
Twitch Plays Breath of the Wild: tutorial on dodging attacks

May 12th, 2018
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  1. First and foremost; as for May 12th 2018, the JUMP (direction) commands don't work, so don't try them.
  2. Instead, you want the MOVE, ADJUST, or STRAFE commands combined with an X press! For example: "move right & X"
  4. Okay, now that this is cleared up, here's a list of commands you can use to dodge attacks from one enemy!
  5. Pay close attention to whether the enemy is centred on screen, whether it's locked-on, and if possible, learn its attack pattern.
  8. [*] Lock-on to a single target: "Focus, (b,) Shield"
  9. No shield is needed for this command to work. Focus can be replaced with LT (both are equivalent).
  10. The reason we need LT is to make sure it's unpressed, which fixes the "strafing pose forever" state that Link gets into sometimes.
  12. [*] If Link ISN'T locked on, the only way I know to dodge is "STRAFE left & X" or "STRAFE right & X".
  13. Currently, you can't strafe back or forward.
  15. [*] If Link IS locked on, then STRAFE can be replaced with MOVE.
  16. Therefore, a backflip can be done using "MOVE back & X".
  18. [*] During the Kakariko shrine's tutorial, you'll be nagged repeatedly about how to do a certain action.
  19. This results in LOSING the lock-on; if that happens (while not approached yet), press "hold A, LT, (b,) Shield" to fix it.
  20. If that happens while approached already, and just before an enemy attack, you should either STRAFE&X or retreat instead.
  21. That's because the lock-on command takes a while to execute, and we can't pause buffer during that delay.
  24. Of course, after a side- or back-flip dodge, you want to spam a bunch of Y (while you've got a weapon equipped, duh)!
  25. Try to spam Y,Y,Y after a confidently well-timed dodge input, whether it be during a pause buffer, or without.
  27. I advise just starting or keeping up a pause buffer, just to be sure! Try "select,start" to stay paused, and "B, y, y, start" to rush in while staying paused! For a safer way to unpause the game (so that an excessive B spam doesn't cancel the rush), try "select(, rb, rb, rb), start, start".
  29. Good luck! :D
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