
Download Freedom and Security

Apr 21st, 2015
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  2. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/freedom-and-security/
  3. The USA Patriot Act came about after 9/11. The Act remains in use today with some slight modifications. On the other hand, FISA has been in use since the mid-1970s. Both Acts are highly controversial and are foreign to the average citizen. National security always requires a balancing act between freedom and security. As the saying goes, freedom is not free. In a well-written paper, describe the primary elements and/or components of the USA Patriot Act and FISA and research how the media has conveyed the main messages and elements of both acts. Has the media portrayal and general public perception of these Acts been accurate? Based on what you have learned about both acts, were your prior knowledge or perceptions about these two acts accurate? Explain your findings. Finally, discuss if you believe we are more secure with these acts in place. When answering this portion of the assignment consider how many (or how few) terror attacks we have had on U.S. soil since 9/11. Support your position with evidence. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and formatted to APA Requirements. Cite at least three credible outside sources for support with in text citations.
  5. Download: http://writingsdepot.com/downloads/freedom-and-security/
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