Guest User


a guest
May 8th, 2011
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text 1.16 KB | None | 0 0
  1. version 12.2
  2. no service pad
  3. service timestamps debug datetime msec
  4. service timestamps log datetime msec
  5. no service password-encryption
  6. !
  7. hostname c3560
  8. !
  9. boot-start-marker
  10. boot-end-marker
  11. !
  12. !
  13. !
  14. !
  15. no aaa new-model
  16. system mtu routing 1500
  17. ip routing
  18. !
  19. !
  20. !
  21. !
  22. !
  23. !
  24. !
  25. !
  26. spanning-tree mode pvst
  27. spanning-tree extend system-id
  28. !
  29. vlan internal allocation policy ascending
  30. !
  31. !
  32. !
  33. !
  34. interface FastEthernet0/1
  35. switchport access vlan 2
  36. switchport mode access
  37. no cdp enable
  38. !
  39. interface FastEthernet0/2
  40. switchport access vlan 3
  41. switchport mode access
  42. no cdp enable
  43. !
  44. interface FastEthernet0/3
  45. switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
  46. switchport mode trunk
  47. !
  48. interface FastEthernet0/4
  49. !
  50. interface FastEthernet0/5
  51. !
  52. interface FastEthernet0/6
  53. !
  54. interface FastEthernet0/7
  55. !
  56. interface FastEthernet0/8
  57. !
  58. interface GigabitEthernet0/1
  59. !
  60. interface Vlan1
  61. no ip address
  62. !
  63. interface Vlan2
  64. description "Internet ISP1"
  65. no ip address
  66. !
  67. interface Vlan3
  68. description "Internet ISP2"
  69. no ip address
  70. !
  71. ip classless
  72. ip http server
  73. ip http secure-server
  74. !
  75. !
  76. ip sla enable reaction-alerts
  77. !
  78. !
  79. !
  80. line con 0
  81. line vty 5 15
  82. !
  83. end
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