
Updatio Today

Aug 20th, 2018
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  1. Here's a song:
  3. This weekend was an adventure. I was originally scheduled to work Saturday. I canceled all of my plans for it, was totally prepared to get up for it and then found out on Friday that my name was no longer on the finalized Saturday schedule so I had no idea if it was a mistake or not. My manager left for vacation earlier in the day and the Saturday managers weren't around to ask so I woke up early Saturday just in case I got called in. That didn't happen so I decided to go to a movie. I left to go off to the movie and a few minutes from the theater, my car's LOW TIRE PRESSURE sensor went off and I decided to turn around and get back home. I got 75% of the way back, just over the hill from a gas station when the tire became so bad that I had to pull off to the side of the road. Turns out the tire was completely shredded but I'd managed to stop soon enough to not damage the rim. My parents came out and we decided there was no space to safely change the tire for a spare and we'd instead just get towed somewhere to get new tires because I'd been meaning to buy them for this coming winter anyway. I was told by a friend that Discount Tire was good and I told my mom that and just as I said that, my dad called and said the tow driver recommended the nearby Discount Tire and they'd get me tires put on today so that's what we ended up doing. I bought a full set of Yokohama tires, which are a drastic increase in quality compared to the Continentals I had before and we had a burger at a nearby pub while waiting for them to be put on.
  5. I ended up installing a new thermostat later in the evening to replace our old one that was completely inaccurate. Turns out the "78-80F" range the old one was always set to was really anywhere from 70-85F. The new one's pretty nice.
  7. The rest of my family went off to the Twins game on Sunday and I didn't really know what to play so I just decided to Shut Up And Start Streaming and threw Rock Band 4 in and just played random songs for 4.5 hours before NXT Takeover Brooklyn started. It was really fun and I'll continue to do that on the weekends with just whatever I feel like playing. Not going to freak out over whether or not I stream every part of a game, it'll just be stream time whenever I feel like chilling that way. Should be Shenmue HD Collection this week or Guacamelee 2 or something.
  9. Today was half spent getting groceries and running errands and waiting for the house vents to get cleaned. So one actual slow day out of the weekend.
  11. Hey let's have a decent work week.
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