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Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. Moderator/Mentor
  2. Admin Tab
  3. -Admin Pm. Allows you to select a certain ckey, or character name in the list that pops up, to Pm.
  4. -Adminwho. Shows the staff members that are on, if they are observing, playing, or in the lobby and if they are AFK or not.
  5. -Check Antagonists. Shows what gamemode it is, how long the round has been going on, lets you call the shuttle. If the shuttle has already been called, you can adjust how long it takes to get where its going.
  6. It also shows if there are any antags, and allows you to quickly look at their objectives. The last two options, allow you to end the round right away, and dely the time at the end of the round.
  7. -Get Key. Teleports people to your location via their ckey (Username)
  8. -Jump to Coordinate. Allows you to input a set of numbers so you can jump to that location. I don't even know to be honest.
  9. -Reload admins. Not very useful. Reloads the admins. Thats..all there is too it I guess?
  10. -ToggleAntagHUD. This is only useful in gamemodes that are a team effort. Shadowling, cult, gang, and rev. Only to be used if you are observing, and not playing.
  11. -AdminHelp. Sends a admin help to the staff.
  12. -Aghost. (Hotkey F5). Allowss you to leave your body behind leaving it "Braindead" while you can invesgatate something as a ghost. Press it again, or press f5 to go back into your body.
  13. -De-admin self. Turns off all admin buttons, notices, logs so your a normal player. Hit Re-admin self to turn it off.
  14. -Jump to Key. Like get key, though it teleports you to a certain ckey
  15. -Secrets. There isn't much you can do in this section, but we'll still explain it of course
  16. General Secrets
  17. -Show Job Debug. Shows a list of all the jobs, how many players are currently taking up that postion, and how many can take up that slot.
  18. -Admin log. Shows the admin log for the round, and the previous round. Depending on how long its been going on. Useful to find missed ahelps and things.
  19. -Show Admin List. Shows a list of all staff memebers, online and off.
  20. Admin Secrets
  21. -Cure all diseases currently in existance. Not..really much to explain here.
  22. -Bombing list. Shows a list of all the bombings that have happened.
  23. -Show current traitors and objectives. Again, not much to explain.
  24. -Show last 0 signalers. Shows a list of all the signalers that might of been used at some point.
  25. -Show las 0 law changes. Shows a list of all the law changes for AI's and Borgs
  26. -Show AI laws. Yep.
  27. -Show Game Mode. Tells you what the game mode is
  28. -Show crew manifest. Shows the crew manifest.
  29. -List DNA(Blood) Gives you a list of all players DNA.
  30. -List Fingerprints. Gives you a list of all players fingerprints.
  31. -Reset Thunderdome to default state. Gives you a choice of having the thunderdome reset to include the deletion of mobs, or not.
  32. Shuttles
  33. -Move Ferry. Moves the shuttle that goes from centcom, to the ship. Useful for ERT or other things.
  34. -Move Mining Shuttle. Moves the mining shuttle.
  35. -Move Labor Shuttle. Moves the security shuttle to the labor camp.
  36. -Toggle Panic Bunker. The panic bunker is used to prevent new connections from joining, usually triggered when a raid happens.
  37. -Adminnotice. Sets a notice for other admins. Note : Is never used.
  38. -Call Shuttle. Calls the emergancy shuttle. Note : Always cals at 10 minutes, regardless of the alert.
  39. -Delete. Gives you a list of objects you can delete.
  40. Investigate
  41. This panal is the same thoughout the admin team. It lets you look at several things. Most of them, however, don't really work. I'll list the main ones that are most important.
  42. Notes. If someone isn't on, and you want to check if they have notes or just read though them, then this will allow you to select it. It is also in alphabetical order.
  43. Watchlist. Shows a list of everyone that has been put on the watchlist, and the reason behind it.
  44. Wires. Tells you if someone has cut a wire, and the location
  45. Kudzu. Tells if someone has planted kudzu (Space vines) and the location.
  46. Jump to Mob. Gives you a selection of all the mobs avalible, including ghosts, so you can jump to its location.
  47. Show Player Panel. Gives you a list of mobs that you can select to open the player panal on.
  48. Adminverbs -hide all. Hides all admin verbs, but keeps logs.
  49. Cancel Shuttle. Cancel's the emergancy shuttle, regardless of the time.
  50. Door Fixing. Fixes the door layers. Some doors are fucked, with the firelocks being over the doors, this fixes it.
  51. Invisimin. If you are in a mob of some sort, in causes you to be invisable. Useful for spying on griefers.
  52. Jump To Turf. Lets you jump to a selected turf
  53. Show Server Attack Log. Lets you download the current days attack log.
  54. Adminverbs - Hide Most. Hides most, but not all admin verbs.
  55. Check AI laws. Allows you to check the current laws of the AI and borg
  56. Game Panel
  57. Change Game Mode - Lets you change the upcoming rounds gamemode.
  58. The rest of the options, you can't really use at this time.
  59. Jump to Area. Lets you jump to a selected area
  60. Player Panel. Opens up a panal, that lists who everyone is playing, and gives you a selected amount of choices to choose from.
  61. Show Server Log. Lets you download the current days server log.
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