
Feet First into... Heaven?

Oct 7th, 2016
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  1. This story starts during the Halo 3: ODST intro.
  3. >The station rumbles in it's place as the battle outside continues.
  4. >As you sit in your corner of the room, you ponder on the events of the war.
  5. >In just ten minutes you'll enter the maw of hell once again.
  6. >Only this time, it's at home. Earth.
  7. >You figured this day would come, considering humanity's countless losses throughout the war.
  8. >Currently, you're preparing to drop over the city of New Mombasa.
  9. >Once a shining gem in the dirt, it's been torn apart by Covenant forces as they pillage your homeworld. Your last safe haven.
  10. >Considering the odds, it looks like you're not getting out of this one alive.
  11. >Even if you do survive, what's the point? You'll just be shipped off to die again. Another day, into the fray.
  12. >Perhaps you'll get lucky. Maybe you'll get wounded. Maybe you could go home, and try to forget your years of service.
  13. >Except, you don't have a home. Not anymore. Not since the Covenant came.
  14. >Your thoughts are interrupted when the door opens, and in comes the rest of your squad. Dale, Miller, Pyle, and Moverson.
  15. >As they enter the room, they begin to get their things around, preparing for the drop.
  16. >They're good people at heart, but they're here for the same reason you are.
  17. >Just cannon fodder to delay the inevitable.
  18. >"I still can't believe it. How could they have found Earth? It makes no sense."
  19. >"Of course it does. Ever since Harvest they've been inching closer every day. I'm surprised they haven't found us sooner."
  20. >Pyle and Mover are interrupted by your squad leader, Sgt. Blackwell.
  21. >"Enough, you two. We've heard it all a million times. Now get your asses in your pods, we drop in two."
  22. >The two soldiers merely grunt as they do as their CO commands.
  23. >Soon after, Blackwell turns to you.
  24. >"Anon, you heard me. Get set for the drop. We're going to be close quarters, in the middle of a Covenant carrier. I expect you pack something adequate, unlike last time."
  25. >You nod as you comply with him. Once you're on your feet he turns away, fitting on his helmet, and heading towards his pod.
  26. >Standing in front of the weapons cache, you grab your M45E shotgun, an M6/SOCOM magnum, and for safe measure you take an MA5B and an M7, with plenty of ammunition for each.
  27. >Moments later you're strapped into your pod, and the squad is about to be dropped.
  28. >As your pods are being positioned, you get a good look at the results of the battle in the sky.
  29. >It was a slaughter.
  30. >You pay no mind to the words of your squad members as you observe the devastated fleet.
  31. >Before you can acknowledge it a series of beeps indicates that the pods are being released.
  32. >Once you recover from the initial shock, your target comes into view.
  33. >All of the pods have been deployed to take out this one ship.
  34. >A Covenant carrier.
  35. >The ominous hum of its engines is somehow audible to you as it sits there, over the city.
  36. >Closer and closer, you're about to deploy your chutes when you notice something.
  37. >"Slipspace rupture!" Is the only thing you hear before the other soldiers go crazy over comms.
  38. >Out of the corner of your eye you notice a group of pods slip away from the main group.
  39. >Where are they going?
  40. >It matters not, what matters is the ship that's about to jump while in atmosphere.
  41. >You try to adjust your flight path, but it's too late. You're too close. The ship begins its jump, and in fear you try to move out of the way.
  42. >But it doesn't happen. The Covenant carrier jumps, taking you with it.
  44. >Suddenly, comms are quiet.
  45. >You can hear nothing besides the sound of your breathing.
  46. >You take a look around, and notice that you aren't falling anymore. You've hit the ground.
  47. >As quickly as possible, you strap out of your seat and begin to open your pod.
  48. >Once you hit the last button, the hatch flies open, leaving you at the mercy of whatever is outside.
  49. >Your eyes adjust to the sudden brightness, and you take your first steps out of the pod, shotgun in hand.
  50. >Before you lies one of the most peculiar things you have ever seen.
  51. >A field.
  52. >A nice, open, green field, and a forest in the distance.
  53. >No city.
  54. >No carrier.
  55. >No Covenant.
  56. >No war.
  57. >Where are you?
  58. >Where is your squad?
  59. >You try your radio but get nothing but static.
  60. >So you're alone then.
  61. >Maybe you should explore the area.
  62. >Cautiously, you take a few steps forward, making sure you aren't walking into a trap.
  63. >After sweeping the area, you conclude that you're safe.
  64. >What should you do?
  65. >You look up at the sun, and notice that it's about about to get dark.
  66. >With your pod no longer being sealed, it seems you're out of a shelter. Maybe you could bunker up in that forest over there.
  67. >Without many other options, you decide to stick with that.
  68. >Before you begin the walk over, you head back to your pod, sling your MA5D over your shoulder, and place the M7 on your left thigh.
  69. >Your journey to the forest takes about five minutes. Now approaching it, you begin to notice the peaceful ambience of this place.
  70. >Perhaps you died. Maybe the force of the rupture killed you, and you're wandering an endless afterlife.
  71. >Maybe you're in some form of purgatory. A punishment for your service in that damned military.
  72. >Standing in front of the forest fills you with the ominous feeling of being watched. Observed. As if something was waiting for you to act.
  73. >What puzzles you the most is this path. Who could've made this?
  74. >Something has been here before.
  75. >Suddenly chills rush down your spine as you look back to the forest.
  76. >You've never taken into account how different it is in contrast to the sunny fields behind you.
  77. >The more you look at it, the more it's shape begins to twist and turn, the dark trees and low light making it hard to see.
  78. >To counter this, you flip on your helmet's visr, and turn on the flashlight on your shotgun.
  79. >Slowly you enter the forest, watching your surroundings as you go.
  80. >All around you is the sound of snapping twigs and the rustling of leaves.
  81. >After finding nothing you try to ignore it and continue on.
  82. >You skulk about the forest on high for about twenty minutes.
  83. >You've been on edge ever since you set foot in here.
  84. >It's dark, cold, and there could be something out there messing with you.
  85. >Fighting your paranoia, you eventually come across a river.
  86. >There's no way you could cross this thing without a bridge.
  87. >Looking around, it seems like this area could be viable for an overnight stay.
  88. >You set your rifle and your pack on the ground, and begin to look around for anything that could be of use to you.
  89. >In ten minutes all you've found enough supplies for a basic fire and a makeshift shelter. Some rocks, twigs, and fallen branches, which you proceeded to break into smaller pieces.
  90. >As you set up the fire you begin to notice the tracks in the area.
  91. >All sorts of things have been here, from the looks of it.
  92. >Tiny things, big things, you can't tell.
  93. >Hopefully nothing comes by to say hello in the night.
  94. >You place the last piece of wood in the pit and light the kindling.
  95. >For the next couple minutes you shuffle everything around and make sure it catches.
  96. >Afterwards, you take what you have left and make a half-assed lean-to.
  97. >Heading back to the fire, you take an MRE out of your pack.
  98. >Reading the label, it says meat patty.
  99. >Not your favorite, but it's not like you have a choice.
  100. >Tearing it open, you grab your heating packet and the entree, and with some water from the river, you heat up your meal.
  101. >You begin to eat it, the oh-so-familiar taste of rationed meat patty staying in your mouth long after you finish.
  102. >To help wash it down, you get your drink out of the bag, a simple powdered sports drink.
  103. >After mixing it with the water in the drink packets you have yourself something to wash down the meat patty.
  104. >It's gone in seconds as you quickly drink it down.
  105. >Once you've got your meal cleaned up, you lay back in your shelter and look up at the night sky.
  106. >It's clear for the most part, besides the planet's moon shining ever so brightly over the forest.
  107. >You want to stay up longer, to sit by the fire and warm yourself up, but sleep pulls at you, beckoning for your presence.
  108. >After a couple minutes, you can hold it no longer, and give in to the night.
  110. >Your eyes flutter open and you gasp for air as you wake up once more.
  111. >Only this time, you aren't at your campsite.
  112. >Where you are, there is no ground, no trees, no river.
  113. >Nothing.
  114. >All you can see are millions of stars dancing along the cosmos.
  115. >Pulling your hand to your face, you can clearly see that you're still you.
  116. >However, your weapons and your helmet are nowhere to be seen.
  117. >As you look around this puzzling place, you notice something strange. There is a small fire where there wasn't one before.
  118. >Hesitantly, you approach it, trying to find some form of answer as to why you're here.
  119. >The closer you get to it, more and more whispers begin to fill your head.
  120. >"Who are you?"
  121. >"What are you doing in this place?"
  122. >"You don't belong here."
  123. >As much as you try to talk, you can't find the strength to speak. It's as if you're being muffled.
  124. >More and more these whispers begin to shake your soul, tearing your mind apart.
  125. >When you reach the fire, all of a sudden the voices stop.
  126. >You look into the flame, and a lone voice speaks from nowhere.
  127. >"What are you? What wicked forces have wrought you into existence?"
  128. >The voice stops for a moment before resuming.
  129. >"Whatever you may be, accessing the world of your dreams and memories has proven to be quite the difficult task."
  130. >The feminine voice pauses again.
  131. >"I can see that you are afraid. I suspect you know not why you're here, why you have brought a disturbance to our lands. I instruct you to head to the Castle of the Two Sisters upon your awakening. Considering how far you've ventured into that enchanted forest, it should make an easy effort. Should you fail, however, I fear for the structure and stability of this world. Now sleep, young one. You know what you must do."
  132. >As the voice finishes this sentence, a blue horn reaches over the fire and taps your forehead, causing you to pass out.
  134. >As quickly as you fell asleep, you reawaken in pain and your head pounding.
  135. >After writhing in place for a minute you begin to reclaim control of yourself, standing up.
  136. >You're back at the campsite.
  137. >Your helmet is on, your weapons are here.
  138. >What the hell was that?
  139. >You take a moment to make sure you've still got everything.
  140. >Yep. Nothing is missing.
  141. >Thinking about last night, you start to think back on that peculiar dream.
  142. >You've never had any like it.
  143. >Who was that voice?
  144. >What could it mean?
  145. >Castle of the Two Sisters? What's that?
  146. >You toss it aside as some sort of weird dream. It happens.
  147. >You remove your helmet for a moment to take in the fresh air. Another day without the war.
  148. >Maybe you should head out and look for more supplies.
  149. >As you put your pack on, an oddly feminine yet masculine voice breaks the silence.
  150. >"Oh hello!"
  151. >In surprise, you turn to meet the source of the disturbance.
  152. >When you face the river, you're met with a giant sea serpent.
  153. >A giant sea serpent with a moustache.
  154. >Is it waving at you?
  155. >You raise your shotgun, debating whether to pack this thing full of 8 gauge might.
  156. >After a few seconds, you decide to lower your weapon and see what this thing wants.
  157. >Instead, you return the gesture to see if you'll get a response out of it.
  158. >It giggles before saying, "So you DO understand me!"
  159. >You only nod.
  160. >"Well you're not very talkative. What brings you to town?"
  161. >As it says this it gets comfortable, laying its elbow on the ground and resting its head on its hand, er, claw.
  162. >At first you aren't sure what to say.
  163. >What could its intentions be?
  164. >Fuck it. You aren't going to get anywhere if you don't interact with something.
  165. "I honestly don't know. I woke up yesterday in the field out that way. I came wandering around looking for answers, but I haven't found anything yet.
  166. >Its eyes go wide.
  167. >"So that was you falling out of the sky! One moment the sky was dark, another, these metal things were falling everywhere! Now that I recall, I think one hit the old castle nearby. It might be your best bet to look there, my little monkey friend!"
  168. >What?
  169. >So it wasn't a dream...
  170. >And did he just call you monkey?
  171. >Bah, more important than that, it seems more pods might have fallen, and at this castle as well!
  172. "Truly? Do you mean The Castle of the Two Sisters? Where is that place? How can I get there?"
  173. >The serpent taps its finger-like appendages like someone would if they were thinking about something.
  174. >"Hmm... well, I'd take you there myself, but as you can see, I'm but a river serpent. I can tell you where to go, though! All you have to do is cross the river, then head straight along the path, cross the perilous chasm, and there you are! I must warn you, though. This place isn't an ordinary forest. There are all kinds of spooky, scary monsters here, and they won't waste time when it comes to ripping you apart! That's why I stay here. It's safe."
  175. >For what this thing is, it's odd that it's deciding to help you. You won't turn away the help though, that's for sure.
  176. "Thank you, I suppose. I only have one problem. How am I supposed to cross the river? With all of my gear I'd be bogged down and caught in the current."
  177. >The serpent smiles.
  178. >"Well, it just so happens to be that I'm here to help you! However, I need you to promise me you'll do something in return."
  179. >A bargain?
  180. >Interesting.
  181. "Go on..."
  182. >"Well, I've been stuck in this river for a long time. I'd appreciate it if you'd knock down the nearby beaver damn on your way back. I'd do it myself, but I'm not one for getting into conflicts like that. In return, I'll make sure you have a permanent way to get across the river safely. Deal?"
  183. >Well, it's simple.
  184. >All you have to do is take care of some beavers, and you'll have the help of this dragon thing.
  185. >Really, it's a win win situation.
  186. "Sure, why not. If you get me across now I'll help you with the beavers."
  187. >"Fantastic! Allow me!"
  188. >The serpent lays its body long ways so that you may cross the river.
  189. >"Go ahead! I can't wait to hear the good news! You simply must tell me what you find at the castle!"
  190. >Once more you sling your rifle over your shoulder and head out, crossing over the beast's body.
  191. >You're a couple feet away when it says, "Oh, I forgot! Do you have a name, little thing?"
  192. >Should you?
  193. >What the hell, who cares.
  194. "My name is Anonymous. Anon for short."
  195. >"Nice to meet you, Anon! My name is Steven Magnet, and it's been a pleasure to talk with you!"
  196. >Stumbling on your words, you say, "Y-you too."
  197. >The dragon waves again, before disappearing into the water.
  198. >Time to head to this castle.
  200. >You leave the serpent's river, starting your walk down the path.
  201. >For the most part, it's calmer than earlier.
  202. >Not so many noises. It helps, but not a whole lot.
  203. >While walking, you start to think.
  204. >What will you do at this castle?
  205. >Hopefully you can meet up with whoever crashed there and figure something out.
  206. >But if it's a castle, it must have a lord.
  207. >Someone to rule over the lands. To keep order.
  208. >Maybe this person will turn out to be agreeable. That would be nice.
  209. >You step over a fallen tree, making sure not to fall over like an idiot.
  210. >The more you head down this trail you notice more and more tracks.
  211. >Just like when you first entered the forest.
  212. >Moments pass and the sound of twigs and leaves being shuffled returns.
  213. >You merely sigh and continue your trek.
  214. >However, over the course of the next couple minutes, these sounds get louder and louder.
  215. >Either something is actually watching you, or you're going batshit insane.
  216. >First you wake up in this heavenly realm, then you have your dream, meet that dragon, and now these sounds from earlier return.
  217. >Who knows.
  218. >Hopefully this castle has answers.
  219. >God, you sound more delusional than you did back home.
  220. >You always got shit for your stance on the military, but you've dealt with it.
  221. >It's your opinion.
  222. >It's not like you chose to sign up.
  223. >Everyone who could fight was drafted.
  224. >Sure, you chose to join the ODST program, but that was just to get out of the nightmare that is the UNSC Marine Corps.
  225. >The training was rough but you stuck it through.
  226. >The armor is nice though. That's for sure.
  227. >You lose yourself in your thoughts as you keep walking, and eventually you stumble upon a gap.
  228. >The bridge connecting both sides seems old and rickety, but it might be able to hold.
  229. >You lose interest in the bridge as soon as you notice what's on the other side of the chasm.
  230. >In the distance is an old run down stone behemoth of a building.
  231. >So this must be the place.
  232. >But why is it abandoned?
  233. >And that smoke emanating from the ruins...
  234. >Is that?
  235. >It has to be.
  236. >Slowly, you step onto the bridge.
  237. >It creaks as you place your weight onto it, but doesn't show any signs of giving in.
  238. >Okay.
  239. >Nice and easily, you cross the seemingly bottomless pit as the bridge slowly sways in the wind.
  240. >You're about halfway across when the bridge suddenly shakes violently.
  241. >You manage to hold your balance as the shaking subsides, and you look back to where you first stepped onto the bridge.
  242. >Back there is a large beast, seemingly a mixture of various creatures.
  243. >It's like a large cat with wings and a scorpion's tail.
  244. >Figuring it might be like the serpent from earlier, you decide to try and communicate with it.
  245. >You wave, but when you open your mouth to speak, you're interrupted when the monster roars, and begins to try to cross the bridge.
  246. >Well fuck, somehow the bridge manages to keep stable with this thing on.
  247. >It doesn't seem like it will be for long. You should probably get off as quickly as possible.
  248. >You nope the hell out of there, and before you realize it, you're on the castle's side of the bridge.
  249. >The monster is making progress however and is nearly across.
  250. >Eh, nothing a little 8 gauge can't handle.
  251. >You raise your boomstick and point it right at the beast's head.
  252. >As it rears up on its hind legs, you pull the trigger.
  253. >BANG
  254. >CHU-CHUNK
  255. >Blood spatters all over your helmet as the beast gives a blood-curdling howl and scratches at its head, half of which is now missing, before falling limp over the bridge.
  256. >Eerily, bridge swings in the silence that follows the execution.
  257. >It's not like you had a choice or anything.
  258. >Motherfucker was going to turn you into a meat patty.
  259. >And you don't like meat patties.
  260. >Observing the rest of your gear, most of it seems to have earned at least a couple drops of red paint.
  261. >You forget about the animal almost instantly once you turn around and head for the castle once more.
  262. >It's about four hundred yards away at this point.
  263. >You're approaching the front gate now, and it's clear something hit here.
  264. >Seconds later and you're standing right outside the massive doors.
  265. >You take your helmet off and place your ear up against one of them.
  266. >You can hear something in there.
  267. >Wasting no more time, you gently push the doors open, and raise your shotgun.
  268. >Nothing.
  269. >You clear the smoke filled room, absolutely puzzled.
  270. >Maybe whatever you're looking for is in another part of the castle.
  271. >Crossing the room, you come upon a door reading 'Great Hall'.
  272. >Slowly you open the door, and peek into the room.
  273. >You wish you hadn't.
  274. >Inside the massive room is a downed Covenant phantom.
  275. >As soon as you open the door, you slam it shut.
  276. >What the hell?
  277. >Covenant? Here?
  278. >You haven't seen any so far, this makes no sense!
  279. >If these are the only ones on the planet, maybe you can keep yourself safe by wiping them out now.
  280. >They're probably wounded from the crash.
  281. >Fuck it.
  282. >You bash open the door, and scan the area.
  283. >No activity it seems.
  284. >You flip on your visr before moving forward.
  285. >Passing some knocked down columns and debris, you carefully creep towards the ship.
  286. >You pass a banner on the floor.
  287. >It depicts an image of two horses, each with either the sun or moon above them.
  288. >Odd.
  289. >Ignoring the banner you walk closer to the crashed ship.
  290. >Blue blood is spattered everywhere.
  291. >Bodies of several of its inhabitants litter the small area outside. Mostly grunts with several jackals in the mess too.
  292. >You're outside the entry hatch when you hear a violent cough.
  293. >This startles you and makes you step back, your feet shuffling across the floor.
  294. >Weakly, something says, "Brother? Is that you?"
  295. >Paralyzed with fear, you don't move a muscle.
  296. >What seems to be an elite moves around inside, causing the metal of the ship to creak.
  297. >"I can't move, and this thing is about to crush me! Get me out of here brother!"
  298. >Your ragged breathing is the only sound you can make.
  299. >It said it was hurt. That it can't move.
  300. >If you go in there, it won't be able to harm you.
  301. >It's not like you're going to get anywhere if you just leave.
  302. >God damnit.
  303. >Laying down your shotgun, you begin to lift open the hatch.
  304. >Once you've got it about a quarter of the way up, it's violently torn from you and you're tackled by a sangheili zealot.
  305. >"HAHAHAHA! Insolent whelp! Did you not think I would know you were coming?"
  306. >SHIT
  307. >You try to reach for your magnum, but the elite notices this and pins your hand down.
  308. >You struggle as hard as you can, thrashing around like an animal, but it only takes up your energy as you're hopelessly stuck here.
  309. >"Look at how weak you are. Barely able to stand against my might. No matter how hard you try, it makes no difference. Your death will serve to further our Great Journey!"
  310. >It snarls as it raises it's free hand, exposing it's energy blade.
  311. >It seems this is it.
  312. >With nothing left to save you, you're about to die in some crummy old castle.
  313. >You close your eyes as it prepares to sink its weapon into your flesh.
  315. >What?
  316. >That voice...
  317. >After the thunderous voice becomes quiet, you open your eyes and a blue aura surrounds the elite, lifting it off of your body.
  318. >The elite tries to struggle against it, but fails to do anything other than flail its arms around like the fool that it is.
  319. >Slipping about, you hurriedly stand up and collect your shotgun and magnum before anything else.
  320. >When you turn around, the magical blue horse is still holding the elite in its blue aura, waiting for you.
  321. >Wait, magical blue horse?
  322. >Yep, you're definitely insane.
  323. >You were about to be killed when your life was miraculously saved by this pretty pony.
  324. >Whatever this horse wants that's keeping you from shooting the shit out out of this covie bastard better be important.
  325. >Nonetheless, you approach it, keeping your distance from the elite. Even if he's restrained something could happen.
  326. >Through the energy field, he gives you one of the coldest glares you've ever received.
  327. >Clearly it doesn't want to be here any more than you do.
  328. >The three of you are there for a couple seconds, awkwardly looking at each other.
  329. >The horse with the magical flowing mane is the first to speak.
  330. >"I am sure the two of you are wondering why I have brought you together here. I am-"
  331. >The elite cuts her off.
  332. >"You.. you are the demon who haunts my dreams. What trickery is this!?"
  333. >It attempts to pull out its plasma rifle, but to no avail.
  334. >In turn, you aim your shootey tubey right at its chest.
  335. >"Enough!"
  336. >The horse's horn glows, and your weapons are thrown from you.
  337. >"All will be explained if you two cooperate."
  338. >Its horn lights again, and with a flash a vision is displayed before you.
  339. >In this projection you see a colorful land, similar to that you were in before you entered the forest.
  340. >"My name is Princess Luna. I rule over these lands alongside my sister, Princess Celestia. Two nights ago, the sky of this world was clouded in darkness. From that darkness came you two. Your capsules collided with our planet, and without my aid, both of you wouldn't be here to speak with me. I lured you here so that I might understand your purpose in these lands. I understand that you don't want to be here. From what I've seen, I can tell you did not intentionally invade our lands. Something has brought you here. Something I intend to find."
  341. >Intriguing. A world of talking horses. Why does this not surprise you?
  342. >But more importantly, what is it she's trying to find?
  343. "What are you looking for, exactly? How does this involve us?"
  344. >"Well, if you were planning on going home, this might be your only ticket out of Equestria."
  345. >Equestria? Is that what this place is called?
  346. >The pony looks through the hole the phantom created for a moment.
  347. >"I understand you may still have questions, but we are running out of time here. I will give you a couple minutes to recollect your things. We must return to my palace before it is time for night."
  348. >Okay. Easy.
  349. >The elite, however, doesn't look so happy.
  350. >"Must I spend any more time with this insect? Why not be rid of it before we leave this place?"
  351. >The princess takes a step forward.
  352. >"While I know not of what your world must be like, I will not tolerate violence between the two of you. I shall give you the chance to elaborate on life where you are from once we are in the safety of Canterlot. Now hurry."
  353. >She releases the alien from her grasp.
  354. >The elite grunts at her response, and heads towards the downed phantom.
  355. >You grab your rifle and your shotgun before returning to the princess.
  356. >The elite shows up a moment later with a capsule full of whatever it scavenged out of the phantom.
  357. >"Are you two ready? I must warn you, teleportation will be hard on you for the first time."
  358. >Both you and the elite are silent, and merely nod.
  359. >"Hmhmhmm... I thought so."
  360. >Her horn shines a brilliant blue, and flashes once more.
  362. >Within an instant you're now in a fancy, large room, with twenty or so smaller horses looking at you in awe.
  363. >You're alive, not even close to the adrenaline rush of a combat drop.
  364. >You start looking around the room.
  365. >It's a beautiful sight, with ornate decor and furniture scattered around the room.
  366. >The horses continue looking at you, non of them moving.
  367. >As you are getting reacquainted with yourself and the fact that you literally fucking teleported, you remember the two beings from before.
  368. >The princess and the sangheili.
  369. >The princess stands high above the other horses, standing with a regal posture.
  370. >The elite looks at you in aggravated silence.
  371. >"Where do you intend on taking us?"
  372. >You stand up, and look at the princess.
  373. >"Well, our situation is much more dire than I would have thought at first. If it is not handled correctly, there could be grave consequences, the likes of which could be well worse than anything I could imagine. Whatever this situation is, you and your friend are crucial in stopping whatever malevolent force is behind this."
  374. >Friend? You'd hardly consider that thing a friend. Or alive, given enough time.
  375. >"If you'll follow me, we can talk on our situation further."
  376. >The princess trots away, glancing back at you for but a moment.
  377. >You stick closely behind her as she leads you down an elegant spiral staircase.
  378. >For the first time, you begin to further study the architecture of this place.
  379. >Fancy marble floors, heavenly rugs and stylish stained glass windows help soothe your mind.
  380. >It's a nice contrast to the cold metals of home.
  381. >Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase, the princess heads down a large hallway.
  382. >The two of you pass by many rooms as you go.
  383. >Occasionally, you peak inside, to see what's going on.
  384. >As you look into a large kitchen, you take in the great fragrances of whatever is being prepared.
  385. >Your stomach aches upon doing this.
  386. >You don't say anything though. Though you've been through the horrors of war, you don't want to come off as rude to royalty. Especially in a foreign land such as this.
  387. >Eventually you come to the end of the hallway, and to a pair of large doors.
  388. >The princess turns to you.
  389. >"Here we ar- wait, what happened to your companion? He came along, didn't he?"
  390. >Oh fuck.
  391. >You hadn't noticed that the elite hasn't been in sight for quite a while.
  392. >Was it even walking with you?
  393. >Cautiously, you raise your shotgun.
  394. >The princess looks at you inquisitively.
  395. >"I see not why you are afraid, but why is it that you carry that around? What does it do?"
  396. "Honestly, that's probably a better question for later. What matters is where the hell that thing went! You can't just let one of those monsters roam around unchecked!"
  397. >She shifts her eyes slightly, as if looking behind you.
  398. >"Just what is that?"
  399. >Rudely, she pokes one of her hooves over your shoulder.
  400. >Before you can even turn around, she disrupts the elites active camouflage.
  401. >Angered by this action, the elite releases a loud roar before flinging you across the hallway.
  402. >You land, hurting everywhere and being incapable of movement.
  403. >Completely disoriented, you sit there dazed for moment.
  404. >"What are you doing?!"
  405. >Multiple heavy steps are heard.
  406. >"Do not interfere, little being! This matter does not involve you!"
  407. >"How dare you! You would say such a thing to a princess?!"
  408. >"I do not recognize you as this 'princess'. You have yet to prove your worth to the Covenant!"
  409. >The steps are getting closer.
  410. >You shake your head and snap out of it.
  411. >Frantically, you feel around for your shotgun.
  412. >For whatever reason it evades you when you need it most.
  413. >In a last ditch effort you pull out your M7, only to have it kicked from your hands.
  414. >One of the sangheilis hands wraps around your neck, and you are held in the air, the monster forcing you to lock eyes with its own.
  415. >It growls, before muttering something in its native language.
  416. >The elite slowly puts more pressure on your neck, and before long weariness starts to set in.
  417. >Thrashing your legs around, you deliver a kick to the gut which causes the elite to drop you and end the choking.
  418. >You hurriedly make some distance between the two of you, crawling backwards on the floor.
  419. >You reach for your magnum when a group of armored horses gallop into the room, armed with primitive spears.
  420. >"They've gone rampant!"
  421. >"Protect the Princess!"
  422. >Some of them surround you, pointing their weapons towards your face and shouting.
  423. >One of them stomps your hand and slides your weapon away.
  424. >Another hits you with the blunt end of its weapon, knocking you back.
  425. >Amidst this, they're still shouting at you.
  426. >You can't tell what they're trying to say though, there's too much going on.
  427. >The others try to deal with the elite, circling the now recovered alien.
  428. >The elite stands ready for their attack, and as one of them lunges towards it, it grabs its weapon and uses it to throw the horse away from itself.
  429. >"Fools! All of you! You think you can take me?! Come then! Prove your worth, and hope that I spare your lives!"
  430. >Using this as an advantage the others attempt to pile on top of the elite.
  431. >"Deplorable vermin!"
  432. >This angers the Covenant soldier even more, and with a single move it knocks them from its back.
  433. >Even more of the armored horses enter the hall to take on the towering sangheili.
  434. >Amidst the chaos the princess doesn't stand idly by. She disappears into the room behind her, and quickly re-enters the hallway, with a larger horse in tow.
  435. >They say something to each other quickly looking back and forth from the fight to themselves.
  436. >Growing tired of the conflict, the horn of the larger one glows yellow, and suddenly bright.
  437. >So bright you can hardly see.
  438. >In the blinding light, you can hear the elite roar a final roar, and it hits the floor with a large thud.
  439. >Soon after, you're struck in the back of the head and your vision goes out.
  441. >You wake up to find yourself in a cell.
  442. >Your body doesn't hurt so much anymore.
  443. >That's good.
  444. >Looking around the dimly lit cage, you can see that you are alone in your prison.
  445. >Two torches light the small room, and your hands are bound to the wall.
  446. >Through the bars on the door, you can see another cell.
  447. >A much larger figure is in that one.
  448. >Your memory strikes as you observe the sleek maroon armor of the sangheili zealot.
  449. >He's locked up just as you are.
  450. >Helpless.
  451. >But why were you thrown in here in the first place?
  452. >The elite was the one causing a panic.
  453. >He attacked you.
  454. >It's all it's damned fault.
  455. >Now, who knows if you'll get out of here.
  456. >How sturdy are these shackles anyway?
  457. >You tug on your restraints, making no progress to your escape.
  458. >Damnit.
  459. >It was worth a try.
  460. >Suddenly, you hear the faint clinking of chains.
  461. >You lift your head to the source of the noise.
  462. >Looking through the steel bars, you can barely see that the elite is now stirring about.
  463. >You say nothing, but look at the beast regardless.
  464. >The chains sway slowly for a moment, before their captive starts to shake and pull.
  465. >Harder and harder, the elite challenges its bindings, slightly shaking the entire level.
  466. >Its efforts are fruitless, and after a minute it gives up.
  467. "Having any luck there buddy?", you say, your sarcasm evident.
  468. >The alien growls before looking up at you through the bars.
  469. >"Leave me be, mongrel. I will not be bothered by the likes of you. Not after being humiliated and tossed into a cage."
  470. >It raises its head for a moment, tilting it just a bit. Just after, however, it huffs before sinking in it's place.
  471. >Odd. These things never give up.
  472. >It would probably be best to leave it be.
  473. >You sit in your current state for a moment.
  474. >You'd be twiddling your thumbs right now if it weren't for these shackles.
  475. >Your petty thoughts reside in your head as a cold gust of wind enters the room.
  476. >This is followed by the slamming of a door.
  477. >You clear your mind as whoever that was begins their approach.
  478. >Glancing back at the elite, however, it seems he has accepted his fate.
  479. >You could care less. Perhaps whoever that is will be here to let you out.
  480. >Pfft. As if. You'd never be that lucky.
  481. >As the beings get closer, the glow of their torches along the walls signifies that they're just outside your cell.
  482. "Hello? Anybody there?"
  483. >There's no response.
  484. >Well fuck you too then.
  485. >A ring of keys jingle, and just a second later your cell door is open.
  486. >Outside the door stand five of the horses.
  487. >This time, however, they look much different.
  488. >They're wearing heavier versions of the armor they were wearing before, covering everything but small patches of their bodies, as well as their tails.
  489. >Four of them wield halberds that look way too big for something their size.
  490. >The one leading the group removes his helmet, and looks you in they eye.
  491. >"The princesses have decreed that the two of you are to be released back into the castle."
  492. >Oh really?
  493. >How sweet.
  494. >But why would you be locked in here in the first place then?
  495. >"However, I do not serve the princesses of Canterlot. Various Equestrian nobles have decided that you are unworthy to roam our streets. Such filth simply cannot be assimilated into pony society after what the two of you have demonstrated."
  496. >Ponies? That's what they are?
  497. >Huh.
  498. >But what does he mean?
  499. >The ponies behind the leader ready their halberds.
  500. >Well fuck.
  501. >You sure are dense.
  502. >"As far as anypony will know, the two of you returned to your warmongering behavior and we were forced to put you down. It was a pleasure to meet you."
  503. >He backs off, letting a snicker escape his lips.
  504. >After he puts on the helmet, the others approach.
  505. >Well they did anyway.
  506. >With a loud crash of iron and wood you're temporarily disoriented as the sangheili tears its door from its hinges.
  507. >The leader of the ponies stands there dumbstruck, being terribly dwarfed by the colossal figure.
  508. >The elite shouts something in its native language before picking up the pony and throwing it down the stone hall.
  509. >The other ponies turn their weapons towards it, and prepare to attack.
  510. >Before they're given a chance the elite grabs one of their weapons, before striking its now defenseless owner in the side.
  511. >The equine is thrown out of your vision, its body seeping heavy amounts of blood.
  512. >After witnessing this act, the others retreat from their enemy, taking their officer with them.
  513. >The elite steps forward to pursue, before looking back at you.
  514. >It opens the door to your cell, and for a couple seconds, stands before you, as if silently judging you.
  515. >"We have little time. If our earlier encounter is anything to judge, they will be back, and in greater number. I cannot take them alone. As much as I would rather not admit, it seems that we both need the help of each other."
  516. >You aren't sure how to feel about this.
  517. >An alien that's razed your worlds and killed your people is asking for your help.
  518. >It's right though.
  519. >You haven't got much time.
  520. >And thinking takes time.
  521. >You look up to the zealot, and simply nod.
  522. >"It seems we are in agreement, then. To a temporary alliance. Hold still, human."
  523. >You pull your chains, giving the elite an easy target.
  524. >With its new weapon, it cleaves through the first chain with little to no effort.
  525. >You're starting to not like this.
  526. >He'd better be careful with that thing.
  527. >It's like a really bad trust game, honestly.
  528. >As the last chain is broken, you're free at last.
  529. "So, uh, Sangheili. What do we do now?"
  530. >The elite gives you a weird look.
  531. >"Do not call me that. My people refer to me as Xore 'Suram. Simple call me Xore, and we shall be on good terms. For now."
  532. "Understood, sang- Erm, Xore. My name is Anonymous. Anon for short."
  533. >You warily hold your hand out, waiting for a shake.
  534. >Xore simply looks at you like a child.
  535. >"We have no time for this. We need to make our leave. Follow me!"
  536. >Xore heads towards the one open door
  537. >You pick up a fallen halberd and make your way down the hall.
  538. >You hear armor clank as more of the ponies approach from elsewhere in the building.
  540. Anything past this isn't final and is subject to change.
  542. >The two of you come to the doorway, which forks off into two more halls.
  543. >The sounds are coming from the right.
  544. >Xore heads left without saying a word.
  545. >Silently, you follow him.
  546. >As you are running through the hall, you notice that everything is quiet.
  547. >Well, everything except your and your newfound ally.
  548. >Xore stops at the end of the hall to open the next door, and as he does so, you manage to catch up to him.
  549. >"Keep up, if we lag behind much longer, I fear it will be too late.
  550. >He attempts to open the door, which is locked.
  551. >Xore bangs his hand on the door, and shakes his head.
  552. >He grunts, and readies his weapon.
  553. >"Stand back."
  554. >You only nod, and step back a bit, giving the elite ample room.
  555. >Once you're clear, he bashes the door open with his halberd, emitting a loud crash.
  556. >The door is open, yet eerily moving on its hinges.
  557. >You make another observation, that the room before you is pitch black.
  558. >Not even one torch is lit.
  559. >Xore doesn't seem to mind, and takes a step forward.
  560. "Wait, stop."
  561. >The elite ignores you, beginning to head into the room.
  562. >"What are you doing, human? You're wasting my time!"
  563. >The moment Xore enters the room, it is engulfed in light.
  564. >A group of ponies stand there, armed with torches.
  565. >From the ceiling hang a multitude of chandeliers, full of hot coals.
  566. >And to top it all off, the ground is covered in oil.
  567. >SHIT.
  568. >Xore stands there like an animal in headlights.
  569. >You stumble on yourself as you make your way over, and attempt to pull your new accomplice back into the hall.
  570. >As hard as you might try, you fail to pull his weight.
  571. >The ponies drop the vases, and the oil catches.
  572. >The flame quickly spreads around the room, wasting no time in approaching Xore.
  573. >In a desperate effort, you hit the elite upside the head.
  574. >Xore snaps out of his trance, and almost dives out of the room.
  575. >By the time he's out the fire has spread across the floor, leaving no space uncovered.
  576. >As Xore recovers, you look back to the ponies.
  577. >Through the flames you can see one shouting orders to the other, and after a moment all but two leave their positions.
  578. >Those that remain glare at you, waiting for you to make your move.
  579. >Well, there goes that.
  580. >You turn away from the flames, and look back to your partner.
  581. "You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep being reckless. C'mon, the only doorway is at the other side of this hall."
  582. >Xore stands up, and looks back at you.
  583. >"Do not forget who you speak to, human."
  584. >You ignore his words and begin to head for the other doorway.
  585. >Xore does not fall behind, easily keeping up with you.
  586. >You reach the other end of the hall in no less than twenty seconds. As you peer into the doorway, nothing seems to be wrong.
  587. >On the other side of the door frame is a small room with a couple tables, as well as a map on the wall.
  588. >Huh.
  589. >Empty.
  590. >Deciding not to take any risks, you slip off your glove and toss it into the room.
  591. >Obviously, nothing happens.
  592. >Good job, you accomplished nothing.
  593. "Alright, it seems clear. I'm heading in. Watch my back, will ya?"
  594. >Xore sneers at your words, but follows your instructions.
  595. >Carefully, you step into the room, and clear your corners.
  596. >Nothing.
  597. >Okay, fuck, you're wasting time.
  598. >You grab your glove and strap it on, and head into the next room.
  599. >Empty again.
  600. >You'd be wasting time if you were to check every room you head into.
  601. >Your surroundings are a blur as you move through the compound, just trying to get the hell out of this place.
  602. >Going through room after room, you finally come into what seems to be locked door.
  603. >Inside the room is a rather large box, labelled prisoner belongings.
  604. >You need to get in there, but there's no way you could bust that lock.
  605. >Perhaps your partner-in-crime could be of assistance?
  606. "Xore, you think you could help me out? Our stuff is in there, and I can't break this lock."
  607. >He stifles a laugh.
  608. >"Step aside, human, I shall take care of this."
  609. >Xore breaks the lock with little to no effort, and opens the door.
  610. >Eager to retrieve your weapons, you don't notice the tripwire.
  611. >You fall on your face like an idiot, causing Xore to laugh.
  612. >That laugh is short lived, however, as the trap activates.
  613. >A battering ram swings down from the ceiling, flying over you and into the chest of the elite.
  614. >He's sent back a couple feet, and the familiar sound of the clanking of armor enters your ears again.
  615. >Dazed and confused, you recover from your fall as the enemy enters the room behind you.
  616. >At least fifteen of the ponies stand around Xore, not noticing you at this second.
  617. >"Aye, sir! We got one o' the bastards!"
  618. >"Yeah, big man fell for the ram, knocked him cold. Say, if we've got him, where'd the other one go?"
  619. >Silently, you crawl to the box.
  620. >How are you going to get rid of them?
  621. >There's no way you could take on that many.
  622. >"Who knows, if these two were fighting before, this one probably killed it. Good riddance, I say."
  623. >You reach the box, which, to your surprise, is unlocked.
  624. >You waste no time in recollecting your weaponry, as well as your helmet.
  625. >In your haste, the lid of the chest slips from your grasp, causing a loud boom as it slams shut.
  626. >"Oi, over 'ere! He's in the storage room!"
  627. >"He's gone after his stuff!"
  628. >God damnit.
  629. >You drop everything but your boomstick and slide on your helmet as the ponies gather around the door.
  630. >You're cornered, and tired.
  631. >Why can't you just go home?
  632. >Well, maybe once these ponies have their way with you, you can.
  633. >But why would you want to?
  634. >As far as you know, your home is gone.
  635. >You've got nothing left.
  636. >There's nothing for you to go back to, and you're trapped in this alien realm.
  637. >Perhaps death could be the sweetest relief from the stress of the life you have lived.
  638. >No.
  639. >You wont let that happen.
  640. >You aren't going to die in some godforsaken land of talking ponies and mythical creatures.
  641. >These ponies, you don't even know who they are, whose command they fall under.
  642. >Maybe if you can get out of here, you can find sanctuary far from this place.
  643. >But first comes the problem of actually getting past these ponies, and out of this hell hole.
  644. >If you're lucky, perhaps you can scare them off.
  645. >Your grip on your shotgun tightens, and you look towards the ponies.
  646. >"What's it doing?"
  647. >"I dunno, but it ain't stopping!"
  648. >Their leader steps in front of the crowd.
  649. >"Weapons ready!"
  650. >In unison, the ponies point their weapons at you.
  651. >Let's hope this works.
  652. "You're going to let us go, and you won't pursue."
  653. >They burst into laughter at your demand.
  654. >One of them speaks, as if to taunt you.
  655. >"An' what if we don't??"
  656. "I'll make you."
  657. >You raise your M45, and point it into the crowd.
  658. "You don't want to die trying to keep me in a cage, do you? Wouldn't you like to see your families again?"
  659. >This results in more laughter.
  660. >"What're ya gonna do with that little thing? That over-sized paperweight hardly looks like a weapon at all, 'least to me."
  661. >The leader pushes his subordinate out of the way, and raises his voice.
  662. >"Enough of this! Soldiers, I'll have no more of your banter, do you understand me?! I want you to put this beast down, now!"
  663. >The ponies begin to approach, giving you less room to breath by the second.
  664. >Well, you tried.
  665. >If they aren't going to cooperate you're going to have to take action.
  666. >You step back a bit to give yourself some room.
  667. >The pony that taunted you earlier, eager to attack, knocks one of his comrades aside and charges you head on.
  668. >As he raises his axe, you aim for his exposed underside
  669. >BANG
  670. >"GYAAH!"
  671. >Blood spatters everywhere, coating the walls and his allies in a crimson hue.
  672. >His body, still oozing and spurting the dark liquid, is thrown back onto another of the ponies, causing them to collapse under his weight.
  673. >At the sight of your attack, the other ponies jump, others freeze and one trips in shock.
  674. >CHU-CHUNK
  675. >Your spent shell hits the floor, and your weapon is ready to fire again.
  676. "ANYONE ELSE?!"
  677. >They just look at you, mouths agape, eyes wide in fear of your weapon.
  678. >One of them builds up the courage to drag his fallen ally out of the fray, freeing the pony trapped underneath him.
  679. >"What are you doing?! You're going to stand there as it murders your comrades?! I'll deal with it myself, out of my way!"
  680. >Their leader steps in front of the crowd, and takes his sword and shield in his aura.
  681. >One of the others drops his weapons, walks before his leader, and speaks up.
  682. >"You're aren't being serious, are you!? Look at what just happened! That machine just sent Silver flying, and as far as I know, can do the same to the rest of us! As much as you might want to hurt that thing, I don't think you could stand a chance! Maybe if it weren't for your damned temper, we wouldn't have to be dealing with this right now!"
  683. >His outburst is met with the menacing glare of his superior. However, he stands firm against him.
  684. >The leader grits his teeth.
  685. >"Grr, fine! If you would rather flee than avenge your fallen brother, be my guest! Out of my sight, you are relieved from duty!"
  686. >The soldier looks up to his superior, before spitting at his hooves and dropping his helmet.
  687. >The others begin to drop their helmets as well, leaving the room behind him.
  688. >As his soldiers begin to exit the room, their leader stares at the dying body of his fallen pony as it's carried away in magic.
  689. >One by one they leave, until eventually, only their former leader is left.
  690. >Your posture hasn't changed. You're still pointing your weapon, yet he doesn't seem to care.
  691. >He looks at you for a moment, before speaking.
  692. >"My soldiers have left me, but I will not go against my oath to my superiors. I will not falter as easily as they have."
  693. >He clashes his sword and shield together.
  694. >"Are you ready?"
  695. >You're silent.
  696. >He's dumb if he thinks he can take you.
  697. >"Very well."
  698. >Well, he's got courage, that's for sure.
  699. >The pony rears up on his legs before charging you.
  700. >He makes it about two feet before you pull the trigger.
  701. >BANG
  702. >No scream.
  703. >What?
  704. >CHU-CHUNK
  705. >Looking up, you only see his shield before being knocked to the ground.
  706. >Dazed, you look up to see him standing above you.
  707. >You can't see his face, but he's raising his sword.
  708. >Out of instinct you grab your shotgun and hold it over your head.
  709. >As he brings his sword down, you meet it halfway with your gun, saving your skin.
  710. >Before he can acknowledge what just happened, you kick him in the gut, knocking him back just enough.
  711. >At this point you've managed to recollect yourself.
  712. >And your 8-gauge.
  713. >Before you can shoot, however, the pony is lifted into the air.
  714. >Xore has roused from his previous state, holding the pony up with one hand.
  715. >As he gasps for breath, Xore studies his facial expression.
  716. >He shakes his head in disapproval, then drops the pony onto the ground.
  717. >"Leave, now! This being has tried to give you the gift of mercy, do not think that I will do the same!"
  718. >At a loss, the helpless pony looks around, considering his options.
  719. >The little guy looks up at Xore before scurrying out of the room in shame.
  720. >"My body aches and I feel incredible pain. What happened?"
  721. "We've got no time. Long story short," you point to the battering ram, "that thing knocked you down and I was ambushed. I held my own but I fear that this is not over. Before we leave, however, you might want to grab your things from the chest. This could get worse."
  722. >Xore studies you for a moment.
  723. >"If only I was awake to partake in such events. No matter, you are right. Allow me an instant to collect my belongings and I shall be ready to depart."
  724. >The elite swings open the chest, grabbing his possessions quickly.
  725. >Xore leaves his halberd in favor of his plasma rifle, shouldering his pack. After he's finished he rejoins you at the door.
  726. "Ready? Let's go."
  727. >The two of you begin to head out of the room, following the trail of blood left by the fallen pony.
  728. >As you are walking through the facility, you notice that the rooms are empty for the most part, minus furniture.
  729. >That doesn't matter though.
  730. >There are no sounds other than you, which makes you hold your shotgun just a little tighter.
  731. >Winding tunnels and a multitude of small, torch-lit rooms are your path for a good two minutes, before you finally see sunlight.
  732. >In the next room over, a door swings on its hinges, sunlight pouring in through the doorway.
  733. >This is it.
  734. >Knowing not to make the same mistake as before, you signal Xore to stack up on the door.
  735. >He doesn't seem to know what you mean, but follows you regardless.
  736. >When the two of you are in position, you quickly look yourselves over.
  737. >Well, it's not perfect. But so long as it gets you out of here it doesn't matter.
  738. >You raise your right hand, and three fingers.
  739. >Hopefully he gets what you're trying to do.
  740. >You count down, slowly.
  741. >As soon as you lower your last finger, you move through the doorway.
  742. >You almost lock in place as soon as you realize your surroundings.
  743. >Before you is a field, with a small town in the distance.
  744. >However, the area is cast over by a menacing shadow.
  745. >In fear, you turn around to face whatever it may be.
  746. >Your fear turns into wonder as you lay your eyes on a gigantic mountain, with a magnificent city just at its peak.
  747. >It's hard to see from hear, but the buildings seem to be a mix of lush purples, vibrant yellows, and soothing whites.
  748. >It looks heavenly. Definitely something you'd never have expected to see in the last ten years of your life.
  749. >You almost didn't notice that Xore had come out of the compound.
  750. >He passes you as you study the building.
  751. >It's almost hidden in the rock of the mountain from this side.
  752. >Huh. They must have really wanted to keep you in there.
  753. >But that begs a thought.
  754. >Who are these nobles they serve?
  755. >Why do they want you gone?
  756. >If they are this determined to bringing forth your death, perhaps you shouldn't bother yourself with heading to that city.
  757. >However, it seems as though the princesses from earlier wanted you released.
  758. >You could use their help in figuring out your situation.
  759. >But how would they react to your actions? A princess wouldn't take the death of one of their subjects lightly.
  760. >Now isn't the time to deal with the threats of another fight. You need a place to rest your head.
  761. >This thought brings you back to the town in the distance. The trek would be a couple hours at the minimum, but maybe you could find help there.
  762. >Perhaps you should inquire Xore for his opinion?
  763. >You step forward and turn around, meeting the gaze of the stoic sangheili.
  764. >Now that you're free from that prison, perhaps it wouldn't be wise to trust him so much.
  765. >He would make a powerful ally, though, as much as you would like to disagree.
  766. >This whole situation makes your head hurt.
  767. "Considering our situation, I believe it would be wise if we stuck together."
  768. >His face changes as you say this. He seems to be giving you a judgmental stare, waiting for a chance to talk.
  769. "I know you hate my kind as much as I do yours. But we're in a completely different world here. Perhaps for the time being, we could use each others assistance."
  770. >"Why do you say this? Why should I trust your words?"
  771. "We don't know what the hell is out there, and I'd rather take my chances travelling with something that can watch my back
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