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a guest
Dec 24th, 2012
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  1. [12-24 15:47] <VanessaE> I see a possible solution to the problem,
  2. [12-24 15:47] <VanessaE> but stay here so I can relay it when I figure it out
  3. [12-24 15:48] <Jordach> i have at least an hour
  4. [12-24 15:48] <VanessaE> it won't be that long..
  5. [12-24 15:48] <Jordach> good.
  6. [12-24 15:48] * Jordach acknowledges this
  7. [12-24 15:48] <VanessaE> ok, suppose we generate default:stone_with_mese
  8. [12-24 15:48] <Jordach> mm
  9. [12-24 15:48] <VanessaE> and alias default:mese -> default:mese_block
  10. [12-24 15:48] <Jordach> sounds good
  11. [12-24 15:48] <Jordach> yes
  12. [12-24 15:48] <VanessaE> that makes the existing mese 9x more valuable
  13. [12-24 15:49] <Jordach> that recifies this very well
  14. [12-24 15:49] <Jordach> and a economy of mese is formed
  15. [12-24 15:49] <VanessaE> while still getting the mese ore, and without re-introducing the old ugly-ass mese
  16. [12-24 15:49] <Jordach> since this could power the mint mod
  17. [12-24 15:51] <VanessaE> ok,
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