
Lady Monita Guide

May 7th, 2015
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  1. (Last updated: January 14, 2019)
  3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. .mail [user], [message] - sends the specified user a message the next time they come online (in a room shared with Lady Monita)
  6. .randombattle [pokemon] - displays possible moves for a Pokemon in Random Battle
  7. .randomdoublesbattle [pokemon] - displays possible moves for a Pokemon in Random Doubles Battle
  8. .seen [user] - displays when a user was last seen by Lady Monita
  10. --- Room staff commands ---
  11. .logs [room], [user or *], [startDate] - [endDate], [phrase] - searches chat logs of the specified room for a user or a phrase in the given time period (endDate defaults to the current date)
  13. .daystats/daylogs [room], [start date - end date], [top # of users to show]: this will show the top # of active users (defaults to 1-5) for the given period. The dates are the same as in .logs, month/day with the end date defaulting to the present day. The only required argument is the room.
  14. .hourstats/hourlogs [room], [start hour - end hour], [start date - end date], [top # of users to show]: similar to the above except it shows active users in the given hours (0 -23) in the given period. Just giving the start hour defaults to 1 hour total. The only required arguments are the room and starting hour.
  15. For both .daystats and .hourstats, you can add either "auth" or a specific rank (up to below your own) at the end to either include roomauth or only show users with the specified rank.
  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tournaments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  19. --- Staff commands ---
  20. .tour official - starts signups for the official tournament of the day
  21. .tour [format] - starts signups for the given format
  22. .tour start - starts the tournament and sets the autodq time, scouting, and modjoin rules
  23. .tour end - forcibly ends the tournament
  24. .randomtour - starts a randomly chosen tournament
  25. .nexttour [format] - set the next tournament
  26. .forcenexttour [format] - forcibly set the next tournament (should only be used in 'emergencies')
  27. .tourpoll - starts a poll with some of the least recently played formats
  28. .cap [number] - set the playercap for the current tournament
  30. --- Scripted Tournament Game commands ---
  31. .create [format] - create a new scripted tournament game
  32. .starttour - start the scripted tournament (will assign starting teams and link to the Challonge page)
  33. .endtour - forcibly end the tournament
  34. .jointour - used in PMs with Lady Monita to join the tournament
  35. .leavetour - used in PMs with Lady Monita to leave the tournament
  36. .starter - used in PMs with Lady Monita to see your starter Pokemon
  37. .check - used in PMs with Lady Monita to have your battle checked and the result set on Challonge
  39. --- Informational commands ---
  40. .tour - displays the duration, number of participants, remaining players, and estimated remaining time of the current tournament
  41. .nexttour - displays the next tournament tier and the remaining cooldown time
  42. .top - displays the current Top 10 users on the leaderboard
  43. .blt - displays the current round of the Best 'Leaderboarders' Tournament or current qualifiers during BLT season
  44. .rank - displays your current leaderboard points
  45. .rank [username] - displays another user's current leaderboard points
  46. .recenttours OR .pasttours - displays the recent scripted tournament formats
  47. .lasttour [format] - displays the last time the format was played
  48. .host - links to the tournament hosting guide
  49. .join - links to the guide for joining tournaments
  50. .approval - links to the guide for getting tournaments approved
  51. .scout - links to a small FAQ about scouting
  52. .official - shows the official format of the day, time until next tournament, and format info
  53. .official [day] - shows the official format for the specified day
  54. .format - links to the approved formats page
  55. .format [format] - links to explanations/other pages related to a format
  56. .teams [format] - links to sample teams for a format if available
  57. .rankings [format] - links to viability rankings for a format if available
  58. .leaderboard - links to the official tournament schedule & leadboard page
  59. .tourpoints [# of players] - shows the number of points awarded by the current tournament or by the specified amount of players
  61. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Games ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  63. --- Game commands ---
  64. .signup [game] - begins the signup phase for a scripted game (Ambush, Blackjack, Roulette, or Who's That Pokemon)
  65. .start - begins the current game
  66. .end - forcibly ends the current game
  67. .cap [number] - set the playercap for the current game
  68. .players - gives a list of current players
  69. .join - join the game during signup phase
  70. .leave- leave the game during signup phase
  71. .host [user], [game] - promote a user to temporary host
  72. .wyr - generates a random "Would You Rather" scenario
  73. .mq - generates a random "Monita's Question" prompt
  74. .poke - generate a random Pokemon
  75. .move - generate a random move
  76. .item - generate a random item
  77. .ability - generate a random ability
  78. .type - generate a random typing
  79. .character - generate a random in-game or anime character
  80. .location - generate a random in-game location
  81. .existingtype - generate a random typing that an existing Pokemon has
  82. .uniquetype - generate a random typing that no existing Pokemon has
  83. .timer [minutes|seconds] - sets a timer for the specified time
  85. --- Informational commands---
  86. .bits - displays your current bits
  87. .bits [user|#] - displays bits for the specified user or the user in the specified leaderboard position
  88. .topbits - displays the top 5 users on the leaderboard
  89. .chieves - displays the achievements that you have unlocked
  90. .chieves [user] - displays the achievements of the specified user
  91. .lastgame [game] - displays the last time the specified game was played
  93. --- PM games ---
  94. .buyticket - buy a ticket for the next GC lotto
  95. .autobuyticket - start automatically buying tickets for every GC lotto
  96. .endautobuyticket - end automatically buying tickets for every GC lotto
  97. .params - try to solve a Parameter problem
  98. .port - try to solve a Portmanteau problem
  99. .hangman - try to solve a Hangman
  100. .anagram - try to solve an Anagram
  101. .trivium - try to solve a Trivia question
  102. .mashup - try to solve a Mashup
  103. .order - try to solve an Order
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