
Professor Felix Bookmarks

Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. Name: Professor Felix Bookmarks
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Unicorn
  4. Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  5. Class: Mage
  6. Hits/Wounds: 5/5
  7. Mark: Open Book and Quill(+2 investigation checks)
  9. Skills:
  10. Unicorn Telekinesis(Racial): spell; manipulate objects through sheer force of will. Complex tasks and heavier objects may require more focus.
  11. Teleport: automatic spell, recharge 2; warp yourself or a willing or helpless subject or an unattended item within a medium range to an unoccupied destination within equal distance. Warping a hostile target or carried item is Min+2.
  12. Magic Bolt: spell, recharge 2, ranged; this volatile energy attack deals one additional hit of damage, but crit-fails on 2-. This spell can apply one Elementalist effect when cast.
  13. Elementalist: passive; when you choose this skill, select an elemental type [Warp: target becomes helpless for one turn on a critical hit. Can be used to freeze objects in place by warping local spacetime.]
  14. Spell Resonance: Automatic Spell, Recharge 4; You may cast a spell you know Automatically, provided you have successfully cast it earlier in this combat. Normal spell recharge still applies
  16. Invetory:
  17. Thick Glasses (-2 perception when removed)
  18. Book bag (Full)
  19. -7 Random Lore books
  20. -1 Old Spellbook
  21. -Old Journal with loose pages
  22. -2 Blank jounrals
  23. -Research Notes (2 copies)
  24. -Tome of Timebending
  25. Professor's Robe of Useful Things.(extra-dimensional pockets)
  26. -Saddle Arabian Dagger
  27. -Cricket Bat
  28. Pocketwatch
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