
TSW 10: Kasra and Robin

Apr 24th, 2016
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  1. RobinE (It's an average nice day and everyone was doing their own thing. Robin is in the main room putting her shoes on.)
  2. RobinE gets up and starts putting on her coat.
  3. Kasra enters the room, excuses himself past Robin, and begins to tie his shoes.
  4. Kasra "Heading out?"
  5. RobinE "mhmm" she says as she fixes her hair clip.
  6. Kasra "Me too! I actually thought everyone else was gone." Kasra performs a mock shiver to emphasize his next thought. "I hate this place when it's empty."
  7. RobinE "I'm used to the quiet," she reaches for the door handle, "but sometimes I gotta go do something."
  8. Kasra "Yeah, exactly. Well, uh. See you tonight, I guess." Apparently tying shoes with such mechanical precision costs time.
  9. RobinE "Yeah," she lets out as she heads out the door.
  10. Kasra A few moments later, as Robin begins to board the metro, she hears Kasra calling her. Jostling his way through the crowd of boarders, he claims a spot next to her.
  11. RobinE "oh... hi"
  12. RobinE "guess we're both goin to town."
  13. Kasra "Yeah! Yeah, it looks that way. Just wanted to pick something up from the store. How's your homework load?"
  14. RobinE "fine," she is staring at the floor.
  15. Kasra After a brief internal debate, Kasra decides not to press the issue and ignore the fact that it is becoming a very tense silence.
  16. RobinE "you?" she says after a while
  17. Kasra "Oh, I finished it in cl-I, uh. It wasn't very heavy. It's easy. Light homework load."
  18. RobinE "Thats nice."
  19. Kasra "Yeah... Yeah. Still writing those letters?"
  20. RobinE "sometimes," she fiddles with her fingers, " sometimes its just story ideas."
  21. Kasra "That's neat. Is this your stop coming up?"
  22. RobinE "no."
  23. Kasra "Oh. Man, you're going a ways out, huh?"
  24. RobinE "yup."
  25. RobinE "so are you."
  26. Kasra "...yeah. Just a little shop out here. It's actually this one after the next one."\
  27. RobinE glances at Kasra for a second, "mine too."
  28. Kasra "Oh! Maybe we should meet up to head back or something."
  29. RobinE "yeah, maybe."
  30. RobinE They both get off at the same stop and split up, Robin walks around for a bit before heading to the bookstore. As she walks the isles of the store, she spots something, someone. Kasra.
  31. RobinE walks up, "what are the odds."
  32. Kasra stands a little too quickly with his hands conspicuously behind his back. "Wh-Hi, Robin! This is, uh, where you were going?"
  33. RobinE "yup."
  34. RobinE finds a seat and puts her books down, "what'd you get," she says scanning through her stack."
  35. Kasra "Oh, just's not anything really worth mentioning. I didn't know anybody else knew about this place though. How did you find it?"
  36. RobinE "When you want to read enough, you find a place," she pulls out a DnD players book.
  37. Kasra "Oh, what's that? Some sort of...fantasy...picture book?"
  38. Kasra He seems to know more than he's letting on.
  39. RobinE "Its for a game, but I don't play it," she flips through a few pages.
  40. Kasra "Oh. Did you want to...?"
  41. RobinE "no, I just use the character generator stuff for ideas."
  42. Kasra "Oh! Do you like writing fantasy stuff?"
  43. RobinE "yeah, mostly."
  44. Kasra "You should let me read it! I love fantasy stuff!" In his gesturing, Robin can see he is clutching a copy of some sci-fi novel depicting some skinsuit clad man gunning down what appears to be the spawn of a sea urchin and a preying manits.\
  45. RobinE "huh," she points at the book, "sci-fi eh?"
  46. Kasra "Oh...yeah. Pretty much anything with somebody battling a horrible monster." Kasra shifts a little. "I...have a bit of a collection in my footlocker at home."
  47. RobinE "cool. I tried sci-fi writing once. It doesn't fit my style."
  48. Kasra "Pretyy much strictly fantasy, huh? Have you read Lord of the Rings?"
  49. RobinE "Started it. It's a lot of book. I gotta mix it up sometimes."
  50. Kasra "You should finish it thought, it's a classic!"
  51. RobinE "I will," she says, "eventually."
  52. Kasra "But you should tell me about your own too!"
  53. RobinE "oh," her face goes a bit red, "I, don't usually... they aren't that great."
  54. Kasra "Well, you don't have to or anything, I just think it's really neat that that sort of thing."
  55. RobinE "really?" she glances at him for a second.
  56. Kasra "Yeah! I've been reading this stuff for years, but I could never make it. I'd love to hear about the process!"
  57. RobinE looks like she is debating in her head.
  58. RobinE "ok, but..."
  59. RobinE "but don't laugh or anything."
  60. Kasra waits attentively, then snaps back up with a revelation. "Maybe we should buy our books first. Talk about it on the tram back?"
  61. RobinE "ok"
  62. RobinE As they get on the tram, Robin begins to talk about a creation story she made up.
  63. RobinE She begins sort of quiet, and with pauses to see how Kasra is reacting.
  64. RobinE Seeing his attentive enthusiasm she continues, her eyes almost glow as she retells this story from her head. A golem lost in a void with a bunch of gods.
  65. RobinE She uses her body to tell the tale, like she is living it. Her sheer excitement for the idea almost infectious.
  66. RobinE She continues as they both get off the tram, her mind racing and new ideas forming as she tells it.
  67. Kasra Periodically, Kasra interjects asking for clarification, and once or twice, an idea of his own.
  68. RobinE She quickly elaborates and jots the new ideas in her head. As they come up to their building she reaches the end of her story.
  69. RobinE And just as her story ends, so does the life she brought to it.
  70. RobinE She goes back to her quiet self, her eyes mostly focused on the floor.
  71. RobinE She has a half smile on her face, and as they get back into their home she turns to Kasra and says "thanks... for listening."
  72. Kasra "Are you kidding? Thank you, that's awesome!"
  73. RobinE 's face gets red, "I didn't think anyone would like it."
  74. Kasra "No, it's great! You should tell me about your stories more often!"
  75. RobinE "Maybe," her eyes widen and she shakes her head, "I don't know we'll see" and she heads off to her room.
  76. Kasra "Uh, okay?"
  77. RobinE "yeah, fine," she hastily gets out before going in and closing the door."
  78. Kasra "I, uh..." After pacing for a moment, Kasra calls through the door. "I-If you need any help, just...let me know." Recalling the last time he pried into Robin's affairs, he begins to clear away from the door, glancing back a couple time
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