
Rainbow Dash Necro

Apr 4th, 2014
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  1. >it's raining
  2. >you feel the rain soaking the clothes on your back as you walk through the mud
  3. >looking for Rainbow Dash, she's a little far from home
  4. >you pull a small wagon with you, carrying a couple of her favorite things
  5. >maybe she'd enjoy some of the toys you brought for her
  6. >the sun is sinking, the light is dimming, as you reach the familiar empty patch
  7. >your boots carry you to the place where you would both make love every night
  8. >you look around for any signs of any other ponies
  9. >there are none
  10. >they're all inside, they wouldn't expect you to be out in the rain
  11. >a good thing, you probably didn't want them to see you with Dashie anyways
  12. >you reach for your wagon, wood all wet, and take out a lamp, setting it nearby
  13. >and you reach again for a shovel
  14. >you dig it down into the dirt
  15. >just like every other night
  17. >the process goes slowly, the water not really helping
  18. >you guess the guards or whatever don't really consider guarding the cemetary
  19. >after all, why would they be here in the rain?
  20. >you dig your shovel in, dropping dirt out, careful not to muddy her tombstone
  21. >taken too soon
  22. >you were never ready to leave her
  23. >and you won't be any time soon
  24. >she left you her house, but every inch reminds you of her
  25. >you sold it
  26. >she wouldn't have liked that
  27. >she probably wouldn't have liked your decision to bury her here anyways
  28. >that's what she gets for leaving you so soon
  29. >several more digs, and you've made a noticeable indentation
  30. >you swear, you're sweating in the cold rain
  32. >the rest of the endeavor goes by without any distractions
  33. >you saw a light go on at the far end
  34. >a house, nothing more
  35. >the tree nearby hides you well
  36. >and finally the shovel hits hard wood
  37. >you can't help but smile as the familiar excitement rises up in you again
  38. >your love, once again reuinited for another night
  39. >you pick out the last of the dirt, the rain making the entire thing a messy affair
  40. >the mud keeps sliding in, but you've dug enough to bring the coffin out
  41. >you set the wooden casket nearby, and take a hammer from your wagon
  42. >you insisted on nails, just a precaution
  43. >you pried the nails, and finally lift the lid, setting the hammer on the side
  44. >and there your love lies, almost as beautiful as the day she left you
  46. >you bend down on your knees, your hands reaching for her body
  47. >you feel your knees wet in the mud, but it doesn't matter
  48. >the stench hits you, and you forget that she stopped taking care of herself
  49. >silly Rainbow Dash, now's a good time for a shower
  50. >you smile at her, but she doesn't really appreciate your joke
  51. >you set her down, reaching over for a clothespin, as you pinch your nose
  52. >you haven't gotten used to the smell yet
  53. >you rub your hands over her stomach, her coat is pristine
  54. >almost
  55. >cum stains covered her fur, though the rain is starting to clean it up
  56. >and there are holes in her body, imperfections marring your perfect pony
  57. >they never mastered the art of preserving bodies
  58. >a shame, really
  59. >you bring her body out, laying her back on the mud below
  60. >it takes some effort, and soon her stone cold body lies beneath you
  61. >the mud speckles her fur, her backside and wings are colored an ugly brown
  62. >it doesn't matter, you start unzipping
  64. >your dick flops out, and the rain pounds on it
  65. >it's a weird sensation, but it gets you hard
  66. >of course, looking at your Dashie only gets it harder
  67. >you chuckle a little, laying down on top of her
  68. >your dick prods at her wet entrancy, and it feels like you're pushing against softened flesh
  69. >you arch your back, and bring it back, looking at your dick
  70. >there's a piece of her rotten marehood on it
  71. >you take a finger and flick it off
  72. >she did always like foreplay
  73. >you didn't figure her for a pony that did
  74. >you reach your finger into her vagina
  75. >feeling around the mushy flesh like you normally do
  76. >something touches you, something moving
  77. >you quickly look up, staring at her cum-covered snout
  78. >any sign of breath, any sign of life
  79. >nothing
  80. >you pick at the writhing thing, pulling it out
  81. >a maggot
  82. >you're not sharing tonight, you throw it out
  83. >and reach back, feeling around her
  84. "you like this, Dashie?"
  85. >your whispers go unanswered
  87. >you fondle her a little more, your other hand resting on her shoulder
  88. >you get a little excited and hear a little crack
  89. >she'll last
  90. >you take your hand out, looking at some of the flesh and probably cum on it
  91. >you reach up, sticking it in her mouth
  92. >on her tongue, and you feel more of those maggots
  93. >whatever, you stick the tip of your dick at her entrance
  94. >prodding it, she's getting wet, she likes being teased
  95. >or maybe it's the rain, it doesn't matter either way
  96. >you thrust it in, and you look up, expecting a gasp
  97. >nothing, she's sleeping
  98. >something slithers around your cock
  99. >and you hilt
  100. >you feel something crawling near your urethra
  101. >picking at it
  102. >you start thrusting, hoping the heat would scare it away
  103. >your hands now bare down on her shoulders
  104. >you thrusting hard into your love, she taking every inch of your dick
  105. >her body bounces up and down, her head turns aside, her tongue lolling out
  106. >you can see some larvae on it, her tongue is riddled with them
  107. >you bring a hand to it, scrapping some of it away as you pump the mare
  108. >some of her tongue comes off, along with the maggots
  109. >you wipe it off your jacket
  111. >you feel the familiar orgasm reaching
  112. >her cold hard vagina somehow managing to feel like it's wrapping around you
  113. >movement of the maggots coaxing you to cum
  114. >you lean down, close to her snout, as you bring her to face you
  115. >your mouths connect, you move your tongue over hers as you reach the final moments
  116. >you taste her juices, her putrid putrid juices, before you lean back, spitting it out
  117. >as you finally cum inside your mare
  118. >you notice some of the maggots from where you spat
  119. >you continue thrusting into her, riding out the orgasm
  120. >cumming inside her, sending wave after wave of seed into her dead womb
  121. >and soon you pull out
  122. >green rotting fluids, flesh, maggots, and cum all sheath your dick
  123. >you wipe it on her flank
  124. >and you get up, zipping
  125. >the rain hasn't relents, but you've got several more hours until daylight
  126. >you turn back to your wagon, refilling your lamp
  127. >taking out a bottle of wine
  129. >you prop your little Dashie up on her casket, she's lying down on top of it
  130. >you hold out two glasses, like you normally do
  131. >something moves within your pants
  132. >without hesitation, you unzip and whip out your dick
  133. >somehow, another of those worms managed to stay
  134. >you take it out, dropping it in the nearby dirt
  135. >and sit down on the wagon, your dick hanging out
  136. >after all, Dashie's sleeping, she wouldn't care
  137. >you drink to your health, and Dashie's
  138. >pouring the wine down her gullet
  139. >hopefully you drown those parasites
  140. >you sit down, taking a look at the lamp
  141. >your oil would be your timer
  142. >and so you sit, reminiscing with your mare about the old days
  143. >how you told her about your old life
  144. >how she talked about her friends
  145. >and the wonderbolts
  146. >so much potential
  147. >you look up, glad the rain hides your tears as memories flood back
  149. >a couple hours later, and her exposed marehood manages to get you hard again
  150. >you stand up, a little tipsy
  151. >you probably drank too much
  152. >your vision is somewhat blurry, that's probably the rain
  153. >there's a large pool of water in her grave now
  154. >you stand up, walking towards your love
  155. >you almost slip, but your boots manage to grip the mud below
  156. >you rest your cock against her mouth
  157. >she never liked this, you suppose that's a benefit of her sleeping
  158. >you tilt her mouth a little, watching as some of her rotting fluids pour out
  159. >her tongue looks mushy, but still fuckable
  160. >you place your cock inside her mouth
  161. >maybe it's the alcohol, but the maggots feel nice
  162. >in fact they make you even harder
  163. >and you start pumping into her mouth
  165. >you grip her mane, expecting to find dried patches of cum
  166. >of course, the rain is cleaning her mane
  167. >you stroke it as you pump into her
  168. >you try going in deep, letting the worms tickle your nutsack as they writhe
  169. >you reach the back of her throat, expecting the familiar vibrations of her choking
  170. >of course, she doesn't react, she's sleeping
  171. >you grip her head a little harder, thrusting a little faster
  172. >why won't she wake up?
  173. >doesn't she know you're fucking her, suffocating, like she didn't like?
  174. >there's so response, and a small sob escapes you
  175. >you continue thrusting into the mare
  176. >you feel yourself reaching your second orgasm
  177. >and you cum once again into her mouth
  178. >mingling whatever juices there with your seed again
  179. >and pull out
  180. "please, just say something"
  181. >cum pours out of her mouth, and she fails to reply
  183. >you kneel by her giving her chest a hard thump
  184. "why did you leave?"
  185. >you give it another whack
  186. >and another
  187. >you hear cracks
  188. >and soft thumps as you squeze whatever soft flesh there was
  189. >and you finally collapse onto her corpse
  190. >sobbing, your limp-maggot covered cock leaning out
  191. >all those memories
  192. >those times you spent with her
  193. >never again
  194. >you feel something touch your back
  195. >you look up quickly
  196. "R-rainbow?"
  197. >the lamp went out while you were crying
  198. >you see a figure
  199. >it's dark
  200. >a small shove
  201. >everything's a blur
  202. >liquid surrounds you
  203. >and you feel something on your face
  205. >you taste soil, spitting it out
  206. >your head is spinning, you don't even know what's happening
  207. >you hear a splash as something falls down
  208. >and a thump as another smack of dirt falls on your stomach
  209. "R-rainbow?"
  210. >your speech is somewhat slurred
  211. >there's no response, only the rhythmic thumping and splashing of dirt
  212. >you try to stand up, only to slip and fall
  213. "Help me, Rainbow"
  214. >your words are weak, it's still all dark
  215. >you manage to get on your knees
  216. >about to crawl before something hits your head
  217. >and you crash to the muddied, liquid ground below
  218. >you quickly jerk up, spitting out the fluids
  219. >and another whack
  220. >you fall
  221. >and feel a massive wood casket falling on you
  222. >it feels heavy
  223. >like your tools were dumped in
  224. >it pins you down
  225. >you can't move up
  226. >the liquid surrounds you
  227. >you're running out of air
  228. "h-help"
  229. >your words only come out in your final air bubble
  230. >you choke
  231. >the lack of oxygen burning
  232. >your vision fades
  233. >you try to struggle
  234. >before darkness settles
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