
Jesus Christ, How Horrifying!

Feb 28th, 2013
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  1. Come now children and listen to the story of my rape.
  3. So she was pissed, there were a few reasons for this. The first being that I had revealed she once wet herself while I was tickling her, the second being that I had chosen to spend the evening with two of my female friends despite her saying she didn't want me to.
  4. "I'm going to rape you" were her exact words.
  6. She left to prepare for my punishment while I put off going to bed for as long as possible. Eventually I decided that I may as well go, it wold only be worse the more tired I was. I wasn't sure how bad it would be, I was actually a little excited to see what she had in store for me. I got hard while preparing to bed down for the night, this made urination a rather difficult task.
  7. After brushing my teeth, getting changed and turning out the lights I moved to the bed, closed my eyes and re-opened them in the wonderland.
  9. She was waiting with chains and tied me to the bed, pulling the bondage tight so that I was suspended above the mattress. She placed what can best be described as a condom, spiked on the inside, on my penis and affixed the same to her own but hers was spiked on the outside. She penetrated me and began to thrust while working my dick with her hand, before long however she tired of this and replaced the shaft in my arse with a dildo holding similar abrasive properties. Working the condom on my own penis with magic now rather than her hand she proceeded to insert herself into my buccal cavity and then fucked my throat raw.
  10. She unstrapped me from the bed and tied me to the wall. I was hard as a rock and she rode me for a little while. So far I was unfazed, we had planned on her restraining me tonight anyway and the rape was not much worse than what I had expected from her tonight had she not been angry. This was merely the calm before the storm.
  12. [I would just like you to know that from this point onwards I was flaccid, shaking and terrified]
  14. She got down from me and ripped off my genitalia, replacing them with their female equivalents. Her penis now regrown she inserted herself into my newly grown quim and pounded me hard for a while before cutting me down and laying me on the floor. This is when the nightmare began.
  15. Her penis took on new qualities, morphing into a shape much like a scorpion's tail and stinger. She re-inserted and after a brief period of stabs I felt something implant in me. My skin began to crawl. Before long numerous lacerations had been made from within my abdomen. Numerous insects began to scuttle out from my innards while she continued to thrust. Centipedes and spiders as well as crabs and other horrors being planted in my belly and released over and over again.
  16. She pulled out and I hoped for some reprieve, unfortunately there was none. She fashioned large dildos made solely of Styrofoam and inserted not 1 but 2 into each of my bleeding orifices. She left the mouth free for a separate torture. Her dick took on a new texture as did her skin. I want you to imagine two things for me:
  17. 1. A wooden fence, rough and unpainted
  18. 2. A painted wall, not smooth but not rough with a kind of powdery feel to it
  19. She inserted her wooden organ into my mouth and I felt the splintery shaft rubbing against my lips, my tongue, my gums. Her skin was a texture from my past that I had always recoiled from had I brushed up against the walls in the IT room of my college. She had summoned all of the surfaces that I would never want to touch and was now inserting all of them into my body. I could hear the Styrofoam dildos squeaking as they rubbed against my rectum, my cervix and each other.
  21. My mouth was given some reprieve when she pulled out and my vagina was also allowed to relax, but only for as long as she left it in tact. She gouged a deep hole in my groin and once again grew a metasoma in place of her penis. She laid more eggs in the wound and as I saw pincers bobbing across my stomach and out across the room she pulled out and sat on my face. Faeces erupted onto my forehead, covering my eyes and running into my open mouth.
  22. I remember no more of that night and it is my assumption that this is because I passed out.
  24. I awoke in the morning to the sound of birds singing in the trees and sunlight flooding through my thin curtains. After brushing my teeth and noticing that my lips had been stained from my curry the night before, I returned to the bedroom to find her stirring. She opened her eyes to the image of me in the bathroom doorway, staring at her.
  25. "Good morning" I said tersely.
  26. "I'm so sorry" She replied.
  27. She proceeded to apologise profusely for the night before, saying that she never meant it to go that far and that she had wanted to stop before I slept and that she was going to make love to me but then I just passed out.
  29. I laid down with her on the bed and told her everything was OK and that I had deserved it and I accepted my punishment and could have stopped her at any time what with everything really being in my head.
  30. "You must hate me."
  31. I told her that I could never hate her, there was nothing she could ever do to upset me.
  32. "What if I killed somebody?"
  33. "I would still love you."
  34. "What if I killed two people?"
  35. I laughed at that.
  36. "Well what if I killed your best friend?"
  37. "You are my best friend."
  38. Then we had breakfast. She has been very apologetic all day and has been hiding in my body, trying not to draw too much attention to herself.
  39. I don't think I've ever loved her more.
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