

Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. >Your eyes crack open as sunlight pours in through the nearby window
  2. >That was one crazy night, drinking alone in your shitty flat and watching TV
  3. >Yeah your life is pretty dull
  4. >You stretch out your arms and legs with a groan
  5. >Wait a minute... These aren't your bed sheets! Or your naked women!
  6. >Holy shit, where are you? How did you find yourself in such a glorious situation such as this?
  7. >None of that mattered. You'd fantasised about this day, and now you would finally bang two hot chicks, and they would worship you as their sex-god as you claim their bodies in an immense flurry of steamy passion
  8. >Now you noticed that the one on your left arm, with multiple radiant colours in her hair was awake, her eyes gazing up at you with blissful admiration
  9. >"Good Morning, love~"
  10. >You reflexively swallow spit at the raw sexual tone in which she had spoken, each word that rolled off her tongue was like a tug at the manhood of your desire, drawing you closer, pulling you nearer
  11. >"I hope you've got more in you Anon, because I think it's time I did the riding for a change~"
  12. >Though you suspect that sentence implied more than you could understand, you are more than eager to agree with her
  13. >She carefully rolls the other woman off of you, who lays on her back asleep, and shifts her body to straddle you
  14. >You gulp at the burning, sultry look in her eyes as she takes your hands and places them on her wide hips
  15. >"Now then Anon, I really hope you enjoy my royal pussy~"
  16. >This is it. Your heart beats in your chest like a drum, the masterpiece that is this woman's chest rises and falls above you with each sated breath
  17. >Your moment has arrived, the moment in which you claim your title as not just a man, but as a king amongst men. Thousands of words swirl in the hurricane of your mind as you search for the right ones to mark this glorious moment
  18. >You grin up at the goddess, rallying your manly courage
  19. "Y-You too."
  21. >There is silence. The woman stares down at you, her once lustful expression now sinking into one of confusion and disturbance
  22. >"...What?"
  23. >The words had just escaped without warning. This was a simple misunderstanding, and you opened your mouth once more to put it right
  24. "Ah... Uhm.. Uh..."
  25. >You bluster and stumble over your attempts to speak, your hole being dug ever deeper
  26. >The woman rubs the back of her neck and coughs awkwardly, "Anon... Maybe the mood isn't quite-"
  27. >A wave of panic washes over you at the premise of losing this chance, and you bolster your strength to save the situation
  28. "NO!"
  29. >She recoils at the sudden outburst, and you see her disturbed look all but conquer her face
  30. "Ah! Uhh! Hnn!"
  31. >You desperately clutch for words but find only humiliation, your panic now spreading. Your breath quickens and your arms search desperately for an inhaler you know isn't there
  32. >"What is wrong with you?"
  33. >You look around and see clothes scattered across the bed and floor, and see your pants nearby, spaghetti pouring from the pockets
  34. >You almost throw the woman out of your lap as you roll out of the bed and towards them, desperate to find your inhaler and maybe recover the situation
  35. >You crawl on your hands and knees to your pants, passing your fedora along the way, the ace of spades playing card still attached to it
  36. >You finally reach into the pocket of your pants and produce your inhaler, taking a few deep puffs of relief and sighing
  37. >You struggle to your feet, your body jiggling as you move
  38. "Alright baby, I'm ready now."
  39. >The woman stares at you, horrified, as if only truly seeing you now for the first time, "I think you should go Anon..."
  40. >Now you understand. She was just like all the other women. She thought she wanted a good guy but really she just wanted another asshole.
  41. >You look over to her meaningfully, plodding about the room and gathering up your clothes
  42. "You know, I may not be "alpha"... I might get nervous a lot, and hell I know I'm not attractive. But you know what? I have something a lot of the assholes pretty women like you go for don't. The ability to dedicate whole pieces of myself to those I love, without question, without remorse..."
  43. >Her face saddens in consideration of your words, watching as you dress yourself
  44. "...I know what it means to love."
  45. >You place your fedora on your head with a flip and turn to the door, looking over your shoulder only once to give the woman a tip
  46. "M'lady."
  47. >Her face flushes at the romantic gesture, and you turn away, stepping towards the door and place your hand on the knob
  48. >"Anon... I..."
  49. >Should you turn back? Could there ever be another chance? You'd like to believe, but you know it's too late for that.
  50. "We'll always have last night..."
  51. >A single tear rolls down your cheek and wets your neckbeard. The woman says no more, and you feel now that she understands. You're finally ready.
  52. >You open the door
  53. >Get on the floor
  54. >Everyone walk the dinosaur
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