
Here booze

Nov 7th, 2013
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  1. [21:37:27] Mist_[Cloaked] reaches to building's door and hesitantly opens it up, poking her head inside
  2. [21:38:31] <GoldenTouch> *The building has a dark lighting, nobody's working durring this time*
  3. [21:40:06] Mist_[Cloaked] walks into the ominous looking room, looking through the interior with a slight worry and sits down next to reception
  4. [21:41:03] Mist_[Cloaked] opens the satchel, looking at grey overcloak with the corner of her eye before she extracts a paper with pencil
  5. [21:41:31] GoldenTouch shakes off a tuffle of snow from his head and opens the door "Hello?"
  6. [21:42:22] Mist_[Cloaked] takes the pencil into her mouth wanting to start writing, but gets interrupted why the door
  7. [21:42:37] <GoldenTouch> [why the door, I dunno its the proper way to enter a building]
  8. [21:42:57] <Mist_[Cloaked]> (*By the door)
  9. [21:43:01] <GoldenTouch> [I know~]
  10. [21:43:48] GoldenTouch trots in and sees the cloacked mare sitting down "Heh, sorry I'm late mist, here allow me" he goes behind the counter and walks around with a firestarter, lighting up the room
  11. [21:44:06] <GoldenTouch> [>The candles, not literally lighting the walls on fire]
  12. [21:44:16] <Mist_[Cloaked]> (Aww)
  13. [21:44:57] <GoldenTouch> [hue, /me grabs mist "I'M PULLING A PENNY, AND YOUR COMING WITH ME~" he throws her into the fire laughing maniacly]
  14. [21:47:38] Mist_[Cloaked] puts the paper and pencil back into container and closes it up, "Had to grab a pony from outside, you know."
  15. [21:51:02] GoldenTouch closes the door
  16. [21:54:30] <Umbra_Electrum|mobile> [Golden please, Penny is too waterlogged to go die in a fire]
  17. [21:54:49] <GoldenTouch> [hue]
  18. [22:05:44] GoldenTouch continues shifting around for something around the counter, finding it
  19. [22:07:16] <GoldenTouch> "Mhmm, and forgive me for sending my little friend to get you, but I couldn't just ruin everything you'd built up right there in the inn"
  20. [22:07:31] Mist_[Cloaked] raises her brow, "Whatever do you mean?"
  21. [22:07:43] Rain[FaddedTwiColors] [] is now known as RainInBed
  22. [22:07:49] RainInBed [] has quit IRC:
  23. [22:08:11] GoldenTouch sits down in a chair "Please, lets just cut the formalities, your not from earth, your from equestria, I've gotten testimonies from sourses saying you work at the embassy"
  24. [22:09:57] Mist_[Cloaked] blinks at him several time and giggles, "My oh my, you say cut the 'formalities', yet use such a serious tone, mister Touch, especially for a little mare like. Testimonies? What's next, prosecution?"
  25. [22:10:20] Hidden_Glimmer [] has joined #FourCannon-Spa
  26. [22:11:53] GoldenTouch rolls his eyes and smiles "I guess your right, sorry, I'm not here to do any of that, I just...I have some questions thats all"
  27. [22:12:39] <Mist_[Cloaked]> "And here I thought that there were no guards around these parts... now a new arrival is being interrogated.", she sighs and looks at the door with weary eyes
  28. [22:13:31] <GoldenTouch> "Look, can you please just tell me why your here, and by the way my offer from before still stands, your free to use the back room if you want"
  29. [22:18:34] Mist_[Cloaked] shifts her gaze back to the pegasus, "I am here for the same reason why everypony else is, mister Touch, and this is only but a third day. All I'm trying to do is find a piece of my own land and help everypony to the best I can."
  30. [22:20:20] <GoldenTouch> "So why do you keep the cloak on? afriad people will see your cutie mark?"
  31. [22:22:35] Mist_[Cloaked] casts a look of disapproval at him, "Why can't you ponies understand that I don't like cold weather?"
  32. [22:24:01] <GoldenTouch> "Then you'll have no problem taking it off right now, the spa is perfectly heated, and I mean you shouldn't have a problem with helping put a mind who's worried for his town at ease by doing that would you?"
  33. [22:29:16] Mist_[Cloaked] puts the hood over her head and crosses her forelegs, "And then there is constant... constant this.", she mumbles and looks away, "Don't you ponies have more important things to worry about? I've already answered your question, mister Touch. Is that going to be all?"
  34. [22:33:20] GoldenTouch goes and walks over to her, handing her a small white vial "Your going to be asked by alot more people the same questions and they're all going to ask to see your cutie mark, and if you plan on staying 'Hidden' as you obviously have so far, they're going to demand evidence to prove it, use this, it should match your coat, you won't have to worry about people discovering anything."
  35. [22:34:26] <GoldenTouch> "And if your still saying no to my offer to stay here, thats the only thing I needed you for"
  36. [22:40:54] Mist_[Cloaked] smiles warmly at the pegasus as she observes the vial, "And what do we have in this small vial, if I may ask?", she giggles and breathes out warm air into her hoof, "Staying or not, mister Touch, I wouldn't want to be a burden to you. There are always sleeping halls and the inn."
  37. [22:42:36] <GoldenTouch> "Oh, the vial is a dye, if you so happen to have a cutie mark or not, cover it with that, nobody will be the wiser, and it really is no burden, it must suck for you really"
  38. [22:44:09] Mist_[Cloaked] rolls her eyes and takes the vial,
  39. [22:44:54] <GoldenTouch> "You know, being forced to stay out here in the cold sleeping halls, not having your own priavate room or comfy bed like the embassy"
  40. [22:46:41] Mist_[Cloaked] looks at the vial again, "A vial of white dye. Wonder where you've got this one from. Someone produces dyes out here?", she says quietly as she observes the bottle, "And why would you think that?"
  41. [22:48:54] <Mist_[Cloaked]> "You are saying as if it is horrible to stay with everypony in those dormitories."
  42. [22:49:45] <GoldenTouch> "The dye is imported from equestria, being the owner of a spa really has its perks" he says trotting toward the door "You know what I mean, out of everyone, why you? your coworkers sleep in their comfy beds and your stuck down with the people they probably dispise, for a plan greater than I can see probably"
  43. [22:57:59] Mist_[Cloaked] frowns and puts the vial into the satchel, "Everypony is so adamantly certain that we need to be despised out here. And as I've said, I don't see why I should despise anypony which whom I'm 'stuck down here'... why must I? The only thing that I'm feeling sad about are the stories that you lot convey and... and conditions that certain ponies live in."
  44. [23:02:07] <GoldenTouch> "Thats good to hear, I hope you realize, we're not all bad people...and I'm sorry If I've been to forward and pushy" he continues his trek to the door "I wonder why they sent us here in the first place, maybe all these sad stories could have been avoided, equestrians and humans living in harmony" he opens the door "Now i'm heaing back to the inn, I just want to be with my soon to be mother and
  45. [23:02:20] <GoldenTouch> wife, my offer still stands if you wanna stay here"
  46. [23:07:16] <Mist_[Cloaked]> "I... I will have to decline. For now.", she says with a distant voice and crack a small smile, "Have a good evening, mister Touch. How much did that bottle cost you?"
  47. [23:08:03] <GoldenTouch> "Around 15 bits, but keep it, its the least I can do"
  48. [23:09:11] Mist_[Cloaked] raises her brow, "Fifthteen? Alright."
  49. [23:09:43] GoldenTouch makes a :/ face "Yeah, should be less, but with inflation and import tax"
  50. [23:10:13] <Umbra_Electrum|mobile> (Meanwhile I'm sleeping in covers from a dead kings bed~)
  51. [23:10:34] <GoldenTouch> [Remember umbra, u quit, I could have paid you~]
  52. [23:10:36] Mist_[Cloaked] casts a look of suspicion at the spa owner, "Noted."
  53. [23:11:02] <Umbra_Electrum|mobile> (I never quit though)
  54. [23:11:40] GoldenTouch chuckles "Now enjoy the rest of your night mist, I'm sorry for keeping you so long, and remember my door is always open"
  55. [23:11:55] <Umbra_Electrum|mobile> (just....a lot of fucking things happened ;w;)
  56. [23:12:00] <GoldenTouch> [ooc pls]
  57. [23:13:22] <GoldenTouch> "And by the way, you should maybe come to flight training tommorow, subtly help some pegasi out"
  58. [23:13:29] Mist_[Cloaked] nods and puts the satchel around her neck, "I'll take a brief look around this place for a short while. Nice doll you have, by the way."
  59. [23:14:27] <Mist_[Cloaked]> "Flight training? You have courses set up for that too?"
  60. [23:14:39] GoldenTouch smiles "Eeyup"
  61. [23:15:42] <GoldenTouch> "Crude cloud rings, but we make due with what we have, we'll never get better if we don't"
  62. [23:17:07] Mist_[Cloaked] gives a small nod while she lets her warm breath envelop the right hoof near her muzzle, "Of course. We might have a talk about this later."
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