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Feb 27th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Genocidal Jet: you added me?
  3. Genocidal Jet: can i help you?
  4. Chris: yes
  5. Chris: do u have team speak
  6. Genocidal Jet: for?
  7. Chris: to talk about survive the nights
  8. Genocidal Jet: what about
  9. Chris: because we wish to makepeace with ur group
  10. Genocidal Jet: for what reason?
  11. Genocidal Jet: you do know why we arent allies at the moment correct
  12. Chris: i understand that
  13. Chris: we wish to change that
  14. Chris: can u pls come in this teamspeak
  15. Chris:
  16. Chris: There will move u
  17. Genocidal Jet: id rather type it out to have better proof and see what being said in a chat
  18. Chris: um okay well can we voice chat
  19. Call from Chris started.
  20. Genocidal Jet: sorry my mic is a little broken
  21. Call with Chris ended.
  22. Chris: can we pls use teams speak
  23. Genocidal Jet: as for i cant talk is the main reason i have a chat
  24. Your chat with Chris is now a multi-user chat.
  25. Chris: this is our diplomate eddy
  26. Chris: whom ive invited
  27. The chat room has been unlocked (opened to anyone) by Chris.
  28. Chris: okay
  29. Eddy Bravo entered chat.
  30. Eddy Bravo: Start voice chat please
  31. Eddy Bravo: on steam
  32. Eddy Bravo: just have to listen
  33. Chris: okay jey
  34. Chris: jet
  35. Genocidal Jet: yes?
  36. Eddy Bravo: Are you coming onto the steam voice chat. You only have to listen
  37. Genocidal Jet: i am not
  38. Eddy Bravo: Well I heard you have concerns about our group
  39. Eddy Bravo: would you like to voice then to us?
  40. Genocidal Jet: sorry i dont have any audio devices to hear at the moment i have to get a new headset
  41. Eddy Bravo: That's ok :)
  42. Eddy Bravo: So
  43. Eddy Bravo: would you like to voice your concerns?
  44. Genocidal Jet: well i guess first off why all of a sudden to you wish to become allies?
  45. Eddy Bravo: Well I think it would be good that we set up good relations and work together
  46. Eddy Bravo: We don't have to esculate right away to an alliance per say
  47. Eddy Bravo: We can trade and help each other to grow
  48. Eddy Bravo: then we can take it from there
  49. Eddy Bravo: if we work together and trade we might as well have a millitary alliance on top of that anyway
  50. [US] The Gaming Scots entered chat.
  51. Genocidal Jet: okay.
  52. Eddy Bravo: So to iron out the details how about this: Millitary alliance, open trade between our nations (allowing us to make proposals freely and accept or decline the proposals)
  53. Eddy Bravo: Which I think would be fair as a basis to our relationship
  54. Genocidal Jet: well i am wondering what is your take on the LUX group of STN i heard awhile back that you guys we alies and somthing happen, one of my pals is part of the group so he lets me know a few things whats up with that how are thing going with them?
  55. Chris: ??
  56. Eddy Bravo: I have one question first before I answer yours: What have you heard our relations are?
  57. Genocidal Jet: well i heard it was running smothly for a while then it got edgy but still like you guys
  58. Eddy Bravo: Yeah well that's how it is. There are a few issues between the groups members but we are allied and we fully intended to support each other and to have peace
  59. Eddy Bravo: We are offering you the same with us
  60. Eddy Bravo: just without the members disliking each other bit :)
  61. Genocidal Jet: i noticed you added the Gaming scots is he the leader of your group?
  62. Eddy Bravo: Yes
  63. Eddy Bravo: I am the diplomat
  64. Genocidal Jet: how come he hasnt said anything
  65. Eddy Bravo: This is between you and I as I am the diplomat
  66. Eddy Bravo: If you wish to speak with him
  67. Eddy Bravo: I can allow it
  68. [US] The Gaming Scots: Because i am talking to him in TS, and reading
  69. Genocidal Jet: But hes your leader souldnt he have a say in chat i just want it to be clear.
  70. Eddy Bravo: Yes of course he is our leader. They were originally here to observe the conversation
  71. Eddy Bravo: If you two wish to talk I don't think anyone would mind
  72. Eddy Bravo: Feel free to ask Scots any question if you would rather
  73. Genocidal Jet: ah okay i was just wondering
  74. [US] The Gaming Scots: I am the leader, but its not my job to do diplomacy
  75. Genocidal Jet: so i have another question then if you dont mind me asking?
  76. Eddy Bravo: Sure of course anything
  77. Genocidal Jet: this one is for your leader to answer
  78. Eddy Bravo: Ok no problem
  79. [US] The Gaming Scots: Go Ahead
  80. Genocidal Jet: okay sorry if that was a little rude of me here it goes.
  81. Genocidal Jet: when did you guys decide to become what you are today instead of the Militia you were in the past?
  82. [US] The Gaming Scots: About mid January
  83. Genocidal Jet: why so sudden of a change though?
  84. [US] The Gaming Scots: Wasent really sudden, we worked on it for a couple of weeks, moving to a more Society/Republic based system rather than a Militia, but still having a strong Military wing
  85. Genocidal Jet: okay.
  86. Genocidal Jet: thanks for the answer
  87. [US] The Gaming Scots: Your Welcome
  88. Eddy Bravo: Have you got any other questions and do you accept the agreements I suggested?
  89. Eddy Bravo: So to iron out the details how about this: Millitary alliance, open trade between our nations (allowing us to make proposals freely and accept or decline the proposals)
  90. Genocidal Jet: at the moment i am still at a tipping point since of our pass but i do like what i see
  91. Genocidal Jet: so.
  92. Eddy Bravo: Well I mean things have changed and I would like to stress to you how trust worthy we are. We are also a democratic society which will of course stress peace and prosperity
  93. Genocidal Jet: give me time to think about it and ill give you a better answer then know
  94. Eddy Bravo: I think it would be in both our best interest to have this agreement
  95. Eddy Bravo: I understand if you wish
  96. Eddy Bravo: Shall we conclude the meeting?
  97. Genocidal Jet: with our past trust is not fully there so like i said just gotta give it time
  98. Eddy Bravo: I totally understand
  99. Eddy Bravo: Ok so we are done here for now :) I am here in chat if you wish to continue this conversation
  100. Genocidal Jet: okay then for a later date then?
  101. Eddy Bravo: Yeah ok sure a later date we can talk about this :)
  102. Genocidal Jet: okay then
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