
Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-27 0325 +drkurjam

Dec 26th, 2015
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2015-12-27 0325 +drkurjam
  4. __
  7. +drkurjam __ Hahaha oh my. Of course I realise the audio was laggy at the start. Why would I complain about that? It doesn't matter! The audio at the crucial moment was NOT laggy. The laggy audio at the start of the video appears to be preemptive damage control just in case anyone noticed the glaring error that I have pointed out. It was so that people like yourself could say, _"oh look - the video was just a bit laggy - that must be why it happened!"_ *Hahaha don't be an amateur.*
  9. What baffles me is that no one in the years before my arrival has documented this most obvious movie making ERROR.
  11. *Do you understand I added the part about "dropped video frames" as a joke?* There are really just TWO FRAMES that matter. The frame BEFORE the teleportation and the frame where he has teleported. All that matters is the video at that moment. *Those frames were NOT laggy in terms of audio or video.* Furthermore, and this is best part: "dropped frames" cannot POSSIBLY be responsible for what we can all so clearly observe! Haha. Do you understand? Dropped frames cannot POSSIBLY be responsible!
  13. _*You obviously don't yet understand that I am much better at this than you.*_
  15. For your silly "dropped frames" theory to have any merit a number of things would need to be present that are not:
  17. 1) *Any kind of AUDIO GLITCH at the crucial moment BUT YET there is NONE!* Did you know that the "teleportation" happens just as he is saying *"thank you"?* Tell me, how many people do you know who give ANY pause *WHATSOEVER* between saying the words _"thank"_ and _"you"_ when simply saying *"thank you"* to someone?!?! Haha. For your flawed "dropped frames" theory to have any merit that needs to be the case - _but it wasn't._
  19. Had he been saying ANYTHING other than _"thank you"_ you MIGHT have had a case. Well, not really! Examining the audio reveals that *there is no audio glitch - _none whatsoever_ - and he is simply saying "thank you"*.
  21. When you listen to the relevant audio segment on LOOP without any video *you cannot notice WHEN the glitch occurs.* It is smooth and flawless. You cannot even detect a glitch when you KNOW where the video teleportation happens. The audio is simply perfect. The waveform is splendid. There are no gaps, no breaks, no defects, nothing. *Not even for a millisecond!* There are no audio defects WHATSOEVER. _There is nothing._
  23. And should I need to post a follow-up video to this then I will be showing the audio WAV on LOOP and asking people to determine WHEN and WHERE in the audio they think the "glitch" happens. Of course we should never ask a stranger a question where _we don't already know the answer._ The answer of course is that NO ONE can detect ANY glitch just from just listening to the audio.
  25. Onto the next aspect:
  27. 2) *You would expect to some - ANY - kind of POSITIONAL difference between the two frames when he teleports. *But there is none!* If (though more likely _when_) I post a follow-up video I will be showing the two frames side-by-side. Have you compared them side-by-side for yourself? I have. _*It's very telling!*_
  29. I will show that his EYE POSITIONS remain the SAME. I will show that his EYELID positions remain the SAME. I will show that his MOUTH and LIPS remains the SAME. *In fact EVERYTHING about him remains POSITIONALLY the SAME.* But yet we are to believe - _according to your ridiculous "dropped frames" theory_ - *that he has PHYSICALLY MOVED!* Hahaha _Yet for a guy who has moved [rather significantly] he has managed to remain IDENTICAL._
  31. You see - what's DIFFERENT between the two frames has nothing to do with his physical position. *It has EVERYTHING to do with his ENTIRE physical location AND the camera angle!*
  33. *And that's what reveals this to be video magic.* Because if the camera angle has changed - _as it seems to have done so_ (to create the INSTANT MOVEMENT) - *then the BACKGROUND SHOULD ALSO CHANGE!* But it hasn't - it remains identical. _That's what reveals this to be a trick._ Didn't you know that?
  35. He is in an identical position from FRAME A to FRAME B (and let's not forget that during the whole time the audio remains perfectly smooth and completely glitch free). *The ONLY difference is his apparent position on SCREEN and a SLIGHT camera angle change.*
  37. *Haha busted.* Are you REALLY going to argue this with me? ::disappointed::
  39. Before you go claiming that the "camera" has simply changed angles you need to understand that *EVERYTHING ELSE HAS REMAINED THE SAME!* Pay attention: *Had it been merely an instantaneous camera angle change then the background would ALSO slightly change.* _But it didn't._
  41. Damn! _Busted!_
  43. It's the camera which is allegedly filming the "astronaut" that appears to have CHANGED ANGLES *instantly.* This is what causes him to "teleport" from our perspective. That's game over. I have seen "ISS"/"NASA" footage do this time and time again. Only this one is sufficient to literally bring down the "ISS". ))
  45. This is "explained away" by unobservant people (including people like yourself) as being _"laggy video"_ or "_dropped frame rates"._ Haha but it's no such thing. *He instantly switches position - teleports - *because the CAMERA ANGLE CHANGES.* But nothing ELSE changes! *Which means the background isn't really WITH HIM.* If it were then when the "teleportation" happened (i.e., "camera angle change") *then the background would ALSO slightly move.* EVERYTHING would slightly move.
  47. *But it doesn't!* Only the alleged "astronaut" moves. _Busted!_
  49. If you are really going to insist that this is an issue to do with "dropped frames" then that is most disappointing! No such thing is happening and proving that it has nothing to do with "dropped video frames" *will be the easiest thing in the world to prove.*
  51. Making the effort will cause me to post an even better video than this one (although this one is sufficient for _thinking people_ if I want to reach the "masses" I would need to make an effort to point out all of the finer details like I am doing here for you).
  53. Just imagine a video going viral that *proves beyond all possible doubt* that the "ISS" has categorically *faked a phone call?!* ))
  55. *Is that what you'd like to see?* _It will be all thanks to you and your insistence of "dropped frame rates"!_
  57. This is what you (and many others) don't seem able to understand: *I am very good at what I do.* When it comes to *this* kind of thing - this is my bread and butter. I don't make mistakes and I don't make claims I cannot substantiate. In addition, if you are really going to insist to me that this is something it isn't *then you will have instantly destroyed your name and reputation.*
  59. Sure, I have no clue who you are so it's not like you had any credibility saved up with me but for me to take you seriously again you would need to go through the hassle of creating a new puppet account because this one has already been flagged as _corrupt._
  61. I'm strongly advising you to find some other way to do damage control for what I have pointed out. *You are going to need some other way to refute the idea that this is video magic.* But we both know it's video magic - _so why not just admit it and embrace it?_ How long do you think the alleged "ISS" can maintain its charade? *Eventually everyone else is going to see and accept the truth at some point.* What happens after that is anyone's guess. There will probably be a time of anarchy and then heads will literally roll! Maybe even yours!
  63. Anyone who peddles falsehoods will end up on the chopping block. That's where this is all headed.
  65. It is madness and stupidity to think the "ISS" can sustain this farce for another *ten years!*
  67. Insisting that this is the result of "dropped frames" cannot succeed. It can only backfire and make you look like you are here to lead people away from the truth. _Which I am pretty sure is what you're doing!_
  69. *I am much better at this than you and the lie system.* You should use what little time remains to come up with a better form of damage control. You have lost this one. It won't be long before everyone knows about this little glitch. ))
  71. And I'll be sure to include your comments to me in any follow-up video I post! Just so people know whose side you're on!
  75. __________________________________________
  76. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  79. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  82. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  85. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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