

Dec 19th, 2015
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  1. >There she is
  2. >The most adorable little thing you had ever seen, sitting right in front of you
  3. >Though right now it was a bit hard to actually ‘see’ her
  4. >It took every last ounce of courage you had just to ask her out, and now it seems as if you lack the courage to simply look upon her
  5. >She sits across from you as the two of you await your food, sitting quietly
  6. >Your date hasn’t spoken a single word for almost five minutes
  7. >You know this because you’ve been keeping track of the time with your phone
  8. >”s-s-so… uhhhh…”
  9. >Somehow mustering the strength to look up, you take a good look at her
  10. >Twilight Sparkle sinks into her chair, unable to look back at you as she desperately attempts to sputter out words
  11. >Now that you’ve finally gotten a clear view of her, you realize that something is off
  12. “Uh… y-you… uh…”
  13. >”mmm…. er…. uhm…”
  14. “I… y-you… d-don’t have y-your g-g-glasses…”
  15. >She shuddered as she looked up at you and made eye contact
  16. >”y-yeah, d-do you like it?…”
  17. “y-yeah, its… nice…”
  18. >”o-oh…”
  19. >You recoiled in panic
  20. “NO! i-I mean, you look great! Like always…”
  21. >Her jaw fell open as she stared at you in shock
  22. “i-it’s just… I didn’t know that… i-I mean, I always see you wearing glasses…”
  23. >”i-I put in a p-pair of contacts… they honestly k-kind of hurt a bit…”
  24. “What?”
  25. >She turned her face away as she absently rubbed her left eye
  26. >Did she put on contacts…
  27. >Just for you?…
  28. “Twilight, you don’t need to wear them if you don’t want to. I think you look great with or without your glasses.”
  29. >”r-Really?…”
  30. >Your courage disappeared as she looked back at you with wide red eyes
  31. “y-Yeah…”
  32. >To your delight, Twilight smiled at you
  33. >”I’ll be right back.”
  34. >Standing up from her chair, Twilight walked off to the bathroom and left you alone
  37. >Sitting awkwardly in your seat with your hands in your lap, she returned several minutes later with her thick rimmed black glasses on her face
  38. >Putting on a small smile, she sat back down in front of you
  39. >”s-So this is ok?”
  40. >You stared at her for a few moments to drink in her appearance
  41. >She looked mostly like how she normally looked
  42. >A slender body with smooth skin, her hair tied up in a tight bun, and a pair of glasses dominating her face
  43. >The blemishes and acne that normally adorned her face were mysteriously absent, possibly from application of subtle makeup
  44. >Her peculiar violet colored eyes darted across the room, occasionally making eye contact with you as she awkwardly smiled at you
  45. “You’re perfect.”
  46. >Twilight’s face transformed into a crimson shade as your jaw dropped
  47. >Internally cursing yourself, your mind raced as you attempted to correct your mistake
  48. >You were always so bad with words, so stupid so—
  49. >”y-you too…”
  50. “What?!”
  51. >”EEP!”
  52. >She sank further into her seat as you gazed at her in astonishment
  53. >As the two of you stared at one another in abject horror, the waitress suddenly returned
  54. >”Medium Cheese Pizza?”
  55. “y-yes…”
  56. >”t-Thanks…”
  57. >The waitress set your pizza down in front of the two of you, neither of you able to make eye contact with her
  58. >”Would you two like anything else?”
  59. ”m-maybe some… parmesan?”
  60. >“a-and some t-Tabasco sauce, please?”
  61. >”Sure thing.”
  62. >You stared in shock at Twilight as the waitress left
  63. “i-I like Tabasco on pizza too…”
  64. >Twilight smiled at you as the waitress left you both alone with your food
  67. >The two of you were able to open up a little bit more as you walked her back home
  68. “a-and it really sucks because with SPOILERJohn CenaSPOILER on vacation, s-Seth was really the only guy keeping RAW interesting lately…”
  69. >Twilight nodded her head as she listened to you intently
  70. >”i-I thought n-no one ever really got hurt in wrestling… you know, c-c-cause it’s…”
  71. “Fake?”
  72. >She turned her gaze aside as you answered her, only to look back once you began to chuckle
  73. “Yeah I know. It’s mostly all crap, but s-sometimes they really mess up. I just can’t believe Seth kept going after messing his knee up so badly…”
  74. >”t-That is pretty cool… he had to have a lot of adrenaline flowing through him to have kept going…”
  75. >You smiled at her only for your grin to slowly fall as you listened to her
  76. “i-I’m sorry.”
  77. >”w-What’s wrong?”
  78. >Sighing as you shake your head, you answer her
  79. “I’ve been talking so much about this crap, and I’m sure you really don’t care at all.”
  80. >”w-What? That’s n-not—“
  81. “I’m sorry. i-I just don’t know much about s-stuff, I guess. i-I mean, fuck.”
  82. >”n-No, that’s alright. I like listening to you talk.”
  83. >Stopping in your tracks, you stared at her curiously as you asked
  84. “Why? i-I never took you for a wrestling fan.”
  85. >”i-I’m not… b-BUT it does sound kind of interesting, at least it does the way you t-talk about it. Like… it sounds like there’s more to it than I thought… it’s kind of like acting in a way. l-Like a play…”
  86. >You chuckled at her as you rubbed the back of your head
  87. “y-Yeah, I guess so… would you like to talk about something else though?”
  88. >”n-No, I’m sure you wouldn’t be interested in anything I’d—“
  89. “No!”
  90. >Stumbling back from you, Twilight stared in shock as you considered your next words carefully
  91. “i-I’d love to hear more about w-what you have to say…”
  93. >Twilight folded her arms over her chest as she spoke up to you
  94. >”w-Well… do you like Star Wars?”
  95. >You smiled and nodded your head
  96. “I love Star Wars.”
  97. >”w-Well, I’ve been trying to get into the new canon a bit with the Expanded Universe having been wiped away. Er, I mean…. all the old novels and video games and stuff were—“
  98. “Yeah I know. Disney got rid of it all right?”
  99. >She perked up, obviously pleased that you knew exactly what she was talking about
  100. >”Yeah! Well, I’ve been trying to get into the newer canon stuff and I got a hold of this new book that just came out about the character from A New Hope. That admiral guy that Vader took orders from.”
  101. “Grand Moff Tarkin?”
  102. >”YES!”
  103. >Twilight’s smile grew quite large as the two of you continued to walk on to her house
  104. ”That guy played by Peter Cushing? I totally remember him. There’s a novel about him?”
  105. >”I just finished reading it. The book is pretty good!”
  106. “What happens in it?”
  107. >”Well, without spoiling it too much…”
  108. >The two of you walked along back to her house as the two of you became heavily engrossed in a discussion that revolved around the military strength of the Galactic Empire in the years following the Clone Wars
  109. >This was closely followed by a discussion on how Emperor Palpatine’s reign influenced Sith philosophy, which in turn was quickly proceeded by a discussion of whether it’d be more fun to be able to choke people with the Force or to be able to shoot lightning at people
  110. “No way, Vader make’s choking people out look way more badass! And he did once to guy who was miles away on another star destroyer!”
  111. >”Come on Anon, being able to shoot lighting is way more useful AND way cooler to watch!”
  112. “Heh, whatever…”
  113. >The two of you chuckled as you walked her up to her front porch
  116. “GOOOOOOOD!”
  118. >Your body spasmed as Twilight raised her hands up and shoved them at you
  120. >To your surprise, Twilight actually put her hands against you and nearly shoved you off of her porch into the bushes as the two of you broke out into laughter
  121. >”Fucking Rebel Scum!”
  122. “Vietnam Fucking Shits!”
  123. >Your combined laughter roared on as the two of you spouted dumbass memes at each other
  124. >Eventually the two of you calmed down, leaving you both awkwardly standing in front of her door
  125. “s-So uhhh it was great seeing you…”
  126. >”y-yeah, I had a lot of fun tonight. Like, A LOT of fun…”
  127. >You smiled at the ground as you slowly formed more words in your head
  128. >God talking is hard
  129. “w-We’re totally on for The Force Awakens next Thursday right?”
  130. >As your eyes slowly glanced up at her, she charged you
  131. >Out of nowhere, Twilight pressed her lips up against yours, once again nearly knocking you back into the bushes
  132. >Falling into a state of shock, you were slowly able to return her kiss as the two of you wrapped your arms around one another and embraced each other
  133. >Standing together in this moment of bliss, everything suddenly felt right with the world
  134. >She stepped back from you and opened up her front door
  135. >”s-See you then!”
  136. “s-See ya!”
  137. >She ran inside and shut the door as you walked off with a spring in your step
  138. “Holy Shit.”
  141. >The next several days were like a dream come true
  142. >It didn’t matter how much crap got beaten out of you or how badly you were roasted by your classmates
  143. >Just being able to sit with her at lunch, or sit next to her at class made everything better
  144. >Whether it was the two of you actually holding a discussion or just throwing stupid jokes at each other, simply being able to talk to her became a huge bright spot in your life
  145. >Thursday morning came, as the two of you stood together inside the school’s library
  146. >”So I can wear the red contacts for a little while now and as long as I have something to focus on then they don’t itch too much.”
  147. “You can just take them off if they itch too much though right? I mean, the black cloak is good enough for a Sith costume.”
  148. >”I really want to see just how long I can keep them in though, ya know?”
  149. >You chuckled at her as you leaned against the glass window
  150. “Yeah I get it…”
  151. >She grinned widely at you
  152. >”I’m really happy I have someone to go see the movie with now… at first I thought I was just going to have to pirate it, but I’m happy I can actually see it in theaters.”
  153. “Me too…”
  154. >Suddenly, a bell rung announcing that first period classes would begin in another ten minutes
  155. >”Well, I guess I’ll see you around lunch.”
  156. >Twilight slipped her hands into yours as she smiled warmly at you
  157. “Yeah… you know Twi…”
  158. >She tilted her head as you fumbled with your words
  159. “y-you’re… I mean… I think you’re…”
  161. >The two of you shuddered as a loud booming noise nearly broke the two of you apart
  162. “What the fuck was that?”
  166. >Several more loud banging noises reverberated throughout the hallways towards you both as screams echoed throughout the school
  167. >Twilight clasped onto you as the two of you shook in fear
  168. >”What was that? What’s going on!?”
  169. >You watched enough shitty 80’s movies to know what the click of a pump action shotgun reloading sounded like
  170. >Grappling onto her hand tightly, you took off at a sprint into the hallway
  172. >”ANON!”
  173. >Sprinting down the hallway with her in tow, you sped out of the hallway as fast as you could
  174. >You knew exactly what was going down, Hell you thought about doing it once or twice yourself
  175. >All that mattered now though was getting her to safety, you’d never forgive yourself if—
  176. >There they were
  177. “OH FUCK!”
  178. >You ducked down as a classmate of yours wearing a flipped back ball cap and a shirt with the words ‘NATURAL SELECTION’ on it blasted the lockers with his shotgun
  179. >”AAAAAAHHHH!”
  180. >Rushing down the hall, you pulled a screaming Twilight along as the two Beta Uprisers leveled their guns at you
  181. >A piercing pain shot through your shoulder as you ducked back into the library with Twilight
  182. “FUCK!”
  183. >”Anon!”
  184. > Twilight stared at you in horror as you stumbled to the ground
  185. >”Oh my God!”
  186. >As more gunfire erupted down the halls, Twilight grapsed hold of you and dragged your injured body underneath a library table
  187. “t-Twilight…”
  190. >The two of you hugged each other tightly as fear overwhelmed you both
  191. >”i-I don’t w-want t-t-to—“
  192. >Her words were cut short as she broke out into sobs
  193. >Embracing her as closely as you could, you tried your best to comfort her
  194. “t-The cops will be here real soon! i-It’s gonna be—“
  196. >You both jerked your heads up toward the entrance as two classmates of yours entered the library
  197. >Twilight and you fell deathly silent as the pair walked towards you
  198. >She whispered to you with bated breath
  199. >”a-Anon...”
  200. >You tightened your grip over her as the barrel of a shotgun fell into view
  201. >A cold cruel voice bellowed down to the two of you and asked
  202. >”Do you believe in God?”
  203. >Closing your eyes, tears streamed down your cheeks as you held her close
  204. >Somehow, she had the courage to mutter back
  205. >”i-I b-belieieve i-in… Hell.”
  206. >A single shotgun blast was all that you heard as the the entire world turned to black
  210. >Aching in immense pain and barely conscious of anything at all, your eyes fluttered open
  211. >A bright white light hung over you, as if you were rising up to Heaven
  212. >You tried to form words, only to realize that something was covering your face
  213. >Twisting your head, you saw that there was a machine of sorts hooked up to you, with a breathing mask attached to your face
  214. >”You’re awake!”
  215. >A pretty woman in a nurse’s uniform walked up over you and smiled
  216. >”Thank God! How do you feel Anonymous?”
  217. >It was all you could do just to raise your head up and stare at her
  218. “Where’s… Twilight?…”
  219. >The nurse’s face fell as you stared at her in horror
  220. >Memories of what had just transpired at school hit you like a truck as it dawned on you
  221. “No…. Noooooo….”
  222. >Your head fell back onto your pillow as you lost consciousness
  223. +++
  224. >You boarded yourself up in your room for days
  225. >Nothing your parents or your so called friends said could fix what had happened
  226. >A few reporters came by as well, hoping to get at least one or two words out of you
  227. >Refusing them all, you desperately searched for solace in solitude
  228. >Your mind remained blank as you sat on your bed and lamented all that you had lost
  229. >She was the first person you felt that had truly understood you
  230. >The first person in so long who had even seemed genuinely interested in you
  231. >In such a short time, she had become your everything
  232. >Now she was gone, and once more you were left with nothing
  233. >You refused to go back to the way things were before
  234. >Luckily for you, it was easy to find where your father had stashed his revolver
  235. “We don’t have to be alone again Twi…”
  236. >Raising the revolver up to your head, you breathed a sigh of relief
  237. “We can be together… forever….”
  238. >Clicking back the hammer, you prepared for death with a smile
  239. “The Force Awakens was probably going to be shit anyway…”
  240. SPOILER “You don’t know that…” SPOILER
  242. >Your trigger finger hesitated as her words echoed in your mind
  243. “t-Twilight?”
  244. >”Anoooooooon….”
  245. >Bolting up to your feet, your eyes darted about your room
  246. “Is it really you?! n-No… it can’t be. y-You’re—“
  247. >”Anon, I’m so… cold…”
  248. “o-oh God…”
  249. >You could not find the source of her voice, but you knew it was her
  250. >It had to be her
  251. >”Anon… I NEED you…”
  252. “w-Where are you?!”
  253. >”Follow… the sound… of my voice…”
  254. SPOILER>”and bring a shovel.”SPOILER
  255. +++
  256. >A flash of thunder and a roar of lightning resounded as you kicked open the cemetery gates and trudged forward
  257. >Your rusty shovel clanged against the ground as you dragged it along
  258. >”Just a little closer…. I missed you so much…”
  259. “n-Not as much as I m-missed you…”
  260. >Another flash of thunder lit up the area, showing you her grave
  261. >'Beloved Daughter and Sister, taken before her time. Rest in Peace Twilight Sparkle’
  262. >Without a moment’s hesitation, you jammed your shovel into the ground and began to unearth the grave
  263. >No thoughts, and no voices, appear through your mind as you desperately dig your way down
  264. >Six feet of dirt later, you stand above her oak casket
  265. >The sight of her coffin causes you to freeze up
  266. >You are completely covered in sweat and dirt, and you are honestly unsure of how you even got here
  267. >”What’s taking so long up there! Hurry… HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!”
  268. “AAAAAAHHHH!”
  269. >Tossing your shovel aside, you reach down and tear the coffin open
  270. >There she is
  271. >She lies there, her skin eerily pale as she smiles contentedly up at you with her eyes closed
  272. “What have I done?”
  274. >Collapsing on top of her, you break out into a pitiful sob
  275. >Your tears mix with the drizzling rain as they fall against her
  276. “Twilight! TWILIGHT! o-Oh g-God!…”
  277. >”shhhhh it’s ok Anon…”
  278. >Your eyes wrenched open in terror as you leaned against her
  279. >”I’ll make everything better~”
  280. >Two cold bony hands grasped hold over you as Twilight’s lifeless body sprung at you
  281. >A chill ran down your spine as dry lips sloppily kissed your forehead
  282. “t-Twili—“
  283. >A thick splatter of blood splashed the grave as Twilight chomped through your skull
  285. >The coffin closed shut over you both as Twilight wrestled you under her and violently bit into your skull whilst hungrily straddling your body
  286. >The world grew cold as you slipped out of consciousness yet again
  287. >”Oh Anon… you make me feel so g-g-GOOOOOOOD….”
  288. +++
  289. >The storm pelted down mercilessly as you stood outside the Gravedigger’s shack
  290. >Playfully tapping your shovel against it, you immediately shrugged your shoulders as you kicked the door off of it’s hinges
  291. >”WHAT THE FUCK!?!?”
  292. >Moans echoed over to you from the small TV the Gravedigger had been watching
  293. >He tossed a pillow over his lap with one hand whilst grappling a double barreled shotgun with his other hand and pointing it at you
  294. >”Hahahaha….”
  295. >Twilight leaned against you as she wrapped an arm around your neck
  296. “Hey man, we’re starving!”
  297. >Twilight saddled her body up against yours, cradling your chin with her hand as she smiled mockingly at the old man in the shack
  298. >”w-What do you fucking kids want?!”
  299. >You and Twilight laughed together as the old man recoiled in horror
  300. “Your…”
  304. >The Gravedigger blasted you twice in rapid succession with his shotgun, the pellets riddling your entire body full of tiny little holes
  305. “LOL.”
  306. >You raised your revolver and blasted the man in the chest
  307. >”ARRRGH!!!
  308. >Twilight lunged through the air and tackled him against the couch
  309. >”JESUS CHRIST!”
  310. >Leaning against the door with a smile on your face, you watched as Twilight greedily sank her teeth into the man’s head
  311. “Fuck yeah.”
  312. >You let the man groan in agony for a few moments as Twilight dug into him
  313. >Something about watching that girl eat was seriously turning you on
  314. >Strolling inside the cabin toward her, your hand practically moved on its own as you squeezed her ass
  315. >Her head bolted up, dripping pieces of brain from her mouth as she moaned in ecstasy before locking eyes with you
  316. >Before you could make another move against her, your eyes fell upon the dead man and what remained of his brains
  317. >Without a second thought, you smashed yourself face-first into his head and ate up all the brain matter that was left
  318. >Twillight laughed at you as you dug in
  319. >”You're ridiculous!”
  320. >Finishing up with the Gravedigger, you raised your head and stared at her
  321. >Her skin was pale, she was splattered with blood and guts, her hair was a mess, and her eyes glimmered with evil intent
  322. “You’re perfect.”
  323. >Somehow, her face was still able to blush as her expression became a crimson red
  324. >You abandoned the dead man and wrapped your arms around Twilight instead
  325. >The two of you pressed your lips together and passionately kissed as you both became lost in each other
  326. >After staying locked together for several blissful minutes, the two of you finally broke apart and stared hungrily into each other’s eyes
  327. “Hey…”
  328. >”Yeah?…”
  329. “Still want to see that movie?”
  330. >She smiled as she slowly nodded her head whilst picking up the shotgun and hefting it over her shoulder
  331. “Let’s get the fuck out of here!”
  334. >Walking out of the cemetery hand in hand, the two of you made your way over to town
  335. “Twilight. I promise you, we’ll be together…”
  336. >”Forever…”
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