164. >You run to the door where Colgate and Minuette were waiting for you.
  165. >Today was going to be…different.
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