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Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. They really really really stick to doctrine ships. If you're not in a doctrine ship, expect to be kicked, no questions asked. But laugh when there's no fast tackle to tackle shit because everyone flew a frig and up.
  3. Gay/Jew/race bashing, all the time on comms. Fags hating everywhere, but we'll take homosexual to eachother. Everytime we flew into "Anchuattes", was always pronounced as Auschwitz, complete with Holocaust jokes. Like "Easiest way to get 15 Jews out of a BMW, empty the ashtray". And the racial jokes, not all of us in Goons are white you know.
  4. "What was his name? Just shake a jar of coins." "The Minmatar carrier, the NiggerHogger".
  6. Most members don't give a dam about space politics. As long as members get their ratting time, all is right. The whole RMT drama, no fucks given.
  8. It's really easy to make ISK when (when it's quiet). The freighter service is cheap enough to make a profit. AFK-carrier rat all day since TACO will give you a beep if baddies are nearby. Maze running services are 50% payout, so spend all day in your Tengu making money while keeping Pith/Rattlesnakes prices low.
  10. The whole RMT issue, quit fucking PING'ing every 30 minutes about your new Twitch stream, I just wanna fight!. Thank god there was an "opt out" button....for now.
  12. FCs will always forget about paying back people, or adding them on the VIP pap. Lost a Basilisk because the FC told you to jump into High-sec, tough shit, no SRP for you because you died in High-sec. And the one adding you onto the pap after, was a joke man.
  14. Market PvP. No marking up doctrine items past 30%, but it's totally ok to buyout all the cheap shit and sell it in Jita. Including all of nice guys's doctrine items. You're a dumb fuck for listing too low.
  16. Disparity of participation. Lots of people go month long just ratting, as long as they get some strategic paps, they're good. So fuck you guy who has 30 strat paps, you're on the same level as that ratting carrier guy.
  18. "Fuck FCON", because you're a shit alliance with shit losses and that you have to rent space, something along the lines of that. I swear, I wonder how those FCON guys take it, being made fun on every fleet.
  19. Fuck SMA, quit making us come to your rescue when we could be ratting. And when we do come and rescue your shit, bring more Entosis Drakes, not just 1 or 2 guys. ook ook
  21. Fuck MOA, and their kitey Comorants, killing Logi and small stuff from 100km out.
  23. Hot dropping was fun, but no one goes near Saranen/93PI anymore to drop on.
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