

Dec 13th, 2011
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  1. [22:39:32] <14Lewys> "Oh, that... I thought you meant the Ronin and the Criterion," Lewys says, still kind of quiet. "Clayton said even that thing was human once... They just went... too far."
  2. 00[22:42:50] <02Klaus> "That? The...conkeldurr? That would be horrifying." Klaus pauses and rests his chin on his hand. "As for the Ronin and Criterion, well...that's something I'd rather discuss later. Maybe this will indicate my views to an extent, however."
  3. 00[22:44:34] 14: Klaus slowly pulls his left arm out of his jacket sleeve. A slight metallic glint reflects the soft lighting of the kitchen, though the arm still appears flesh-colored. Small, faint golden grooves outline fractal patterns down his forearm. Beneath the sleeve of his t-shirt, a soft glow pulses where his shoulder is. Altogether though, it's something you'd hardly notice if it weren't shoved in your
  4. 00[22:44:36] <02Klaus> face like this.
  5. [22:45:20] <14Lewys> "I... see... I guess you feel like Revas does then," Lewys says, looking out the window. "He was on edge whenever I championed them today. I'm not stupid. I read people pretty well, actually. He doesn't like them. I think the Ronin are heroes, though... Maybe..." She trails off as the arm is revealed, looking at it curiously. "What is that?"
  6. 00[22:46:33] * RioCadaro ( Quit (Quit: )
  7. 00[22:46:35] 14: Klaus laughs. "Is that what you got of my views from seeing this? I'd hardly say I'm in any place to criticize someone for modifying themselves or turning away from some self-aggrandizing notion of pure humanity if I'm grafting cybernetics into my body."
  8. [22:49:46] <14Lewys> "N-no. I just... I told you before what I dream of doing... and being, you know? I've been chasing it since we left Gubrine, and really, I feel closer than ever." Her face lights up as she begins to daydream again. "I've been reading this book on Legends too, just trying every avenue I've got."
  9. [22:50:09] <14Lewys> "It's easy to feel insecure about it is all..." she adds, trailing off again.
  10. 00[22:52:13] 14: Klaus shrugs and puts his jacket back on. "Well, with regards to that, I honestly have no idea. The Ronin had to go through a pretty horrifying process to do what they did, give up a lot on the way as I understand it. But even so, remember that science is ethically neutral. You can't blame the science for the good the Ronins have done or the bad the Criterion does."
  11. 00[22:53:20] 14: Klaus waves his arm toward his laptop, a wire shooting out and hooking itself into a USB port. "I haven't heard of someone becoming like the Ronin naturally. The one you'll want to talk about that is...Mia. She has a strange connection herself with some interesting pokemon." Klaus pulls up a photo of an Unown. "Heard of these before?"
  12. 04[22:54:04] * Ephraim is being an awkward teenager just standing there, gawks in interest at Klaus's arm, listens, etc etc.
  13. 04[22:54:29] <14Jarold> Raising an eyebrow, Jarold will use his telekinesis to move the pictures Klaus is holding closer to himself and Ephraim. "Can't say that I have"
  14. [22:54:50] <14Lewys> "No. Is that... a letter?" Lewys asks, chasing the picture with a hand. "Cut that out~"
  15. 00[22:55:37] * Ephraim is silent, but visibly nervous
  16. 00[22:56:39] <02Klaus> "They're...pokemon. Shaped like letters of the alphabet. They're curious. Mia, she can...draw them to herself, link them together, make them a greater whole than the individual parts. It's a more intimate, no...that's not right." Klaus pauses. "More visceral connection with pokemon than I've seen naturally exhibited by just about anyone else."
  17. 00[22:58:29] * Ephraim perks up "She's . . . linked to them? Can bring them to her?"
  18. [22:58:59] <14Lewys> "I guess that's similar to what I'm looking for," Lewys says. "I'm not going to turn down a chance to find it, of course. And you know, from what I've seen since we left Ramtaban, I don't doubt there's a way to pull it off without crazy painful science. I'm confident in it."
  19. 00[22:59:56] <02Klaus> "Something like that, yes. It uh..." Klaus looks around to make sure his parents aren't around. "It runs in the family. Not these specifically, the Unown. But abilities, often linked to a person's obsession or kinship with pokemon of particular traits."
  20. [23:00:14] <14Jarold> "I wonder how they started down that road, researching how to give humans pokemon-like abilities...." says the psychic who will now have several random objects orbiting his head
  21. [23:00:31] <14Jarold> "It's not like such things happen naturally, of course"
  22. [23:03:22] <14Ephraim> "Really? So . . . what about you?"
  23. 04[23:04:36] <14Lewys> "Well, I'm glad we got things figured out," Lewys says, standing up and giving Klaus a big hug. It's hard because he's sitting and she's short, but she does it anyway. Fuck the police. "Is there somewhere we can stay while we're here? I don't want to press on your family..."
  24. [23:04:47] <14Jarold> "Me? My abilities come from Irony and Sarcasm."
  25. 04[23:05:27] <14Ephraim> "Heh, that explains a lot - but I meant what about Klaus? You have a similar connection too?"
  26. 00[23:05:59] 14: Klaus returns the hug, though kinda sloppily because bluh bluh tired. "Huh, well, we've got some guest rooms you're free to borrow. I was gonna go take a na- huh me? No, nothing yet. Nothing...dramatic anyway." He shrugs and yawns.
  27. 00[23:07:14] <02Klaus> (unless anyone wants to do something silly like have a battle or the like, I'm going to make Klaus nap because I'm going to be out of the country for a bit and need a way to explain his absence)
  28. 00[23:07:44] * Lewys ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  29. [23:07:58] <14Jarold> (Shall we /session then?)
  30. [23:08:03] <14Ephraim> (Meeting your sister is probably going to have some major impacts on Ephraim, just saying)
  31. 00[23:08:16] * Lewys ( has joined #egondrasfate
  32. [23:08:58] <14Ephraim> So how long you going to be gone?
  33. 00[23:09:06] <02Klaus> (dec 14-Jan 1)
  34. [23:09:15] <14Lewys> "Oh, well... then... I..." YAWN. "I'm going to yeah..."
  35. [23:09:22] <14Lewys> (KAY I'M DONE GIRLS)
  36. [23:09:26] <14Ephraim> (Ah, that is a fair bit of time.)
  37. [23:09:36] <14Jarold> (Night, see most of you next thursday)
  38. [23:09:41] <14Ephraim> (But, but, you're the girl here. . .)
  39. 00[23:10:02] 14: Klaus leaves his pokemon to his own business as he wanders off to nap and fetch Mia to entertain the guests.
  40. 00[23:10:09] <02Klaus> *their own business
  41. [23:10:12] <14Lewys> (1,1that'sthejoke)
  42. [23:10:41] <14Jarold>
  43. 00[23:12:56] <02Klaus> (so any last words? surprise pokemon battle challenges? anything? Or is it /session now?)
  44. [23:13:28] <14Jarold> (Jarold will take on anyone, he's left an open challenge out there, but I'm cool with /session)
  45. 00[23:14:00] <02Klaus> (I'm up for battling if you want, but you'll have to ask Klaus IC about it)
  46. 04[23:14:18] <14Ephraim> (Yeah, /session for the night, IC and OOC. Maybe we'll battle soon, but I gotta talk to Rio about some stuff first. And probably Klaus's sister, we'll see)
  47. [23:14:40] <14Jarold> (But... Jarold suggested it a while ago.... Ephraim was the only one who answered)
  48. 00[23:14:54] <02Klaus> (he kinda just challenged Ephraim, is how I took it)
  49. 04[23:15:12] <14Jarold> (He suggested it to Klaus, and then Ephraim responded)
  50. 00[23:15:31] <02Klaus> (oh well, Klaus is very tired, you'll have to repeat yourself >_>)
  51. [23:16:32] <14Jarold> (it's cool, I'm tired myself)
  52. 00[23:17:03] <02Klaus> (No I mean IC he's tired, which is why he didn't catch it. *cough*)
  53. [23:17:29] <14Jarold> (And I meant I would like to go to sleep, unless you do want to battle?)
  54. 00[23:17:40] <02Klaus> (your call)
  55. 04[23:18:16] <14Jarold> (..... BATTUL!) "So, Klaus, did you want to get stronger or should I just shelve that idea?"
  56. 00[23:20:00] 14: Klaus yawns. "In this state?" He rubs his eyes and tries to regain some focus. "...Well, I was gonna take on the Criterion like this anyway. I wouldn't mind taking a shot, seeing as I've only ever started this battling thing a few days ago."
  57. [23:20:45] <14Jarold> "Shall we go outside and just have a 2v2 then?"
  58. 00[23:21:15] <02Klaus> "Yeah, best not to delay my nap too long, I'd say."
  59. 00[23:24:48] <02Klaus> (so what, 2 sets of 1v1?)
  60. [23:25:16] <14Jarold> (Yes. Want any other stipulations? Such as no items or features used in the fights?)
  61. 00[23:25:37] <02Klaus> (Just straight battle, no trainer interference, to save on headaches)
  62. [23:26:16] <14Jarold> (Sounds good. I'll use Blaze first, what will you be using?)
  63. 00[23:26:37] * Ephraim is now known as Ramiel
  64. 00[23:26:54] <02Klaus> (Babbage, porygon, speed 4)
  65. [23:27:20] <14Jarold> Speed 13 on Blaze the charmander, so I'll be starting with a Dragon Rage!
  66. [23:27:23] <14Jarold> 1d20
  67. [23:27:23] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  68. 00[23:27:34] <02Klaus> (is your attack or sp. atk higher, by the way?)
  69. [23:27:53] <14Jarold> (Does porygon have the ability to check?
  70. 00[23:28:05] <02Klaus> (Download - automaticaly raises combat stages based on your stats)
  71. 00[23:28:18] <02Klaus> (dragon rage hits)
  72. [23:28:20] <14Jarold> (Ah, SAtk is higher
  73. [23:28:30] <14Jarold> 35 damage to bab then
  74. 00[23:29:06] <02Klaus> Babbage is singed by the attack! But he starts to twist and rearrange himself like a rubiks cube. Recover!
  75. 00[23:29:08] * Lewys is now known as BigTentacruel
  76. [23:29:37] <14Jarold> New round then? Ember!
  77. [23:29:39] <14Jarold> 1d20
  78. [23:29:39] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  79. 00[23:29:44] <02Klaus> (hits)
  80. [23:30:00] <14Jarold> 2d6+3+11
  81. [23:30:02] <14BigTentacruel> (You... don't want to RP out your Pokemon attacks?)
  82. [23:30:02] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 2d6+3+11: 24 [2d6=5,5]
  83. [23:30:07] <14BigTentacruel> (;_;)
  84. [23:30:18] <14Jarold> (?)
  85. [23:30:26] <14BigTentacruel> (Nevermind. Continue...)
  86. 00[23:31:08] <02Klaus> Babbage takes the blow much better than the last and starts taking on a more liquid state, becoming translucent. Small bubbles appear within his frame. Conversion2! Water!
  87. [23:32:11] <14Jarold> Scratch it then
  88. [23:32:13] <14Jarold> 1d20
  89. [23:32:15] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 1d20: 6 [1d20=6]
  90. 00[23:32:18] <02Klaus> (hits)
  91. [23:32:20] <14Jarold> 2d6+5
  92. [23:32:21] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 2d6+5: 14 [2d6=6,3]
  93. 00[23:33:06] <02Klaus> Large gashes appear in Babbage and he starts leaking water. He looks to be in fairly bad shape (below 50% HP). However, he retaliates with a dazzling beam of energy
  94. 00[23:33:08] <02Klaus> 1d20 psybeam
  95. 04[23:33:09] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, psybeam: 4 [1d20=4]
  96. 00[23:33:25] <02Klaus> (AC 2. 15 sp. def or 30 speed to dodge)
  97. [23:33:37] <14Jarold> (Hits, barely)
  98. 00[23:33:58] <02Klaus> 1d12+16+22 psychic type damage
  99. 04[23:33:59] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, psychic type damage: 50 [1d12=12]
  100. 00[23:34:08] <02Klaus> (whoo max damage >_>)
  101. [23:34:32] <14Jarold> Blaze is barely standing, (single digits) and tries to retaliate with another scratch
  102. [23:34:35] <14Jarold> 1d20
  103. [23:34:36] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  104. [23:34:40] <14Jarold> 2d6+5
  105. 00[23:34:40] <02Klaus> (hits)
  106. [23:34:40] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 2d6+5: 12 [2d6=4,3]
  107. 00[23:35:08] <02Klaus> (damn, those low damage moves really need to be revised...I think the new roll for them is 1d8+6 or something, much better than that)
  108. 00[23:35:42] <02Klaus> Babbage barely feels it as a bit more water trickles from his form. He decides to just barge into the Charmander.
  109. 00[23:35:45] <02Klaus> 1d20 tackle
  110. 04[23:35:46] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, tackle: 1 [1d20=1]
  111. 00[23:35:49] <02Klaus> (herp)
  112. [23:36:09] <14Jarold> Smokescreen
  113. [23:36:22] <14Jarold> +3 ac to ranged moves
  114. [23:36:45] <14Jarold> to either side
  115. 00[23:36:57] <02Klaus> Babbage gives no fucks and flips in the air, rearranging himself into a satellite dish array momentarily to fire off another beam.
  116. 00[23:36:59] <02Klaus> 1d20 psybeam
  117. 04[23:36:59] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, psybeam: 16 [1d20=16]
  118. 00[23:37:05] <02Klaus> 1d12+16+22 damage
  119. 04[23:37:06] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, damage: 43 [1d12=5]
  120. [23:37:23] <14Jarold> And that's a win for babbage
  121. 00[23:37:47] 14: Klaus waves his mechanical arm again and another digital pokemon flies out. Laplace!
  122. 00[23:37:55] <02Klaus> (Rotom, speed 14)
  123. [23:38:02] <14Jarold> 480 xp to Babbage
  124. 00[23:38:27] <02Klaus> (I'm not gonna record that for now, just write it somewhere and let Rio know about this to see if it's okayed. lemme calculate porygon real quick)
  125. [23:38:57] <14Jarold> Flicker bops out (litwick, spd 1)
  126. 00[23:39:13] <02Klaus> (180 exp, if we're doing the halved thing)
  127. [23:40:05] <14Jarold> (K, noted. You go first this time)
  128. 00[23:40:40] <02Klaus> Laplace opens up the battle with a flash of lights as he spins around and sends strobe light flashes at Flicker. Confuse Ray! (no AC, auto-hits)
  129. [23:40:57] <14Jarold> 1d20 Confused
  130. [23:40:58] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, Confused: 20 [1d20=20]
  131. 00[23:41:06] <02Klaus> (well, bollocks :I)
  132. [23:41:10] <14Jarold> I'll retaliate with the same
  133. [23:41:15] <14Jarold> Now your confuzzled
  134. 00[23:41:16] <02Klaus> 1d20 confusion check
  135. 04[23:41:17] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, confusion check: 6 [1d20=6]
  136. [23:41:27] <14Jarold> Lol?
  137. 00[23:41:37] 14: Klaus fizzles with electrical power. It doesn't look very fun.
  138. [23:41:42] <14Jarold> 1d20 Flame Burst
  139. [23:41:42] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, Flame Burst: 11 [1d20=11]
  140. 00[23:41:46] <02Klaus> (hits)
  141. [23:41:53] <14Jarold> 2d12+16+15+4
  142. [23:41:54] <14DiceMaid-9001> Jarold, 2d12+16+15+4: 49 [2d12=10,4]
  143. 00[23:42:07] * BigTentacruel is now known as Mrrn
  144. 00[23:42:34] <02Klaus> Laplace doesn't take the hit very well
  145. 00[23:42:36] <02Klaus> 1d20 confuse
  146. 04[23:42:37] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, confuse: 16 [1d20=16]
  147. [23:42:46] <14Jarold> (Doesn't that cure it?)
  148. 00[23:42:49] <02Klaus> He retaliates with a large bolt of lightning!
  149. 00[23:42:51] <02Klaus> 1d20 thunderbolt
  150. 04[23:42:53] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, thunderbolt: 18 [1d20=18]
  151. [23:43:08] <14Jarold> That'll hit
  152. 00[23:43:23] <02Klaus> 4d12+17+14+4
  153. 04[23:43:24] <14DiceMaid-9001> Klaus, 4d12+17+14+4: 70 [4d12=11,8,12,4]
  154. [23:43:50] <14Jarold> 1HKO
  155. [23:44:01] <14Jarold> -5 HP
  156. 00[23:44:08] <02Klaus> (I know that feel. I've got a litwick in another game and I'm constantly scared of it literally dying)
  157. 00[23:44:39] <02Klaus> (800 exp)
  158. [23:44:43] <14Jarold> 690 XP Drop
  159. 00[23:44:48] <02Klaus> (yes, that's with the halving)
  160. [23:45:02] <14Jarold> Holy crap, what's it's base XP value?
  161. 00[23:45:06] <02Klaus> (40)
  162. [23:45:51] <14Jarold> shall we /session then?
  163. 00[23:45:58] <02Klaus> (yup, thanks for the battle)
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