
Randy Credico on Fred Dicker (10/28/2016)

May 20th, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's back channel to Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. Randy Credico on "Live From The State Capitol", hosted by Fred Dicker. Broadcast date: October 28, 2016.
  5. File link:
  7. Excerpt runs from to 31:47 to 41:29.
  10. Randy Credico, welcome to the show. And you're excited about the election. I see you've been tweeting a lot out about your pal, Hillary Clinton.
  13. Yeah, yeah. Not really.
  15. DICKER
  16. What do you make of the latest Wikileaks. I mean, under other circumstances, these would finish off a candidate. There's- I mean, talk about disgusting, in terms of using highest public office, Secretary of State, to take advantage of a position so your Clinton foundation run by your husband and your daughter and your friends, can make, literally, tens of millions of dollars, the revelations are something.
  19. It's astonishing. [inaudible] the press. I'm watching CNN, MSNBC, they may as well be, I guess, they're looking for a gig, somebody there, Don Lemon. Wolf Blitzer. To be press secretary. MSNBC, they're barely covering- You have to go somewhere else. First of all, Wikileaks has a bigger following than both of them [CNN and MSNBC]. There are 300 million people that don't watch CNN, that don't watch MSNBC, it's an inside game. I had Julian Assange on my show, you know, some policy wonks watch them, people in Indiana are not watching it. People in Oklahoma aren't watching it, you're barely watching it. I watch it, but I watch it, basically, to study it, but not because it's entertaining, it's the worst- We've gone from Cronkite, John Chancellor, Harry Reasoner. There was some great balanced news, back in the sixties and seventies. These guys, forget about it. This Wikileaks stuff, is really explosive, Fred. The stuff that the Clintons have done in Haiti, the watered down AIDS medicine, to Saudi-, I mean, to Africa...Saudi Arabia, the most anti-semitic, the most anti-Israeli country-
  21. DICKER
  22. Anti-female, anti-gay, anti-liberty, you name it. Anti- [laughs]
  25. And he's taken ten million dollars. The king of Morocco, twelve million dollars. This stuff with Doug Band, getting him gigs, using it, I don't know what they do with that money, Fred. You know, Eric Schneiderman, he's the one, and Andrew had the job, as Attorney General, he's supposed to look into these 501(c)3s.
  27. DICKER
  28. Sure.
  31. There is a smoking gun, it's there, why isn't he doing it?
  33. DICKER
  34. Because he's the most political state attorney general in the United States, and his politics are all on the left.
  37. I think Tom DiNapoli would. Tom DiNapoli's a great accountant, he's got great people in that office there, working in the controllers' office-
  39. DICKER
  40. He has a sense of integrity that seems to be lacking...[CREDICO: Yeah!]...with others.
  43. -should examine this organization. I don't care- Look, there are guys like Howard Baker that went against Richard Nixon. We're at this point with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. We're at where Nixon was at the end. When she comes in, she'll probably win, she'll be less popular than Marie Antoinette was, when she left. Alright? That's how unpopular this woman is. She's going to go in, nobody's into it, I haven't met one person that could tell me why they're voting for Hillary Clinton, other than to say they don't like Trump. But no one can tell you why. This is a corrupt family. From top to bottom. [does Cuomo voice] I know who I am Fred. Believe me...I can go right into Bill Clinton [moves into Clinton voice] I'm Bill Clinton, made a lot of money. Listen. I'll do that. I'll get him a nice, nice meeting for five minutes with my wife, if they kick in three million dollars. [moves out of Clinton voice] That's basically what he's saying.
  45. DICKER
  46. Absolutely.
  49. [Clinton voice] If you get him, that king of Morocco, king of Morocco, to put in [inaudible] countries, got twelve million dollars to kick in, I'll get him five minutes with my wife, high up in the State Department, Huma Abedin will get the Saudi king a meeting with me, and we'll do that, and everything's going to be good. [out of Clinton voice] That is what he was doing. The Haitian, what the Haitian people have gone through, Fred, with the earthquake, recent- He's still panhandling, right now. For the recent hurricane there. What's the last hurricane? Thousands of people died.
  51. DICKER
  52. Matthew?
  55. Matthew. Yes. And he's panhandling now. He- I mean it's so outrageous. And shameless. For him, after all the revelations about Haiti. And you see Haitians out in front of Eric Schneiderman's office, on 150 Broadway. And they'll be continuing to do this. I know them. They're going to be out there in front of Schneiderman's office, because- look, I'm not a Trump fan, but if you're going to go after this _little thing_ he did, he's got the Trump college, why not go after this billion dollar corporation? And they're using the influence of the State Department to get money kicked into the CGI? I'm a Democrat, Fred, I'm honest about it. I expect these politicians up in Albany to be statesmen. To be statesmen, and non-partisan when it comes to this kind of corruption. They all jumped on the bandwagon, and threw Sheldon Silver under the bus, that was small potatoes compared to this.
  57. DICKER
  58. We're talking to Randy Credico, who besides being a comedian, and a longtime advocate of corrections reform, is a radio talk show host. On WBAI in New York City, and his show apparently is doing very very well. What's the latest with it, Randy? I see you're hosting an event that's tied to the show, a comedy event, but how's the show going?
  61. The show's going well, after the fundraising drive, I'm going 2-3 days a week. I had last week, was a British diplomat on, from- Scottish historian, great great writer, in that- you know, because I've been reading the Thomas Carlyle history of the french revolution, you know-
  63. DICKER
  64. Good for you. Thomas Carlyle, one of the most important biographers in a...
  67. You know...yes. Yes.
  69. DICKER
  70. Philosophically significant figure, in terms of British literary history and-
  73. No no, Scottish.
  75. DICKER
  76. Scottish, okay.
  79. -distinction.
  81. DICKER
  82. Great Britian.
  85. The guy you like, John Stuart Mill, got him to write, he gave him all the research papers, to write about the french revolution. So he wrote something that was basically a prose, like "Paradise Lost", combined with the "Inferno", kind of three volume set of the french revolution. He gave the very first draft, the very first copy of it, to John Stuart Mill, to hold onto. Right? And guess what? He gave it to his maid, to use for- He didn't know it. She used it for kindling in the fireplace.
  87. DICKER
  88. [laughs] Lost.
  91. He had to start from scratch. So these Scots are very very meticulous when they write historical novels, or write biographies, and he [Craig Murray] wrote one on this guy, from the first Afghan war, called Alexander Burns. This guy who was on last week. He's also an ex-British, UK diplomat. Right? He's a career diplomat. He was in D.C., at the CIA kindof convention [Sam Adams awards], he knows who gave the dump to Assange. He knows it's not the Russians. And that's what they do, to divert your attention. This red herring about the Russians, you got this guy Nadler [Jerrold Nadler, congressional representative for New York] doing the red-baiting, he's doing his Joe McCarthy routine, "It's the Russians!" I've had communications on the phone, with Julian Assange, I dropped a letter off to him when I was in London, so he's saying that I- You know? [inaudible, because DICKER talks over him]
  93. DICKER
  94. Randy, it would be of interest if it were the Russians, but so what? The real question is whether these memos are real. The emails, and they are real. And the content is what's significant, not where they came from. As we know, the New York Times and many others didn't worry about the Pentagon Papers, or so many other things that get leaked. As to the motives for the leaking, it's what's in the materials, that's most significant.
  97. Well, listen, Wikileaks is a publisher, they're not hackers, and I can- I'm sure, very soon, you're going to find out who gave them these emails, and I expect it to be somebody domestic, from the U.S.
  99. DICKER
  100. You think they have anything more? Any big bombs beyond-
  102. CREDICO
  103. Oh, yeah! If you just look at the way, the history of the way he operates, over the last couple of years, last ten years, this is just an appetizer. I think, in the next couple of days, the last twenty thousand emails, or sixteen thousand emails, are going to be devastating. And then, what's beyond that, you know, he's a real smart guy, and- So, why kill the messenger? I'm glad that I know about this. Aren't you glad that you know?
  105. DICKER
  106. Absolutely.
  108. CREDICO
  109. Without that-
  111. DICKER
  112. These are not national secrets. These are political scheming secrets, and maybe evidence of illegality in terms of using federal office for personal gain.
  114. CREDICO
  115. Well, I'm glad, because no one would have known about it, if it weren't for them. If it weren't for Wikileaks, no one would have known about this criminal, uh, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton foundation, it's all very confusing, but I know one thing, he made fifty million dollars, how dare he do that. How dare he, when you look at Harry Truman, he left, he retired, he went home with a pension, and that's it, and he had no cash. This guy...
  117. DICKER
  118. He was exemplary.
  120. CREDICO
  121. This guy, it's like Pataki times five thousand.
  123. DICKER
  124. Right.
  126. CREDICO
  127. The kind of bread that he's made. George Bush didn't make this kind of money. Reagan didn't make this kind of money. Only Bill Clinton. And then these- these- allegations of sexual abuse, you can't just dismiss those, you know? Why dismiss those?
  129. DICKER
  130. Randy, we're about out of time. Let me thank you for joining us this morning, and note again, as I've noted many a time, that one of the great things about Randy Credico, is that he's an honest broker, he's an equal opportunity skewerer, and I certainly respect him for that, and I know many listeners do as well.
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