
Combat Maneuvers

Jun 2nd, 2014
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  1. So, I think it's time that we worked out a system for grappling, holding, tripping, disarming, and the like for our little game [spoiler]because some people like making this more like D&D, even myself to some extent[/spoiler]. Back in my cave quest, I used a rudimentary version of the idea I had, and I figured now is the time to try and make something of it. The idea I have is taken from Pathfinder, where we have a CMB vs. CMD type check. Basically, it breaks down into this.
  3. Everyone has a second AC, known as their CMD, or "Combat Maneuver Defense." It's calculated by adding base 10, your strength score, your dex score, and your Improved Attack Perk levels. This is not affected by armor.
  5. To achieve one of the desired maneuvers, you would roll with a modifier known as a CMB, or "Combat Maneuver Bonus." This is just a d20 roll, your strength perks, plus your "Improved Attack" perk level. If your CMB roll beats your opponents CMD, the maneuver is successful. For every size category larger you are than normal, you gain a +1 to CMB. For every size category smaller you are, you gain -1 to CMB.
  7. The maneuvers available, as I see it, are "Grapple," "Disarm," "Trip," and "Bull Rush."
  9. Grappling is when one party attempts to hold their opponent in place and stop them from making actions. After the CMB check is successful, the two combatants are considered in a grappled. In order to initiate a grapple, the attacker rolls a CMB check against an opponent's CMD; this action provokes an an attack of oppertunity.
  10. While being grappled, you cannot make any normal actions, with a few exceptions. You cannot move normally, attack with weapons, or use items. You can try to drag yourself 5 feet, attack unarmed, attempt to escape, or cast spells, but each of them requires the victim to make a CMB check on the opponents CMD. Casting spells is even more difficult, putting a -5 penalty on all casting checks, and requiring a check for magic missile. Additionally, you take a -2 on attack rolls against the grappler and suffer a -2 to AC.
  11. While grappling, you are limited as well, though not as severely as the opponent. You cannot move normally, attack with weapons or use items, but you can attack unarmed and cast spells. You do not need to make a CMB check to attack, and gain a +2 bonus to attack, but you cannot all-out attack or perform other special attack actions. Casting spells does not require a CMB check, though it does require a manifest check at a -2 penalty, and Magic Missile requires a roll. Additionally, the grappler may attempt to “pin” their opponent, rendering them helpless. This requires another CMB check. When pinned, the opponent takes a -4 penalty to AC and can take no actions other than trying to escape the pin (with a -2 to the CMB check) or cast a spell at a -10 to the caster check. The effects of pinning do not stack with grappled, but over-write it.
  12. More than one creature can attempt to grapple a foe; several guards can try to apprehend a suspect, thugs can work to hold a single target, etcetera. In this case, the creature that initiates the grapple is the only one that roll a CMB check, but receives a +2 bonus for each creature aiding the grappler.
  13. Additionally, more than one creature can attempt to help a grappled pony; they can try to help pull an attacker off, take their friend from the foe’s clutches and so on. In this case, when trying to escape a grapple or pin, the defender gains a +2 for each creature trying to aid in its escape.
  14. The agile and quick pegasi and bat ponies gain a +2 bonus to their CMD when attempting to be grappled and on CMD checks while grappled. However, they gain no bonuses when pinned.
  16. A pony can attempt to “Disarm” an opponent with a weapon rather than attack it. As with all other maneuvers, the attacker rolls their CMB against the opponent’s CMD. If the check succeeds, then the opponent is disarmed, their weapon on the ground next to them, and must spend their next turn going to pick it up if they wish to use it. An opponent who is fighting with hooves or other natural weapons cannot be unarmed, for obvious reasons. If an unarmed combatant attempts a disarm maneuver and beats the opponent’s CMD by 5 or more, then they may take the opponent’s weapon on their hooves. If anyone with a weapon fails a disarm attempt by 10 or more, then they are themselves disarmed.
  18. Rather than attack, a pony may attempt to “Trip” their opponent, rendering them pone on the ground for a turn. To do this, as with other maneuvers, the attacker must roll a CMB check versus the opponent’s CMD. If the attempt is successful, then the opponent is tripped, and prone on the ground. While prone, the opponent takes a -2 to AC against melee attacks, a -2 to attack rolls, and cannot attempt to fly. They can move up to half their speed. They may also spend a turn trying to get up. If the CMB check fails by 10 or more, then the attack himself is tripped.
  19. Earth ponies and zebras, being as well grounded as they are, gain a +2 on their CMB against being tripped.
  21. A “Bull Rush” is when you attempt to push an opponent back several feet by charging into them. To declare a bull rush, the attacker must first charger the opponent, and then bas a CMB roll. If the roll is successful, then the attacker pushes the defender back 5 feet. If failed, then the two combatants remain in place where they are. If the attacker rolls a natural 20 on the check, they may push the defender back up to 15 feet.
  25. Perks: Unless otherwise stated you may take each of these once
  26. Improved Grapple
  27. Be it through battlefield training, wrestling or other means, some ponies are good at holding opponents still. With this perk, a pony gains a +2 bonus on Grappling CMB checks and do not provoke an attack of opportunity.
  29. Tactical Training
  30. The best offense is a good defense, and some ponies train for it. When taking this perk, choose one maneuver. You gain a +2 bonus on CMD checks with that maneuver, which stacks with all natural and perk-bonuses. This perk may be taken more than once, up to four times. Each time, you select a different maneuver to gain a +2 bonus on.
  32. TK Bash [Unicorn only]
  33. Harnessing the power of their magic, unicorns are able to add telekinetic force to their weapon strikes, either adding more force to the strike, or causing their weapons to vibrate at a high frequency. With this perk, unicorns may add +2 to their disarm CMB checks and CMD.
  35. Horn Gore [Unicorn Only]
  36. A horn is good for more than just magic! With this perk, on a successful Bull Rush attempt, a unicorn can gore their enemy with their horn, dealing 1d4 points of damage. This attack is always treated as lethal damage.
  38. Horn Poke [Unicorn Only]
  39. That pesky horn makes unicorns hard to hold onto when grappling. This perk grants unicorns a +2 bonus on CMD checks verses grappling. Additionally, when being grappled, should the opponent fail a CMB check, you may automatically deal 1d4 points of damage to the careless foe!
  41. Powerful Body [Earth Pony/Zebra Only]
  42. Stronger and more well-built than the other races, earth pones and zebras know how to throw their weight around. With this perk they gain a +2 attack bonus on one chosen CMB check.
  44. Agile Moves [Pegasus/Bat Pony Only]
  45. With their quick bodies, pegasi and bat ponies are able to react quickly against foes, and are agile enough to avoid unusual strikes. With this perk, the winged races gain a +2 bonus on the CMD against being disarmed.
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