

Mar 23rd, 2019
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  2. #include "scripts/map/blather.txt"
  5. Blather::Book GenGreet
  6. Blather::Book Skydawn
  7. Blather::Book Ancients
  8. Blather::Book Piswi
  9. Blather::Book Plissken
  10. Blather::Book Exit
  11. Blather::Book KenshinName
  12. Blather::Book KenshinHere
  13. Blather::Book KenshinBye
  14. Blather::Book Portals
  16. $script 0
  17. {
  19. /////Generic NPC//////
  21. Convo.Title = "Skydawn Citizen";
  23. Blather::Page@ GenGreet = Convo.AddPage( "Back" );
  25. GenGreet.SetText( "<How can I help you?>" );
  26. GenGreet.AddOption( "Skydawn", @Skydawn );
  27. GenGreet.AddOption( "Ancients Moat", @Ancients );
  28. GenGreet.AddOption( "Piswi", @Piswi );
  29. GenGreet.AddOption( "Plissken Bar and Hotel", @Plissken );
  30. GenGreet.AddOption( "Exit", @Exit);
  32. Skydawn.SetText( "<The city and region" );
  33. Skydawn.SetText( "that you're in right now." );
  34. Skydawn.SetText( "This settlement was started" );
  35. Skydawn.SetText( "relatively recently, the Skydawn" );
  36. Skydawn.SetText( "guard has had very good" );
  37. Skydawn.SetText( "progress clearing out monsters" );
  38. Skydawn.SetText( "and bandits.>" );
  39. Skydawn.SetAction( @GenGreet );
  41. Piswi.SetText( "<It's a restraunt near" );
  42. Piswi.SetText( "the mountain entrance." );
  43. Piswi.SetText( "It also has a sign on it," );
  44. Piswi.SetText( "you can't miss it.>" );
  45. Piswi.SetAction( @Greeting );
  47. Ancients.SetText( "<Some say it was built by" );
  48. Ancients.SetText( "a previous peoples that" );
  49. Ancients.SetText( "were here before. Very beautiful" );
  50. Ancients.SetText( "to look at,if you ever get" );
  51. Ancients.SetText( "the chance to see it.>" );
  52. Ancients.SetAction( @Greeting );
  54. Plissken.SetText( "<Oh, that is beyond the" );
  55. Plissken.SetText( "sky tunnel in front of the Piswi" );
  56. Plissken.SetText( "restraunt. He has a very good" );
  57. Plissken.SetText( "selection of liquor.>" );
  58. Plissken.SetAction( @Greeting );
  60. Exit.SetText( "<Goodbye now.>" );
  62. //////Kenshin//////
  64. KenshinHi.SetText( "<Hey Turok, thanks again for" );
  65. KenshinHi.SetText( "helping us get a place in" );
  66. KenshinHi.SetText( "Skydawn, if you need anything" );
  67. KenshinHi.SetText( "I can offer intelligence" );
  68. KenshinHi.SetText( "on certain enemies in" );
  69. KenshinHi.SetText( "the Lost Land>" );
  70. KenshinHi.AddOption( "How did you get here?", @KenshinHere );
  71. KenshinHi.AddOption( "Your name was Kenshin...", @KenshinName );
  72. KenshinHi.AddOption( "Exit", @KenshinBye );
  74. KenshinName.SetText( "<ORO? SHHHH! My code name is" );
  75. KenshinName.SetText( "Smoke39 while in the Lost Land," );
  76. KenshinName.SetText( "I don't want any campaigners" );
  77. KenshinName.SetText( "trying to find a portal to" );
  78. KenshinName.SetText( "my universe!>" );
  79. KenshinName.SetAction( @KenshinHi );
  81. KenshinHere.SetText( "<Well, after me and Kaoru got" );
  82. KenshinHere.SetText( "married, we found a portal" );
  83. KenshinHere.SetText( "that took us here, we were lost" );
  84. KenshinHere.SetText( "for days until we stumbled across" );
  85. KenshinHere.SetText( "you escorting a caravan to Skydawn." );
  86. KenshinHere.SetText( "Still want to get home soon,but we" );
  87. KenshinHere.SetText( "can stay here for a while.>" );
  88. KenshinHere.SetAction( @KenshinHi );
  90. KenshinBye.SetText( "<Take Care!>" );
  92. //////Skydawn Cyborg Guard//////
  94. ////SkydawnCyborgGreet.AddLine( "<Greetings human.>" );////
  96. //////A Theosophic Study of the Abstruseness of Portals//////
  98. Portals.Title = "A Theosophic Study of the Abstruseness of Portals";
  100. @P = Portals.AddPage( "TOC" );
  101. P.SetText( "Written by Jehan Vollu\n\nYear 1414 GE", 40 );
  102. P.AddOption( "Ch 1 - Introduction", "Intro1" ); // link to first page of "Intro" chapter
  103. P.AddOption( "Ch 2 - Types of Portals", "Types1" ); // link to first page of "Types" chapter
  104. P.AddOption( "Ch 3 - Mystery & Observation", "Obsv1" ); // link to first page of "Obsv" chapter
  105. P.AddOption( "Close" );
  107. Portals.AddChapter( "Intro", "TOC", 36,
  108. " When discussing portals, a good practice I found beneficial is to open your mind to possibilities outside your perception and intertwine it with an objective stance. The reason for this is because of the nature of how portals work in the first place, which is we don't know.\rWe do not know where a portal's energy comes from, we don't know of any real patterns to where a portal might appear (they might appear in one place continuously for what seems to be eons and suddenly stop one day), and we do not know if they have limits or if they are limitless.\rBecause of this reason there is no professional study of portals as a long-term commitment (I am myself an exploratory archaeologist, foremost), as we can only make observations and guesswork based on what we already know of them.\r"+
  109. " Now that we have the unknown factor out of the way, let's talk about what we do know about portals. They are gateways of energy that transcend space and time in the form of <matter waves> (I will explain these waves more later).\rThere is no one shape or color that is consistent, and occasionally even take presence in an invisible form. There's not even a common size to portals, and they have transported entire cities into The Lost Land (usually in pieces!)." );
  111. Portals.AddChapter( "Types", "TOC", 36,
  112. "- Unrestrained Portals -\n"+
  113. "These portals are, by far, the most common and least understood. We don't know exactly where the energy for these portals come from. They are responsible for forming what we know as The Lost Land, importing and exporting whatever comes across them, willingly or not.\rThis kind of portal may take you to another world, time period, universe, or even the spirit realm. It is ill advised for the unprepared to use these portals unless they are already in severe danger.\r"+
  114. "- Spiritual Portals -\n"+
  115. "Portals can be summoned by someone's will in certain circumstances. It is unknown how to replicate this phenomenon artificially, though it has been done ceremonially with arcane artifacts. It can also be done using spiritually embedded objects connected somehow to the desired location they wish to transport to, acting as gates and keys.\rVery rarely a portal can be summoned through sheer will, although the discipline and technique to summon a portal this way is never consistent to the point of reliability. Portals summoned this way can last longer than unrestrained portals, and are more rigid regarding size and shape.\r"+
  116. "- Technological Portals -\n"+
  117. "The portals obtained through this method are the most consistent and safest way of traversing The Lost Land. Scientists and engineers at the Wazoa Institute in the city of Galyanna discovered how to implement <matter waves> (which was previously theory in the quantum mechanics field) into portals of certain shape and destination.\rTo produce large amounts of matter waves into one area using this method requires an external energy force of immense power, usually achieved by nuclear fusion. The end result is a portal that can be a controlled gateway or even a teleportation beam that formulates matter back in forth in mere seconds in a beam of light." );
  119. Portals.AddChapter( "Obsv", "TOC", 36,
  120. " So now that we understand some fundamentals, let's go more in depth. Again, as an archaeologist I cannot give concrete answers to all your questions, and I don't think anybody can for that matter. What I will do is tell of some real life examples and experiences to give you a deeper understanding.\rI remember in my youth just beginning to explore, I was in a caravan going through The Seemic Forest, and there was this one fellow, I think he was a Galyannic city man that became part of the expedition through having a friend in the archaeology department at the time, kept wandering away from everyone else on the sides of the main path, despite being warned multiple times.\rThe lead became quite frustrated having to keep an eye on this one guy while having to watch out for everyone else at the same time, so they asked me to watch and follow him so he didn't get killed or have outside dangers take notice of us. I follow him around for a while at a distance, he didn't seem very appreciative of anybody watching him.\rThere were no dangers that I could spot myself. This continues on for a couple hours until a black swaying portal appears in front of him. He had no time to move out of the way as it formed quite literally on his exact location. He went through the portal and then a few seconds later the portal vanished.\rI immediately ran back to tell the party leader what had happened, he silently shrugged and became quite insistent to push on forward as quickly as possible before anything else happened. Nobody had ever saw that man again and his fate remains unknown.\r"+
  121. " The frightening aspect of my little story is not necessarily the fact that a portal took away somebody instantly at what seemed to be a random occurrence. This was the dense Seemic Forest that had claustrophobic amounts of flora.\rBefore being teleported that fellow was surrounded by various plants and trees, which all remained unharmed during the portals appearance, only the man was gobbled up by that blasted portal. Yes, well, this raises other questions doesn't it? Did somebody intentionally place that portal there to take him away?\rOr, maybe, do these portals consciously choose what goes through them? I can't say for certain, but you're not going to convince me that these portals appear out of randomness, even if they seemingly do not have a rhythm.\r"+
  122. " Which is another aspect that confuses people, and that is the spiritual/intentional aspect of these portals. Okay, so here's a fact you may not have known: People who have been through portals before are statistically more likely to encounter them again.\rThe reasoning behind this is that because of the concept of wave-particle duality, matter waves also contain particles, referred to as <px-particles>, that gather on a person's body like radiation that, very slightly, builds up over time (accumulation estimates vary but I've never seen numbers over 0.5% every time a portal is entered).\rEventually px-particles dissipate over time, but repeated exposure can attract matter waves like bears to honey.\r"+
  123. " I know several years ago I had a rare invitation to see the Miilek Tribe up in the Gorvan Cliffside, I can say for sure that they are a warm, welcoming people. They live off the land honestly, and traditions are complex and of upmost importance.\rThere is a ritualistic rite of passage held when someone is ready to be a warrior/member of the tribe (everyone is technically to be a warrior and is expected to take on that role if needed). The rite involves days of chanting and the shaman spiritually empowering a square shape on the ground built from chiseled bronze stones.\rEventually a greenish portal forms within the square and is ready for the <to be> warrior to teleport into a random part of the cliffside to survive by themselves for 1 full day. If the warrior is successful they return to the tribe and is assigned a duty based on their skills.\rThe tribe itself has had such long term contact with portals through many generations that they have the power to summon portals at their own will, which of is undoubtedly is a strong and mentally pure kind of will." );
  125. }
  128. $script 10002
  129. {
  130. GenGreetStart();
  131. }
  133. $script 10003
  134. {
  135. KenshinHi.Start();
  136. }
  138. $script 10004
  139. {
  140. Portals.Start();
  141. }
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