
Q's duel and onward

Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. (10:42:00 AM) Reise: [23:57] <Reise> [Frankly I think he's just as twisted as the normal shitheads here, he just hides it better.]
  2. (10:42:00 AM) Reise: [23:58] <Reise> [Anyway I'll wait 'til you, like, get his head frozen or something.]
  3. (10:42:00 AM) Reise: [23:58] <Q-33_North> [I mean he did bail me out of ego death and I'm a fan of that so.]
  4. (10:42:00 AM) Reise: [23:59] <Q-33_North> "Are you going to fight my sister or me?" She smirks but it's hidden by the helmet.
  5. (10:42:00 AM) Reise: [23:59] <Ikiryo> "You, preferably. No disrespect to her but a blade is a much more interesting weapon than a pistol."
  6. (10:44:23 AM) Q-33_North: "Then we should probably get this started at some point."
  7. (10:45:12 AM) Ikiryo: "Of course." He takes a careful stance, smiling brightly at Q-33. "When you are ready."
  8. (10:55:46 AM) Ikiryo: He takes a few steps to the side, watching her style...and starting off with a testing slash and a flashing grin. "The stance suits you. This will be fun~"
  9. (11:09:05 AM) ***Q-33_North moves to step out of the way, a little off balance, not quite used to the new fighting style yet. "Look, I might as well get some use out of that complete shitshow earlier."
  10. (11:12:24 AM) Q-33_North: "Fuckin' seriously how the hell can you work in a place like this?"
  11. (11:14:45 AM) Ikiryo: "Please, language...and yes. I do not remotely support all that happens here...but I promiced I would aid them and I would be no knight if I broke my oath." He shakes his head sadly. "Instead I try to help move it in better, more fitting ways where I can and stop corruption where I find it."
  12. (11:24:54 AM) ***Q-33_North spins, blade out in an almost transparent feint, while lashing out with her free hand at his head, as it's wrapped in an almost arctic cold. "Doesn't mean you have to enjoy it quite so much."
  13. (11:25:49 AM) Ikiryo: "One should enjoy what they do...and unlike many of my co-workers I do wish to actually make this a better, more perfect place. A place where abuses like the ones you suffered do not happen."
  14. (11:26:47 AM) Ikiryo: He gracefully sidesteps the frost covered hand, giving her a smile. "Nice feint."
  15. (11:27:43 AM) Q-33_North: [I might be slightly outclassed. If you have a way of getting involved without it being obvious, I'd appreciate it]
  16. (11:48:03 AM) Reise: [Working on it...] she returns eventually, obviously distracted by trying to figure out a means to intervene. [I' it!] Then there's a fizzled spark. [...I don't got it. Hold on.]
  17. (12:04:38 PM) ***Q-33_North lets go of her energy saber, as glittering shards of ice form into a rough approximation of her weapon, before she lashes out with it, as it extends and, well, lashes in a way swords don't. She skids past him and smirks as she does, getting into character as she does. She absently tosses her helmet at her twin. "Alright so I guess I should actually take this seriously."
  18. (12:07:33 PM) Ikiryo: He reaches up...and touches blood on his cheek. He smiles widely...and bows to her. "First blood is yours, dear. You have me beat."
  19. (12:08:29 PM) ***Q-33_North lets go of the blade, letting it dissipate. "Somehow I get the feeling that this isn't quite the environment you'd prefer to fight in."
  20. (12:09:07 PM) Ikiryo: "Perhaps not. I prefer a less...hostile and possibly hostage audience."
  21. (12:14:31 PM) ***Q-33_North walks over to South and gestures for her helmet back. "Oh well. At least this way we can have a dramatic rematch later or something. I'm sure there'll be some excuse at some point."
  22. (12:15:15 PM) Ikiryo: "I would love to do so, whenever you wish. Now, if you do not mind...I think I will take my lunch break. There is a lovely cafe on the other side of the city. Well clear of any blast radius."
  23. (12:15:49 PM) Ikiryo: South sticks out her tongue. "Mine now~" She swaps helmets, handing North back the one she was wearing before.
  24. (12:16:56 PM) ***Q-33_North shrugs and puts it on. "I don't know what you could be possibly talking about, as I was never here."
  25. (12:19:04 PM) Reise: "Ready, then?" She comes out from her "hiding spot" and gestures for the freed prisoners to come with her.
  26. (12:19:17 PM) Q-33_North: "When you are."
  27. (12:20:44 PM) Reise: "So ten minutes ago?"
  28. (12:21:22 PM) Q-33_North: "Let's bounce."
  29. (12:21:34 PM) Ikiryo: "Oh, yes." He tosses a small keycard to Q-33. "This might be useful." It the ID card has the image of a familiar daemonette on it. "Strange how such things get left about."
  30. (12:22:18 PM) Q-33_North: "What a shame. I can't imagine how that would have happened." You can't see her do it but you can hear her wink.
  31. (12:22:51 PM) Ikiryo: Adric smiles and gives a theatrical bow before heading for the door... "Rather. Have a good day, mysterious stranger."
  32. (12:23:16 PM) Q-33_North: "You too person I have never met."
  33. (12:23:46 PM) Reise: "Alright, Q, hang up the phone with your boyfriend already."
  34. (12:24:55 PM) Ikiryo: He heads out the door, whistling.
  35. (12:25:23 PM) Ikiryo: The Sister looks about the room, finishing up some last explosives. "...what the balls just happened?"
  36. (12:25:43 PM) Q-33_North: "I don't know what you're talking about." She waits until she can't hear him anymore then makes for the elevators that'll let them get to the airships. "We got real real lucky."
  37. (12:25:50 PM) Reise: "I'm going with 'par for the course in this house of weirdness.'"
  38. (12:26:21 PM) Ikiryo: " guys get up to some weird stuff." The Sister rolls her eyes.
  39. (12:26:35 PM) Ikiryo: South grins. "They found me on a frozen ship. I was napping. I like the cold."
  40. (12:26:42 PM) Reise: She has the "slave" kids trailing her closely, and moves at a pace comfortable for the old man.
  41. (12:27:30 PM) Ikiryo: The old man is moving at a decent pace thanks to the Sister lending him a sheathed blade he's using as a cane.
  42. (12:28:07 PM) Ikiryo: The Sister is tapping away at an AR display when she whistles. "Oooh...that's nice. They've got a reliquary here."
  43. (12:28:31 PM) ***Q-33_North switches over to messaging apps as soon as they're outside. [Whassat?]
  44. (12:31:03 PM) Reise: "And you don't know the half of it," she comments to Eloise. Once back outside, she hesitates...then activates her new ring, swapping her armor for a tight tee and jeans.
  45. (12:34:04 PM) Ikiryo: [It's a place they store relics. Holy or Unholy.]
  46. (12:34:30 PM) Reise: [So basically you just found yourself a toy store.]
  47. (12:35:08 PM) Ikiryo: [Can we visit, pleeeaassse?]
  48. (12:35:35 PM) Q-33_North: [If our fancy new key goes there. I see no reason we can't go on a shopping spree.]
  49. (12:35:53 PM) Q-33_North: [Plus if I say no you'll come back on your own later and we'll have to stage another breakout.]
  50. (12:36:14 PM) Ikiryo: [Likely so! It's two floors up, so it's on our way out anyway.]
  51. (12:37:07 PM) ***Q-33_North gets in the elevator, and keys that in.
  52. (12:37:59 PM) Ikiryo: The elevator starts to slide up. The two people in schoolgirl outfits basicly hang off Reise. "Oh Mistress, you are so..." "...pretty, can we kiss you?"
  53. (12:38:05 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise rolls her eyes, smirking.
  54. (12:39:06 PM) Reise: She makes a face of pure dismay. "Just...wait until we get back to where we're going, okay?" [I should have let one of you two open the cells.]
  55. (12:39:10 PM) Feldier left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
  56. (12:39:26 PM) Q-33_North: [Yeah, well I was busy.]
  57. (12:39:48 PM) Ikiryo: [From: South - I like hugs, can I join in?]
  58. (12:41:26 PM) Ikiryo: The doors slide open, revealing a decadent looking room. Pink and purple, gold and white...and a massive golden door. Security system after security system...superheavy flamethrowers along the walls and bolter turrets guarding the door.
  59. (12:42:33 PM) ***Reise steps out quickly and changes into her armor again. [...Just in case. So what next? Q, gonna try and take ownership?]
  60. (12:42:33 PM) Q-33_North: "Let's check something really quick." She glances around the room. Is there a card reader?
  61. (12:43:07 PM) Ikiryo: There is a card reader by the door...
  62. (12:45:59 PM) ***Q-33_North walks over and uses the keycard on it, bracing to run if she needs to.
  63. (12:47:01 PM) Ikiryo: The lights flicker...and the door slides open. "Vice Squad ID approved."
  64. (12:48:30 PM) ***Q-33_North makes a little after you gesture.
  65. (12:49:00 PM) ***Reise relaxes...slightly.
  66. (12:49:59 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise heads in, a skip in her step.
  67. (12:50:41 PM) ***Q-33_North follows.
  68. (12:51:15 PM) Ikiryo: Inside is a small armory. Holy symbols of a dozen gods, bolters, swords, bows, rare radium weapons and tesla carbines. Hanging on a wall in the center however, is a spear. Even the non-magically active people can feel she sheer holy power radiating off it.
  69. (12:51:38 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise appears to be making a squeeing noise.
  70. (12:52:11 PM) ***Q-33_North snags a carbine. "Adelinda would be angry with me if I didn't get her a souvenir."
  71. (12:53:14 PM) Ikiryo: South is looking over it, frowning. ", why are holy weapons all fire-based? That's not in-theme for me at all."
  72. (12:53:40 PM) Q-33_North: "There's probably some kind of ice god/ess somewhere."
  73. (12:55:24 PM) ***Reise cuts in her helmet's audio dampers to save her from going deaf thanks to Eloise. [Any particular reason we shouldn't try to take as much as we can?]
  74. (12:55:56 PM) Q-33_North: "I thought we were going to."
  75. (12:56:14 PM) Q-33_North: "I just wanted to make sure I had a lightning gun on reserve."
  76. (12:57:54 PM) Ikiryo: Fortunetly, Eloise's squees have gotten high pitched enough that other people can't hear them either.
  77. (12:58:21 PM) Q-33_North: ". . . you guys think this stops on it's own or. Should we do something?"
  78. (12:58:35 PM) Ikiryo: She's grabbed the spear and is grinning like a kid at Pelormas.
  79. (12:59:09 PM) Q-33_North: "I regret not bringing a bag."
  80. (1:00:37 PM) Ikiryo: South holds up Eloise's bag. "This one is bigger on the inside. I noticed when we were putting out the explosives!"
  81. (1:01:36 PM) Q-33_North: "Stuff as much stuff as you can in there then." [To Adelinda: You're missing some great piracy right now. I saved you a tesla carbine btw]
  82. (1:01:56 PM) Ikiryo: [From: Adelinda - Want]
  83. (1:02:24 PM) Q-33_North: [Well good because I figured if I saw one and didn't get it for you, you'd tazer me a lot.]
  84. (1:02:35 PM) Ikiryo: South grins and gets looting. She's really being less careful with them than holy relics deserve but into the bag they all go.
  85. (1:02:45 PM) Ikiryo: [From: Adelinda - And not in fun ways!]
  86. (1:03:47 PM) Q-33_North: [You'd know all about that ms. shocks herself by accident. I am never going to not make fun of you for doing that.]
  87. (1:04:26 PM) Ikiryo: [Yeah, shut up]
  88. (1:04:54 PM) Q-33_North: [Make me :P]
  89. (1:05:05 PM) Ikiryo: Eliose grins, happy dancing with the spear. "Oh, this is great! This is Ahavarion, I'm sure of it!"
  90. (1:06:21 PM) ***Q-33_North is about to make a comment about the appropriate use of the spear in a dance routine, remembers where she learned that and buries her face in her hands.
  91. (1:13:58 PM) Reise: "Ahawhat-ion?"
  92. (1:15:07 PM) Ikiryo: "Ahavarion, the spear Of Lycander. It's an Angel's spear from ages ago. Even Daemon Princes feared it, as it could destroy them with a single stroke."
  93. (1:16:00 PM) Q-33_North: "Well it's a good thing we've got it now. I think it's time for us to bounce unless there's anything else we want."
  94. (1:16:20 PM) Ikiryo: South...has entirely cleared the place out.
  95. (1:16:26 PM) Ikiryo: She looks very pleased with herself.
  96. (1:17:27 PM) ***Q-33_North walks over and rests a hand on her shoulder. "You would make a great pirate."
  97. (1:19:28 PM) Ikiryo: "Yay!" She hugs Q-33
  98. (1:19:46 PM) ***Q-33_North hugs her back. "We ready to go again?"
  99. (1:19:56 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise nods to them. "Right, most important thing about grave ro...Archeology. Getting out alive."
  100. (1:21:42 PM) Reise: "Sneak out or brazen walkout? I'm sure we can pretend to come off as employees easily enough."
  101. (1:22:13 PM) ***Q-33_North spins on one heel and heads back to the elevator. "Nah, they got airships. Just gonna take one of those with my fancy new official ID."
  102. (1:23:11 PM) Reise: "Good enough." She lets Q lead, bringing up the rear.
  103. (1:25:03 PM) Ikiryo: The elevators are easily reached...and the hangers on the top floor equally so. Wow, those are some phallic loooking aircraft.
  104. (1:25:35 PM) Q-33_North: "They just don't have. A normal VTOL do they."
  105. (1:25:49 PM) ***Q-33_North selects one close to the door.
  106. (1:27:45 PM) Ikiryo: Oh, there's a troop transport. It's not phallic. It's vaginal.
  107. (1:28:12 PM) Reise: "We can ditch the dickmobile when we're safe."
  108. (1:28:44 PM) Q-33_North: "Yeah. Let me know when everyone's on board."
  109. (1:29:01 PM) Reise: "Or the...cuntcopter? Really? Gods these demons need to get out more."
  110. (1:29:46 PM) Ikiryo: "Or less." Eloise rolls her eyes. "Preferably never. Ever."
  111. (1:30:14 PM) Q-33_North: "Yeah do you really want them walking the streets? I don't. I'm gonna need to shower for like. A week after this."
  112. (1:31:18 PM) Reise: "Probably wouldn't be as bad if they weren't running the joint."
  113. (1:32:15 PM) Reise: "Anyway, everybody in." She ushers the "schoolkids," the old man, and the other Sororitas onboard, keeping one eye on her HUD for followers.
  114. (1:32:31 PM) ***Q-33_North settles into a driver's seat.
  115. (1:32:41 PM) Ikiryo: It's not long before people are piled into people's horrible choice of ship. The console beeps, requesting an ID to leave.
  116. (1:32:58 PM) ***Q-33_North reads off the one from the badge.
  117. (1:33:48 PM) Ikiryo: It's quickly approved.
  118. (1:39:38 PM) ***Q-33_North takes off and plots a course for a place she can set down and head to the resistance. "Oh yeah, who has the detonator?"
  119. (1:39:58 PM) Reise: "My money's on Eloise or South."
  120. (1:40:25 PM) Ikiryo: "It's in the bag...somewhere." South grins.
  121. (1:40:51 PM) ***Q-33_North sighs. "Can you fish it out so we can get a boom?"
  122. (1:41:19 PM) Ikiryo: "Alright!" She gets rummaging through the bag, eventually pulling it out. "Found it!"
  123. (1:42:28 PM) Q-33_North: "Who wants to pull the trigger?"
  124. (1:43:58 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise seems distracted by the spear.
  125. (1:44:23 PM) Reise: "Go for it, South."
  126. (1:44:52 PM) Ikiryo: "Yay!" She presses the button. Nothing happens and she pouts at it.
  127. (1:46:07 PM) Q-33_North: "Well shit."
  128. (1:46:12 PM) ***Reise peers at the device. "Did anyone forget to set detonators?"
  129. (1:47:03 PM) Q-33_North: "Maybe it takes a second?"
  130. (1:47:03 PM) Ikiryo: "...oh wait. No batteries in it!" She rummages through the bag, pulling out a packet of batteries, plugging them into the remote. "Ka-boomy!"
  131. (1:47:15 PM) Ikiryo: She presses the button again...
  132. (1:53:18 PM) ***Q-33_North takes off, and as she does the first explosion starts. It's a small one, long enough before the detonations begin in earnest to let anyone with a brain enough to know that explosions are fatal to the average person to get out of dodge. Then, all at once, the detention cells go up, in a sudden conflagration, blasting outward. When it's done the cells and re-education center of that building are going to be
  133. (1:53:18 PM) ***Q-33_North entirely unusable. Administration can come later, as management's floors are definately covered in. . . fluids, so some kind of implosion device or gravity bomb will be needed for that.
  134. (1:53:45 PM) Q-33_North: When the smoke finally clears anyone who can see the cell block will clearly be able to read the word blasted into the outer wall "REKT"
  135. (1:54:39 PM) Ikiryo: There is also the big smiley face that South made in one of the walls.
  136. (1:55:41 PM) ***Q-33_North lays in the course and leans back in her chair.
  137. (1:56:02 PM) Reise: "I admit it," she says, watching the destruction. "I'm impressed."
  138. (1:56:26 PM) Q-33_North: "I told you. I had a plan."
  139. (1:59:33 PM) Reise: She nods. "I didn't doubt it, but I wasn't sure how *big* the boom would be."
  140. (2:00:07 PM) Q-33_North: "I think we have our resident robber-doctor to thank for that~"
  141. (2:00:55 PM) Ikiryo: Eloise grins. "I got spear, we're even~"
  142. (2:01:28 PM) Q-33_North: "Alright cool, so all that's left is to meet up with the locals."
  143. (2:01:54 PM) Reise: "Heard from the others yet on their side of the op?"
  144. (2:04:06 PM) Q-33_North: "Nothing yet, but I'm sure it went fine. How bad could they have messed things up?"
  145. (2:04:10 PM) Q-33_North: "Actually don't answer that."
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