
ltCd- sits around waiting to be annoyed

Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. 13:42 *** Lensch joined #politics
  3. Topic set by ltCd-!~ltCd-@ on Thu Feb 22 2018 14:19:42 GMT-0800 (PST)
  4. 13:42 Ekko Greetings Lensch, #politics is currently moderated. If you wait a minute without changing your nickname, you can take part in the discussion (mode +v).
  5. 13:42 Gumbie president has much influence, but most things take time
  6. 13:42 Gumbie and copporation to get done
  7. 13:42 MacGuffin the president only has ultimate power (although still limited) when the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended
  8. 13:42 +++ Ekko has given voice to Lensch
  9. 13:42 Gumbie in time of war, he can act
  10. 13:42 Gumbie without any of those checks and balances
  11. 13:43 Lensch War powers in the USA are a mess.
  12. 13:43 MacGuffin he is bound by law
  13. 13:43 Gumbie if you think trump is a dictator currently, just hope congress don't offically declare war
  14. 13:44 MacGuffin if he tries to break the law, the military might also break the law but in the opposite direction
  15. 13:44 Lensch One can only hope @ military resisting the despotism of Trump.
  16. 13:44 MacGuffin law is funny like that
  17. 13:44 Lensch The GOP has put me in a place where I hope for soft military coups in order to prevent full fascism.
  18. 13:44 gjvc when will the next war start?
  19. 13:44 Gumbie he is bound more by public opinion
  20. 13:45 Gumbie bush stretched the 'law' many times and so did obama
  21. 13:45 Lensch America currently needs no wars.
  22. 13:45 Lensch We can't afford it.
  23. 13:45 chEEKie next real war will start when the USD loses its reserve currency status
  24. 13:45 Gumbie i think when china moves in
  25. 13:45 Gumbie they are buying up much
  26. 13:46 Gumbie why invade when USa is for sale
  27. 13:46 MacGuffin "We can't afford it." ...true, and neither can the enemy
  28. 13:46 chEEKie the left will revolt after their decades of weflare/scoial programs collapse the dollar, then demand to be given more free shit, which no one will be able to fund
  29. 13:46 --- VonMises has unbanned *!*poop*@*
  30. 13:46 Lensch We have to provide universal healthcare and rebuild our infrastructure before any new wars.
  31. 13:46 Lensch We have to tighten our belt.
  32. 13:46 Gumbie i also think the 'issue' will start in the south china sea
  33. 13:46 Gumbie and escalate from there
  34. 13:46 MacGuffin in war, the bank just about always wins
  35. 13:47 *** fred1234 joined #politics
  36. 13:47 chEEKie nah, it's the contractors nowadays
  37. 13:47 chEEKie the guys who go in and build shit no one uses
  38. 13:47 Gumbie the contractors (some) benifit during war time
  39. 13:47 +++ Ekko has given voice to fred1234
  40. 13:48 chEEKie they triple their price, pocket the money, laugh their asses off
  41. 13:48 chEEKie taxpayers never the wiser
  42. 13:48 MacGuffin defense contractors benefit during peacetime just by using the threat of benefiting during wartime
  43. 13:48 Lensch Donald Trump is currently being advised to have a private, contractor army that reports directly to him.
  44. 13:48 Gumbie they learn after the fact usually... truth comes out eventually/
  45. 13:49 Gumbie recognition, and acceptance is another part of that tho
  46. 13:49 chEEKie yeah, by the time "the truth comes out"... the company has already shuttered
  47. 13:49 chEEKie funds transferred elsewhere
  48. 13:49 Lensch chEEKie: How do you feel about Blackwater founder Eric Prince advising Donald Trump?
  49. 13:49 Lensch The founder.
  50. 13:49 chEEKie who gives a shit?
  51. 13:49 gjvc Lensch
  52. 13:50 Lensch Oh, I thought you cared about contractors stealing taxpayer money.
  53. 13:50 Lensch My bad.
  54. 13:50 Gumbie not sure even whom Eric Prince is
  55. 13:50 MacGuffin stealing?
  56. 13:50 gjvc worry more about Blackwater working with the likes of WEEV
  57. 13:50 Lensch Gumbie: He is the founder of Blackwater.
  58. 13:50 MacGuffin you cannot steal something that belongs to you
  59. 13:50 Gumbie Lensch, heard of it, but excuse my ignorance
  60. 13:50 Lensch
  61. 13:50 urlinfo *** Erik Prince - Wikipedia
  62. 13:50 Lensch Gumbie: It was the world's largest contractor army.
  63. 13:50 Lensch It still exists under a different name.
  64. 13:51 Lensch It's now known as Academi.
  65. 13:51 Gumbie oh i know who he is now... picture is worth atleast dozen words in this case
  66. 13:51 Lensch He met with Russian oligarchs in the Seychelles.
  67. 13:51 Lensch He's interested in overthrowing the United States government.
  68. 13:51 Gumbie the Navy Seal, that has much controversy around him
  69. 13:51 Lensch He is currently advising Donald J. Trump, POTUS.
  70. 13:51 Gumbie Trump should listen to others, but not just any one of them
  71. 13:51 Lensch He has advised Trump to have a private CIA and private Navy and private Army that report directly to him.
  72. 13:52 Lensch You know, fascism.
  73. 13:52 [pack]
  74. 13:52 urlinfo *** Donald Trump's approval rating rises to 50 per cent
  75. 13:52 gjvc
  76. 13:52 urlinfo *** Academi - Wikipedia
  77. 13:52 gjvc fascism is on the rise
  78. 13:52 Lensch [pack]: That is not the best information.
  79. 13:52 Gumbie One of my issues with trump is at first he acted and said He was the smartest, and everything he discovered was a new revolation not to just him, but with the way he said it everyone else too
  80. 13:52 Lensch A single poll is less accurate than an aggregation of polls.
  81. 13:53 Lensch
  82. 13:53 urlinfo *** Content type: text/html
  83. 13:53 [pack] Lensch, better than yours
  84. 13:53 Lensch Trump is currently at a 40.0% approval rating.
  85. 13:53 Gumbie i think tax cut had much to do with that
  86. 13:53 Willpa so you think the FED couldn't win in a RCS war?
  87. 13:53 Gumbie economy not so bad
  88. 13:54 Lensch Gumbie: Most of the tax cut went to the superwealthy.
  89. 13:54 Gumbie small biz got a kick back
  90. 13:54 Lensch Yes.
  91. 13:54 Gumbie granted that isn't me
  92. 13:54 Lensch That expires after about 18 months.
  93. 13:54 *** happy_day quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
  94. 13:54 Lensch The tax cuts for the superwealthy are permanent.
  95. 13:54 Gumbie yes, and it expires
  96. 13:54 Lensch (Until the law is changed)
  97. 13:54 Lensch Gumbie: The GOP uses and abuses GOP voters.
  98. 13:54 gjvc Lensch
  99. 13:55 lednerk BREAKING NEWS: Former Trump campaign official Rick Gates pleasing guilty to intentionally conspiring against the United States and to misleading Mueller's FBI investigators.
  100. 13:55 gjvc do you believe that fascism is on the rise ?
  101. 13:55 lednerk nice hoax
  102. 13:55 Lensch Yes.
  103. 13:55 Gumbie Your speaking to me, like i voted for trump..... I didn't vote at all last election
  104. 13:55 gjvc ok
  105. 13:55 gjvc how much ?
  106. 13:55 Lensch Donald J. Trump is a dictator.
  107. 13:55 Lensch He is currently being constrained by some parts of the government.
  108. 13:55 gjvc how can we remove those constraints ?
  109. 13:55 Lensch But at his heart, he is at least as bad as Duterte.
  110. 13:55 Gumbie i actually have voiced unlike for trump several times, but in my case they are mostly personally and so I try not to parrot them over and over again
  111. 13:55 Lensch Why do you want to remove those constraints?
  112. 13:56 Willpa no they are not, first bleeding heart liberal that gets int the WH will fix things up real quick
  113. 13:56 gjvc don't answer a question with a question ?
  114. 13:56 Gumbie i hope he does good for the country tho....
  115. 13:56 Lensch Answering a question with a question is a valid response in some systems.
  116. 13:56 gjvc not in this one
  117. 13:56 Lensch There are these four ways of answering questions. Which four? There are questions that should be answered categorically [straightforwardly yes, no, this, that]. There are questions that should be answered with an analytical (qualified) answer [defining or redefining the terms]. There are questions that should be answered with a counter-question...
  118. 13:56 Gumbie after all whats next Pence! Hope not, and I know many like him
  119. 13:56 gjvc TRUMP is making America great again
  120. 13:56 Lensch ...There are questions that should be put aside. These are the four ways of answering questions. ” - Buddha, Sutta Pittaka
  121. 13:57 Lensch Thank you for the conversation, gjvc.
  122. 13:57 Lensch Your status as an enemy of the republic is noted.
  123. 13:57 +++ ltCd- has taken voice from Lensch
  124. 13:57 Ekko You've been quieted for 72 hours (mode -v). Parting the channel will result in a 2 hour ban (mode +b).
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