Partial Possession Chungus Chapter 13

Sep 16th, 2015
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  1. >Each of them round the chariot and walk up to the podium, nodding to all of you
  2. >Most bow, aside from Twilight, Chungus, Fluttershy, and you
  3. >Oh, Fluttershy tries. You stop her.
  4. >They don't seem to notice, though, and start a speech in thanks to the inhabitants of Ponyville for the warm welcome
  5. >Some bullshit about how the celebration is not only in her honor, but everyone's, or whatever. You're not listening, just cackling on the inside.
  6. >Eventually it ends, and the crowd cheers. The sisters turn to the group of you, and Celestia gives a warm hug to Twilight. "Hello, my little ponies, how are you?"
  7. >Each of the six respond in turn, expressing their joy at seeing them. Music starts somewhere in the background as the festivities begin taking place
  8. >Luna turns to you and Chungus, smiling cordially. "Greetings! I presume you are the two special guests to Our town."
  9. >"Indeed. Pleased to meet you." Chungus said, lying through his fake teeth made of lies. And magic.
  10. "'Sup?"
  11. >If your lack of respect towards royalty bothers her, she doesn't show it. "If it would please you, my sister and I would like to speak with you inside."
  12. "Sure thing."
  13. >"Of course."
  14. >She turns to Celestia and nods, and they lead you into the town hall, where a meeting room had been set up.
  15. >Celestia and Luna sat on one end, you and Chungus the other. The Mayor and the six others sat on either side.
  16. >Twilight and the Mayor were the closest to the sisters, and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were sat closest to your end.
  17. >Celestia spoke first. "I've heard much about you from Twilight's reports, but I'm sorry to say I don't know you from appearances. Would you please introduce yourselves?"
  18. >Chungus was about to speak, but Pinkie leaned over and give him a bright smile and a rotating hand gesture that seemed to mean "Go for it!"
  23. >He sighed, and in a flash of green, returned to a Changeling form. The suit still fit, though. "I'm Chungus, from the Hive."
  24. >Rainbow shivered and muttered. "Changelings look so weird..."
  25. >He looked to her. "Should I take a female form to please your eyes, or shall we continue?"
  26. >You barely held back your laughter, and she sighed. "Yeah, I deserved that."
  27. >Celestia and Luna's expressions stayed bright, though you sense they're at least somewhat disturbed. "Well, it is very good to meet you. And you?" They turned to you.
  28. "I'm princess Anon."
  29. >They blinked, and Luna spoke first. "Oh, you are royalty as well?"
  30. "Yes. It's a bit complicated to explain, but I'm a princess."
  31. >"Of what territory?" Luna smiled, intrigued.
  32. "The Hive."
  33. >Chungus raised an eyebrow. "You're not even a Changeling."
  34. "I'm not native royalty. I'm still a princess."
  35. >Celestia leaned forward ever so slightly. "Please, explain."
  36. "So."
  37. >You pointed to Fluttershy
  38. "After I died and became a lich, I fucked her."
  39. >A gasp escaped from each pony at the table, and the pupils of the princesses shrunk.
  40. "This resulted in enough magic to raise Chungus from the dead. His ashes were in my jar; My body."
  41. >You stood up and put your hooves on the table, looking them in the eye.
  42. "He gestated in my glass lich womb. I got pregnant with Chungus. I am his undead mother. Not only is he the only person in the world to have three biological mothers, all of different species, and one of them undead, this means both I and Fluttershy are Chrysalis' sisters in law, and/or spouses. We are both Princesses now."
  43. >Each of their jaws dropped, and you pointed at Twilight, materializing a horn on your forehead.
  44. "Suck it. SUCK IT, TWILIGHT! I'm a princess now! I didn't need your help! I win! I win at being a pony!"
  45. >You sit back down and grin, basking in the victory.
  46. >Celestia was the first to speak. "Wow. I don't think that's how royalty usually works, but I have to give you this one. Nice to meet you, Princess Anon."
  50. >Fluttershy was a stammering wreck. She was hiding behind her hair, and any part you could see of her face was bright red.
  51. >Chungus was mortified, looking down at each of his hooves and then back up at the princesses, mouth still agape
  52. >Twilight was expressionless, frozen.
  53. >Pinkie started a slow clap.
  54. >Finally, Chungus shuddered back to reality. "You said we would never speak of that again!"
  55. "I also said I wasn't a girl, but no one in the entire town listened to that!"
  56. >Rainbow threw her arms up. "How did you even--"
  57. "Whatever you're about to say, the answer is I am amazing. Now, we should probably actually get to peaceful relations between Equestria and the Hive, because I don't want Chungus to have to choose between his friends here and his life there. I might be a cunt, but he is kind of important to me, and not just because he's my undead son."
  58. >"Right." Luna said, "To peaceful relations."
  61. >What followed was an hour and half of negotiations and suggestions between Chungus and the princesses. Other than you, that is.
  62. >You spent most of it holding hooves with Fluttershy under the table and trying to calm her down without drawing much attention
  63. >Her hyperventilation ended fairly quickly, though she stayed a shade of pink for quite a while.
  64. >You removed your horn. You don't really need it to perform magic anyways, and it looks kind of silly on you.
  65. >Celestia stood up. "This has been quite enlightening, Chungus. I'm glad to have an opportunity to speak with you. May we perhaps continue this on a later date?"
  66. >He looked down for a moment, considering, and then stood up himself. "Agreed. It has been interesting."
  67. >They smiled, and everyone else stood up. She continued, "Now, I have my own duties for the celebration too, so I must be leaving. It's great to see you all."
  68. >They said likewise, and everyone gave their goodbyes.
  73. >Fluttershy stepped next to you and spoke in a whispering voice. "I-I h-have to go take care of the animals, too..."
  74. >You chuckle and kiss her on the cheek.
  75. "No problem. I'm sorry, by the way. I got carried away pretty bad."
  76. >She blinked a few times, looking to the side. "I suppose they already knew, anyways...Besides, it's kind of nice to be technical royalty." You grin and sigh, staring at her.
  77. "You really are too kind to me. Thank you."
  78. >She smiled back, and gave you a quick hug, then left.
  79. >Chungus switched back to a disguise, and you were the last two to walk out, other than the Mayor. "You realize that's not how nobility works, right? At all."
  80. "Yeah, I suppose. Celestia christened me though, so I'll take it. Aren't you technically a princess, anyways?"
  81. >"I am a prince, yes. Everyone in the Hive is a prince or princess. Aside from Mother, that is."
  82. "You can't be a prince. It's Equestria. You either have to be a princess or evil."
  83. >"Man, I do miss the Hive." He took a deep breath and looked up
  84. "I miss you not looking like a disposable background character."
  85. >He hung his head. "I'm bad at looking unique."
  86. "A pain I know all too well."
  87. >The both of you stepped outside, and he raised an eyebrow. "YOU can sympathize with not being able to stand out? Really?"
  88. "Yeah, how do you think I died? Not making that mistake twice."
  89. >He winced. "Sorry."
  90. "Don't worry about it. It's all in the past now."
  91. >You float up in the air, and he rolled his eyes. "I can see up your skirt, you know."
  92. "It's a fucking toga you illiterate cunt!"
  93. >You dropped back to the ground, before it dawned on you
  94. "We don't even wear clothes--you're really enjoying my suffering aren't you?"
  95. >He grinned. "I'm more enjoying the fact that you're not acting like you're suffering that much. You enjoy this, don't you?"
  96. >You huffed and crossed your arms, floating slightly above the ground again.
  101. "So, what are we gonna do?"
  102. >He shrugged. "I don't know. All the others seem to be busy with their other friends and responsibilities."
  103. "What nerds."
  104. >You look across the street. Dozens of ponies busily move from place to place, laughing and chattering about the importance of the day.
  105. >A group of mares walk by, one of them stopping to admire your dress, then giving you a friendly wink and continuing on her path.
  106. >You sigh and slump over.
  107. "I've never wanted to go home and play video games more in my life."
  108. >Chungus frowned. "I know the feeling. Assuming 'video' games are like regular games."
  109. "Hey Chungus, you got any bits on you?"
  110. >"No."
  111. "Fuck. Could you do alchemy or something and make some?"
  112. >"We could just get a job."
  113. >You groan and continue walking down the street, looking from stand to stand.
  114. >Some are offering free samples but you're too awkward to actually go ask for one without a unconditionally loving pony by your side
  115. >And fuck knows Chungus would abandon you at first sight of trouble. Smart man. You respect that. You'll destroy his social life last.
  116. >You continue down the street for a few steps and then you stop.
  117. "Chungus, what is my name?"
  118. >"I do not understand the question."
  119. "Tell me what my name is."
  120. >"I believe it to be Anon--"
  121. "A-FUCKING-NON!"
  122. >You march over to a stand offering various small confections as samples and grab one, shoving it down your throat before the owner can utter a first word
  123. >Once you finish, you pull it fully formed through your ectoplasmic cheek, placing it back on the tray.
  124. "I've eaten better. Eight out of ten, A for effort."
  125. >Her eyes widened, and you continue walking before she can so much as utter a "What".
  126. >True to your hypothesis, Chungus is nowhere to be seen.
  127. >That's okay. You can track him down. You have NOTHING better to do than to follow around and embarass him.
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